You know you are obsessing about the ROG when....
Your VCR can't record HIS episodes so you record them on cassette tape instead, listening to them over and over again.
Your computer no longer has screen savers, it has ROG savers.
You are surfing the net and anything with the initials ROG you click on.
Rysher knows your e-mail and address by heart.
You get insulted when fan polls don't include HIS name (whatever could those people be thinking of).
You no longer watch TV. You watch Highlander with Methos episodes instead.
You buy a wide band radio so you can pick up the "Archers" series from England. (Along with a new VCR, cause USA is showing the episodes all over again.)
Your day just doesn't start until 7 p.m. when USA shows the reruns.
Your fantasy of the week is "I am Methos. You live to serve me." every week now.
'Just a guy' has no meaning for you. (What the hell is that.)
And from Creatch....You can't get into Word Perfect because you keep typing PW.
May 15, 1997