
Chapter Four: Indulgence


Adam slinked toward the shower stall, a primitive animal in his prime, all sleek muscle and dusky skin. 'God, he gets more beautiful every time I see him.' Daniel lowered his eyes immediately, as Adam turned on the shower spray. 'I can't do this!' his mind screamed.

"Daniel, what's taking you so long?"

"Nothing. Knot in my boot."

'Another lame excuse chirped out in the voice of a thirteen year old.' Daniel was getting very efficient at berating himself. 'Would this never end?' He quickly removed his own shorts, placed his glasses on them and headed toward the shower spray. He turned it on, careful to keep his back towards Adam at all times; his erection would be painfully clear should Adam chose to look over.

Daniel heard the water shutting off from Adam's side of the stall, indicating he had finished rinsing the day's grime off of himself. He trembled, imagining the feel of that slick skin under his hands. The sun-warmed liquid spraying over him did little to cool the ever rising heat spreading throughout his body. And the small moans of pleasure as Adam washed himself didn't help either. He pressed his head against the wooden planks of the stall, his chest heaving as he strove to control his breathing. To the casual observer, it would appear as if Daniel was just enjoying a second of pure bliss as the water rushed over his back.

He nearly jumped out of his skin when Adam purred into his ear.

"You wash my back, I'll wash yours."

Daniel turned his head. Bits of soap layered what areas of Adam's skin that he could see.

"Ah - sure. Turn around." He turned off the spray, not intending to waste the water soaking rapidly into the parched soil underneath the raised planks of the shower floor.

'Please, please, please turn around.' He chanted to himself, over and over again. With an enigmatic look, Adam pivoted on his heel and tossed the rag over his shoulder. Daniel grasped the soapy cloth, trying yet again to still his rioting emotions. Keeping as careful a distance as he could, he lathed the rag over Adam's back, scrubbing and massaging at the same time.

"Um, that feels good. You've got nice hands, Daniel." Heat poured through the cloth into Daniel's hand, rushing into his system like a pile driver. Desire spiked, his erection pulsing in time with his movements.

Daniel thoroughly covered Adam's back with soap, each stroke driving his desire higher and higher. He had this delicious man in his grasp. Had his skin underneath his hand. Daniel couldn't resist adding a second hand to the mix, hoping against hope that Adam wouldn't notice as he gave into the urge to feel him.

"Oh yeah! Right there!" Encouraged by the wanton thing writhing beneath the sure strokes of his hands, Daniel pressed his thumbs deeper into Adam's back, massaging from the base of his spine to his neck. "Oh yes."

'Oh God, those moans were going to drive him crazy.' It was time to end this before he did anything really stupid. "All done - Better?"

"Not quite." Gritty tones warned Daniel that he had missed an important detail; Adam had turned around. Daniel, distracted by Adam's groans and the lust flooding his body, hadn't noticed until it was too late. His eyes closed, and the world gleefully crashed around him. 'Oh damn, damn, damn!'

"My turn." The effort was still there in Adam's voice, the words themselves making Daniel's eyes flood open in shock. "You could tempt a saint Dr. Jackson, and I most certainly am *not* a saint." Bruising pressure descended on his lips, pressing their point home. Strong hands gripped his shoulders and pulled him in, wrapping him up in silky heat, suffocating his senses with touch, taste, smell and sound; the sound of his own throat keening in rapt indulgence.

Not one to sit idly by while he was being offered Adam on a silver platter, Daniel thrust his body against Adam's, feeling his own wants and need return. Hands no longer required to remain stiffly by his sides grabbed Adam's head in a firm grip, and he ran his tongue along the edges of Adam's lips, demanding entrance. Gratefully, Daniel drank deeply, thrusting his tongue deep within the welcoming warmth of Adam's mouth, twining his with Adam's, then capturing Adam's tongue between his teeth, and gently sucking.

Adam tasted of the desert, the sun, and some obscure spice that he couldn't immediately peg. There was a brief moment of struggle as each man warred with the other, seeking to dominate the encounter. Equal in size and strength, it wasn't long before they shared in the joining of mouths, pulling slightly back. Adam's lips became a caress, instead of devouring. Daniel relaxed his hold on Adam's head, running his hand along Adam's coarse jaw line.

Sweat from both men mixed with the soap coating Adam's skin, providing lubrication for their thrusting hips. Daniel ground his groin against Adam's, rubbing his straining member along the silky hardness of his partner's. Daniel could no longer tell which moans were his and which belonged to Adam, so skilfully did they blend. His hands ran over Adam's chest, barely skimming the top of his nipple. The sudden hiss of breath signalled that Daniel was on the right track. He deepened the kiss allowing his palm to roll over Adam's susceptible chest yet again. Adam drove himself into Daniel's hand in quest of firmer contact, wanting more.

Daniel gave it to him. Grasping his sensitive nub between his fingers, Daniel twisted, pulled, and stroked. Adam squirmed beneath the assault, groaning from deep in his chest. Gasping, Adam pulled his mouth from Daniel's and arched his neck back in pure sensual pleasure. Taking advantage of his skin so delicately offered, Daniel dipped in to suckle at the curve, marking the area with a tiny red spot. He lapped at his brand, alternately kissing, nipping and suckling again. 

Methos was holding onto Daniel for all that he was worth. His fingers dug deeply into Daniel's shoulders, as his tongue and mouth both gave and took pleasure. The soap was starting to dry on his skin. He had to rinse off before this went any further. Soap was not a pleasant taste and he wanted nothing to ruin this moment, now that he had finally manoeuvred the good doctor right into his arms.

"Daniel - Daniel?"

"What?" came the happily muffled response.

"Come under the shower with me."

"I'm already wet."

"Yeah, and soapy. So am I. I want to taste *you*, not your favourite brand of soap." His surrender was in his voice, promising all sorts of sensual delights yet to come. It didn't take much to drag the archaeologist into the spray, and very little to start his hands roaming again.

Gently, Daniel ran his hands over Adam's body, working the drying soap back into a lather to be sluiced off in the running water. He ran his hands over Adam's firm shoulders, feeling the suppressed power in the limbs.

Methos shivered yet again when Daniel's hands dropped to his chest. Growling, he clutched frantically at the wall behind him as Daniel's hands slipped lower still and brushed against the top of his coarse pubic hair. 'Gods, but the boy did know what he was doing.'

Daniel stopped the advance of his hands, feeling Adam quake beneath his fingers. It was so addictive to have this power. He pulled in a shuddering breath, stealing himself against the powerful aphrodisiac. He had hungered after this man for months. A simple need which begged for release. He would *not* rush this. Dragging his rioting body under control, Daniel spread his palm flat against Adam's abdomen, kneading the ridged plane contracted with desire. His other hand slipped down and grasped a firm buttock, giving it a gentle squeeze before Daniel resumed stroking the soft skin beneath his questing hands.

The water ran in rivulets over his face as Daniel tilted his head to seize one small nub in his teeth. Alternately nibbling and sucking, he lavished the captured nipple with attention, his tongue teasing Adam's sensitized flesh. His hands continued stroking the heated skin beneath his fingers, all evidence of the soap gone. His own body had long since lost what ever trace of soap remained, and only the man writhing in ecstasy under his careful ministrations kept him in the cooling spray.

A noise from outside the tent caused both men to jump, reality bursting into the little bubble of seductive pleasure.

"Adam?" a tentative brush of lips.

"What?" ground out between clenched teeth.

"I can't do this."