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A Letter
by Amaresu

Alex walked into the hospital. He got on the elevator and went to the third floor. He walked down the hall and stopped outside of a room. Inside he could hear voices. Scully and Skinner. As he stood outside the room to wait he thought about Fox. Two days ago, god was that all? Two days ago he'd come out of the bedroom to see Mulder writing something. He'd asked what it was. Fox had said that it was a letter for Scully. That after he was gone he didn't want her to blame herself, to let her know that he would be back. Alex had argued about it, but Fox had distracted him. Yeah he'd distracted him, by sucking his cock down his throat. Latter he'd made him promise to give the letter to Scully as soon as possible after he was gone. He'd agreed then helped him figure out just what was safe to tell her. So here he was. Outside Scully's hospital room. As he listened in he heard Scully tell Skinner that she was pregnant. Good so she already knew. He took a deep breath!, trying to calm himself and opened the door. The two of them looked at him in shock that quickly turned to rage on Scully's part. "What the hell are you doing here?" she demanded to know. "Mulder wanted me to give you this. After he left." He then handed her a letter. He knew what it said already. He'd helped Fox write it. He'd been so worried about Scully. Two days together after the month and a half he had spent in that Tunisian Penal Colony had been to short, but they hadn't set the timetable. Scully finished reading the letter and looked at him. "Why?" it was all she asked. "It was the only way. You think I wanted him to go? If I could have had it any other way I would." And with that he left.

God, Alex fucking Krycek had just handed her a letter from Mulder. He was looking at her. She opened the letter, it was written in Mulder's illegible handwriting.


If all has gone as planed I'm gone and Alex has just handed you this letter. Yes, Alex. I guess I should start at the beginning. That would have been about a year and a half ago. I won't tell you how we got together, if you want to know you can ask Alex. But I've been working with him and the resistance ever since. I wanted to tell you, but you barely believed in Aliens at the best of times. Besides I wanted to keep you safe. You've suffered so much already. Anyway the resistance knew almost immediately once the ships crashed. They knew where and they knew about how long they would have before everyone was taken and the ship was repaired. It was an opportunity that they couldn't resist. The chance to get someone on the inside. They found the connection between the abductees and figured I'd be up for grabs, so to speak. Just what am I going to do you ask. I'm getting information for the resistance. They gave me some things that'll make it so I can record it for them without worry. Also they made it so mindwipes won't effect me. Won't that be nice for a change? I guess that's it. I will be back, I don't know when, but I will. And you're going to be a mommy. Don't ask how I know, no one will tell you. She's going to be a beautiful little girl, just like her mother. That's all I have to say; only you can trust Alex. If you let him, he'll help you. Don't you or Skinner blame yourselves for this. It was my choice.

Love, Mulder

"Why?" It was the only thing she could think to ask Krycek.

"It was the only way. You think I wanted him to go? If I could have it any other way I would." And with that he left. She could see the anguish on his face and strangely enough she believed him. He would have tried as hard as possible to keep Mulder here if there was any other way. And Mulder said to trust him, that he would help. Maybe she could try, for Mulder. It wasn't until Skinner asked what was wrong that she realized that she was crying. Scully handed him the letter.


Disclaimer: Not mine. They belong to CC and company.
Title: A Letter
Archive: If you really want to.
Warnings: Spoilers for Requiem.
Notes: Un-betad. This is my first attempt at fic. Give me feedback. Good, bad, that I should just throw out my keyboard. Whatever.

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