RATales Archive

Life Out West

by Jennifer Cuzzo

Category: Scully/Krycek
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Alex Krycek, Dana Scully, Fox Mulder, The Scully family, etc. all belong to Chris Carter and FOX

She had just turned 22 years old when she met him. It was 1915 and Dana Scully was living in Phoenix, Arizona. He was 25 at the time and he drew her like a moth to a flame. His name was Alexander Krycek but he liked Alex better. He had come from New York City and decided to see the rest of the growing country before it was too late. World War I had just begun and he was worried that he would be drafted sooner or later. So he came to Phoenix in search of a job. Luckily, her father was looking for a foreman who knew how to use a gun. Alex was perfect for the job.

The day had started well. Dana had got up at a good time, feeling happy and well rested. After getting breakfast, she walked out on the porch of her family's ranchhouse, hearing her father talking to someone.

She leaned against the porch wall, watching them.

"Alex, I think you've found yourself a job." Scully's father shook Alex's hand.

"Thank you again, Mr. Scully." He retorted, ending the handshake. Dana came out of her hiding spot to join in on their conversation.

"What's going on, Dad?"

Her father turned and grinned at her. "Nothing, Starbuck. I just hired a new foreman. Alex, this is my youngest daughter, Dana. Dana, this is Alex Krycek. Our new foreman."

Alex looked at her, took her hand and kissed it gently. "Pleased to meet you, Dana." He said, smiling faintly at her.

She grinned slightly at the sweet gesture. "Nice to meet you too, Alex."

Scully's father spoke up as he started getting up from his chair. "Dana, go show Alex to his room and then show him around the place."

She nodded. She realized that she couldn't wait to get to know Alex.

Her father went inside, leaving Alex and Dana alone.

"Follow me then," she said, heading inside.

He followed her in, watching her move up the stairs. Stop staring at her, Alex or you'll be fired so fast you won't even know what hit you.

She led them down a long hallway, finally reaching his room, which was right next to hers. Dana opened the door and walked in. He followed her in and put his stuff on the bed.

"If you need anything, my room is right next to yours, ok?"

"Yeah." He looked around the room.

"Ready to go see where you'll be working?" She asked, finding herself staring at him. He's so tall and so handsome. Those eyes look like he's seen a lot.

She turned away as soon as he looked at her.

Alex knew he caught her staring at him and couldn't help but smile a little. "Let's go then."

I wonder what it would be think like if he kissed me with that wonderfully shaped mouth of his. Probably knock me off my feet and send me straight to heaven. I wonder how old he is. He looks around my age but his eyes make him look like his early 30's or something.

"Dana?" He said, smiling.

"Hmm?" She asked him, smiling back.

"What were you thinking about?" He retorted, teasing her.

That stopped her daydreams short. "Nothing. Let's go before it gets dark out." She said, rushing out of the room.

He shook his head, laughing quietly.

Throughout the weeks, the friendship between Alex and Dana grew. During those weeks, he had noticed how he would look forward to see her. The same thing happened with Dana. When she would wake up in the morning, she couldn't wait to see him.

"You've been doing a very good job, Alex." Mr. Scully said as he popped a piece of his steak into his mouth.

"Thank you, sir."

Dana grinned at Alex from across the table. Alex grinned back at her and continued to eat.

Mrs. Scully looked from Alex and Dana and smiled to herself. She was glad that Alex and Dana had become good friends. Let's just hope neither of them get the crazy idea of getting married, she thought grimly. Her thoughts were cut off when someone knocked on the door.

"I'll get it." Mrs. Scully offered and answered the door.

"Fox Mulder, when was the last time you were here?" She said, grinning.

"Sorry I've been gone so long. Can I come in?"

"Of course you can, silly. We just started eating if you're hungry."

Fox walked inside, seeing Dana and smiling at her. She just turned away from him and looked at her plate. Alex saw this and wondered why she did that. Fox saw Alex and frowned. Who the hell is this guy?

"Fox, let me introduce you to our foreman, Alex Krycek. Alex, meet Dana's fiancee, Fox Mulder."

Alex almost choked on his food when Mr. Scully gave him a good slap on the back.

Fox leaned down and kissed Dana on the cheek. She flinched, dropped her fork and started pushing her chair away from the table.

"May I be excused?" She asked her parents, wishing she could just disappear.

"Ummm..sure, Starbuck," her father muttered, wondering what was wrong.

She smiled thinly and left, slamming the door behind her.

Alex watched her go, excused himself, and went after her. He stopped suddenly when she rode past him on her horse.

"Dana!" He yelled, watching her ride off.

She didn't stop or glance at him. She and her horse rode towards the lake that was part of her family's ranch.

Alex got his horse and followed her.

When he finally caught up with her, she was sitting by the water, watching her horse drink.

He got off his horse and walked towards her slowly. "You ok, Dana?" He asked, looking at her reflection in the water.

"I'm fine," she mumbled in a clipped tone.

"Great." Alex said as he sat down next to her.

"Why did you follow me, Alex?" She said, swirling her finger in the water, making ripples.

"I'm your friend, aren't I?" He said, smiling slightly.

She looked at him and grinned. "Yeah."

"What happened back there?," Alex asked, looking at her.

She hesitated at first. "Fox..Fox was my fiancee but we broke up last month. I guess it just hasn't gone through his thick head yet."

He laughed softly. "Sounds like a real special guy."

"Oh yeah...the perfect Romeo," she muttered dryly.

"So I'm guessing your parents don't know, right?"

"They know. It's just my mother doesn't accept the idea. She was the one that fixed us up." Dana said, looking at the water.

He nodded slowly. "Sounds like you are definitely trapped."

Dana nodded and spoke as though she was about to cry. "I'm in a room, screaming for help and no one hears me."

He was about to say something when Dana buried her head into her hands and started to cry softly. He put his arms around her and hugged her, whispering into her ear: "Just let it out. Everything is going to be all right. I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you. I promise."

There was nothing but silence between them except when Dana took in a deep breath and let it slowly, drying her tears with her fingertips and Alex's shirt.

He laughed quietly and gently stroked her hair. "Feeling better?"

She looked at him from his shoulder and nodded. "I got your shirt wet though."

He grinned slightly. "Don't worry. It needed to be washed anyway."

She smiled softly and kissed his cheek. "I'm so very lucky to have a friend like you."

"You're not so bad yourself," he muttered, teasing her mercilessly and loving every moment of it.

Dana whacked him playfully on the shoulder and brought her head up.

"Hey!" He said, rubbing the spot where she hit him.

"Don't tell me it hurt." She said, smiling.

"It hurt," Alex mumbled, grinning back at her.

"You weakling," she said as she left the warmth of his arms.

"Me? A weakling?" He asked, pointing to himself and looking at her.

"Yeah, you are a weakling," Dana grinned.

He chuckled and got up. Alex made a cup out of his hands, got some water from the lake, and splashed her with it.

She gasped at the cold water hitting her skin. Dana glared at him, watching him laugh his ass off. She ran right into him, pushing him into the water. She had fallen in also because he had grabbed her while he fell in.

Alex and Dana reached the top and looked at each other, wondering why the hell they did that. Suddenly, Alex started laughing at the sight of Dana soaked. Her hair was matted to her face and she looked like a wild woman. She splashed him suddenly, grinning and laughing like a little kid. They played like this for a while.

Dana swam over to him with a grin. "So I'm guessing you don't need to take a shower tomorrow, right?"

Alex laughed slightly. "Yeah. Well neither do you." He breathed in. "On second thought, maybe you should." He said, grinning.

She splashed him. "I believe you're the one that smells."

He moved closer to her, staring into her eyes. "Really?"


She felt her heart start to pound as Alex stood right in front of her. Their lips were inches apart and she could feel his breath on her mouth.

"Alex...," she whispered softly, wishing he would close the gap between them.

She felt his hand tilt her chin up as his lips pressed against hers. She brought her arms up and wrapped them around his shoulders, drawing him closer to her. Alex put his arms around her waist and gently nibbled on her lower lip, causing her to moan softly in his mouth.