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Resurrection and Redemption II
by Ann H

The entire process took three days. Mulder finally fell asleep ten minutes ago. Jeremiah Smith, exhausted, passed out on a table in the next room. I've now been awake 82 hours straight, yet I can't sleep. I can't stop staring at the man sleeping peacefully, a weak smile formed on relaxed lips.

That smile was a long time coming. The nanocytes Smith injected into Mulder had an immediate effect. It was like watching an explosion, all fury and motion and power.

Mulder simply was. Lungs heaved, eyes opened, every muscle flexed. Once he took in air, he expressed every bit of fear, anger, hopelessness and pain endured over the last two months.

That scream came from his very soul. The Alex Krycek that awoke to determined, silent peasants holding him down, pressing a fire-heated knife to his arm knew that scream. So did the Alex Krycek that awoke after the mutilation, drowning inside as the reality overwhelmed him. My horror was definately less than his, but I understood it all, and I wouldn't let him go through it alone, and I told him this and more.

Talked to him non-stop while holding him down by the shoulders as Smith worked on his damaged body. Told him about Tunguska and Tunisia and that goddamed silo. Choked out the story of my scientist parents, defectors during the Cold War, naively assuming they would be safe and free in their new country. How Mischa and Tatlya and I were taught by them to be patriots, to treasure our freedom and enjoy our new lives.

By this time, the screams had faded, and Mulder only issued the occasionally low, pained moan. It's a good thing this room is soundproofed. I also checked everything for bugs before bringing Mulder here. I was taking no chances shapeshifters, oilens, or rebels would documents the events or words spoken here.

My words were distracting Mulder from Smith's continued ministrations to his injuries. I was able to lower my voice considerably. That didn't stop my voice from shaking as I continued talking about my parents, about the large think-tank they worked for after their usefulness to the U.S. government had ended. About my parents after their usefulness to the Consortium had ended. Hesitantly, about that terrifying night the armed men came in, killed my parents at the dinner table, and spirited three traumatized children away from the horrifying sight of blood and nauseating smell of Morleys.

Up to this point, Mulder's brilliant eyes were in constant motion, moving between me, Smith, and various parts of the ceiling. At the mention of Cancer Man, he focused his gaze on my own.

Only then did I realize I was crying, and had been doing so for some time. Mulder's left hand slowly rose from the bed, and came to rest on mine. I couldn't speak, just stared into those hazel depths. Saw the understanding, and more.

Jeremiah Smith stepped back from the table. Mulder tensed, and I squeezed his hand before turning to Smith.

"Is there a problem?"

"No, Mr. Krycek, it's all going very well, so far. I just need a break... wash my face. We still have much to accomplish here."

I turned back to Mulder. "It's time for halftime. Or do you prefer seventh-inning stretch?"

Mulder closed his eyes, relief all too evident. He was still weak, couldn't speak yet, and getting frustrated. So close, yet out of reach. Like so many of his truths.

I don't want to be the one to tell him about Samantha. I am so sick of bringing him pain, especially when I'm trying to do the right thing. I just want to sit here, enjoying the stillness and peace.

After a short break, Smith reenters the room. He's still tired, but ready to continue. The hours pass on, and as Mulder becomes stronger, I speak of events that occured while he was gone. I tell him about Scully's pregnancy, and the little I know of Spender's part in it. I tell him of Scully's work on the X-files, about her new partner, John Doggett, and Kersh's promotion.

I tell Mulder about an old, cancer-ridden man who manipulated us all, arranging for him be in that forest. I also tell him about a fatal fall in a wheelchair down a long stairwell.

I relate to him of my latest actions. My constant, secret contact with the rebels. My aquisition of most Consortium records. The recent meeting with Skinner, when I had his nanocytes deactivated. My constant search, using all resources available, to find him.

"It's time for the final step, Mulder, Mr. Krycek."

Luckily, deactivating the nanocytes in a human is a much more pleasant experience then activating them. After another hour, everything is done. Mulder is back... alive and whole.

My voice is gone, worn out.

Mulder smiles at Smith and I... a beautiful, warming smile.

"It's good to be back."

Now he's asleep. He needs it.

It has been a long three days. Time to stop thinking about these momentous events and let go. There are plans to make, a Mulder to protect, and I need to be sharp.

There's no way I'm leaving him alone. Once everyone discovers he's alive, he becomes a target. Surprise, Mulder, you've gotten yourself a bodyguard.

I lower my body onto his bed. Curl on my side next to his warm, resting body, settle my head in the crook of his left arm. It's only minutes before I, too, fall into an relaxed, peaceful sleep.


Part III


Title: Resurrection and Redemption, Part 2
Author: Ann H
Written: January 24, 2001
Summary: Second part of a series. Originally intended as a response to the December 2000 bodyguard challenge, then the story took on a life of it's own.
Rating, Part 2: PG-13. Good stuff coming, promise...
Note 1: Canon up to current day (insert season eight joke here). Read some of the spoilers floating around (WARNING!), a few of which I use on my way to AU-land. Update: I've decided that I'm changing canon. "Closure" DID NOT HAPPEN. Didn't like it, didn't buy it, not gonna use it.
Note 2: Since this does go AU, I should warn you I'm not good with science and medical terminology, and I really don't know how the nanocyte buggers are supposed to work, so a little suspension of belief would be in order.
Note 3: Not yet, but eventually... Doggett warning, disappearing/reappearing accent and all. Kersh warning. And, yes, CSM is dead. In my world, lethal quadruple-agents double-check their work.
Note 4: Kinda-sorta character death. Yes-it's-true character death (trust me, you'll like it). The boys get a happy ending; I may be sick and twisted, but I have a soul.
Mood Music: REM... lots of REM. "The Great Beyond", "Everybody Hurts", "The One I Love." Hey! Why am I writing fic? I'm off to go through my CD collection...
Disclaimers: XF characters not mine, his. All of them.
Feedback: Yes. Ann062863@aol.com Otherwise, I'll assume everyone hated it, and cry myself to sleep. No, not really, but, c'mon, would it hurt to give a little feedback?

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