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Cover by The Theban Band

Sharpe's Scoundrel

Part I
A little training diversion

Richard Sharpe had never taken an easy path. No one had ever shown him such a route. Ever since he was a kid he'd had to work hard and scrap harder to earn everything from a decent toy in the Christmas charity box to the right to walk down his own street unmolested. He had learned to take what he wanted then hold tight against all comers. His basic military training confirmed his worldview, as did his uphill struggle to be accepted as a special ops candidate.

No one ever stood exactly level with another man. That was just the way things were. Every one of his instructors could be slotted into a complex command structure. It was only natural for Richard to examine every one of his co-trainees and rank them in much the same fashion. It had only taken two days of testing, pushing and careful interaction to discover that none of the young men in his class were his equal. Admittedly they were all smart, fast and dedicated but the hunger didn't burn like a shuttered flame inside any of them. Every single one had symbolically bared his throat to the fierce blonde leader and stepped back a comfortable distance. They wanted to be the best and brightest. Richard Sharpe NEEDED to be first among the best.

Genuine competition had come only under the most improbable of circumstances. It was unheard of for someone to join up a week into the complex training session. It threw off the entire system confounding the instructors and the trainees alike. That the kid could do such a thing with a smug smile and amused eyes infuriated everyone. The kid was given no catch-up instructions but they expected perfection. On the obstacle course, the artillery field and in the classrooms they circled like sharks looking for a weakness only to be met with confident perfection in all things. In the beginning the other trainees resentfully ignored the newcomer whenever possible but he seemed blissfully unconcerned at the exclusion.

It didn't take long at all for Richard Sharpe to come to the conclusion that he hated Alexander Andrews. He hated that the kid was years younger than everyone else in the sequestered band of soldiers was. He hated that Andrews' slick black hair was skirting the edge of being too long but none of the officers seemed to notice. He was absolutely furious that the newcomer was breezing through deskwork and theory while Richard had to struggle to master the blasted stuff. He couldn't even get back at the bastard during field exercises either. The kid matched every record Sharpe drove himself into achieving. Andrews assembled bombs, reassembled machine guns and ran the kilometre just as quickly as Richard.

Worst of all was the one avenue the kid outshone Richard in. Within two weeks of his arrival Andrews quickly graduated from the 'disruptive outsider' into teacher's pet and everybody's number one choice to sit with in mess hall. Richard didn't even know how to begin with that kind of social interaction. His previous manner, heavy northern accent and taciturn personality were massive barriers. Andrews, by contrast, had only the lightest lilt of an Irish accent. His soft-spoken style invited the other person to share their life's story and he displayed a self-deprecating streak that seemed to be compensating nicely for the fact that the kid was so damned good at everything.

If all that weren't enough, the bastard was gorgeous. As much as it galled Richard to admit to noticing it, Alexander Andrews was 'why aren't you on a billboard?' drop-dead beautiful. He wasn't military recruiting poster handsome so much as a pretty-boy model from a magazine that belonged under the mattress. If the regulations weren't so rigid in the corps at least half the teaching staff would have put the moves on Andrews by now. The mood inspired by those same regulations and the overwhelming sense of being under constant surveillance kept the trainees from acting on impulses concerning the newcomer as well. It wasn't like they had much free time for that sort of thing anyway.

When they were allowed personal time, like on Sundays, every one of them choose to spend it making an extra effort on their weakest areas. Considering the small base was in the middle of sheep country with nothing closer than an hour's car trip it only made sense for the stranded trainees to keep at their demanding curriculum.

Sunday usually found Richard wrestling with a pile of thick textbooks in a corner of the empty library. He got on all right with practical things like instructions on reading blueprints or geography... and history was actually kind of interesting. What refused to take root were ethics, law and things like judging acceptable versus unacceptable losses. They had such an intangible elusiveness.

Deep in contemplation of the rights of her Majesty's agents in other countries Richard didn't pay any mind to the library door opening and closing. It wasn't until someone leaned over his shoulder to peer at the book he held that Richard bothered to check who had joined him in the silent room.

"That's deadly dry reading, Sharpe." Alexander Andrews murmured right at the other man's ear. "You'd do better to find out how to avoid foreign authorities altogether." A throaty chuckle was offered like a secret. "Of course I doubt we've a textbook on that."

Richard shifted sideways to glare up at the intruder. He was not in the mood to deal with that too-perfect bastard during what little time he could call his own. "I'm busy." Sharpe kept the statement brief and blunt while he glowered up at Andrews.

"It's Sunday." Alexander's hand reached up to rub his nose leaving a smudge of wet dirt behind. "It's a beautiful day outside." He grinned. "And I just beat your time on the back field course. Cooper stood witness for me... though he's gone in for tea. Standing out there he got a bit cool." Andrew's, by contrast, was still damp with sweat. His bangs were almost dangling into his eyes.

The two young men exchanged challenging stares. Alexander's eyes glinted bright green with mischief. Richard's smouldered darkly with barely contained resentment.

"What the bloody hell do you want from me, Andrews?" His mouth was a harsh line.

"I'm ever so bored." Came the unlikely announcement. "None of this is a challenge. Not the instructors, not the work, not even... " He didn't finish the sentence but instead his head cocked to one side. "You, Richard Sharpe, appear to be the only challenge here."

Richard had a sudden urge to smack the amused smile right off the other man's face. Special ops was everything that Sharpe wanted. It was the fast track route to money, respect and control over his own destiny. "Are you insane?"

"No. Not technically." Andrews' head shook. "I'm hyped up... absolutely flush with adrenaline." He laughed at some internal jest. "I just wrenched my knee coming off the last net wall after breaking the camp record on the wretched thing and it hurts like hell. I'm practically stranded in the middle of nowhere. I miss my family. I'm bored out of my tree and I haven't gotten laid in a fortnight. That's a record for me." He expounded. "So I've been seriously hoping for a brawl to bleed off a little frustration but you're simply not obliging me no matter how much I've pissed you off during the last week."

Richard's pale brows pulled together and down above the line of his nose increasing their usual arch even more. "You're right daft. Do you realise what kind of trouble we would get into if they caught us brawling? You ain't worth it."

"I beg to differ." Alexander shifted to lean over the older man once more. He bent down, invading the blonde's personal space. "You are the most tightly strung man I've met in years." He announced out of nowhere. "Tell me Sharpe... what's the sense in being good at something if you don't get a scrap of enjoyment out of the achievement?" The younger man pursed his lips.

Richard's normal reaction to a man pulling a manoeuvre like this on him would be to give the guy a quick shove backward but for some strange reason he didn't want to push this one away. "We ain't here to have fun Andrews."

"All the more reason to invent our own amusements." His voice dropped to a gravely whisper. "So you don't want to fight with me. All right." The distance between their faces closed to a bare inch. The kid's lips were almost touching Richard's. "How would you feel about some completely mind-blowing sex on this table?" Reaching around Sharpe, Alexander tapped the solid wood below the stacked books. They were breathing in each other's air now.

Sweat, grime and attempted intimidation did not make for a combination Richard usually went for. When given a choice he normally sought out full figured, perfumed ladies to lay down on soft sheets but right now his body was making it's own decision. Suddenly a lean, athletic male body, a snub, dirt-covered nose and glittering feral green eyes seemed like a nice package indeed. "Listen Andrews..."

"Xander... or Alex. Xander I think would be better just now. I'd like to hear your accent wrap around that name." The other murmured in Richard's ear before dragging his parted mouth forward along the line of the seated man's jaw. "I like to hear you groan that name out as you come."

"Jeez Christ." Richard hissed. The kid's face was smooth from a recent shave, which was nice since he wasn't trying for a kiss so much as rubbing himself, like a cat, against Sharpe. Richard meant to voice an objection then a warm, delicious weight settled onto his lap. As Alexander straddled him the vague twitch of interest Richard had felt swelled to full on arousal. With perfect precision the cleft of the kid's ass settled right on his growing erection. "The door?" It wasn't the most intelligently phrased question he'd ever asked but Alexander seemed to understand.

"I locked it behind me." The younger man squirmed slightly. "What do you like, Richard? I know lots of remarkable tricks." One hand lifted and his fingers threaded absently back through fine blonde hair. The other traced down Sharpe's sideburn, across his right cheekbone then down his stubbled jaw.

"Don't fuss on me." The delicate caress was batted away. "I don't want any romantic crap from you. I don't even like you Andrews."

Rather than offence, the statement earned a dark smoky chuckle. "So... that's a yes to a little down and dirty fucking and a no to meeting my Mum for Sunday dinner. I can deal." Alexander slid slowly backwards and off Sharpe's lap. He then gingerly eased the older man's legs apart and settled to his knees between them. Hands kneaded hard muscles through drab fabric. Gradually his face dropped to press into Richard's crotch and he inhaled deeply with a groan of pleasure. "I love this smell."

"Get on with it." When Sharpe reached for his own zipper the younger man's mouth opened and teeth threatened the taunt material.

"Do not... " the possible bite turned into a delicate, damp mouthing. "... rush me. DICK."

"Don't." Richard grabbed a handful of slick inky hair and, using all his willpower, he tipped that face up and away from his groin. "Don't you get cute with me, Kid."

"Xander." Alexander corrected playfully despite how much his scalp had to be hurting. "Call me Xander if you want me to blow you." Fingers plucked encouragingly at the button above Richard's fly.

"Xander." Sharpe repeated after a pause. His grip eased.

"Thank you." Alexander flicked open the fastening and eased the zipper down. He didn't watch what he was doing, choosing instead to study the clean lines of his partner's face.

The effect of those too wide eyes gazing up through thick black lashes was disturbing. Richard turned his own gaze on the distant door.

"Watch me, damn it." The harsh demand came just as strong fingers peeled away the fabric of his pants and brushed Richard's cock through one whisper thin layer of cotton. "I won't be just an anonymous wet hole for you. Look at me or I'll stop." His tone lightened. "I perform so much better for an audience." Damp heat suckled through the front of Richard's underwear, soaking it.

His hips bucked involuntarily and Sharpe slouched on the hard wooden chair, sliding a bit closer to the edge to earn more contact. He dragged his eyes back to the other man's face. "Xander."

Andrews' smile widened wickedly at the acknowledgement and he very carefully scraped the edges of his teeth along the outline of Richard's cockhead.

"Shite!" Sharpe's lips pulled back into a grimace but he continued to stare down at his tormentor. "Get on with it already." The rumbled words were too eager to be the order he had intended. There was no way the intense heat pushing against his trapped erection was normal. The kid had to be running a fever or something.

"Lift." Alexander's fingers were yanking at the bundled fabric across Richard's hips. One abrupt tug pulled his trousers and underwear down as soon as the older man obliged. They were frantically shoved down to just below Richard's knees then Alexander lost interest in moving them any further. His palms skated up the outside of Richard's long legs, ran quickly across narrow hips, then pushed up under the older man's shirt.

Richard flinched when one of his vast assortment of bruises was touched but he didn't protest. It was heady, the way the kid's fingertips seemed to be almost worshipping the skin they traced across. Besides which, Andrews' greedy mouth wasn't far behind his hands. Richard groaned as his newly freed cock was bypassed completely. "What the fuck are you doing, Andrews?" Sharpe demanded impatiently.

"I'll get you off, Handsome. Don't worry." Alexander hovered, not quite sitting across Sharpe's bared upper legs.

"We're in the bloody library." Richard reminded the kid as fingers now began unbuttoning his shirtfront. "We don't have time for a big production."

"This isn't a big production." Alexander finished with the buttons. His hands brushed over Sharpe's shoulders pushing it off and half way down his back. "If you're still interested when we graduate from this cakewalk." He nipped at Richard's jaw. "I'll take you to a hotel I know of in London with beds the size of football fields." His body was lowering again, at last. "I could happily spend two hours licking chocolate sauce from every crease of your body." Alex silenced as his lips finally touched Richard's straining erection.

Sharpe had to struggle slightly against his sleeves in order to curve one hand around the back of the kid's skull. It wasn't until the first flush of sensory pleasure faded that he realised that Alexander was barely making contact. The kid's tongue was painting him with tiny kitten swipes. "Will you quit fucking around." Sharpe pressed for more and felt the threat of teeth once again. It was excruciating how slowly Xander progressed. First the tongue-lashing increased in breadth and eagerness... then when Richard was ready to scream in frustration the kid's mouth closed over the leaking head. Sharpe's hips jerked fitfully forward but Alexander's weight held him from achieving much movement. The slide in was tormenting but eventually, much to Richard's surprise, Alex took him all the way down into his throat. Sharpe bit down on his bottom lip to keep the wrenching moans the action caused from growing too loud. Didn't it just figure that the bastard was too good to be true at this as well? Just a few long glides into that clinging heat had him right on the edge. Arctic cold stopped the orgasm tickling at the base of his balls.

The kid had the nerve to sit back on his heels and smirk up at Sharpe. Richard made a clumsy grab that Alexander eluded by lifting and leaning in towards his victim. "Trust me." The kid caught at the older man's sagging collar, pushing the shirt even further back off his shoulders. With fingers still scrabbling at the back of the garment, Alexander set to mapping out the blonde's ears and throat with sucking kisses. His aim finally became clear as the material of Richard's shirt pulled tight. Alex looped the shirt over the back of the chair Sharpe was sitting on... loosely restraining Richard's still sleeved arms.

The older man's body tensed, preparing to pull free of the binding but the kid's fingers were swift to make soothing flutters across the tight shoulders. "Easy. I'm not going to do anything you won't like. Its just part of the game." Alexander slipped back down to the floor. He nuzzled apologetically, pushing up Sharpe's T-shirt so he could rim out his shallow belly button.

Richard tugged experimentally at the bindings and decided that they wouldn't hold against any serious effort to escape. So all the kid wanted him to do was simply sit there and be ravished. It was oddly erotic; something he'd never had the time, patience or the partner for in the past. If only they weren't in the bloody base library with nothing but a twenty-year-old latch guarding their privacy. Still, the danger inherent in the situation had its appeal as well. Lord, but the kid was orally fixated. He was shoving his tongue into spots Richard wasn't even sure he washed on a regular basis. Sharpe realised that he'd slouched even more and Andrews was subtly tipping his hips upward. Richard felt an uncontrollable shudder as the intimate probing edged deeper back and into the crevice of his ass. A part of his brain was demanding that he protest the intrusion but it felt so incredibly good. If his ankles weren't hobbled by his pants Sharpe would be tempted to raise his legs and wrap them around the back of the kid's neck to pull him in even tighter. "Shite... Xander... " Richard jerked in surprise as the tongue penetrated him the moment after he voiced the younger man's name. A reward, his sluggish brain provided, do it again and see what happens. "Xander."

The kid groaned happily sending vibrations right into Richard's core.

Oh yeah, those were stars he was seeing right now. Just when he'd gathered enough brain-cells together to wonder what had happened to the younger man's hands... they returned to sent another jolt of pleasure through him. Alexander's thumb began flickering over the tip of Sharpe's weeping cock spreading the moisture down and around the stiff flesh. The kid's incredible mouth disappeared for a brief flash and Richard heard him spit but before the action could be questioned it was back slathering the older man's erection with saliva.

"Don't come. Not yet." Alex pulled away with a pleading whisper and started to stand.

"No!" Richard tried to lunge forward, forgetting about the impromptu bondage he was restrained with and the chair creaked. "Bastard!" He hissed.

"Easy down, me darling." The kid pushed at Sharpe's chest and lifted his leg to straddle the seated man.

When the hell had Andrews slipped out of his own pants, Richard wondered, as warm, naked skin touched his own?

"Spit." Alexander held his hand flat before Sharpe's face. "I don't have any lube." He explained solemnly, holding Richard's stare. As soon as his hand was wet the kid reached down and slicked the blonde's cock up even more. Alex rose just slightly and wiggled until the tip of Richard's rod was flush against his hole. He sucked in a deep breath and began to sink down, exhaling slowly. "I've missed this." His voice trembled and a squeak escaped as they pushed flush against each other. "It's been too damn long." Carefully keeping his seat, Alexander's arms reached down to yank both his shirts over his head in one burst of motion. Dog tags clattered back down against an almost hairless chest.

"Move, Xander. You've got to move." Richard whispered encouragement; his hips were attempting to buck despite the weight holding them down.

"Talk to me." Alexander's legs bunched and raised him up a few bare inches. "Lie to me. Say anything. I won't hold you to it. Tell me you like this. Christ, but you got such a deadly sexy voice." He dropped back down with a shiver of pleasure. His head fell back exposing his throat.

"It's good. You've such a sweet, tight... gorgeous arse." Sharpe floundered, simply groaning his appreciation. Talk, the kid wanted the impossible. The exquisite heat and pressure were pulling all the blood away from his brain and nothing coherent could possibly survive it. "I can't believe you're doing this." Richard managed to say before another devastating rise and fall disrupted him.

One of Alexander's arms rested on Sharpe's bared shoulder. Fingers wove into the blonde hair at the nape of his neck, tugging for attention. "I want YOU to kiss ME, please."

It seemed an almost absurdly elementary request considering that Richard had his cock buried in the kid's ass until gradually the exact wording chipped it's way into Richard's mind. Alexander's beautifully strained face was right there before him, waiting, but Sharpe would have to be the one to close the distance. Thinking made it even more difficult. He knew where that tongue had been just a short time ago. Richard made himself move before he could have second thoughts. He offered a simple pressing of lips, trying to get the measure of kissing another man. Sharpe had screwed around with a few guys in his time but kissing had never been much of a factor.

Alexander undulated instead of pumping himself. The movement was followed by a faint breathy cry of pleasure that parted Alex's lips in silent invitation.

"You want more?" Richard bargained, surprising himself by managing to assemble the bargain and the words to voice it. "Earn it, bitch. Fuck yourself on me, Xander. Get me off if you want a proper kiss." He meant to sound vicious but it came off as vaguely desperate to his own ears.

Alexander's teeth briefly bared in a snarl then he arched into movement. His body rocked sinuously up and down. For the first time during the encounter those glittering eyes drifted shut. The fingers behind Richard's neck dug in tightly and the kid's other hand lifted to harshly pinch his own nipples.

It amazed Sharpe that the sight actually kicked his arousal up another few notches. He watched the kid's blunt nails drag down, leaving faint red streaks in their wake. Struggling with the tight squeeze between their bodies Alex shoved his hand under Sharpe's sweat-clinging T-shirt and began snaking it up. Against his thighs Richard felt the muscles in Alexander's legs flex and the friction inside the kid's body increased to an almost painful intensity.

A strangled moan that might have been anything from despair to rapture broke from the younger man's throat and his body spasmed fiercely. Between the burning wet heat hitting his stomach and the convulsions the kid went into Richard was dragged right after him into the maelstrom of orgasm. The makeshift restraints were no match for the sensation and Sharpe's arms tore loose from his tight-buttoned cuffs. As interesting as the half-hearted bondage had been... running his hands up the kid's sweaty spine felt wonderful. How could someone who had first run an obstacle course and then gone through all this still smell so enticing?

Richard pulled the still shivering body tight against him and levered Alex's mouth into place for searching kiss. The kid yielded so sweetly, clinging and making soft gasping noises. He tasted good too, if a little salty from sweat he had licked off of Richard's throat and shoulders. Sharpe gave himself up to the greedy sucking of Alexander's lips for a few minutes then carefully broke off the kiss to look at the other's flushed face. "That was... umm... fun."

One dark brow lifted slightly. "Fun? Yeah, I suppose." A corner of Alex's mouth quirked. "But if you ever call me 'bitch' again... I'll cut your balls off and feed them to you." His ass briefly tightened in a sudden painful pinch. "Got that DICK?"

"Yeah." Sharpe winced. "I don't call you bitch. You don't call me Dick. Fair 'nough?"

"How about Dickin?" Alexander eased up and off. "Richard is simply altogether too stuffy and I refuse to call a lover by his last name... that's just ridiculous."

"I'm not your lover." Sharpe pushed the younger man backward so he could reach for his crumpled trousers. "This was a passing fancy."

The kid heaved a sigh and grabbed after his own clothes. "You go ahead and tell yourself that Dickin, me lovely." His lip curled at the grimy state of his gear before he began pulling it back on. "But when you change your mind... " His eyes sparkled. "I'm willing to play again, maybe on the artillery range. I've always thought tumbling in the grass under the stars... whatever." He trailed off under the force of Sharpe's frosty glare and concentrated on getting dressed again. His shirts were inside out and one tangled in the other.

Sharpe sacrificed his own T-shirt to the task of cleaning himself off. He'd rinse it out in the bathroom sink later. Narrowed eyes tried to covertly study the young man beside him and find a sense of rationalism in this bizarre rendezvous. Yes, the kid was attractive and he'd offered himself up in such a way as to short circuit all of Richard's hesitations but didn't he dislike the little bastard rather intensely?

"Oh come on." Alexander seemed to be reading the blonde's mind but he was more likely picking up Richard's thoughts from his sour expression. "It's not that bad. I'm actually quite pleasant to be around most of the time. I was being obnoxious simply to provoke you." Came the explanation. "How about we try simply eating at the same table tonight? I'll do my best to be charming but you're free to ignore me completely. If we don't end up in a fist-fight by the end of the meal we'll try something a bit more friendly?" Alex smiled hopefully. "Please."

"I don't like you." Sharpe stated, wanting to make his position clear from the onset.

"You don't know enough about me to dislike me properly. You're just in a pissy mood because I'm something near competition in this little war-game grade school. Look at it this way Dickin, me darlin'... if you fuck me into a coma on a semi-regular basis my scores are bound to suffer and you'll be number one again. How's that for incentive?"

"Don't call me Dickin. It's silly." Richard protested, but he realised he didn't sound very convincing. "I'll eat dinner with you but I reserve the right to bash your nose in if you get on my nerves." It was such a ridiculously small nose for a soldier; the thing could only benefit from a break or two.

"You're not going to regret this, Dickin." Alexander promised. "At least not for a few years I hope." He added wistfully and headed out of the room.

Richard considered sitting back down and returning to the studies that the kid had interrupted but that kind of concentration was completely beyond him right now. What he needed was a shower and a change of clothes. Sharpe lingered long enough to move the chair he had been sitting on right next to the window and cracking it open then he followed in Alexander's footsteps, wondering vaguely if the kid was going to get cleaned up too... and kicking himself every other step for that very thought.


So, whacha think, can I write NC-17 or should I go back to R. Sigh.

Oh, and just for reference sake for the people who don't want to be bothered with reading the entire story that the letter reference was in but are curious... I did give the impression that Alex and Sharpe had a series of fleeting but rather torrid encounters over the next few years before something nasty happened to separate them... Krycek is after all an international criminal and Sharpe is British special ops... it just couldn't last.

Okay, milk and cookies time.

Sharpe's Scoundrel II: Playing in Puddles

Date: August 1999
Email—yes please, Jimcarla@hotmail.com
Other websites—http://members.dencity.com/CarlaJane/homepage.html
Rating: Carla Jane attempts to write a NC-17 pwp, oh my goodness
Notes: Plot, what's a plot... This crossover is set during one of the many training sessions that my version of Alex Krycek took during his younger days. It's a brief mind-clearing change of pace from the ambush sequence I'm struggling through right now. Jim doesn't want me to slash Sharpe with Krycek in 'La Princesa Guerrera' because it would be out of character (he's right) and I don't want to mess up my already too-shallow Alex Krycek/Once a Thief stuff with something this frivolous. Therefore it has to go off and sit in a corner all alone. Also, I've never tried NC-17 before and I think I still need a lot more practice.
Disclaimers: Chris Carter, Fox, Bernard Cornwell, and the various actors, writers and producers own everything. I'm not gaining any profit from this... just a bit of twisted amusement.
Summary: It's England. It's 1988. The X-file's Alex Krycek, using yet another one of his aliases, is enrolled in a British black-ops training course. He's competing with an alternate universe version of Richard Sharpe (from the book and British TV series 'Sharpe').
Big sigh...I mean a soldier from the Napoleonic wars isn't likely to run across darling Alex any other way which is a shame since Sean Bean and Nick Lea would make such a cute couple. This sprouted from a passing mention in my OaT/Alex story 'Meet the family' during which Mac (Alex's lover) found a few old letters from Sharpe to Krycek.

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