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La Princesa Guerrera VII
by Carl Jane and Jim

MULDER: "No one can predict human behavior. No one can tell you what another person's going to do. "

"... the possibilities that the tribal spirits of the Mohawk have parallels in... "

Gabrielle dropped back from the couple a few more paces as Fox's rambling drifted even further into obscurity. It was more fun to watch the pair interact than it was to actually listen to the man talk.

Dana's head was tipped his way and a shy smile played over her lips. She watched his face with an expression of pleasure that suggested his tone of voice, rather than his words, held her primary interest.

Pleased that they were getting along so well, Gabrielle decided to keep her distance for a while. They're going to work. Gabrielle thought with a decidedly self-satisfied smile. I can see a happy ending. If only she could be so sure of Xena and herself. Gods, she missed her lover's mindvoice. Their last contact held such sadness and anger. How much worse had Xena's mood grown during the long silence? Gabrielle shook her head. She couldn't visualise any circumstances that could be so bad that her influence couldn't draw Xena back into the light. A stray thought from the night before came back to haunt her. Maybe it was a little arrogant to assume she knew what was best. Admittedly, she hadn't actually participated in the events leading up to this situation but Gabrielle had seen it all through Xena's eyes. The Bard couldn't think of anything extreme enough to overpower her cool reasoning once she'd had the chance to sit down and talk things over with Xena. Her lover had stayed on the side of the greater good for two thousand years now, that was a lot longer than she had walked the dark path. Personal retribution for injuries was one thing, but the mindless, blanketing revenge that last had clouded Xena's thoughts was beyond her understanding. Xena's long ago cry of 'kill them all' echoed through Gabrielle's mind. She realised that this might become the purpose behind the warrior's actions, replacing the sentiment of 'the greater good'.

Gabrielle ran an appraising gaze over their surroundings, not so wrapped up in her own thoughts that danger could approach.

Maybe she could convince her lover to retreat up into the mountains for a time. After so long apart they would need time to get reacquainted with one another. Last nights dreams and frustrations had been evidence enough that their reunion promised to be physically as well as emotionally explosive.

An odd shift in the wind brought Fox's voice clear again. "... tried to get closer but Skinner said we didn't have time. I meant to go back but with one thing and another... "

Gabrielle had to admire the fluid motion of Fox's shrug. The man certainly moved smoothly enough. He had that in common with Xena. Maybe it was their shared height or the experience of constant travel and battle-readiness. The blonde recalled running massaging hands over muscles and skin after her lover had fought hard or walked too far. There was a certain heady power to knowing you could soothe such a magnificent body. Gabrielle absently slid a hand down her own waist and hip, pleased by the strong, clean line. I will never be the tower of strength you are, lover, but I think I still cut a fair figure. At least it never failed to turn your head.

"Gabrielle?" Dana's pace had slowed. She was gazing expectantly back at her companion. "You look a million miles away."

"Sorry. My mind drifted. What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong."

Most of Dana's careful curls had turned to frizz or hung limply. "You just had a strange look on your face." The Irish woman commented.

"How close are we to where that kid said to go?" Fox joined the conversation by stopping until they came abreast of him.

"Very close." Gabrielle looked about the cultivated fields that currently surrounded them. "I expect to run across some signs anytime now."

"Who do you think we'll find first?" Dana asked. "Xena or Major Sharpe and his men?"

"Sharpe isn't actively hiding from us." Mulder reasoned. "But he's not actually doing anything either. Xena will be leaving more evidence of her proximity."

Gabrielle didn't want to think too hard about that. She had certain trepidations about how Dana was going to react to Xena's warlike manner. "That's a politician's answer." The blonde teasingly commented on Mulder's waffling. "You're going to fit in just fine with the nobility, Fox. A simple 'I don't know' would have done the duty, but no... you had to elaborate."

He turned a flat expression on the storyteller. "I'm seriously considering taking that as an insult."

"You're going to absolutely dazzle Irish society, Fox." Dana pacified. "There's not a man among them who's your equal." She shot a tight smile at Gabrielle as she spoke. "There's a good number of men born to the gentry that don't have the brains of a sheep."

Mulder shrugged off the compliment. "I never put much stock into the idea of being born into a position in life. Your place should be earned, not a thrust upon you." He turned his attention onto the Bard. "Were you born into anything, Gabrielle?"

The question caught Gabrielle off guard. She had expected them to be more wrapped up in each other. Curiosity about her wasn't something she had planned on. "I was raised in a village... in the middle of farmland." It took a few seconds to edit the story. "One sister. Father was a farmer. The place was as plain and quiet as any I've come across."

"So how is it that you're not happily married to a blacksmith... with children hanging off your apron as you bake bread?" Fox asked, using a playful tone to offset the implied rudeness of the query.

"I WAS betrothed." Gabrielle swung her staff absently as she walked. "But I kept putting him off... stalling for time. I knew it wasn't what I wanted." She sighed. "Unfortunately, I couldn't see any other options. Until Xena came along I'd never seen women outside of the narrow roles they filled at home. Xena was a revelation in more ways than one."

Dana coughed, a nervous little sound.

A curious expression flitted across Fox's face. His hazel-blue eyes narrowed slightly. "In what ways?"

The Amazon chuckled. "I didn't know that women could be warriors or think for themselves... or that other people would even take them seriously as individuals." She unhooked her waterskin and took a sip. "Xena showed me I could be whatever I wanted to be... that my wildest dreams were attainable. I wanted to learn. I wanted to tell stories... meet interesting people. I wanted to see everything. You, of all people, must understand that desire Fox. You've seen so many places."

Dana couldn't help but feel a brief flash of envy for their experiences but hard on the heels of that came the knowledge that she wasn't really much of a world traveller. The Irish woman enjoyed the people she met along the way, but she missed her home too much. Dana couldn't see Gabrielle as a domestic and knew that the storyteller wouldn't be happy in that role. Travel and adventure might be what fulfilled her friend but the redhead was fairly certain that the life Gabrielle had given up would suit her just fine.

The storyteller continued on. "It was a bit odd getting used to the practical side of things... cooking over an open fire, sleeping outside... doing without a lot of possessions because you have to haul everything you own around with you." Gabrielle sighed. "We had one frypan, just one decent frying pan." The sun burnished her blonde hair to gold. "And Xena used it to bash some bandit... when she has perfectly good weapons near at hand. I was absolutely furious and when I complained she stood there with this look of complete disinterest on her face." Gabrielle glanced over at her friends. "THAT!" She pointed at Fox. "Gods, just like that."

The Canadian startled back a step as she gestured. "What? So She dented a frypan? Big deal. There's other ways to cook food."

"It's the principal of the thing." The Bard responded. "Here she is... a walking armoury and instead of using her sword she demolishes an essential piece of cookware. I know. I know. If I wanted to worry about crockery, pots and pans I could have stayed home." Her grin was rueful. "I have to admit... the people I've met, the places I've seen. Adventuring with Xena is worth every inconvenience. I can't imagine what my life would have been like if I hadn't left Potadeia."

"You're a storyteller. I should think you live for adventures." Dana's voice was coloured with admiration.

Fox was laughing quietly to himself. Two sets of raised brows made him speak up. "I'm just trying to picture you milking goats and feeding pigs, Gabrielle. It's not working."

"HAH!" The Bard smirked. "You think that's funny? We spent one winter working for Xena's mother at the inn she ran. You should have seen La Princesa Guerrera barefoot and elbow deep in a tub full of dirty dishes... with soap bubbles in her hair. I laughed so hard that she refused to do it again for nearly a month. The practicalities of domestic life didn't really suit Xena. She's a hunter-gatherer by choice." A giggle bubbled up. "You should see Xena catch fish. She turned it into an art. She can grab an eel in her bare hands quicker and easier than I could nab one with a net." Gabrielle grinned.

"Ick." Dana's nose wrinkled in distaste. "Eels... I delivered babies and that still sounds disgusting to me."

"It's an acquired taste." The bard admitted.

"Heads up." Fox shifted his rifle into a more comfortable position. Two adults and a small group of children were just coming into view.

"They don't look dangerous." Dana observed.

The gap between them had to close a little more before Gabrielle chose to comment. "They look tired." She glanced across at Mulder. "Don't scare the kids, Fox."

"Refugees?" He proposed.

"I think so." Gabrielle agreed. "Look how loaded down they are... and the packing looks badly done." She increased the length of her stride so she would reach the oncoming family before Fox. "Ol." The storyteller offered up a smile. {How far have you come?} She queried in Spanish.

The man tossed a suspicious glance at Dana and Mulder before answering her. {We've been travelling since early afternoon. There's French back there. How are the roads ahead?}

{Clear.} Gabrielle supplied. {The English supposedly have a small patrol hereabouts but we haven't seen it. The army is still a fair distance back.} She edged a bit to one side and casually let her staff drop one side, barring Fox from a close approach. {We ran into some bandits last night but they're in custody now.}

The man nodded. {That's good.}

{What are you running from? The French?}

The question provoked a shudder from the woman traveller. {They attacked our farm this morning. They had already robbed and killed our neighbours.}

{Are any of you hurt? My friend is a healer.} The bard pointed to Dana.

{No, we're fine but they destroyed our home. The partisan who saved us from those beasts told us to go south. She said there was a larger force in the area.}

{A partisan?} Fox interrupted, having recognised that Spanish word. "Ask them if they've seen 'La Princesa Guerrera'" He instructed unnecessarily.

The woman shrank back, crossing herself. Her quick stream of emphatic Spanish had Fox grimacing as he tried to pick out some words he recognised. "What's she saying, Gabrielle?" He demanded.

"Shut up Fox." The bard shouted. "You're upsetting them. Back off and let me talk to them."

Mulder's shoulders squared up and his chin raised. He didn't get another word out before the angry Amazon turned on him. "I said shut the fuck up. Step away and let me do this or you're going to be sorry."

Fox took a reflexive step backwards from the steely gaze Gabrielle had fixed on him.

Dana moved closer and dared to lay a steadying hand on her fiancee's arm. "Can you catch any of it?"

"French soldiers... three, I think... something dead or killing." Fox's brow was furrowed. "Something about running away." He shook his head, fidgeting as Gabrielle continued to talk.

Finally, after some head nods and gestures, the couple and their children continued on down the road. "Let's go." Gabrielle threw back as she headed off at a brisk walk.

Fox and Dana exchanged a confused glance then hurried to catch up with the angry storyteller. The Irish woman dared to call out. "Gabrielle, what's wrong? What did they tell you?"

The Amazon wanted to ignore the questions but was beginning to feel guilty for her abrupt manner with Fox. You put up with this from me, didn't you love? I never realised how hard it was for you. Gabrielle was reminded of the time when she first travelled with Xena. The warrior was always so quiet and the bard hadn't yet learned to read the subtle signs of her moods. I don't know how you kept your temper so well controlled. You never snapped at me like I just did to Fox.

The bard turned back to her companions. "I'm sorry about that. I didn't like what I was hearing and it set me off. I shouldn't have yelled at you." She tried to pull her emotions under control and then started to pass on the news. "Xena stopped some French soldiers from killing that family." Gabrielle began walking again, picking up the pace as Fox and Dana moved to join her. "She killed all three of them." The blonde informed them. "Xena told those people that the soldiers had already killed and burned the neighbouring farm... also that more French would be coming so they should take off. Odds are that she'll be ghosting somewhere about the area."

"How far?" Fox questioned quietly, not wanting to upset the volatile woman.

"We're moving faster than those refugees." She reasoned. "If we eat dinner out of our packs as we walk we can be at their farm before it gets dark."

Both Gabrielle and Mulder looked at Dana but neither gaze held scorn.

Dana returned the look and realised that they were wondering if she could keep up to them. "I can manage." The Irish woman assured them. "Let's get moving." She began walking faster, head high.

"Xena took out three soldiers?" Fox sought to convey his interest by fishing for details.

"The soldiers were wreaking mindless havoc. They would have killed the family. That farmer said as much." Gabrielle justified.

"Good." Fox validated.

He's a soldier. The bard reminded herself. Of course he understands. She shot a worried look backward. Gabrielle hoped that Dana understood the situation as well. It sounded as if Xena's dispatching of her enemies was on the bloody side. It certainly had disturbed the farmwife, although the woman admitted her gratitude now that the shock had worn off.

"Xena can be a bit... enthusiastic... when it comes to fighting." Gabrielle said softly to Fox. "We might want to keep Dana back from the scene of the battle... it's pretty messy according to the farmer." She wasn't sure if she should have said that. Dana might not appreciate being shielded.

Mulder nodded. "No problem." He agreed. "I'll go in and run through evidence if you want... find us a trail. You could keep Dana back if you think it's needful... although... " He temporised. "Dana's been doing healer's work back home. I doubt anything your Princesa could do would disturb her that much." Mulder supposed aloud. "She must have seen some fairly gruesome sights in her time, Gabrielle." He grimaced. "I'm used to what weapons and fighting can do to a body... but the aftermath, the attempts to mend the damage... and then there are diseases." A shiver ran up his back. "That end of things scares the crap out of me because fighting back doesn't help, you have to rely on potions and surgeons instead of your own strength." The tone of voice he used on the 'surgeons' almost turned it into a curse.

Gabrielle's stare was appraising. "You don't think much of the healing arts, do you Fox?"

"I'm sure Dana does fine birthing babies and cleaning up after farm accidents but most... healers... " Mulder shook his head. "I just don't trust them." He laughed grimly at some stray thought. "I find it hard to trust anyone lately. I've slammed into far too many walls in my life. The people I expect to do right by me are usually the ones doing the slamming... but then I meet you on the road and you don't know me from Adam but we mentally click. You remind me of Skinner in that way. Maybe I should keep all the friendships that I really care about at the 'look but don't touch' level. That way I won't hurt them and they won't hurt me." Fox stared sideways into her face a moment. A distant expression crossed his face and his tone dropped into a distracted whisper. "Christ but you've got eyes to tear a man's soul apart, Gabrielle. Green eyes drive me absolutely insane. They completely destroy any reason I possess."

The blonde almost stopped walking. "What exactly are you talking about Fox?" She squinted at him. "I thought you and Dana were working it out. Don't... " Gabrielle warned. "Don't even think about messing around with me."

" I just... I'm sorry. I didn't mean that to... " Mulder shook his head abruptly, clearing it. "We are. We will." He smiled as he glanced back at Dana. "Sometimes peculiar ideas just smack me out of nowhere. Sorry."

"No damage." Gabrielle said as Dana picked up her pace so they were all even.

Digging food out and passing it around made for a complete change in conversation. As far as Gabrielle could tell Fox had dismissed the odd exchange a moment after it ended. He chewed his way through a hunk of dry meat and gazed about them. Gabrielle used the time to try and find out if Dana had any post-battle experience. No surprise. She hadn't.

The closer they got to the site, the more nervous the blonde grew. Just as their goal came into view, Gabrielle came to a halt. "Maybe you and I should look around the area while Fox goes over the scene, Dana?" The Amazon tested, sweeping her eyes across the landscape.

The red-head pursed her lips. "I understand... but you don't have to protect me from a few dead bodies." Dana assured her companions. "I'm not a child."

"I doubt it will sit easy on a full stomach." Gabrielle warned. "Xena can be messy when she's fighting."

"I've had time to digest." Dana resumed their march towards the distant farm. It wasn't until she got close enough for the intense smell to reach her that the Irish woman's steps slowed down.

When the fly-infested display became discernible Fox caught at her arm, halting her. "Dana, I want you to stay back here, please, as a favour to me." He caught her gaze with his. "Please." He repeated, wanting to give her a graceful way out of approaching the carnage.

For a moment it appeared as if Dana would continue to protest, then she nodded. "All right. If it means that much to you."

"Thank you." Mulder stepped around his fiancee, heading for the wagon wheels. His head was bent to one side and his eyes darted, taking in the wealth of information the scene had to offer.

Gabrielle hesitated at Dana's side. They watched Mulder begin his investigation in silence for a moment before the storyteller asked. "Are you okay? Or are we coddling you too much?"

"It's all right. I'm fine here." Still, the redhead ventured just a bit closer, unable to completely believe what her eyes were suggesting. "If you're alright why don't you go help Fox sort out what happened."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm fine." Dana repeated. "Go ahead."

Gabrielle sighed and headed in to the heart of destruction. She noted the burned out house first. The fact that the ground was stained rusty red-brown hit her next. The bard came to stop at Mulder's side. One hand lifted to shield her mouth and nose.

He didn't even acknowledge her arrival visually. Every scrap of attention he possessed was devoted to the dead man before him. "God-damn, Gabrielle, these are so fucking impressive." Fox murmured as he rose from a crouch beside the nearest suspended body.

The bard, appalled at the spectacle before her, barely flinched at the sudden shift in Mulder's speech patterns.

"Your Princesa is an artist." Fox carefully peeled back a bit of crusty blue uniform. His concentration fixed on the body before him. "Can you see this? Look at the precision behind her slices." He wished he could convey his admiration straight to Xena, but her companion had to be the next best thing. "No hesitation cuts." Fox couldn't help but compare the work to some of the tortures he had seen performed back in Canada. Eyota was an expert at extracting information from reluctant captives but the approach here was completely different. This was done with the objective of panicking other French soldiers, a hardened lot at the best of times. Diverted by his fascination Fox never even realised that Gabrielle was shaking her head in shock. He walked a circle around the wagon wheel. "The presentation wasn't done until after death... but they didn't go quietly. You can see... most of their blood closer to the barn." The soldiers' backs and heels were smeared with bloody soil. A trail marked where the bodies had been dragged through the foul dirt.

"Gods! What has she done?" Gabrielle whispered.

"Not a musket ball anywhere." He continued. "The strength behind these slices is incredible. It looks like she cut through his ribcage on a downstroke... that's why this one's innards are scattered over there." Fox gestured absently.

Gabrielle looked from one corpse to the other with an expression of complete horror twisting her pretty features out of shape. "She's... this is too much." Her voice was an almost breathless whisper. She and Xena used to hunt down warlords who used these kind of tactics in order to bring them to justice. To be confronted with the sight of her lover employing those very same methods was staggering.

"There's more." Mulder announced with a fierce grin, still overlooking his friend's distress. "Turn around and check out the barn door." He left the two wheels, with their grisly burdens, to stride across the wide yard. "The birds have started at this one as well as the flies." Fox observed, lifting his arm to muffle the assault on his nose and to keep from inhaling a part of the swarm. Still he bent forward to examine the suspended Sergeant. "When your Princesa sets up a scarecrow she goes all out." His voice was muffled by his sleeve.

Gabrielle wrapped her arms around herself. A distressed squeak escaped as she looked from one gruesome spectacle to the other. "This one died here." Fox pointed. "You can see he wiggled a bit on the bayonet, just a little." He knelt, investigating the dead man's amputations.

Gabrielle closed her eyes but that only super-imposed shadows of similar deaths on top of this one... other bodies pinned and rotting away. This mode of killing suggested that Xena's descent into darkness was spiralling faster than she had feared. A part of her heart was already whispering 'too late'. Xena had lost it.

Dana's touch on her shoulder was a shock. Gabrielle hadn't realised the other woman had joined them in the yard. Dana shifted, wrapping her arm around the blonde and leaning.

"I'm here, me darlin'. It's going to be all right." The delicately accented voice was a comfort.

"I'm sorry you have to see this." Gabrielle mumbled.

"I wish I could say I've seen worse." Dana's expression was pinched.

"I have." Mulder stood up. "But not by much." His own work had never approached this level of artistry. Usually time constraints or his own inhibitions halted the process before he could use every trick he'd been taught. Fox left the women so he could look over the trampled ground for more clues.

"You didn't expect this?" Dana had to turn away from the corpse. "Her behaviour surprises you?"

"I knew that Xena was upset... that she had lost perspective, but this kind of... savagery... on the dead... . " The bard's golden hair shook back and forth.

"It was a heat of the moment thing. I'm sure she had her reasons."

"Yes, I know." Gabrielle admitted. "I'm positive she had rational justification for killing these men. She was saving lives." Emerald eyes swept the area. "But can you honestly think of any circumstances that would provoke you to do anything like this to someone?"

"No, I can't." Dana admitted. "But I'm not that kind of a person. Look at Fox. He doesn't seem to be bothered by Xena's... burst of creativity. In fact he looks fascinated."

They stood together in silence for a while, both of them trying not to stare at the nearby tableaux. Finally Gabrielle pulled out of the loose embrace. Her head still shaking in mute denial. "There's been a lot of traffic in and out of this place." Fox finished his inspection. "A couple of horses... but not together, some donkeys and a whole lot of people." He listed. "I've pinpointed which ones are your Princesa's tracks in some spots but they've been trampled out by a large group almost everywhere. I'm fairly sure she took one horse up that incline." Mulder pointed to the ridge that seemed to parallel the narrow country road. "The large group seems to have come from and returned the same way... down there."

"More soldiers?" Dana asked.

"That would be the sensible conclusion." He frowned down at the bloody dirt, gradually shifting his gaze up the road. "They've been gone a while. It should be safe to follow them without risking an encounter."

"Shouldn't we be chasing Xena?" The Irish woman questioned.

"I'll bet she's shadowing the soldiers from above." Fox reasoned. "She'll be stalking them." His gaze traced the line of the ridge. "If we track these soldiers we'll probably find Xena's path crossing theirs as soon as the rise fades down to level. It's what I'd do in her place. Does that sound about right, Gabrielle? You know your friend."

"Yeah, sure." The blonde agreed in a distracted voice. Furrows marked her brow.

"Great." He took in another encompassing look. "Let's go then."

"Shouldn't we take these men down and bury them?" Dana turned a pity filled gaze on the suspended bodies.

"If their own people couldn't be bothered, why should we?" Fox forestalled Gabrielle's possible agreement with an immediate refusal. "I'm sure they earned this fate. Besides, we haven't got the time to spare. Evening is rushing in on us. I need a certain amount of light to track and I'm afraid it's going to be a dark night." His fingers flicked toward the sky. "Lots of cloud cover."

Gabrielle nodded. "He's right Dana." Her voice was hollow. "We don't really have the time to spare or the equipment. No shovels." She turned away. "Let's see where everyone was heading in such a hurry, Fox."

The pair of them started down the rutted track. With a wince of regret Dana followed along. They travelled in absolute silence. Gabrielle seemed to be struggling with some internal dilemma. Fox's eyes were never still, watching before, behind, and to either side of them. He shifted his hands absently over the rifle he held ready. Both their moods pressed at Dana, keeping her uncomfortably quiet. Her relief almost made her giddy when, after what felt like forever, the road widened indicating another farm. The trio separated.

"Stay where I can see you Dana." Fox cautioned, heading into the farmyard. Once again the only noise was the heavy thrum of scores of flies.

Gabrielle surged forward. The hard knot in her stomach twisted into yet another bend. Once could be dismissed as anger run amok but if Xena had repeated the atrocities after riding between farms... The bard bit down on her bottom lip and walked into the centre of the destruction.

"Two large graves... both of them are freshly made. One is marked with a pair of French names. The other is anonymous." Fox observed loudly from far off to the left.

Gabrielle took another step closer, noticing smudged writing on the side of a shed. Someone had gone to the trouble of eradicating part of the charcoal scribbling, the first two words of it anyway. The rest of it was a bit smeared but legible. Gabrielle didn't have too much trouble deciphering the threatening French words. The message made it plain that Xena was planning to hunt down and kill the soldiers like rabid dogs.

"What is it?" Dana's whisper was right at the blonde's ear, surprising her yet again.

"A declaration of war." Gabrielle looked away.

Mulder joined the women as soon as he finished poking about near the dirt piles. "They were caught by surprise." Fox decided from his examination of the evidence. "Not much of a fight. She took them down pretty quickly... over there... near the grave." He clarified, his eyes swept the fence noting some odd smears of blood. "It looks like she... " Fox paused, glancing to the ground then back up again. "I'd guess she had a pair of heads or some body part mounted on these pickets at one point. Look at the way the blood has trickled down the paint all the way around.

Gabrielle flinched.

"It's too bad the French took the time to clean up here or it would be as impressive as the last farm, I expect." Mulder finally paused to read the writing on the shed. He stared up at the note, eyes narrowed. "Her strategy is classic."

The admiration in Fox's voice made Gabrielle's stomach pinch yet again. "This wasn't done in defence of anyone. This is... "

"This is war, Gabrielle. There are no good choices here... only lesser degrees of evil. You may disapprove, but these are valid tactics in the face of a superior force." Fox stated in a perfectly serious voice.

"Gods!" Her green eyes went painfully wide at his devestating choice of words. She backed away from him with an expression of disgust, clamping down on the response that automatically leap to her lips. "Just... don't talk to me right now." Gabrielle turned her back on the Canadian and paced to the edge of the farmyard.

Dana frowned. "Civilised people don't fight like this. Even war has rules, Fox." She announced firmly. "A code of conduct applies."

"Maybe in nice orderly battles where Generals sit astride their horses and supervise... " He countered. "But on the edge of the conflict where it's just me and one or two others... " Fox stared her down. "Winning and surviving matter more than some text-book set of ideals and conduct. This... " He pointed to the stained fencing. "... may be messy but if even one soldier deserted in fear then it was worth the Princesa's effort. She's fighting a column of twenty-odd men, alone. I can't help but admire her rather ruthless practicality."

Dana stared at Fox. "I don't understand." She admitted. "What's the message say? What is Xena trying to do?"

Mulder's mouth crooked into a slight smile. "The message is from La Princesa Guerrera, basically it says that these farmers didn't deserve their fate and calls the men who did it butchers. She's holding the officers responsible and warning the soldiers that they had better not get in her way." Fox summarised. "Her tactics are classic." He reiterated his admiration yet again. "She's trying to get the men to desert or even turn on their officers. That way she has better odds. The bodies are warnings too. The Princesa attempts to provoke the same response... as well as to fluster the French so they aren't thinking clearly."

Dana's upper lip curled. "And why did they bury their losses here... but not at the other farm? Has Xena disturbed them that much?"

"She must have panicked them into rushing back here, possibly to collect whoever all this blood belongs to. So in a matter of hours she's already whittled at least five men off. This is the kind of thing I had to do back home a few times but I usually had a bit of help. Her efficiency is... " He trailed off, finally realising that Dana didn't share his enthusiasm. "What?" Fox questioned the expression of annoyance she aimed at him.

"You honestly don't even realise what you're doing." The small woman decided. "You're actually excited by all this." Her tone was amazed. "Fox, look at what you've done to Gabrielle. Think about what you've been saying."

He hesitated, then did as Dana instructed, only to see the blonde still ignoring him. The bard's shoulders trembled and her head was bowed. "But, Gabrielle is as much a warrior as I am. She's travelled with the Princesa. She must have seen the woman in action before this."

Dana shook her dusty red hair. "You don't understand. What we saw at the other farm... what appears to have happened here... Gabrielle cares deeply for Xena, more deeply than you realise and all this... " She waved her hand over the stained earth. "It's a sign of someone who's loosing their grasp on civilisation. Gabrielle is worried about her friend." Dana gazed over at the still woman.

"In other words... " Fox's voice had lost it's edge of excitement and fallen into a dull monotone. "It would take a pretty sick mind to commit... or appreciate what the Princesa has done. Is that what you mean?"

"I know what you meant. You meant that I obviously lack any awareness for the gentler set of human emotions. Don't be embarrassed to say it aloud. You certainly won't be the first to tell me such and I doubt you'll be the last." The words came out in a flood, allowing her no space to interrupt. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd best find the trail before we loose daylight for I doubt either of you 'ladies' wish to spend the night near the scene of the Princesa's corruption." Fox spun on his heel and walked away.

Dana pressed her hands into her tired eyes to beat back the headache currently threatening. Her feet took a few random steps while she decided what to do next. Just as she decided to try her luck talking to Gabrielle a splash of burgundy amid some broken crockery caught her eye. Dana picked up the small volume and flipped it open to confirm what she suspected. "Fox!" Her shout was strong enough to turn Gabrielle around and bring Mulder running back. At his questioning glare Dana held out the burgundy covered book. "It's my diary. I found it on the ground."

"Bloody hell." Fox hissed. "Then he's already hooked up with the French. We're going." He stated. "Now! We've got no time to piss around here."

Gabrielle's chin raised. "I agree." The bard didn't even bother attempting to wipe away the marks that her tears had made. "Find her for me Fox. I want to catch up with her... tonight."

"But Alex is with the French!" He protested in unthinking rage. "Besides it's a damned sight easier to trail a column of twenty than to locate the steps of a single partisan... even if they do cross paths at some point down the road." He reminded the blonde in a slightly more controlled tone.

"Then it's a good thing that you're the best." Gabrielle challenged. "Start with one, find the other. She needs me... she's teetering on the edge. I got you this far Fox. You owe me. Find Xena." The Amazon queen ordered in her most regal tone.

They could see his throat working to hold back a responding bellow.

Mulder finally responded to her cool authority after a few jaw clenches and toe scuffs. "As long as the light holds." He walked off, eyes to the ground. His mumble was almost lost to the distance he put between them. "Come on. They went this way."


XENA: "I've got that answer to your question. Are you who you are..or are you who I made you. Nobody made you who you are, it was already there. The question is, who would I be without you?"

It didn't surprise Etienne that as soon as his tent was pitched the Colonel excused himself and crawled inside. The younger man's yawns had been almost continuous since they had stopped to make camp. It was altogether too early in the evening for the Major to turn in however. Navarre stalled, growing more apprehensive about entering the enclosed space as the time passed. Considering the subtle encouragement that the Englishman had been sending Etienne's way over the course of the day there was little doubt in the Major's mind that Alexander would welcome a sexual encounter with his captor. There was no use denying it to himself. Etienne was attracted to the younger man, but so many dangers were inherent into giving in to that desire. An impropriety with another man was the cause of most of the problems that plagued Navarre's life and career right now. That the Colonel was an English prisoner would magnify the harm the situation could do to Etienne's already shaky standing with his superiors in the army. The Major prowled about the camp. He checked the pickets himself, cautioned the men to vigilance and was pleased to discover that Sergeant Bascar had come up with a few line traps to aid perimeter security. Right about now Navarre couldn't help but wish for another dozen men.

The camp should have been fairly still. Every off duty man should have either settled onto his bedroll or be eating quietly. The movement near his tent that caught Navarre's eye was completely unexpected. Etienne crept up cautiously and peered inside. He wasn't sure which surprised him more... that someone was attempting to harm their prisoner, or that the someone was Sergeant Moncrieff.

"I know what you're thinking, Brit." Moncrieff had the Colonel by the front of his shirt and was shaking him hard enough to rattle the younger man's teeth. "You think your ally is going to pull you out of this no worse for wear by picking us off one at a time." Moncrieff landed a hard backhand. "Are you leaving a trail for her, boy? Those last two were fine men. If they died because of you... "

Still disoriented from being dragged out of exhausted sleep and dreams of Malais' death, Aleksandr's defense wasn't up to the challenge. He had rolled up all but one of his knives in his green jacket for fear of Navarre coming across them later in the night. His responses were just a little too slow. An attempt to dig into his attacker's eyes was effortlessly batted away. The shaking got worse and Alek felt his shirt tear away. Moncrieff was just shifting his grip to a hank of heavy hair when they were interrupted.

"Sergeant Moncrieff. Unhand the prisoner at once." Etienne ordered.

"You've not seen the looks he's been aiming at your back all day." Alek's assailant protested. "He's in on it with the Princesa, Sir. He must have led her to us."

"Sergeant Malais' behaviour was what drew the Princesa's attention, Sergeant. Colonel Alexander has nothing to do with it... and he gave his parole." Navarre caught at his burly man's arm. "Let him go and step outside immediately."

"Sir, yes Sir." Still, Moncrieff couldn't resist one last shot. He attempted to crack the Englishman's head, throwing him to the ground with every bit of strength he possessed.

Aleksandr rolled with the toss, sparing himself worse damage. He was well practised in taking a fall. {Filthy, God-damned bastard. Don't you touch me again or I'll fucking slit your throat!} He spat out the threat in English, not wanting to completely destroy his credibility with Navarre. The tone was more important than the words.

"Traitorous English whelp!" Moncrieff snarled back.

"ENOUGH!" The Major shoved his subordinate outside. "See to your duties, Moncrieff. I'll deal with your conduct soon enough." Navarre turned back to his prisoner. "How badly did he hurt you, Colonel?"

"I've had worse." Alek admitted in a rather off-hand manner. He shoved his suspenders off his shoulders and pulled off his nearly ruined shirt with a put-upon sigh. The sleeve was put to use, blotting at the blood that ran down the side of his mouth. "I don't have a spare." The spy complained.

"You can use one of mine. Moncrieff will repair and wash your's tomorrow. My pack is in the corner, help yourself." Navarre offered.

"Thank you." Aleksandr ran his tongue over his teeth as he turned and squatted beside the Major's gear. No loose teeth, luckily enough. Moncrieff was a good-sized oaf but his blows were no match for some Alek had taken from Malais. The spy bent slightly to open the pack in front of him, well aware that Navarre was watching closely and that the fabric of his trousers would tighten over his ass.

A brief bit of moonlight was currently illuminating the inside of the tent and Etienne used the glow to run an appreciative glance at the view the Colonel was offering him, but what really caught his eye was the younger man's right shoulder blade. Navarre frowned at the two letters he could see shaped into the pale flesh and made a leap of reasoning. The Major recalled one of the nastier stories he had overheard amid the Sergeant's constant bragging, one about marking his property with his initals to proclaim ownership. Aleksandr had extracted a clean shirt from the Major's belongings but made no move to put it on. "You saved me... again. Every few hours seem to drag me deeper into your debt." The Russian smiled up at the other man. One hand lifted to slowly scrape his long bangs back out of his eyes. "Thank you, Etienne." He said softly. "You're a fine man."

"Not so good as I could be." Navarre tried to decide how to approach the puzzle that had been presented to him. "Else I wouldn't have had the likes of Sergeant Malais in my company." He tested, watching the younger man's face carefully for clues.

"But the Princesa has removed that problem."

"A good man would have tended to Malais himself." Navarre knelt down, shrugging his shoulders. "Unfortunately he was thrust upon me by someone I didn't dare to refuse. I should warn you... " He sat. "The man who controlled Sergeant Malais is the same man who will eventually question you. Major Ducos." There it was, Etienne saw the evidence of a cringe although it was carefully controlled.

"The name means nothing to me." Aleksandr lied. He shifted closer, hoping to end this uncomfortable conversation by distracting the Major with his physical proximity.

"It should." Navarre backed up. "It's important you realise what you're up against, Alex. He's an underhanded, snake of a man with no honour and little respect for the rules. He's going to be the one interrogating you."

Aleksandr's bottom lip protruded. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Ducos... " The Major hesitated. "Ducos is responsible for the ruin of my career. He's blocked every possiblity of promotion that's come my way so that he can continue to enlist me in his black schemes." Etienne rubbed his forehead. "I got involved in a less than acceptable situation with another man some time back... I promoted him inappropriately, taking my affection into greater account than his skills. That man turned out to be less than ethical. He told Ducos... gave over some embarrassing details in exchange for forwarding his own career."

"Perhaps you overestimate the damage it would do if people knew of your preferences." The spy suggested.

"It would kill my parents." Navarre stated flatly. "Perhaps everything else could be endured. This is a war. I'm a good soldier. It wouldn't help my position but I might not be ruined, still... my mother and father would be destroyed if they ever found out that their chance of becoming grandparents was slim to naught... that I... " His head shook. "Ducos threatens them whenever I attempt to refuse any of his requests... not just their lack of knowledge about my tastes... but their very lives. I'm their only child and Father isn't as young as he used to be. There is no one at home to protect them if Ducos turned his malice in their direction."

That was a situation Aleksandr could sympathise with. "You can trust that this... Ducos person... will get nothing out of me, Etienne." He closed the distance separating them. Between Alek's need to settle the Major down and his honest attraction seducing the man was the only path he wished to consider. The signals that Navarre had been giving off all day had convinced Alek that the desire was mutual. The confession just now had proved Etienne was no innocent in regards to sex between two men. The Russian lifted his hand to skim his fingers across the swell of the older man's chest.

"Don't." Etienne caught at the other's wrist. "The men might hear." His muted protest sounded token even to his own ears. Still, he didn't dare indulge, not knowing who Krycek really was.

"I can be quiet. No one will ever know. Your men won't realise." Alek promised. As if the men cared whether their commander fucked about with the prisoner. Aleksandr had noticed two of those same soldiers sizing him up for the blankets over the course of the day. He dropped his hand to cup Etienne's cloth covered erection. "I know you want me." The spy stated plainly.

{S'il vous plait, Etienne.} Alek persisted, rubbing himself against his target. "I want you so much."

Navarre decided. There was no way he could flat out refuse such a temptation. He needed to know if the spy could be turned. "Not like this, Alex." He caught at the younger man and eased them down until they lay alongside one another. "I've been wanting to do THIS all day." Etienne stole one kiss after another, each one a little longer and more searching than the one before it. His fingers petted, attempting to settle the younger man, as well as enjoying the luxurious contact.

Aleksandr relaxed into the sensual assault after a brief startle of surprise. Simple kissing was a rare treat. The men he usually seduced seldom cared for Alek's enjoyment of the act, preferring the spy to see to their pleasure first. Fox's life had been spared partially because the Canadian had paid attention to Aleksandr's needs as well as his own. To find another lover so soon who seemed to care was a pleasant shock. Lost in the delightful stimulation of the moment, the Russian didn't pay any mind as eager hands began sliding up his bare spine. It wasn't until one fingertip brushed back and forth across the pattern of scars on his right shoulder blade that Aleksandr realised a possible danger. He tried to casually shift away from the touch but Etienne's arms tightened, holding him still.

"What is this?" Navarre ran his finger over the damaged skin, tracing out the letters. He needed to get the younger man talking.

Alek laughed. "A youthful indiscretion... attempting to impress a girl named Felisa Margell, rather unsuccessfully I must add." That was the lie he customarily told about the initials carved into him.

Etienne forced the other's hand. "You're Malais' spy." He said calmly. Navarre's grip tightened, although he was careful not to hurt. Strangely enough Alex didn't struggle against the restraint. "Aren't you?"

"Etienne." Aleksandr rocked his hips. "Do you really care one way or the other right now?" He murmured against the Major's ear. His mouth brushed warm skin. Most of his knives were out of reach but he wasn't unarmed. It was just a matter of staying calm and keeping the older man docile until the right moment.

"You work for Ducos. Your name is Krycek." Etienne announced in a level tone.

"Alex." He reiterated. "My name really is Alex." Close to it anyway. "Let go of my arms, Etienne. I wasn't lying about this, about what I want from you. I want to touch you. Please. I won't tell Ducos. I won't tell anyone. I swear." His tongue flicked out, tasting sweat and dust.

"What kind of man are you?" Navarre sucked in a deep breath and his grip eased slightly. "I can't trust you. You didn't even flinch when we found Malais. You weren't going to tell me." Etienne needed reasons. He needed to know exactly where the other stood.

"Christ. That's not important right now." Aleksandr complained from deep in his throat. "Are you made of stone?" He writhed, nipping at the other's jaw.

"Part of me feels like it, right now." Etienne admitted, almost laughing. Damn but the spy was an intoxicating handful. "What the hell are you up to? I need the truth from you, Alex." His expression grew more serious.

"The truth... the truth... there is no truth. It just doesn't matter. This matters. This is all that ever matters." Alek squirmed seductively and the chain of the heavy silver cross he wore around his neck jingled .

Etienne released one of his captive's arms and caught at the necklace, using it like a leash to pull Alex tight against him. "Talk to me, damn it!"

"Calm down." The Russian gently extracted the ornament from Navarre's fingers. "I'm not going anywhere. I can explain everything." He assured the other, pulling the cross over to one side as he dropped his mouth requesting another kiss.

Etienne cursed himself for an idiot but that didn't stop him from taking pleasure in the soft lips that Alex offered.

A tiny slide of the Russian's thumb released the catch holding the cross together and the tiny razor-like blade slid free. Just one more death. Aleksandr promised. This is the last one, Mama. I know what I said earlier, but...

"Alex... I wish I could trust you." Navarre began, his hands seemed to have developed a mind of their own, forgeting that he was supposed to be holding the younger man still. His fingers ran reverently across warm skin. "I can't believe how beautiful you are... you're almost pretty. I thought that as soon as I saw you this morning. So gorgeous. How could you bear to let Malais touch you? How can you work for those animals?"

"Hush." The Russian pressed the knife against the older man's throat, prepared to slice as soon as Navarre drew breath in to shout for help. Instead the Major went completely still underneath him.

"You don't have to do that, Alex." Etienne realised instantly what the stinging sensation at his throat was. "You're the problem." The Russian accused. "Be quiet."

"I suspect if I was your only problem I'd already be dead. Please, Alec. Why?" Etienne continued to use the smoother sounding name since he felt an obvious reaction in the tense body holding him down at each vocalisation. "I thought you meant to gather more blackmail material. Ducos can't blackmail a dead man."

"I really am tired." Aleksandr finally divulged. "I told you that before."

"And lost." Navarre reminded him of his earlier words. "On my honour, Alec, I'm not about to call out. Look at the position we're in, for God's sake. Take the knife away and tell me what's really going on." He requested. Inspiration hit like a lightening strike. "Pazhaluysta." Navarre had picked up only a few bits and pieces of other languages over the years but that single Russian word for 'please' boded to save his life.

The spy drew back as if burned.

"Alec, talk to me." Etienne coaxed.

"Aleksandr." The whisper was painfully faint. He wasn't really certain what possessed him to give away the name he was born to. "Aleksandr Viktorvich Krycek." His Russian accent emerged as he spoke that name for the first time in years.

"Aleksandr Viktorvich Krycek." Etienne repeated carefully, a bit louder. "A fine old name."

Gods, but it was seductive to hear his formal name aloud. No one but his brother and sister had pronounced even part of it properly in years. Not that he had gone about offering the name up. "Is Ducos your problem?" Navarre tested, refusing to let the silence remind the spy of his task. "Come on Aleksandr. Give me a clue."

"I'm so fucking tired of this shit. I want out." Alek declared.

"I understand." Etienne soothed. "I told you. I've trouble with the son of a bitch as well."

"Don't patronise me, Major. No one UNDERSTANDS. Not one living soul UNDERSTANDS." Alek contradicted. His voice was quiet, yet forceful. "He's got little of real value to hold over your head. Ducos demands trifles from you... concessions that barely upset your perfect little life."

"So tell me about it, Aleksandr. I'm not doing much at the moment... and you could always kill me afterwards."

That earned a hissing exhale from the spy that might have been a choked off laugh.

"Tell me what happened to drag YOU into this." Navarre repeated the request.

Why the hell not? Alek sighed. "I had a big family... four sisters and a brother, Mama and Papa... lots of friends. We were members of the nobility." He explained in a hushed tone. "Then Malais and his men came." He shivered. "Malais... the man was a devil. I saw him in action. They came... " His voice caught. "Instead of burning everything and running away as we were told to do... Papa made the foolish mistake of thinking he could bargain with Sergeant Malais and his lot. He died fast, riddled with musket balls." Almost unseen in the darkness, Aleksandr rocked slightly. He had never actually recited the story aloud before. It surprised him, not so much that it hurt, he had expected that. What amazed him was that a certain amount of relief also came from telling of the tale aloud. "Mother and three of my sisters were raped... then murdered within sight of each other. Malais smashed Zhenya's head open. He cracked it against the floor while he was still inside her. Pavel, he was my... friend. He saw it all. He told me afterwards." A heavy, shaking breath interrupted the monologue. "Some of the servants were sliced open and hung up while the men laid bets on how long it would take for them to die. Pavel... He shouldn't have spoken to me, not where Malais could see him."

Etienne winced, suspecting there was even more to the tale that the young man couldn't bring himself to expound on.

"I tried to protect Tati and Dima. I tried to take them and run but we got caught near the stables. The three of us were all that... " Alek's head shook. "Malais beat me to a bloody mess to get me to tell him where our valuables were hidden. I held off for as long as I could, but then when he grabbed Tati I caved. I told him the location of every single thing of value on the estate. She was only ten, just a baby."

Navarre's upper lip curled. Threatening children was a tactic for cowards.

"He turned us into pets... slaves. I tried to spare the kids, to save them from the worst of Malais'... amusements. Afterwards I watched him rape and pillage his way across my homeland." Alek's brows were together, forming a small crease. "I've seen the things nightmares are made of, Major." He faltered. "Malais committed them in the beginning, now I do."

Etienne frowned. The description of Malais' activities was certainly in line with the evidence he had come across over the last little while. Still, the last few words Aleksandr had uttered were the ones that disturbed him the most. "So why do you continue? Why continue to take Ducos' orders?"

The Russian's tone was overlain with a complex pattern of emotions. "I still have Tatyana and Dimitri. They're all I have left in the world. Absolutely nothing matters more than their safety." The anger threatened again at mention of his siblings but he kept it forced down. "I've been working for Malais... for Ducos... so he would keep them in safety."

"Now Malais is dead." Etienne prompted.

"And for all Ducos knows... so am I. Malais was the one who actually held my leash. Ducos may give me another fortnight before he decides I'm a lost cause... maybe less once he receives news of Malais' death." The Russian's back twisted slightly, attempting to prevent a cramp. "I have to get to Paris before he sends someone to deal with Tati and Dima."

"You say you've done all this for your brother and sister." The Major said. "You must care very deeply for them, Aleksandr." Navarre wasn't prepared for the reaction to his words. The spy lunged without warning, flattening Etienne with his full body weight and that wicked little blade threatened his jugular once more.

"Don't." Alek warned. "Don't you dare underrate what I feel with some frivolous, incidental platitude. I have spent the last six years crawling through shit deep enough to drown the likes of you just to keep them safe and clean." He hissed. "I have to get them out. I can't continue to let their fates ride on the possibility of me surviving more of these missions."

"Aleksandr." Etienne pacified. "I can help you. Honestly. I've no respect for Ducos or his methods. The man is a viper. I told you what he's done to me. He ruined my career. He's threatened my parents. He treats me like some sort of servant. We have a mutual enemy, Aleksandr." He bargained. "You say your brother and sister are in Paris. I have connections there. I know people who would take them in... good people."

"That's not enough." Alek's head shook. "I have to get them far away from Paris, away to somewhere safe."

"Back to Russia?"

That provoked a curt snort of amusement. "If the Czar ever got his hands on a living member of my family... after what I've done there." His voice was gritty with strain. "You really have no idea, do you Major? There are more people who want my head on a platter than there are beggars in France."

"It seems you've set yourself quite the task then... to find somewhere secure and inviting for your siblings." Etienne smiled, not sure if the younger man would see the gesture, but wanting to make it regardless. "I'm thinking a quiet, prosperous winery in Bordeaux might be just the thing." The body stretched out across him went so still it was frightening. Etienne couldn't even feel the other breathing. "Aleksandr?"

"Why would you?" He asked suspiciously. "I want to believe but... once this knife is away from your throat, why would you bother?" Alek demanded in a cracked whisper.

"I've several reasons actually." Etienne began. "Malais was a monster. Ducos is no better. I can only guess at the extent of the damage they have inflicted on you."

One of the Russian's shoulders lifted in an aborted shrug. "Why should you care?"

"I care about my own parents... and the estate they're holding. You say you've done horrible things to protect your brother and sister. Would you consider expanding your protection to include my family? Would you turn your talents to keeping my parents secure from threats of damage, physical harm as well as... more intangible dangers? I need you to make sure that no disturbing... revelations... intrude on their lives."

"You want to hire me as a watchdog." Aleksandr clarified. "I can do that." He decided with a considering frown. "Easily." Alek qualified. "But what does this earn for Tati, Dima and I?"

"A safe haven until the war ends and I can come home myself. Perhaps more if my parents take a fancy to your brother. Perhaps a job for your brother and less... lethal... training for you. What do you intend to do with the rest of your life, Aleksandr?"

The Russsian hovered, considering all he had learned over the last day. The Major seemed to be an honourable man and the offer was a bargain. "I'd make a lousy vintner." He announced. "But the rest of it sounds good. It's a deal." At least it was a deal until something better came along, or Etienne proved himself untrustworthy. The Lord knew he could use help slipping Tati and Dima out of Paris.

Navarre dared to touch, reaching to smooth his palm down Alek's ribcage. "And this?" When no objection was made to the contact Etienne rose slightly and brush his mouth across the other's soft black hair. "I want you... to trust me. I want to trust you. This could work out for both of us."

Aleksandr relaxed. His body was one of the least valuable things he was willing and able to sell. If the Major wanted sex to seal the deal he was welcome to it. "And your parents?" A faint click signalled the sheathing of his hidden blade. "How will they take to your sending three Russian refugees their way?"

"I will write and tell them of it as soon as I return to base. If you don't object, I will tell them your sister is my fiancee and the pair of you... as her brothers are there to see to her comfort and safety until the war is over and things between us can be made legal."

"My SISTER is not... and will never... be a bargaining chip." Aleksandr tensed once more.

Etienne nodded. "I know. I understand." He acknowledged. "It's just something to tell my parents. It will secure your welcome and help alleviate any suspicions that might have arised about my preferences. I won't lay a hand on her. I swear it, Aleksandr." Navarre continued to carress the younger man. "It's not your sister I'm interested in."

"You'd best mean that, Etienne." Alek warned. "Anything you want from me... you can have, but touch Tatyana and I'll turn you into a eunuch, then I'll kill you."

"Nice pillow talk." Navarre shivered as the spy slid up his body to their faces were even once more. His arousal, which had eased off during their confrontation slammed back with a vengeance. Etienne gulped a few breaths of air. "I will give you the names of some people who can help you get your brother and sister out of Paris. I assume you can see them safely to Bordeaux if I provide some funds for transportation." Speech was beginning to fail him. Navarre felt soft lips trace a path from his ear, down his jaw, and a damp tongue lapped at the fading sting from the spy's threats. "When Father gets my letter... that I'm engaged... that you're bringing a bride home for me... my parents will fall all over themselves to make you welcome... Oh god, Alek!" Etienne squirmed as his clothing was efficiently unfastened, trying hard not to think of how the other's skill had been perfected. "You just keep my parents safe... and when I get home... maybe we'll re-negotiate the deal... if you're willing. Maybe you'll want to stay. We might be able to work something out." The opportunity to actually marry the girl for show while keeping the brother for a lover would make for an ideal situation, Etienne thought, but now wasn't the time to press his luck with the volatile young man.

"Why would you want to to keep us there?" Aleksandr asked, pushing Navarre's clothes away to expose more skin. "Why? Because I can do this?"

Etienne bit his own lip to keep a shout from escaping.

"Or this?" the Russian's mouth teased. "Or is it because... " His tone thickened. "I'll do things... let you do things to me that would make a dockside whore blush?"

{Fils de pute, Alek!} Etienne growled. "It could be about more than sex." He touched a gentle finger to one high cheekbone.

{Liar.} Aleksandr accused in German, before lowering his mouth back down to fragrant skin. "But... " He switched back to French. "... you don't object to the sex, do you, Etienne? Because I intend to devour every inch of you tonight."

Navarre let out a quiet little moan. "No. No problem. You run with that plan. I like it." His voice was strained.


Note: Don't worry, this is an equal opportunity fic. A couple of ladies get a go at things in the next chapter and so does a straight couple. It's going to be a long night.

La Princesa Guerrera VIII


La Princesa Guerrera Chapter VII
By Carla Jane and Jim
November 1999
Please go and check out all the warnings if you're a sensitive reader Ownership: The characters from Xena: Warrior Princess, the X-files and Sharpe are not ours. We're making no profit. Violence, language and sexual content: It's still an R rating, for poking through the icky aftermath of a battle, potty mouth and foreplay. This story contains f/f, f/m, and m/m sexual relationships. If any of this offends you, or if you are underage, or it's illegal where you live... please, stop reading now.
Bits and pieces:
No, our Beta reader hasn't given up on us yet we must be doing something right. Thank you for your support, mouse.
Net-Authors work for feedback. Let us know what you think of our story, please. I'm really struggling with the upcoming 'everybody ends up in one place' parts where I have to juggle all the characters within a single passage and knowing what the readers like might help me/us focus. Some of these scene-stealers are overwhelming the other, less intense, players. Thanx, Carla
Contact us at jimcarla@hotmail.com

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