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Part III

Three Words
by Beth

"...What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here..."
Creep: Radiohead

One Year Earlier

I pull on my armour, physical and mental, to prepare myself for going back and facing my life. I hate to leave him here like this, still wrapped around a pillow with a smooth face that is no longer haunted by demons... but this could never last. We can't remain so sheltered, so happy forever. Reality will always intrude.

But I lean down and kiss him briefly, tenderly on his smooth forehead. He has got past my defences to an extent that I had thought was impossible; especially for him. There is so much history between us, so many reasons why this should not happen, can not happen; but he makes me feel so safe. And that scares me more than anything else could.

So I walk out while I still can, and pray that he will still be here for me when I return, that he won't turn his back and walk away. And I turn at the door and whisper four words to the sleeping man who has so quickly become my life.

"I love you, Alex."


Green eyes opened as the front door clicked closed; and he buried his face in the pillow he was clutching, smelling the musky scent of his lover as a silent flood poured from his eyes.

So the time had come.

When Mulder returned there must be no evidence that the apartment had been home to another for a time, no slight clue of how to find him. It was too dangerous to Mulder for him to remain here... at least he still had the X-files, still had Scully. Mulder would survive this, as he had survived so much before, but Alex felt like he was being torn apart inside.

And as much as he cherished the memory of those four words, as much as he wished they were true, he hoped and prayed that Mulder had known he was awake, had only been saying what he thought Alex wanted to hear.

Because he didn't want this to be as hard on his lover as it would be on himself.

He dressed quickly and gathered up his few possessions and nothing else, no matter how tempted he was to take a memento. He didn't leave a note. He wouldn't call. He would just disappear exactly as he had so many times before and pray that he could forget.

I love you.


"Alex. How nice to see you again."

He fought against the urge to flinch away from the familiar cultured voice, and instead retreated behind the expressionless mask that fit him so well. Only twin green fires exposed the hatred he felt, and the Englishman seemed almost amused by the loathing in his eyes.

"I am glad to see that you have not allowed time to alter you, Alex; I despise change." The chair moved soundlessly forward, and Alex could not prevent his mouth from twisting into a feral smile as the extent of the damage was revealed.

Most of the burns were concealed by his expensive suit, but the left side of his face looked oddly soft and shone waxily in the dim light of the antique lamp. Leather gloves covered his hands, but he had chosen not to disguise that the left leg was missing below the knee. As Alex met a cold gaze again the old man nodded once, acknowledging a worthy opponent, even as his eyes promised vengeance. No one had ever proved that it had been Alex that was responsible for the faulty timer; but they both knew the score he had had to settle.

"You have come to ask a favour, I believe."

"Not a favour. A deal." Krycek's voice had lost all traces of warmth and reverted to the husky, emotionless tone it had always held when dealing with this man—another of his defences. It was amazing how easy it was to fall back into the role they had forced him to create. And each time it was a little harder to convince himself that it wasn't the real him.

"You believe that you have something that I want?" His voice held affected surprise, and Alex's hand itched to reach for the gun concealed in the waistband of his jeans.

"Something you need."

"Indeed? And what could you possibly offer me?" The patronising tone was familiar, and his skin crawled at the sound of it. He tried to dismiss the images, the memories playing through his head, and in the next instant he was looking at well-disguised fear in the other man's eyes as he pushed a gun against his wrinkled forehead.

"Your life, in return for mine."

The old man's voice was steady as he replied, and Alex almost admired him for it. "You have never been able to kill me before. What makes you believe that this will be any different?"

"This time I have something to fight for. My offer is simple. For one year, you will have unlimited access to my services." He tried not to shudder; "however you wish to use them. After that period, you will allow me to walk away, and you will never come after me. I have very little patience for those that try to kill me.

In return, I will let you live. And I will leave you in peace. I will never reveal any of the information that I have on you, or on the others that you work with. I will disappear from your life forever, and you will never hear from me again... on the other hand, I would just as soon squeeze this trigger. Your choice."

The other man blinked rapidly, and Alex took this show of unease as a personal victory.

"I agree to the terms. As to your undisputed array of talents... I'll make a start now." He smiled distantly as Alex dropped to his knees and deftly opened the suit pants. And Alex tried desperately to recall why he was doing this, and a galaxy of stars and four whispered words banished the long-buried memories that were trying to surface.


He killed twenty seven people, two of them children, and he never wrote.

He stole, he lied, he whored himself to anyone with something of value to the man that owned his life, and he never called.

And every night he took the wrinkled cock up his ass, down his throat, and he never forgot. His memories were all that kept him sane.


And then it was over. There was no fanfare, no ceremony, just a duffel bag over his shoulder and a gun in his waistband... and eyes with the shadows almost entirely gone and a strange new fear in their place. It hadn't been easy—new scars marked him, many crossing the old on his legs—but he still couldn't believe that it was over. He still didn't feel clean.

So for a month he only watched. He stayed in the shadows, not making his presence known; testing once for a reaction and leaving an unspoken promise for Mulder to find.

And then the roses.

And then tonight.

He wiped a hand across his sore mouth again and smiled ruefully at the red that stained it when he took it away from his tender lip. This wasn't over, no matter what Mulder said. That punch was not the work of an indifferent man. And as he left the building he was so distracted with planning the next assault that he didn't notice the men... until he was held between them with a gun pointed at his head.

The Englishman cocked an eyebrow at Alex's swollen lip and tutted softly. "It didn't go according to plan, Alex? Perhaps I can do something to help."


I responded automatically to the familiar sound of a gunshot and grabbed my own weapon, barely noticing the freezing metal of the fire escape burning my bare feet as I raced downward. Of the shooters there was no sign other than a scent of burning rubber, but there was a dark heap crumpled in a slowly spreading pool of blood... and my head was shaking in denial even as I knelt by his side, looking into fear-filled green eyes as he struggled to speak.

And I barely heard the three words before long black lashes rested on pale cheeks and I screamed hoarsely for help, for an ambulance, for anything that would change this.

I love you.

End, for now.


Part IV: Begin again


Disclaimer: They're not mine. And I have no money. So there.
Please remember that I love them both too much to do any permanent damage, okay?
Major thanks due to Ursula for fantastically speedy beta, and thanks to all the people who wrote to me asking for more.
Feedback: Banjo_skunk@hotmail.com. You know you want to... By the way, my dad has voluntarily eaten the sandwiches. :)

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