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Permanent Midnight I

Left Turn
by Amy B

"I'm here and I wonder if I'm lost
'cause I can't seem to understand the way I feel
I'm not here to be a creep
I'm just feeling incomplete
Take me home"
— from "Home" by Econoline Crush

Ray Kowalski slipped his shades in his pocket and glanced around the nightclub. The music wound its way down his spine into his feet, but he resisted the natural urge to dance. He was here for business, not pleasure and he'd just spotted his contact at table in an alcove off to one side of the two-tiered dance floor. Dodging his way through the crowd, Ray quickly made his way to Richard Ortega's table and slid into an empty chair.

"What's up?" The question popped out as casually as it always did, with not a trace of his worry showing. He hoped.

"Shipment's late, McCormick."

Ray nodded and breathed a mental sigh of relief that his cover was holding. He slumped back in his chair and cocked his head to one side. "Listen, the shipment is on its way. There was slight delay in bypassing Customs, but it'll be here by Friday."

"I have customers who needed it on Tuesday."

"And I'm real sorry about that, but stuff happens. I've got my best guys on it. Friday—trust me."

"See, that's the problem, McCormick. I don't trust you." Ortega waved his hand at two men standing behind him and snapped, "Take him out back and find out what really happened to my shipment."

Ray's protests fell on deaf ears as Miguel and Tony dragged him from his chair and frog-marched him through a darkened corridor to a back door as if they hadn't all been drinking together just last week. The taller man held Ray while the other stuck his head out into the alley to check for witnesses.

"All clear, Miguel." Ray stumbled as Miguel pushed him through the door, but the man didn't turn him loose.

"Guys, come on. You know me. The shipment'll be here just like I promised. There's no need to get—" Ray broke off as Tony's fist drove deep into his gut and he focused all his powers of concentration on not throwing up on his boots.

"Fuck, that hurt. Are we done now—" Ray's teeth snapped together as the next punch whipped his head to one side.

For the next several minutes, Ray forgot about trying to talk to his assailants and took the beating as best he could. His vision was so blurry from blood running in his eyes and the blows to the head, that he wasn't quite sure what he was seeing when the new guy showed up so unexpectedly. He'd have sworn the man had dropped straight down from the sky.

As soon as Miguel's hands were ripped away from Ray's biceps, Ray fell to the ground, gasping and rolling into a ball to protect his already bruised and broken ribs from the kicks that would surely come next. He heard scuffling and a couple of thumps and then silence. After a few moments of nothing happening, Ray rolled over and lifted a careful hand to rub his eyes.

Miguel and Tony were crumpled in unnatural positions against the building across the alleyway, and the newcomer was standing over Ray looking down at him with an inscrutable expression. Dressed in faded jeans, a T-shirt advertising the Jim Rose Circus Side Show, and a long black leather coat, the guy looked oddly imposing despite his average size and non-threatening stance. Ray blamed that on his up-from-the-ground perspective, but when he painfully dragged himself up to prop his back against a dumpster, he could see that the guy was not more than 5' 8" yet radiated the power of a much larger man. Ray shook his head at the general weirdness and immediately regretted the impulsive action as lights exploded in front of his eyes and he nausea rolled through him in a bitter hot wave. He swallowed hard and breathed deeply through his nose, which had miraculously remained unbroken.

The man shook longish black hair out of lime green eyes and smiled at Ray, revealing long fangs that gleamed like broken glass in the dim light. "You're hurting pretty bad, aren't you? I can make it stop. Do you want me to take the pain away, Ray Kowalski?"

"How—who...I'm...I'm McCormick," Ray stammered thickly through swollen split lips.

"No, you are Stanley Raymond Kowalski. I know you inside and out, young man, you can't lie to me."

The man's whiskey dark voice seemed to resonate pleasantly inside Ray's skull and he closed his eyes to better appreciate the sensation. He wondered why this man, who looked to be nearly ten years younger than Ray, was calling him "young man" in that faintly paternal tone, but he couldn't bring himself to ask. He wanted to ask what happened to the other guys, but the only word he could get past his lips was, "Yes."

"Do you want me to take away your pain?"


"You want me to save you?"


"You want my gift."


"You want me."

The mesmerizing power in that low voice thrummed along his nerve endings, and Ray was only vaguely aware that the man had stopped asking questions and started making statements. It was as if he knew that Ray couldn't possibly say, "No." And in truth, Ray wasn't sure of what the strange man was offering, just knew that he had to have it. He had a sudden soul-deep need for something, and this man was silently promising to give it to him. Ray had to have it, whatever 'it' was. Without conscious effort, he lifted his arms toward the compelling man and murmured, "Please?"

The world spun around Ray's head, wind whipping past his ears in a dizzying rush. He squeezed his eyes shut and swallowed hard, trying not to puke. When everything settled again, he opened his eyes and stared up at more stars than he'd ever seen from the city. Little bits of pea gravel dug into the back of his head, and he somehow knew he was on a rooftop so high the light pollution from the city didn't obscure all the stars. Lying on his back, he felt like he was floating in the universe. Every place that he'd been punched or kicked was screaming in agony, but he could ignore it all for the moment.

His rescuer crouched beside Ray and asked him, "Are you ready?"

Ray almost laughed, but couldn't remember why he wanted to, so he just nodded, "Yes."

Cool lips settled carefully on his and Ray sighed into the kiss, allowing a wet tongue to press between his teeth. His aches and pains slowly faded from his consciousness and arousal rushed in to take their place. This was so good, exactly what he'd needed. Ray whimpered his loss when the man drew away slightly, licking a path down his throat, stopping briefly to nip at his ear. By the time the cool lips settled over his jugular vein, Ray felt his cock responding to the stimulation in typical fashion—he was hard as a rock. His neck had always been a particularly sensitive area for him, and this guy was hitting all the hot spots.

Moaning as the razor sharp teeth sank into his flesh, Ray flinched as pictures and sensations bombarded his mind. A young man—not much more than a boy—walking along a riverbank in some foreign place. Names and faces. Swirling shadows as a woman in red danced around a campfire. Darkness. Pain shooting from neck to groin. Falling. The shock of frigid water closing over his head. Should be dead. Didn't die. The last rays of a crimson sunset then more darkness. Can't die. Won't die. A trash-strewn alley. Pain. Two men with broken necks. Flying. Blood. Stars wheeling through space. Weakness draining his body.

Then time stopped.

Warm salty fluid dripped onto Ray's lips and he lapped at it hungrily. Discovering that it was blood did nothing to quench his thirst. He needed more so he took it, until his entire body convulsed in the most powerful orgasm of his life. Waves of pleasure rolled through him, on and on until the night swallowed him up.

The sound of low voices nearby brought Ray to consciousness and he lay unmoving bundled into some sort of tight space, listening carefully. Two men—one Chicago accent, the other...not. They seemed to be arguing over chasing a thief. Ray almost smiled when the Chicago accent rose above the other in exasperation and said, "Benny, the guy tried to steal hubcaps from a Pinto. If anything, I should arrest him for criminal stupidity."

"Stupidity is not against the law, but stealing is. I believe he ran this way." This voice was reasonable, certain, and moving closer. It washed over Ray like a balm, and he realized the pain from his beating seemed to be fading with every shallow breath he took.

"Should've had Dief with us. He could have retrieved the perpetrator so we wouldn't have to be in this disgusting alley in the—" Chicago accent broke off his complaints and muttered, "Uh oh. Fraser, look over here."

"Oh dear. These men are dead, Ray."

Ray's ears twitched as he heard his name, but the Chicago accent answered so he opened his eyes slightly and saw that he was wedged between the bottom of a dumpster and a brick wall. He held himself very still trying to be as quiet as possible, so he could figure out what was going on. The two men continued to talk about crime scenes, calling back up, and canvassing the area. Ray prayed that his dark clothes would keep him out sight until he decided what he needed to do. He thought he should try to maintain his cover, but he didn't want to be hauled in for two murders that he didn't commit.

A group of women stumbled out the back door of the club laughing and talking loudly and Ray took the opportunity to scoot out of his hiding place and crouch behind the dumpster. He peeked around the corner just as the women began screaming. The two men who talked like cops rushed to their aid, and Ray got his first look at the owner of the voice that had soothed him so much earlier. The man was dressed in the red serge jacket and black jodhpurs that made up the dress uniform of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Although he didn't look at all like a Benny, this Fraser person did appear to be an authentic Mountie. That would explain the accent, Ray thought to himself as he slipped away under the cover of the women's hysteria.

Farther down the alley, Ray turned into a breezeway between two buildings and saw a fire escape just overhead. Holding one arm against ribs that should have ached but didn't, Ray jumped up to catch the bottom of the ladder...and leaped about twelve feet straight up into the air. He was so surprised he almost fell back to the ground, but he grabbed a rail and easily pulled himself onto the second story platform. He went up fourteen stories in seconds, his feet barely touching the stairs. When he got to the last floor, he took a deep breath and swung off the grill and onto the small metal ladder that hooked over the wall surrounding the roof. He climbed up and huffed a sigh of relief when his feet settled securely on the cracked black tar.

Ray crossed the roof, backtracking toward the alley he'd just left. He was too curious to go home without knowing what was going on, and he really didn't feel all that bad anymore. He poked at his ribs—not even a twinge. Licking dried blood off his lips, he discovered the swelling was gone and the cuts had healed. He touched his forehead and found that the cut that had been dripping blood into his eyes was gone, the skin sticky but as unmarked as when he'd left home that evening. The odd disoriented feeling of being slightly outside of himself was fading too. To test the theory, he walked cautiously to the edge of the building, bracing against the wind.

When he looked over the edge of the building, he didn't feel as dizzy or frightened as he might have expected, even though the ground seemed very far away. He looked at the next building, maybe ten feet away and one story taller, and he remembered his jump to the fire escape. He hadn't even been trying that time. Imagine what he could do if he really put his mind and body into it.

Ray stepped up onto the knee-high wall, bent his knees, and pushed hard, flinging himself off into space. His triumphant laugh when he landed safely on the roof of the next building startled some sleeping pigeons, but he barely noticed. He was too caught up in the wonder of the moment. He was tempted to do it again... and again and again until he had circled the entire city on nothing but rooftops. But he remembered his original plan to check out the crime scene so he continued silently on his way until he found a good vantage point.

Other cops had joined the first two and the area was cordoned off with crime scene tape and wooden barriers where a couple of uniforms guarded the mouth of the alley. One of them was Joey Crosetti whom Ray had worked with before and the other he didn't recognize but the nametag on his jacket read Gregory. Ray shook his head when he realized he could see all that without his glasses. Something very queer had happened to him tonight and he settled back against a shed to watch the circus below and try to remember the details.

The Mountie stood off to one side speaking to a uniform and Ray found that if he concentrated he could hear the conversation. He closed his eyes and listened to the melody of the Mountie's voice, not paying much attention to the actual content until the man said, "Good evening" and moved away from the officer. Ray opened his eyes in time to see him follow a balding guy in an expensive suit to an old green Buick Riviera, which they got into and drove away.

Ray jumped to his feet and followed, running across rooftops until he got to the street where he'd parked his car. He somehow managed to get ahead of the Buick, so when it passed he waited a few seconds and pulled out behind it. He followed the two men to the twenty-seventh precinct station house where he parked a couple of blocks away and waited. Two hours later, the two men came out again, got back in the car, and drove away with Ray following at a discreet distance.

When the car stopped outside a shabby apartment building in a rough neighborhood, Ray was surprised to see the Mountie get out and the cop just leave him there. Ray parked his car and hoped it would still be intact when he got back. As he approached the building, he saw a flash of that distinctive red in one of the upper floor windows with his newly enhanced sight. Ray was sorely tempted to climb the fire escape and peek in the window or otherwise spy on the Mountie, but he made note of the location, turned around, and went home.

His earlier exhilaration had worn off, and he had much to think about, questions in need of answers, bizarre events to be assimilated. He was also very, very thirsty.

Entering his apartment, Ray didn't bother with lights. He went directly to the kitchen and filled a glass with water straight from the tap. He drank it down, refilled the glass, and walked around the counter into the living room. He'd just settled tiredly on the sofa, when a voice drifted out of the dark to his left.

"That's not going to help, you know."

Sighing, Ray reached out and clicked on a lamp, illuminating his uninvited guest lounging comfortably in an easy chair. "What?"

"The water. It won't quench your thirst, not for long anyway. You need to feed."

"How did you get in here? Who are you? And just what the fuck are you talking about?" Ray had the fleeting thought that he should be scared or worried or something, but all he felt was tired— and thirsty, of course. Still thirsty. "Did I cover everything?"

"I fear that you will have even more questions before the night is over, Ray. May I call you Ray? I suppose I should after the incredibly intimate experience we shared. I did save your life after all." White teeth and pale green eyes gleamed in the lamplight, sparking a memory in the back of Ray's mind.

"No, you didn't. I was getting my ass kicked, sure, but they wouldn't have killed me. Tony's a sadistic little fuck, but Miguel wouldn't have—"

"Are you so sure of that? You had some broken ribs. The right blow—" The man demonstrated sharply in the air with one hand. "—could have driven a rib through a lung and then how long would you have lasted? A few more blows to the head, the kidneys, blood...loss."

"What'd you do to me?" Ray asked with a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach, fearing the answer, but having to ask.

"I gave you my gift. I made you a vampire."

"Yeah, right. That's Anne Rice books and Hammer films."

"Lucky for us, there's no Doctor Van Helsing making our extinction his life's work," laughed the man in Ray's living room.

"Who are you, ya freak?" Ray was getting seriously frustrated, and the burning in the back of his throat seemed to be spreading to the rest of his body. He picked up his forgotten glass and drank the water, but the thirst was hardly lessened.

"You can call me Trevor."

"But that's not your real name is it?" Memory stirred again, disjointed and splintered. Memories only nominally his own. "Dario. Your real name is Dario Ale—"

"Not anymore." The Vampire cut him off sharply. "It was once upon a time, but now it's Trevor. Real can be so relative." He sat up and rummaged around in his coat pockets, finally withdrawing something, which he pitched casually at Ray. "Here, this will make you feel better."

Ray caught the tossed object reflexively, and stared down at the warm, slick bag in confusion for a moment before the dark red color finally made sense to him. He raised his eyes to Trevor and stammered, "This is...this is really blood? This is blood."

"Yes, O Positive. You're going to need it." Trevor stood up slowly and removed his coat, revealing a snake tattoo winding around his right forearm from elbow to wrist. Flinging his coat over the back of the chair, he sat next to Ray and took the bag from his unresisting hand. His eyes seemed to glow as he spoke in that soft resonating voice that Ray remembered from the alley. "Trust me, Ray. This is the only way to relieve the hunger inside you."

Ray swallowed hard as the vampire bit a small hole in the top of the bag and filled Ray's empty water glass with thick maroon liquid. He tried not to think about what the substance was, only that it would make him feel better. Trevor tilted the glass to his own lips, then quickly took Ray's mouth in a deep kiss, letting the blood pour over his tongue and down Ray's throat. Moaning deeply, Ray sucked and licked every bit of blood from the other man's mouth. When he was ready to beg for more, Trevor sipped from the glass again and returned for another nourishing kiss.

Ray was astonished to find his cock getting hard, and thought to himself that those books he'd read had gotten one of their facts wrong. Needless to say, this discovery pleased him greatly. The rush of arousal through his bloodstream seemed to twine with his hunger, until there was a single twisting, sparking need. A burning desire for the man he'd wrapped his arms around at some point.

Ray's teeth felt unaccountably itchy, and he ripped his mouth off Trevor's. The other man grinned widely showing an impressive set of fangs that hadn't been visible earlier. Instead of revulsion, lust hit Ray like an electric current. He lunged at Trevor, sinking his teeth into the long pale throat, bent and bared for his delectation. There was a brief moment of disorientation when Ray's fangs pierced skin for the first time, but the iron sweetness that dripped onto his tongue focused him. He'd barely gotten his first mouthful when fingers fiercely gripped his hair and pulled his head away.

"No, no, my eager young friend. I've already fed you once tonight." Trevor shoved the glass into Ray's hand and tilted it to his mouth. "Here, this is your nourishment. Consider your taste of me...foreplay."

Drinking it down greedily, Ray asked for more and the second glassful disappeared as quickly as the first. Licking the residue off his lips, Ray sighed with relief as the burning hunger abated, leaving behind only arousal. He gave Trevor a sideways glance and saw that the vampire was watching him intently, waiting for something. Waiting to see if Ray would make the first move or if he would flee in terror?

Ray smiled and flicked the end of his tongue over his new fangs, feeling a well of personal confidence that was unlike anything he'd ever experienced. He could make the first move all right, and he would, just as soon as he got a few more answers. He took the bag off the coffee table and asked, "Where'd this come from?"

"Blood bank. Your first feeding should be human, but after that it makes no difference."

"So I don't have to kill people to survive? If I do bite somebody, do they die or become a vampire or what?"

"No, you don't have to kill, although many do out of sport or lack of self-control or their own evil natures. I don't know what motivates the more predatory among my brothers." A look of sadness passed through Trevor's eyes, then he ran his fingers through his hair, brushing the strands back from his face. He smiled with self-effacing charm and said, "But I don't always understand my own motives either—not in killing, that I understand all too well, but in turning or procreating, you could say. You're a good example of my inability to control my impulses. I saw you and I wanted you to have the gift. I felt great pain in you—not just from the assault either. An old pain radiated from your very soul and I wanted to take it away. I am too full of myself sometimes."

Ray was so angry he could hardly see straight. "You're full of something, all right. I'll deal with my own pain and my own soul, thank you very much. You just tell me what I'm supposed to do now. Sleep in a coffin, turn into a bat, what? You made me what I am, so tell me what that is and answer my questions."

"I like you, Ray Kowalski. You have fire." Ray's eyes narrowed and Trevor laughed and continued, "You have to drain someone to the point of death and then give them your blood to turn them into a vampire. You will be too weak to do so for awhile, and I don't recommend it anyway until you fully understand the life."

"Hypocrite," Ray muttered under his breath, but Trevor ignored him.

"You may drink from a human—or animal if you prefer, although I can't imagine why you would— for sustenance or purely for pleasure and they will recover quite nicely as long as you don't take too much. Draining them completely will kill them, taking a bit too much will put them in the hospital in need of transfusions and that raises too many questions. If you have taken so much that your victim is that weak, go ahead and kill them and save yourself and all the rest of us the potential trouble an inquiry would create."

"That's cold."

"That's survival! If you prefer to avoid intimate human contact, you can be one of those angsty, suffering vampires who only takes from butcher shops. I'll give you an address where you can safely procure all the blood you could need at a reasonable price." The smile returned as he added, "I know a guy."

"You know a guy that sells blood to vampires right here in Chicago? Sure, why not? Makes as much sense as anything else that's happened tonight."

"You may sleep anywhere you wish, anytime you wish, as long as you stay out of direct sunlight, of course. It hurts like a motherfucker."

Ray's eyebrows shot up and Trevor said just a tad defensively, "Well, it does. The coffin, the dirt, the compulsion to sleep as long as the sun is up is all myth. The stake through the heart, unfortunately, is not. Avoid all sharp, pointy wooden things."

"Myths, huh? What about..." Ray abruptly stood up and went into the bathroom and turned on the light. He stared into the mirror, relieved to find that he still had a reflection. His hair was still blond and spiky, if really in need of washing at the moment, and his eyes were still blue. He opened his mouth and inspected his teeth, but the fangs were gone. "Hey, where'd the fangs go?"

Trevor answered from directly behind him just as his reflection appeared over Ray's shoulder. "The lust has faded, more's the pity. At first, they only extend when you need them or have strong physical reactions, but as you get older and stronger you will be able to control them. It's a learned skill, like walking or talking."

Ray nodded absently and picked at his blood and dirt streaked clothes. "I need a shower. You won't leave, will you?"

"I'll even join you if you want."

"No thanks, but don't leave yet. Please?"

"I will stay here, but when dawn approaches, I will have to go home or I'll be stuck here all day."

Ray looked Trevor up and down and felt his teeth getting itchy again. Time to make that first move. "You say that like it's a bad thing."

"You may wish to be alone to deal with the changes." Ray started to strip off his clothes with slow languid movements, and Trevor cleared his throat. "Or not. I have to go out for a moment, but I will return shortly."

"I'll be here." Ray took off his underwear, turned on the water, and stepped into the shower, unconcerned that Trevor was still in the doorway watching his every move. He felt good about himself, Trevor, the Mountie he'd seen earlier, his new life, everything. It was a sensation that he was not accustomed to feeling, and would probably not last long, so he was determined to enjoy it while it did.

He washed his hair, soaped his body, and luxuriated in the hot water until his fingers started to wrinkle. He shut off the water and grabbed a towel, drying off quickly and thoroughly before walking naked into his bedroom for clean clothes.

Ray had just slipped on a pair of boxer briefs when he heard his front door open. Quietly taking his spare gun from the nightstand, he went and peeked around the edge of the bedroom doorframe. Trevor gave him a friendly wave, as if he didn't notice the gun pointed at him, and set a grocery sack and smaller white bag on the counter that divided kitchen from living room. "It's just me, Ray. No need to hide...or dress."

Ray put the gun down since he was unsure if it would do any good. Shooting Trevor was the last thing he wanted to do right now, especially when he pulled off his coat and turned to hang it up, revealing just how snugly those faded jeans fit his backside. The vampire moved gracefully, as if his feet didn't quite touch the ground. He reminded Ray of some of the men at a ballroom dance competition that he and Stella had once entered. Those men had moved with such flowing grace that Ray had felt clumsy and slow in comparison, but he and Stella had come in second anyway. She'd gotten the trophy in the divorce, but he'd gotten the picture, which meant much more to him than any cheesy hunk of metal and plastic.

"So what's in the bags?" Taking Trevor's advice about not putting on clothes, Ray walked into the living room clad only in his shorts. "If there's a severed head in there, I'm going to be very upset."

Trevor laughed and said, "Wayne's World. I loved that flick."

"You watch movies?"

"Breaks the monotony of haunting musty old mansions and hanging out in graveyards."

"Yeah, okay, I got you. So, the bags?" Ray found the other man's habit of straying from the subject and his own tendency to follow rather irritating.

"Ah, yes. Well, this one is... groceries." Reaching into the big brown bag, Trevor pulled out three dark green wine bottles and a six pack of beer in dark brown bottles. Groceries for an alcoholic maybe, thought Ray but he didn't say anything, just crossed his arms and leaned against the back of the couch. Trevor held out one of the beer bottles and showed Ray the label that read Butcher Breweries, Limited. "These will probably get you through the week. When you get stronger, you won't need to feed nearly as much."

There it was again. The word 'feed' sent a shudder down Ray's spine, driving home just how strange his life had become. Now he was a freak like this man who was rummaging around in his cabinets. "What are you looking for?"

"Wine glasses." Pulling out a couple of Scooby Doo jelly glasses, Trevor muttered under his breath complaints that Ray chose to ignore.

"What for? We already... tonight."

"For the wine." Trevor reached into the white bag and pulled out a wine bottle with a traditional sounding name. "I was in the mood for Chianti."

"It's real wine?" Ray refused to be surprised by anything else for the rest of the night. He was just surprised right out.

"Yes. It's odd, no? We can drink anything we want, just can't eat." Now he rattled around in the kitchen drawers, finally pulling out a combination bottle/can opener that had a built-in corkscrew. "Trust me on this. Eating will make you violently ill. Alcohol doesn't have as much effect as on mortals, but it will eventually make you drunk."

Opening the bottle and filling the glasses, Trevor handed the Shaggy one to Ray and held up his own Velma cup, saying, "To your new life!"

"Yeah, cheers," Ray snorted, but he did tip the glass back for a long sip. "What else you got in there?"

Trevor's eyes took on that glowy look and he smiled. "Astroglide. Not my favorite, but it's what was available."

Nodding his understanding, Ray took another sip of wine then set the glass aside, reaching for Trevor. The other man moved into his arms smoothly, his hard body coming to rest against Ray's nearly naked one. Ray felt a tingle that started in his teeth and moved straight down to his groin, taking no detours. His hands clutched the back of Trevor's t-shirt and it was all he could do not to rip it off his body. Instead, he pulled it out of the vampire's jeans so he could get at the smooth cool skin underneath.

Opening his mouth under Trevor's kisses, Ray discovered that the fangs that were so useful in the neck area were also a danger to tongues. Until he learned to avoid them as instinctively as Trevor seemed to, the kisses were blood flavored, and not unpleasant as he might have imagined.

Ray moaned into Trevor's mouth as the vampire's clever hands skated over his body, teasing and tempting him with light touches. Ray's own hands seemed frozen on the other man's ass where they had worked under the denim of his jeans. His hips bucking sharply as Trevor nipped at his throat, Ray dug his erection into his partner's and tried to maintain his slippery grip on control.

"Trevor...wait a minute," Ray gasped, pulling one hand free to tug at the other man's clothes. Trevor's hands left Ray's body and started to help Ray with the disrobing. His mouth remained on Ray's throat, licking, kissing, nibbling— but not sucking, never puncturing the skin. As Ray worked at getting the other man naked, he pushed his throat into Trevor's mouth, wanting the bite again. Needing it.

Trevor lifted his head and smiled. "Not yet." He stripped his shirt over his head and shoved his jeans down not bothering with his shoes and socks. Reaching behind him, he grabbed the tube of lubricant and pressed it into Ray's hand. Then he spun around and braced himself over the back of the couch.

Ray looked at the lube in his hand and then at the expanse of creamy skin before him, and nearly ripped his underwear off. He slicked his fingers and prepared Trevor first, not taking as much time as he might have liked in a calmer state of mind. He gritted his teeth as he applied the cool gel to his throbbing erection. He had to close his eyes and breathe deeply, before he could even think of approaching Trevor because he knew it would be over in a flash if he didn't.

As Ray opened his eyes and stepped closer, Trevor growled at him to hurry. He glared at Ray over his shoulder, eyes glowing and fangs fully extended. Ray's cock jumped in his hand and he swallowed hard, placing the head of his cock at the entrance of Trevor's body. Wrapping one arm around his middle, Ray pressed slowly inside, pausing briefly to let the other man adjust to his presence then pushing steadily until he was completely buried in the warmth of the Trevor's body. He asked hesitantly, "Trevor...are you okay?"

"Yes!" The vampire thrust his hips back and pleaded, "More, Ray. Hard and fast."

Hard and fast suited Ray's desires, so he whispered, "All right, hang on." And then he braced his hands on Trevor's hips and gave him what they both wanted, stabbing deep, pulling almost out, then slamming home again. Over and over, he thrust his cock into the man who had most likely destroyed his current life and given him a new one that he could barely fathom. He bit back the anger, knowing this was not the time for it, and focused on the pleasure of the tight warm body he was pumping into. Leaning his head forward, he buried his nose in the back of Trevor's soft dark hair. A fleeting image of a beautiful man in red flashed past his closed eyelids and then Ray was coming explosively inside Trevor.

Collapsing onto Trevor's back, Ray rode the wave as the gasping man jerked his own cock until he climaxed, groaning Ray's name. Ray felt a minute flutter of guilt that he'd been thinking of someone else at the golden moment, but he shook it off easily. He didn't owe this man a damn thing, if anything it was the other way around.

Yeah, he owes me, Ray thought suddenly. He took it upon himself to turn me into a monster like him. Monster—arrogant— freak—son of a bitch.

Without another thought, Ray raised one hand and twisted his fingers in Trevor's hair, pulling his head around, baring the side of his neck. He lunged forward and drove his fangs in before the other man could protest. The savory-sweet blood rushed over his tongue and through his veins like fire. His cock stiffening again inside Trevor, Ray started thrusting again, even harder than before, shoving inside with a fierce ache in his gut that he'd never felt before during sex. With a wet groan, he pulled his mouth from the promise of Trevor's throat. Cursing with every ragged, sobbing breath, Ray fucked the vampire with hard, jerky thrusts until he came with a pain wracked whimper.

Wrenching himself free without a thought for the other man, Ray stumbled back against the counter. "What'd I just do? Fuck! What've you done to me?"

Blood trickling down his shoulder and the inside of his thigh, Trevor straightened to his full height and cocked his head to one side, turning slowly. His blank stare met Ray's horrified gaze as he asked mildly, "Feel better now?"

"No!" Ray choked out the word and fled to his room, feeling stupid and dirty. He slammed the door and then cursed himself for acting like a teenage girl. He stomped into the bathroom to wash off. "You have fucked up royally this time, Ray. You have...you have really. Fucked. Up."

After another long shower, this one cold, Ray walked out of the bathroom and noticed his bedroom door was still closed. Yet, he could feel the other man still in the apartment. Trevor must have decided to give him the space that he so obviously needed. He'd thought he was dealing fairly well with the complete alteration of his life but apparently that wasn't the case.

Dressed in comfort clothes of worn chinos and a faded sweatshirt, Ray opened his bedroom door to find his...what? Lover, attacker, victim, killer...what could he call the man currently lounging on his sofa with a glass of wine and yesterday's newspaper? He shook his head and noticed that the radio was playing low in the background.

"Make yourself at home," offered Ray with a feeble attempt at a smile.

"I did, thank you. Are you feeling better now?" Trevor laid the paper aside, and sat up straighter, watching Ray carefully.

"Yeah. Uh...no."

"Feeling guilty for what you did and angry for what I did?" Trevor slowly got to his feet and stalked toward Ray, smooth as a panther after prey. Ray stood his ground, although a cloud of butterflies took flight in his stomach and a fine sheen of sweat popped out on his forehead.

"Ray, look at me." Ray almost laughed at that because he couldn't look anywhere else, and he was trying. He blinked once and suddenly Trevor was there, surrounding him, crowding him up against the wall. Ray's eyes widened as Trevor's hand closed around his throat and lifted him a good six inches off the floor. "No matter what happened earlier, you can't overpower me. I let you get rough with me because I felt that you needed the release. I've already healed."

Spots dancing in his eyes from lack of oxygen, Ray clawed at the hand on his throat, but Trevor just shook him like a rag doll and tossed him through the doorway to land with a bounce in the middle of his bed. He lay there gasping for breath and imagining how easily Trevor could have tossed him through a window or up against a brick wall. Like Tony and Miguel, a little voice reminded him. Yeah, exactly like that. For one long endless moment, Ray was paralyzed with a terror like he'd never felt before, not even facing down three escaped felons with no backup. The enormity of what this man was and could do to him overwhelmed him, and it was all Ray could do to draw air through his tortured throat. The room went grey around him and he felt that floaty disconnected sensation, that before tonight he'd only associated with massive amounts of alcohol. Since he'd never cared for that feeling, he didn't drink much.

"Ray. Ray. Ray!" His name being repeated with increasing volume finally penetrated the haze. Ray blinked and shook his head, limbs twitching as if to reassure him that they could. A bump from the end of the bed made him raise his head and look around. Trevor was kneeling on the end of the bed between Ray's spread feet, wearing an impatient look on his face.

"What?" Ray muttered for lack of more intelligent comment, surprised but pleased that his throat didn't hurt anymore.

"You're not going catatonic on me, are you? Because if so, this will be one very long day."

"Day? What time's it?" Ray turned and squinted at the clock. "Nine-thirty? For real?"

"Sunrise came and went while we were...too busy to notice. You've been lying here staring at the ceiling for over two hours." As Trevor spoke, Ray sat up and faced him. The man looked a bit sheepish as he said, "I'm afraid you're stuck with me until this evening."

"It's okay. Umm...what now?" Ray asked, truly having no clue as to how to proceed from here.

"Well, it's been a long, eventful night, so I'd just like to go to sleep, if it's all right with you. I can go sack out on the sofa..."

Ray thought for a moment about rolling over and going to sleep alone and then sighed. "Nah, come on up here. There's plenty of room."

Ray got up and pulled the covers back while Trevor checked to make sure the windows were sufficiently covered. After a moment's hesitation, Ray stripped down to his underwear and climbed into bed, watching as Trevor did the same.

The two men lay in the not quite dark for several minutes, each carefully staying on his side of the bed. Finally, Trevor rolled over and reached out to Ray, asking softly, "If I hold you while we sleep, you won't get too attached will you?"

"Uh, no. I guess not," replied Ray, with a shrug. He moved closer so that Trevor could wrap himself around him. Ray got a mental image of the snake tattoo that made him distinctly uncomfortable. Yet it was so nice to share a bed with another person again that he shook it off and settled into sleep.

When Ray woke up, the room was dark and the bed was empty. A glance at the clock showed that he'd slept a little over nine hours. He rubbed at his eyes and tossed the covers back. The back of his throat was burning and his insides felt hollow, so he headed straight for the kitchen.

Ray caught himself reaching for the jar of instant coffee, and checked the movement. Maybe later, he thought, opening the refrigerator door and grabbing a bottle. Unscrewing the top, he took a long gulp straight from the bottle and made an important discovery. Cold blood was not nearly as appetizing as the warm variety. He choked down that first mouthful, then filled a coffee mug and popped it into the microwave for about a minute.

Propping his elbows on the counter, he read the note that lay propped against the telephone. Trevor was gone, as Ray had already suspected, and the note indicated that he wouldn't be coming back anytime soon. True to his word, he'd left a card with an address and hours of business and the instructions, "Ask for Len. Tell him you know me."

The bell dinged on the microwave and Ray removed the mug of warmed blood, taking a cautious sip. "That's more like it," he hummed with satisfaction, then settled down to figure out how he could keep his job and his new secret at the same time.

Right now, he was undercover trying to infiltrate a drug ring, so moving only at night was definitely do-able. After this assignment, it was anyone's guess where he'd be sent. He wasn't going to sweat it for now. He could always quit. He'd never really wanted to be a cop in the first place. Hell, he could track Marcus Ellery down and then go on about the rest of his life. His very long, night-time life.

Ray groaned and went to refill his cup. This was going to be one long night, and he had to suck it up and get going. He had to try to salvage his cover and find out what was going on in the murder investigation. For purely personal reasons, he was also going to look into why a Canadian Mountie was riding with a Chicago detective.


Part II: Learning to Fly

Title: Left Turn
Author: Amy B.
Fandom: Due South
Category: Alternate Universe (occurs before 3rd season)
Pairing: RK/o
Rating: NC-17
Date: October 27, 1999
Series/Sequel: Possibly
Disclaimers: Alliance Atlantis owns Ray, Fraser, Ray, Dief, and Stella. Used without permission. The rest are mine. Whoopee.
Warning: Not nearly as much angst as there probably could have been, and not much Fraser in this one, but maybe next time. There is sex, violence, and sexual violence (probably pretty tame by some standards). This is a vampire story so there is a lot of blood—not for the excessively squeamish.
Notes: For Zen, Happy Birthday! She mentioned a while back what a good vampire RayK would make and the idea lodged in the back of my mind. After reading this, y'all may wish it had stayed there.
As always, thanks to Mouse and Nicole for beta reading (mistakes mine, not theirs), and Deb for reading snippets and offering encouragement instead of throwing things at my head.
Summary: This was almost titled "Trust me about the sunscreen." So there you go. Ray Kowalski becomes a vampire, and it is quite a learning experience.

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