
Chapter Six:  Assuaged


Adam's hazel eyes drilled into his azure ones, looking for answers.

"Not here."

Adam sagged in relief against the wooden plank, understanding dawning.


"My tent."

Hastily, they both grabbed for towels left on the shelf and wrapped them around their waists.  Methos grabbed Daniel's hand, dragging the man out the door.


"What now?" Methos was getting extremely impatient. His blood was on fire, scalding to the point of pain. He'd been waiting for six months for Daniel to make a move. He was tired of waiting.

"I need my glasses."

"Oh." Methos let him go. Daniel snatched the pile of clothing from the bench, his and Methos'. He put on his glasses, and shifted the clothing to one arm. Then throwing Methos off balance, Daniel grabbed his hand and drug him off to his tent.

Tossing the dirty laundry in the corner and putting his glasses on the small table next to the bed, Daniel dropped all pretence of modesty. The towel fell to the floor. Adam smiled and let his follow suit.

"You know, in the morning you might regret this?"

"Right now, I don't care. I want you."

Methos gave up arguing, took the foolish mortal's face in his hands and kissed him deeply. Lord the boy was intoxicating. He didn't mind, really. Not in the slightest. Not when he could drink from the innocence that coated Daniel's aura. When it was given so willingly, so effortlessly. Young, but certainly not inexperienced. Oh no, not at all.

The man in question was running his palms over Adam's chest, waiting to hear him moan again. Wanting to hear that deep, silky voice wash over him like a primal symphony. He was not disappointed. Adam groaned deep within his chest and Daniel pressed his body against him, the combination of sound, taste, and touch, vibrating over emotionally starved senses.  Human touch: a very simple, very basic need.

Methos pushed the willing man on to the bed. It was functional, as everything in camp seemed to be, but Daniel's was a bit larger than normal. Not just a tuck and fold cot, but a sturdy metal frame with a full sized mattress. Large enough for two to comfortably spend the night. 'Daniel enjoyed his creature comforts,' Methos thought to himself.  He followed Daniel down onto the bed not wanting to release this drug pounding through his veins.

Clasping Daniel's hands within his own, Methos drew them up behind his head, secured in a firm grip. He wanted to just taste, kiss and suckle this magnificent creature without the distraction of Daniel's fingers feathering over his body. Time enough for that later.

Methos brushed down the full length of Daniel's body, mapping his skin.  The silky glide of his bare chest gave way to pebbled nipples instantly hardening beneath his palm.   Slipping his hand lower, Methos felt Daniel tense, his breath hitch.  Lazily, he circled his finger around the rim of Daniel's bellybutton.  Followed the babyfine hairs down into the coarser territory of his groin. 

As Adam threaded his fingers into the thatch, Daniel trembled beneath his touch.  He thrust up from the bed seeking more contact.  He tried to draw closer to Adam. His panting groans filled the small space. He wanted the heat, needed the contact, wanted more. His desire spiked sending the scent of fresh musk into the air.  Adam finally relented and molded his frame to Daniel, grinding their erections together.  His lips sought the curve of Daniel's neck, nibbling, sucking, his tongue teasing the abused flesh.

"Oh gods, yes..."  Methos purred.  Heated flesh slid against heated flesh.  Sweat coated stomachs provided the perfect lubricant, slowly gliding together.  Methos kept the pressure on.  He was nearing the edge, but wasn't ready yet to fall over that precipice.  He needed it to last just a little bit longer.   

"I want you in me."  Daniel panted, his hands still trapped within Adam's.

"Are you sure?"  Methos pulled back looking for confirmation in those startling deep blue eyes.  He released Daniel's hands, instead choosing to hold the shaking archeologist's head still.  He ran his thumbs along Daniel's cheekbones, tracing the firm bones up into the long brown hair. 

"Yes!  I'm sure!"  Oh Daniel was positive.  The sense memory of a time past raced along his pulse, pounding deep in his veins.  "Yes..."

Methos rolled Daniel onto his side. 

"Where do you..?"

"Look in the trunk.  On the left."

"Be right back."  Methos placed a kiss on a bare shoulder, caressing up Daniel's muscular arm as he rose from the bed.  Opening the trunk, he found lubricant and condoms in the tray.  Shutting the lid, he slinked back into the bed spooning himself around Daniel. 

"Last chance."  He murmured. 

Adam licked along the curve of his neck again sending delicious shudders racing up and down his back.  'Back out now? Not in this lifetime!'  Daniel turned his head and kissed Adam full on the lips. His tongue snaked a path along Adam's sensual lips, memorizing taste and texture.  He followed the sweet coffee-laced trail straight into the heated depths of Adam's mouth. Tongues dueling, Daniel grabbed the lube from Adam, opened it and let some of the cool liquid spill onto Adam's fingers. 

Taking his cue from Daniel, Adam slid his coated fingers between the muscled flanks.   Daniel tensed slightly as the cool liquid hit his heated backside, Adam's long slender fingers following the cleft in-between.  'Oh god.  Yes!'

Breaking away from Adam's talented mouth, Daniel's head fell to the pillow.   Shallow gasps fell from his lips as Adam first traced the entrance to his body, then carefully inserted one finger.  Pulling back, he encircled the puckered opening again and slipped his finger back in, pulsing several times. 

"More lube."  Daniel complied with his low command and squeezed more into his hand.  He carefully re-inserted his finger, rotating around in Daniel's tight channel, and gradually increased pressure against the walls.  The tight ring of muscle slowly relaxed allowing Methos increasing access. His own breathing was becoming heated, panting in time with Daniel.  'Gods, he was tight.'

"Been a while?"

"A little."

Adam's husky chuckle tickled his ear causing Daniel to snicker as well.  It had been a while...around four-five years.  His breath caught; Adam had added another finger, easily sliding them in and out.  The urge was building for more, faster, and harder.  He pushed back against Adam's fingers, picking up the rhythm with ease.  

"We need a bit more lube."  Lube was immediate squeezed onto his hand and Methos added a third finger, carefully preparing Daniel.   He'd been keeping a tight reign on himself, but his cock was aching with suppressed need. Visions of being buried within Daniel, in that hot, firm, wet passage nearly made him come right then.



Methos barely heard the breathy answer. He grabbed the condom from where he'd dropped it on the bed earlier, opened it and rolled it down. Daniel was ready with the lube again, adding a generous amount which Methos laved over the latex.

Daniel tossed the tube on the table within easy reach should they need it.  Adam shifted, turning Daniel over and onto his knees.  Hard hands smoothed over his back, pushing Daniel's head lower towards the bed.  He felt Adam's thighs tremble as he moved closer, positioning himself. 

"Breathe.."  With the first inhaled breath, Methos pushed in slowly, savoring every pulse of the tight, hot channel against his sensitive erection.  Daniel reached down for his own, only to have Methos' stop him.

"No," came the huskily whispered command.

"God, Adam! Please!"

"No.  Just feel."

And Daniel felt.  He felt his body adjusting easily to the slow, unadulterated taking.  Felt the building spasms of overly responsive nerves blaze with ecstasy as Adam continued his leisurely entrance.  Currents of passion bolt from each small push forward shoot straight from his groin, up his spine, and down to his toes all at once.   Felt his arms ache from the pressure of not moving as his body demanded he buck.   Felt his system going into sensual overload.  Felt his cock, his skin, his body beg to be touched, to be caressed.  Plain, pure, simple...need.

Daniel nearly screamed in relief as Adam brought the pad of one finger lightly across the top of his member.  His body responded by thrusting against Adam's questing hand, only to have the tip of his erection brush against the cool sheets.  Adam pulled at his hips drawing him back up, embedding himself fully within Daniel's in one swift motion.   Moaning, Daniel rocked his hips, wanting more of the exquisite torture. 

"Yes....that's it.  Feel."  Methos murmured near Daniel's exposed nape.  He nibbled on the skin scrapped raw from their earlier play.  Daniel shuddered in his arms.  Methos pulled out taking his time, wanting to feel each beat, every pulse as Daniel contracted his muscles in pleasure.  The balance was precarious, thrust forward, slow, sensual withdrawal.  Again, and again. 

Pain and pleasure blended into one. Intense...that was the only way to describe it.   Adam still wouldn't let him touch himself.  Frustrated, Daniel groaned as the extreme sensations infused his body.  So much, too much....then Adam hit his prostate. 

Methos took pity on Daniel and took hold of his cock.  Daniel nearly leapt off the bed at the touch, Methos barely able to hang on to the writhing man.  Steely muscles encased his engorged organ to the point of pain.  'Yes!' As Daniel relaxed slightly, he plunged forward, hard and deep, his body taxed beyond its ability to hold off anymore.  

Daniel pushed back, equally hard and then stroked into the unyielding hand encasing his member.  The twin sensations fueled an already over sensitized system, and Daniel came. 

Deep, loud moans erupted from both men. 

Daniel's pulsing, constricting channel grabbed Methos, driving him onward toward his own completion.  Warm liquid spurted over his hand, Methos refusing to let go as Daniel writhed in his arms.  With one last deep thrust, Methos joined Daniel in orgasm. 

The men fell forward onto the bed, harsh breathing the only sound in the tent. 

Methos pulled off the condom, and tossed it on the floor.  He flung his arm above his head, willing his heart to slow down.  It had been a couple of years for him too.   Languor stole over his body, dragging his lids lower. 

Blood pounding, Daniel rolled onto his side facing Adam.  Adam sprawled bonelessly on the bed beside him, looking totally sated.  'Well, that answers that question.'   Daniel grinned to himself.  He moved closer, resting his head on Adam's chest.  

Wrapping an arm around the warm body, Methos pulled Daniel in closer.  He tucked the archeologist under his chin, preparing to drift off into slumber when a languid 'Thank you' drifted in the air. 

"Anytime."  Methos smiled and fell asleep.