Go to notes and disclaimers |
The Lucky Mojo Relic and Rarity Antique Shop. I give the detailed
directions from Spender another glance. The gold of the lettering on the
window is significantly faded, but still legible. This is the place.
Looks like a regular old junk shop to me, although the front window's
display of frolicking voodoo dolls is unique. The little bell over the
door gives an excited jingle as I open the door. Dammit. I hate having
my presence announced before I'm ready.
A small, dirty man appears from a back room obscured by a threadbare
curtain and smiles broadly at me. "Welcome! Welcome, sir. I thank the
deities for bringing you into my shop on this very fine day. And how may
I serve you? I have many, many fine items for your perusal." The shop
keeper takes a moment to proudly wave his hand at the vast display of
dusty trinkets.
Nice reception. I must be the first customer this guy has seen for
awhile. No wonder. This place is on a seldom used street among a lot of
stores that went out of business a long time ago. "A woman came into your
store two days ago. You sold her a charm bracelet. I'm looking for the
same thing she bought."
The man rubs his hand over the stubble on his chin thoughtfully. "Ah,
yes. I do remember this woman you speak of. Very sad, that one. Her
heart had been broken. Some very powerful charms on that bracelet,
indeed. You would like one as well? You will have to tell of your
specific affliction, of course. They are all individual, of course, as no
problem for each of us is the same."
"No, I want exactly what you gave her. An associate of mine is very
interested in this specific bracelet." Interested wasn't even the half of
it. When Spender heard about Mulder and Scully's latest case he was
nearly foaming at the mouth at the thought of obtaining that bracelet.
"I see. This is not for you, then." This guy needs to keep those
speculative looks for the losers who come in actually looking for help.
"Are you quite sure you would not like something unique?
I can sense you are troubled in these matters as well. My charms are very
powerful, yes."
"Just save the sales pitch. Can you do this or not?" Just get the stupid
bracelet so I can get the fuck out of this store. And no, there is
nothing wrong with me. Fucker.
"Sir, but of course I can comply with your request. You will give me a
moment to gather the necessary supplies, yes?" Without waiting for a
reply he vanishes behind the curtain once again. Good, just do as I ask,
no one has to get hurt.
What a promotion this turned out to be. Errand boy for the Consortium. I
should have just emptied the damn ashtray when I had the chance.
He must be digging through the entire box of cereal looking for those
charms. Odd little duck. I wonder where he's from. I'm usually pretty
good at guessing people; accents, dress, that sort of thing. Not this
guy. Quite the mutt, really. He was as dusty as the rest of his little
store, but it's more of a 'been around the block a few times' dirty than a
'haven't felt like taking a bath in awhile' dirty. And the stuff he had
for sale: Naga Effigy Dolls, Guatemalan Worry Dolls, Scarab Amulets from
Egypt, carved Buddahs smiling over their ponderous bellies from every
corner. Mulder would love this shit.
Thank God I was watching the front window. And thank god for that stupid
little bell. I have just enough time to crouch behind the counter and
crawl behind the dingy cloth that hung in the back room door. What the
fuck, now I just have to think of him and he appears? This could be a
problem, particularly at night.
"Sir! It is forbidden for customers to come back here. Please wait at
Waving my gun in his face stops his tirade. "Okay, change of plans.
There's a guy out there, I want you to get rid of him. You don't know a
goddamn thing about any bracelet, or anything else. I want him gone.
Now. Got it?"
For a moment I'm afraid the appearance of the gun triggered some sort of
episode, because he just stands there staring at me on my knees. Then he
straightens, nodding as he grabs a small velvet pouch on his way back to
the counter. Crouching behind a stack of boxes, I try to focus on
the exchange in the next room.
"Welcome to my humble shop, sir! What is your wish? To retrieve an
errant lover? To win the lottery? It can all be done with the right
charms and spells, I assure you!"
"Well, that sounds great, but I would settle for some information on a
piece of jewelry."
There's the familiar sound of leather being flipped and an official FBI ID
being displayed. I can almost feel the attitude from here. He just loves
to do that, I know it. Come on, buddy, get him out of this little hole in
the wall and as far away from me as he can go.
"Oh, I see, sir. Official business. Maybe you will come to see me in
your off duty hours, yes? You seem to be troubled, your aura is clouded.
First let me show you these herbs, they are right over... Oh! Sir! A
thousands pardons, sir! Damn my clumsiness! And all over your beautiful
I stifle a cough as a cloud of what looks like soot wafts under the
curtain. What the fuck was that? I hear someone sneezing repeatedly in
the next room.
"What the hell is this stuff?"
"It is nothing harmful, I can assure you. Although I would recommend you
taking your garments to the dry cleaners at your earliest convenience.
And please sir, I would demand that you bring me your bill as I will
provide complete restitution. I am so very sorry."
"I know, accidents happen. This isn't the worst thing to happen to one of
my suits, believe me. I'll be back later this afternoon."
"Excellent, sir. I will be here, rest assured."
Finally, the bell jingles. I stand to go back into the store, and nearly
collide with the shop keeper. Man, that guy can move for being so small.
I made a show of putting away my gun. "Hey, sorry about that, but trust
me, you saved yourself a ton of property damage making sure that guy
see me."
"I do not doubt that, sir." I notice that the 'sir' has lost some of its
dripping flattery. "I believe there are many issues here between yourself
and the other gentleman. Many issues, indeed." His tiny hand reaches up
and touches my shoulder. I'm about to shake it off, no one touches the
leather, when my knees fold abruptly. I look up at his face, but all of
the choice curses I was about to say melt off my tongue. His eyes... they
are... glowing...
"You will follow your heart's secret desire, follow the scent, you will
think of nothing except seeing him, smelling him, hearing him, touching
him, tasting him. You are meant for him, and he for you. Go now and fall
humbly at his feet, for this truth you know, and soon so shall he."
What am I doing on the floor? It feels like I was just clocked with a
thousand pound pillow. I'm supposed to be doing... something? As I take
a deep breath and try to get my bearings I catch a whiff of something.
That smell, something about that... Mulder! He was here, he was just here
and I missed him. I need to go find him. "I have to go."
The little man extends his hand and helps me to my feet. "Of course you
do, sir. You have somewhere you need to be, yes?"
I nod, not able to convey the need. Mulder was just here, and I didn't
get to see him at all. It just isn't fair, isn't right. I push back the
curtain, and exit the store, hearing the bell jingle again, the
tone not as lovely as it was when it was Mulder at this same door,
touching this same handle. I stop for a moment to stroke it lovingly. I
can still feel the warmth of his hand, smell that wonderful aroma that
surrounds him. Thunder sounds from somewhere far away, and that's
lovely as well, just thinking that Mulder can probably hear that same
sound from where he is. It will be better when we can hear it together.
Fat drops of rain discolor the sidewalk, but it's a small inconvenience.
I leave my car, not wanting the metal and glass to be between me and
wherever Mulder is. His apartment, yes, that is where he was going to go.
The shops on either side of me blur as I walk faster and faster. I take
out my phone to call Mulder, just to hear his voice until I can be there
with him.
5:12 p.m.
Ahbez begins to fill the next crate. This had been a good place to stay
and occasionally help those who had lost their way, but this was entirely
too much attention. The ones who need to find him always did, the rest
don't need to know. There is a reason he never advertises.
He has dealt with everyone from fools to kings, but those two - how could
anyone be so inane?
"Humans, feh!" he announces to his dusty old shop.
6:55 p.m.
It has been an interesting afternoon.
First, getting... something...dumped on my new suit by that guy at the
shop, and not getting any information on that bracelet. Then being
banished from my office after checking in with Scully, who said the stuff
the guy had dumped on me smelled 'nasty' and therefore I was supposed to
home and change if I wanted to be in the same room with her. And third
was finding two thugs waiting for me in my apartment, making it impossible
to change the aforementioned suit.
They relieved me of my weapon before tying me to a chair within moments of
opening the door. Then I had the pleasure of witnessing my apartment
being torn apart. Apparently they did not find what they were looking
for, and the disappointment was so overwhelming that they forgot to untie
me on their way out. This was almost an hour ago.
The apartment is dark and quiet, aside from the occasional thunder and
rain on the windows. I think I could almost take a nap, except for the
fact that I have to pee so badly I can taste it.
I've been trying to keep my mind off of it, although having that fish tank
right there is making it very difficult. Think about the case; girl gets
dumped, girl buys charm bracelet from her local neighborhood Hoodoo shop.
This lifts girl's spirits considerably, so she goes to a bar in her new
bracelet and slinkiest dress to show the dumper just what he is missing
out on. Has the desired effect on the ex, as well as the rest of the bar,
regardless of gender or preference. Bracelet is lost in resulting riot in
bar. Boy proposes to girl in the emergency room, bracelet is forgotten.
Except by me, of course, because I'm pretty sure that riot wasn't started
by that dress.
There goes the phone again. I have no idea who is calling. I turned the
volume down to nothing the night before because I didn't want to be
bothered while I was working. Okay, so it was because I got a new video.
It's probably Scully, no one else would call that frequently. She must
be worried. The last time I managed to angle my neck just right the
messages waiting was up to 62. She'll be coming through that door any
minute now. Any minute. Need to be patient and not do something that I
last did when I was four and the merry-go-round had been just a little too
"Fox? Fox?? Are you there? I know you're there! Open the door. I just
want to see... to talk to you... just for a second, and then I'll go... I
promise! Fox?"
Okay, not the voice I was expecting. It sounds like Krycek, which is
impossible, because if that dickhead knew what was good for him he would
be hiding in an igloo at the North Pole. But it really did sound like
him. Dammit! Of all the people I don't want to find me when I'm tied to
chair that guy is number one with a bullet.
"Fox?" Krycek sounds even more desperate now, "I know you're in there.
If you don't open this door in five seconds I'm picking the lock. You
hear me? Fox?" I swear I can hear the sound of... sniffing? I hold my
breath, trying to remain as still and quiet as possible. "That's it! I'm
picking the lock!"
It's silent for a moment, then, after a flurry of noises that sound like
woodpeckers mating on my front door, the lock gives way under Krycek's
assault. The door creaks ominously as it swings open, and there's Krycek,
on his knees, with a lock pick in each hand. He looks positively wild;
his clothes are dripping from the rain and his hair is practically
standing on end, almost as if he has some sort of low level current
running through him.
"Fox! Oh, thank God you're all right." Krycek dosen't even bother
standing, just crawls over to where I'm tied up. I can only sit there,
mouth open, watching him get closer and closer. "I called and I called,
but no one answered. And I knew you were here, don't ask me how, I just
KNEW it." Reaching the chair, he proceeds to put his head in my lap and
curl up around my legs.
I think I may be having a stroke, or at least a very vivid hallucination.
The last time I saw Krycek was in the hallway at the Bureau, just one
last, long lingering look at his ass, and then he was gone. What is he
doing here, and why is he acting like he cares?
I'm about to tell Krycek to get off me, when I notice another presence in
the doorway.
Mrs. Lampshire from apartment 48 is standing there, unlit cigarette
hanging from her mouth, Chihuahua tucked under her ponderous arm. I'm in
the act of taking a breath to ask her to please call the police, when she
mutters "perverts" and is on her way back to her safe, sane apartment,
where nothing out of the ordinary happens. Ever.
Looking back down at the head in my lap, I feel the familiar anger
associated with this man rise up, and being at his mercy just seems to
intensify it. "What, Krycek, did the goons that were here
earlier send you to make a second try at what they were looking for?"
Dazed and bewildered green eyes look up at me. Okay, probably not on
consortium recon then. He's drugged, that's for sure, but with what?
Love Potion Number 9? Time to try a new tactic. "Krycek, do you think
you could untie me?" I add a big smile to sell the 'untie Mulder' idea.
Krycek looks almost comically confused for a moment, then seems to put it
all together. "Oh! Sorry, right! You want me to untie you. I... sorry,
I was just so glad to see you, Mulder. I've really missed you. Really,
really, really..."
"Okay, I get the picture, believe me when I say time is of the essence
The knife Krycek produces from his boot is big enough to give me pause
about asking for help, but I'm free from the restraints in seconds, and
the knife returned to its original spot without any bloodshed.
My back and knees creak loudly as I stand, but there's no time to stretch
out the kinks. I make it to the bathroom in record time. Through my haze
of profound relief I realize, as the last splashes hit the porcelain, that
I was not alone in the little room.
"Krycek! Give me a minute here, will you?" He's standing there, leering
at me with those glazed eyeballs.
He smiles as he backs out, closing the door behind him. I finish up, and
stare at the mirror while washing my hands. Same guy staring back at me,
just like yesterday. So it isn't me. Must be him. "Just keep repeating
that to yourself," I tell the guy in the mirror. "He's the crazy one, not
you." The guy agrees. Okay, time to deal with what's waiting in the
other room.
I open the door quietly, and take a quick look around. Nothing. Maybe he
left. I go to the front door, still wide open. I begin to automatically
close it, then stop, and fight an insane urge to bolt, just leave Krycek
here, just run away. Call Scully. Call in the SWAT team. Get Mrs.
Lampshire back and have her sic that pathetic excuse for a dog on him.
Then I hear it, someone giving the springs on my mattress a good workout.
Fuck. I stand with my hand on the doorknob for a few seconds. Then I
close the door, and turn the worthless lock. I just have to know what
he's doing in there. What he's doing here. Where he's been. Why he did
it. But, mostly, what he's doing in there to make my bed sound like that.
The sight that greets me is burned into my retinas forever. Krycek has
taken advantage of the impromptu cleaning job the goons did and is jumping
on my dusty, unused, but now clutter free, bed. With obvious glee. He
did take the consideration of removing his shoes and socks before doing
so. And he didn't stop there. Yep, just your average, ordinary crazy
guy, wearing a shirt, black leather jacket, and tighty whities. Christ, I
wonder if his mom picked those out. He spots me, and it causes him to
break out into song.
"You know you're a cute little heartbreaker... Foxy!"
Hendrix, great. And so very original. "Krycek, stop that."
"You know you're a sweet little lovemaker... Foxy!"
He was now punctuating the 'Foxy' with a little twist. This has to stop
now. "Krycek..."
"I wanna take you home, I won't do you no harm, nooooo..."
Great, there goes the phone again. "Krycek! Shut up and stay here." I
slam the door, hard, so he gets the point. Then run to get the phone
before the machine can pick up again.
"You really need to work on your phone skills, Mulder."
I sigh. She's probably right, but after the day I've had... "Sorry. Were
you the one calling me earlier?"
"No, why? I thought you were out looking for that necklace."
"Whatever. I just got home. I left the office right after you did. That
smell just lingers, with or without you."
"You can just say you missed me, Scully."
I hear a delicate snort on the other end of the line, "Yeah, right.
Anyway, I was opening an envelope and I broke my nail. Really badly,
Mulder. So I went, just really quick, you know, to get it fixed. But
when I got there I thought I might as well get them all done, so they look
the same. And then I thought might as well get a pedicure, too. Since I
was already there. And a facial. And a massage."
I pause to give Scully a few extra seconds to remember anything else in
her beauty regimen that she might have omitted. "Wow, Scully, I will
hardly recognize you."
"Shut up, I deserved it." Can't argue with that. "So, what happened with
the bracelet? Anything new?"
"Um, never got back there, actually. It's a long strange story." Well,
this would be the time to tell her, wouldn't it? Although she would
probably pull her gun so fast it would ruin her manicure. Krycek slides
from the bedroom into the hallway, still singing under his breath, still
not wearing pants. "Okay, need to go take care of some things, see you
tomorrow. Bye!"
Time to face some facts, I think. I just hung up on my backup. I haven't
reported the appearance of a wanted criminal in my home, although I have
been free to do so for the last twenty minutes. I should be watching him
get fingerprinted right now. So why haven't I? Answers? Answers that
only he can give me? Unfinished business from his days as a plant?
Sure, I knew the attraction was mutual and there, but nothing was ever
done about it. There just wasn't enough time. And now... now I just
don't trust him, don't trust who he is or the choices he has made.
All right, then. I'm just keeping him here for the answers. Nice and
simple. Then I'll put my Fed hat back on and away we go. Right after I
change out of this rancid suit. And find Krycek's pants.
He follows at my heels when I go back into the bedroom, removing his
jacket along the way. No, that's not going to work, more clothes need to
go on, or this will not stay professional for long.
Christ what a mess, fucking goons. And there are no clues as to where he
hid his pants. "Okay, Krycek, time to find your pants. We need to talk."
Sitting on the bed seemed like a harmless thing to do at the time, but
Krycek decides to take this as an invitation. I know this because he is
now perched happily on my lap. Did I mention the no pants thing? Yes,
that has become an issue. Pushing him off on to the floor is an option,
but I don't know if homicidal rage is a factor in this daze he is in. I
press on. With the questions. "Where's the tram operator, Krycek?"
There, let's start with that one.
Krycek pauses to sniff my jacket and shirt, then moans and rubs against
me. "Fiji. His new friends tell him he was hit on the head with a
coconut, and that is why he can't remember anything. I hear he's very
happy there." He answers this with his nose touching mine, staring
directly into my eyes. Personal space is so very overrated.
Must concentrate.
"Whose idea was it to take Scully?"
"Ummm... not mine?" I would smack him for that one, but he's doing
fantastic things to my left earlobe with his teeth. "They never told me,
Mulder. I think it was all just a big mistake." Krycek cups his hands
under my chin, "I've missed you, I didn't even realize how much until
today." His hands leave my face to go lower, stroking my nipples with the
backs of his fingertips, the crisp material of my shirt providing a little
extra friction. Really need to lose this suit. "Can't you just let me be
with you right now? I need you so badly, and I've been waiting so long."
I'm sure when I look back on this I will blame that first kiss for my
serious error in judgment. But, at that moment, what he says makes
perfect sense to me, the answers aren't going anywhere, and it has been a
long time. Since I was being so honest at the moment, I did miss him too.
Occasionally. Daily.
I latch onto his mouth and clear my mind. It's easier that way, just
craving the half naked body on top of mine. Not hard at all. To do, I
mean. The evidence that we're both very much into it is obvious. I can
sort the rest out later.
He breaks the kiss to pull his shirt over his head, and I just let my
hands roam over the new expanse of flesh. My mouth feels left out so I
let it explore as well, then settle on those tight buds on his chest,
licking leading to gentle biting. If I knew he was going to make those
incredible noises I would have done this directly after not shaking his
hand the day we met. I can see it now, 'It's my case, Mulder, and licking
my nipples will not help you get it.'
He's moaning and trembling over me, and getting his underwear off is just
not going to happen in this position. "Off," I mumble around his chest,
"get off the bed." I tug at his underwear for emphasis, and he
understands, scooting backwards as I follow.
The heat in his eyes is breathtaking, like he wants to eat me alive. I
have no problem with that. As long as I get to go first. I lose the
jacket and the tie on my way to my knees, then his undies are history.
The cock under my nose twitches in the cool air, and I watch it for
another moment before giving the head a strong suck. Krycek hisses as his
hands rake through my hair. "Wait... not like this... not tonight. I
need all of you. Please." The sincerity of the 'please' makes me let
go, although I would have been just as happy to be there for the duration.
So there he is, straight out of my wet dreams, completely naked except for
a light sheen of sweat, and I have *yet* to get completely out of this
goddammed suit. I think Krycek must be having that exact same thought;
suddenly there are hands everywhere, unzipping my fly, unbuttoning
buttons, removing socks and shoes.
I have to touch him, get my hands all over him. My fingers slide in and
out of his hot mouth as I reach behind him to get a handful of that ass
I've been dreaming about forever. Lube... where is the lube? The small
table that used to sit beside my bed has been flung across the room and is
now leaning sideways against the wall. "Alex, table, drawer, there." I
make a vague motion to the thing I'm referring to as I kick the remains of
my ruined suit to the corner, then rip off the dusty comforter on the bed
and toss it on top of the suit.
I climb on the bed, noticing he hasn't joined me yet. God, don't tell me
he can't find it. I turn my head to ask, and he's just standing there,
tube in his hand, just staring at me... sniffing at the air like a dog.
Is it that stuff on my suit that's bugging him? I can hardly smell it
anymore myself. "Hey, still with me?" His erection is still as fierce as
ever, but the look on his face has changed. The dazed look has dissipated
into something sharper. More calculating and less adoring than before.
"You want this, Mulder?"
Mulder? I was Fox up till now. Trepidation blooms in the pit of my
stomach. But do I want this? Hell yes. I roll over, stroking myself.
"What do you think?"
He takes this as the 'yes' it was intended to be, and joins me on the bed,
on his knees, leaning over for a slow wet kiss. His hands move over me,
roughly now. This is more like it, this is what I thought it would be.
He grabs my hip, flipping me over onto my stomach. I squirm to get
comfortable, then I jump as a puddle of lube hits me in the middle of my
back. Fuck, that's cold!
He makes no apologies, just runs two fingers through the mess, and opens
me up. Not much is necessary, and any more and this is going to be all
over. "Now..all of it, in me... now."
His fingers are removed and my balls are tugged slightly as he takes more
of the lube, and then he's pushing in, slowly, just a few inches, then he
moves, slowly in and out, rocking past the place where his fingers left
off, stroking my exposed belly, his lips and tongue moving along my neck,
sucking my earlobe when he reaches it.
The next thrust is all the way in, and he stops, panting against my ear.
"You want this," he gasps.
"Fuck, yes, I want this. Give it to me, Alex." And he does, just leans
back and pounds me, so fucking good. I arch my back to find that perfect
spot, "There, right there... right fucking there..." He reaches
underneath, stroking my cock in earnest now, and my toes clinch seconds
before it races through my entire body, loosening joints and tendons,
pooling into my abdomen, shooting through my balls and out my cock.
Around the roaring in my ears and my own ecstatic moans, I can hear him
giving it up for me. A wild, high moan followed by a vicious shudder that
shakes me as well. Then we're tipping, him pulling me to my side, onto
the mattress, still together, still with him. Slick and sweaty arms
embrace me as he slips free. Lassitude creeps over me, I don't know if
it's the day, or the spectacular sex. Probably a little of both. I know
I should stay awake and watch Krycek, but my brain is swimming in
endorphins and it wants a little down time. Just a little nap, then we'll
11:32 p.m.
Oh my God.
I can't seem to come up with anything else that makes any sense, the same
thought going through my head for about an hour now. Just 'oh my God'.
Over and over.
I'm holding Mulder while he sleeps. I honestly never even imagined a
situation where I would think that thought. I'm holding Mulder while he
sleeps. It has a nice ring to it, I have to admit, I just still can't
believe it. One more time.
I'm holding Mulder while he sleeps.
There. I give him a quick squeeze, just to prove my point, and he makes a
whiny noise, then goes silent again. This is really something. I'd tried
to get Mulder in the sack during our brief partnership. Nothing. Then my
brain cells take a little field trip to Happy Happy Fucking Fun Land one
afternoon, and Bingo, instant naked Mulder.
I'm not sure I could feel more inept if I tried.
Thinking back on today's events, it must have had something to do with the
guy in the Lucky Mojo shop. The stuff he spilled on Mulder's suit. Suit,
and I'm a drooling idiot with thoughts of me and Mulder running towards
each other in a field of daises. No suit, and no stuff, and no insanity.
Well, some insanity, since I am still here in Mulder's bed, and not
somewhere far, far away where it is safe.
Although, this feels safe enough. And, you have to admit, no one would be
looking for me here. They must be looking now, though. That's what the
goon squad was doing here in the first place. I never checked in, so they
must have figured Mulder got the bracelet and not me. I need to fix that
problem, and now. Reluctantly, I release Mulder, trying to roll him on
his side as I remove my arm from under him.
"Where do you think you're going?"
Fuck. I could have sworn he was asleep. "Bathroom?"
"Yeah, right." He rolls over, looking rumpled and delicious. "You
feeling better now?"
I assume he's referring to my earlier lunacy, "Yes, thanks. We were, um,
shopping at the same store earlier today. I think I got on that guy's bad
No sympathy from him, "Well, that's what happens when you stick a gun in
people's faces. Anyway, that makes sense, considering the effect the
charm bracelet he made had. I think it's the guy, not the trinkets
myself." Makes sense to me. "So, you were going back there now?"
"Thinking about it."
"Good, I'll drive."
I'm about to argue, then I remember I was in such a hurry to get here that
I left my car there. And, yes, I know that doesn't make sense. Christ.
As I watch him dig through the remains of his closet, it hits me how calm
we are both being about this. I like it, but I don't know if it's going
to last. I'll stick with the calm. No need to burst this bubble, not
just yet.
I find my shirt and underwear, but no pants. What the hell did I do with
my pants?
We finally found Krycek's pants wedged underneath the mattress. I don't
know what he was thinking, and the funny thing is neither does he.
Anyway, it's good to have found them. He's way too much of a distraction
without them.
From a look at the front window, I'd say our suspect is long gone. Not
Krycek decides to go have a look anyway, and it's not like I have anything
better to do. "Nothing like a little B and E at midnight, eh, Krycek?" I
ask him as he's pulling out the now familiar lock picks. He ignores this,
and with much more stealth than he displayed at my front door, we're in.
Krycek checks the back room, but I don't think he'll find anything. The
only things left in the store are the spots of clean in between the dust
where things used to sit. He comes back out holding something away from
his body between two pinched fingers. I guess in his case a little
discretion is a good idea. "Found something."
He deposits it on the counter between us. There is enough light coming
from the front window to see it clearly; a red velvet Mojo bag, similar to
the one that was dumped on me earlier. Only this one has something
written on it, stitched in gold thread.
The greatest thing
Wow, quite a sentiment. "You think this was meant for us to find?"
Krycek regards me warily. "Dunno. What do you think?"
I prod the little sack. It's full. "Wanna find out for sure?"
Krycek's eyes get wide as he backs away from the counter, "No, no, no.
Been there, done that."
I laugh. "Okay, Krycek, calm down." Don't want to scare you off, now
that I've got you. Krycek gives the bag and me a wide berth as he walks
to the door. I take the bag and put it in my coat pocket. For safe
keeping. Wouldn't want anyone else to find it by accident. And it's a
good lesson to learn. Good enough to be taught twice, if needed.
Nature Boy
There was a boy
And then one day |
Title: Good To Know Mr. Mojo Author: Kashmir ( Kashmir_2u@yahoo.com ) Rating: NC-17 for sexual situations and some language. Pairing: M/K Notes: This takes place in the second season, after "Duane Barry". Written for the X-Files "Lucky" Lyric Wheel. Archive: Yep. Thanks to Pollyanna for the excellent lyrics. Thanks to Ladyluck for the swell beta job. Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the television program "The X Files" are the creations and property of Chris Carter, Fox Broadcasting, and Ten-Thirteen Productions. |
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