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Elliot's DVD
of the Toronto Q & A

Here's how you can get a video of the event.

  1. E-mailElliot so he can make your DVD.
  2. Send $20 (cash only) in a greeting/birthday/Christmas card to the address Elliot will send you. You don't really need a card. Just wrap up the money so it can't be seen when the envelope is held up to the light.
  3. Check your mail box for the DVD.
  4. I know it's complicated, but I'm not doing this to make money — just as a favor to other QAF addicts.


  • Gale and Sharon fans: Sorry, they weren't there.
  • Canada and the United States take about a week. Other countries vary.
  • DVD is sent after cash received (I've been burned already and won't take any more chances.)
  • US dollars. | Cash only. | Canadian orders = Canadian money.
  • The Q & A is approximately one hour.
  • $20 includes mailing costs. (I don't do this as a business, just as a favor to fans.)
  • E-mailElliot to get the mailing address.
  • Your DVD is sent by air mail from Canada. It usually takes about one week to anywhere in the United States and Canada.
  • International orders:
    • The DVD is in North American format [NTSC]. I cannot do PAL DVDs.
    • I will send to other countries but don't know how long it will take.
    • US dollars only. | Cash only.
    • Your DVD is sent by air mail from Canada.

Reviews by satisfied QAF addicts:

  • "I got it Monday and just love it. ... The Q & A was almost like being there myself. I had read some of the Q & A but it is nothing like seeing them in person or on tape ... I will be watching it over and over I am sure ... I have told several friends about the tape so you may get some more orders."
  • "I got the tape and it's great! I will probably never get to meet the cast in person and this tape has really given me great perspective on all the people behind the characters; it was like being there. Scott Lowell is so cute in this tape and you would never think that from watching his character, Ted. You did such a great job with the editing and close ups. Showing the audience at certain times and the people asking the questions was fantastic."
  • "I wanted to thank you for offering this video. It is clearly a very professional recording. The picture clarity was excellent. I loved being able to see the expressions on the actors'faces as they discussed the questions. And the sound was outstanding; every part of the dialogue was crystal-clear. I wish that I could have been there, but this video is the next best thing, and I know that I will continue to enjoy it for years to come."
  • "I can't say thank you enough. For one thing, the quality is great. If I didn't know better I'd think it was an original copy. ( Did you actually go to the event and tape it yourself? ... It definitely looked like a high end digital? ) You're absolutely the best for offering the tape to those of us who weren't able to actually see the event ( wish they had done something like that on the East Coast of the US ). If you ever have anyone looking for a referral or anything — please feel free to give them my email address. I could not have been happier unless Michelle Clunie had delivered the tape herself *g*. "
  • "I just had to thank you so much for the tape. It arrived today and I've just finished watching the Q & A session. I can not believe how clear and professional it is. I swear, besides drooling over Randy Harrison and Hal Sparks, the rest of the time was spent shaking my head and wondering how on earth you did such an amazing job! It was almost like you were everywhere, at every angle shooting every second of the session. This is by far the best fan taped event I have ever seen in any fandom! Thanks again Eliot so much for the opportunity to purchase this from you. I feel like I was actually there! You're the best!"
  • "I wanted to thank you for offering this video. It is clearly a very professional recording. The picture clarity was excellent. I loved being able to see the expressions on the actors' faces as they discussed the questions. And the sound was outstanding; every part of the dialogue was crystal-clear. I wish that I could have been there, but this video is the next best thing, and I know that I will continue to enjoy it for years to come."
  • "I loved your tape so much I am going to buy 3 more for my friends as gifts!! You really did a professional job here!! The Forum was fabulous!!"
  • "Yes, the tape you sent did arrive in good condition. Thank you very much! I've had a chance to watch the entire tape, and it is very well done. It was great to see the Q & A Forum with the cast and producers. I particularly enjoyed the part where Randy was teased about his "I like dick" scene. You put alot of time and effort into producing this tape, and it is very much appreciated!"
  • "... of course the Q&A was spectacular. This is must-own material for any fan of this phenomenal series, make no mistake about it. And you can quote me on that!"
  • "It arrived safely, and I watched most of it last night, and loved it. I met Peter, Michelle and Gale in SFO and loved Peter more than I expected I would. His same sweatiness and candor came out in the taping as well. I think it was well worth the money. Thank you for sharing, and not in the trite way, but honestly sharing."
  • "The tape is just great. Wonderful quality on the panel. My favorite moment from Randy was when he said he couldn't imagine being in a relationship like Justin is with Brian. And I loved Peter asking Hal just when he had become "Pete." I really appreciate all your hard work. Thanks again."

     Additional screen grabs are on the Members' Site