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God Send
by Megaera

Mulder stared thoughtfully at the screen of his computer. He regularly got snippets of information from the Lone Gunmen which were by degrees, amusing, far-fetched or red hot, depending on his luck. But this time whatever it was, the guys wanted to keep it secret even from e mail. Serious stuff then. He was as paranoid as they were when it came to the possibilities of computer spying. He would have to go over to their place tonight to get the latest scoop.

He could tell that Langly had composed this message. There was a characteristic tone to his messages that lacked Frohike's secretiveness or Byer's precision. He would go of course. What else did he have to do tonight. Just dream about a certain pair of wicked green eyes, that's all. It had been weeks since he had heard from that damned........

He tried abruptly to ignore the dryness in his mouth, the suggestion of desolation he felt. He wanted desperately to know if Alex was alright. But how could he find out without alerting Ares? It wasn't as if a Greek god's movements would be chronicled on a computer. In fact, there was only one way he could think of to find out what he wanted to know. And he wasn't ready for that final step towards damnation yet. Not if he still had a chance to stay independent.

He wasn't going to share Ares' bed and offer the god his body. Not yet.

But when he lay alone in the night with only his memories for warmth, the loneliness was so hard to bear. More than once he had bitten his lip to stop himself from crying out the god's name, begging for one thing. Alex

Yes, a night of paranoid gossip and the likelihood of a cheesy sci-fi flick and a few beers would take his mind off his dilemma.


Ares smiled patiently as his pretty human struggled to keep up with him. Mortals were so lacking in stamina these days. Why, in the old days of glory, every man was a hero, striving to perform great deeds and dying glorious deaths, as he smiled benevolently down upon them. For an instant, nostalgia carried his mind away from his most pressing problem of the moment. Then the heavy sigh of a not entirely patient Alex Krycek recalled him to the present. Ah yes. The hoard. His frown was brief, he knew Alex wasn't really feeling frustrated with his divine master. The little slut would never dare defy his great lord. Arrogant as always, the thought that Alex would be disobedient never occurred to Ares.

Alex glared at Ares as the god moved forward once more. He seemed to have been relegated to an errand boy once more, following in the footsteps of someone with more power. Why did Ares persist in forcing his way through this damned undergrowth when he could have instantly brought them to the site of the archaeological dig? The god seemed to have developed a most uncharacteristic caution in his approach to the site.

It had taken long weeks of searching, mainly by Alex, to find out the precise location of the site where certain Consortium colleagues had found a treasure trove of gold and precious objects. A site disturbingly close to Skyland mountain. No surprise that the secretive Consortium financed itself through black market transactions such as art theft. But tracking down their source. Difficult! Only the authorisation given by Spender had enabled Alex to get this far. And Alex really didn't want to know what the dig was a cover for.

He realised abruptly that Ares had come to a halt, and hurriedly joined his master. Ares was crouched down, peering through the branches of a tree at the activity below. He studied the scene for what seemed like an interminable time before giving a sigh of relief and rising to his feet.

"He's not here! We don't need to be cautious any more!"

With that curious aside , Ares made his way down towards the Consortium crew, who were quite as adept as expected at maintaining the illusion of innocence. The only signs that they weren't just an archaeological team were the signs that each of the two men on duty wore shoulder holsters. Alex's trained eyes spotted the tell tale bulges immediately.

Alex was left wondering just who exactly Ares had been so apprehensive about meeting.


"Say Mulder. What do you think of this?"

With a flourish, Langly yanked out a lethal looking sword, two feet long, with a big red stone in the hilt. He swung it rather awkwardly in a flourish towards his friend. Mulder leapt hurriedly backwards before the clumsy swordsman could do him some permanent damage. Which was probable, considering Langly's poor co-ordination, not to mention eyesight. Mulder didn't like the way the thing was aimed just below waist level either. Not one bit.

"Put it down, you idiot!" Mulder yelped.

With a slightly disappointed shrug, the amateur Zorro placed the sword back in its rather tatty holster. Then he grinned, spirits restored, as he launched into the tale of how he had got his hands on the thing.

"You won't believe this, Mulder, but this is a genuine antique. It could be hundreds of years old! Just imagine, it may once have been used in a real battle....."

"I'd expect a real sword to have some scratches on it, if it had ever been in serious combat!" Frohike said in a doubtful voice.

"You could always get the FBI labs to run a luminol test on it, to see if you can detect any traces of blood...." Byers said in a helpful tone. Mulder cringed at the thought of asking the lab to oblige.

"Nah!" Langly grinned. "No time. I plan to display this little beauty at the Dungeons and Dragons Con this weekend! I plan to go for the whole mediaeval look this year. My Death costume last year wasn't so successful."

"Probably that ridiculous plastic scythe you insisted on carrying around." Frohike muttered.

Langly was undeterred. "Precisely. That's why I wanted something a bit more authentic........"

"Exactly what was it you wanted to tell me?" Mulder interrupted irritably. Somehow he wasn't in the mood for light-hearted banter at the moment.

"That's the odd thing!" Langly said. "The guy I bought the sword from swears it came from a secret government base out in the Virginia backwoods. He's an archaeology student, and he said that they're doing some sort of secret experiments there. He doesn't know what precisely, but he thinks his professor is in on it. And anyway, who ever heard of European artefacts being dug up in America anyway?"

"Well......" Frohike began.

"Please! Not the theory about the Ancient Greeks discovering America again!" Byers and Langly both cried out in unison.

"Well an ancient Greek coin was discovered on a dig in the Mid West in 1933....." Frohike retorted.

Mulder bowed his head in defeat. "Alright! Enough! I'll check out your site!"

They certainly knew how to get their own way. Much like a certain green eyed Rat.......


"Maybe if you told me what you were looking for, I could help you........" Professor Scrutton glared at Alex, who was deeply involved in his computer file system, calling up picture after picture of ancient artefacts for Ares to scrutinise. Each picture seemed to meet with a rejection. Ares was growing more irritable with each failure.

Alex sighed. "Are there no more artefacts at this site?" he finally asked, when all of the files had been rejected.

The professor shook his head tiredly. "We haven't yet finished excavating the site....," he said hopefully. "But there are sensitive Department of Defence facilities here. Are you sure you have security clearance?" This time both Alex and Ares glared at the hapless man.


"What are we looking for?" Alex hesitantly broached the subject of his curiosity with Ares.

The War God gave a grim frown. "A weapon!" he snarled.

"But couldn't you just snap your fingers and........"

"No!" Ares growled impatiently. "If it were that easy, I would do it! The object I want is itself magical and can hide itself from me! And if I use my power to find it, my rival will notice and try to take it from me. He would love to see me at a disadvantage! You met him Alex! Apollo!"


Mulder scanned the small valley with his mini-binoculars. Too many guns to his trained eye, for just a dig in the hills. He slithered down the slope as silently as possible, and tried to sneak closer to the site of operations.

The sight of a familiar dark-haired figure made him freeze. Then he ducked down to the concealment of some bushes. But his abrupt motion came too late. The metallic sound of a rifle being cocked told him that he had been found. And when a harsh voice prompted him to turn, hands on his head, his captor grinned and pointed to the two beams of a laser security system that he had crossed.

He was pushed forward towards a brick built building on the side of the site, and caught a brief glimpse of a shocked Alex, staring at him in horror, as he was taken inside.

Damn. Now what? His captors led him past several grim looking rooms and he had no doubt from their avid expressions, that this must be a very boring assignment. And he was going to provide some interesting entertainment, later. When the important visitors had gone.


Ares too, had noticed the human who had been captured by these ridiculous mortals with their spy games and alien fantasies. Now here was an opportunity for him to profit by. Alex had looked appalled by Mulder's plight, so he would no doubt show his appreciation if Ares was to drop a few hints about helping Mulder. And the beautiful Fox........ Ares burned to educate Mulder in his particular tastes.

The sword could wait. If it was still in the ground it was safe for now. And if it had been found by a human there would be consequences to pay. At least Apollo wasn't here, which meant that Ares wasn't yet a laughing stock among his brother gods. He sighed.

How exactly had he let his sword get stolen anyway......?


Ares looked at the handcuffed figure who knelt in front of him, head bowed. He could move silently when he chose to, and Fox Mulder didn't realise he was there even when he made a small sigh of appreciation at the sight before him. Even in such an undignified position, bound and helpless, Fox Mulder was worth looking at. Oh yes! The admittedly high quality suit managed to conceal the fine lines of his athletic body, but Mulder was still an admirable specimen of humanity. The short dark hair, clean and shining, the strong jaw and the broad shoulders. Looking down on this tempting mortal, Ares appreciatively noted the well proportioned lower body. It would indeed be delightful to strip this one and view such a select morsel at close quarters. Perhaps this outing was not a complete failure then.

He chuckled aloud, and Fox Mulder's head jerked upwards in surprise. Mulder frowned at his distinguished visitor, and tried to look nonchalant, though in this, he didn't quite succeed.

"Was there a reason you wanted to see me?" Mulder said coolly. As if Greek gods appeared to him every day.

Ares smiled. Mulder was quite charming. The games these little mortals chose to play! As if their lives were of any consequence!

"Merely inquiring if you were comfortable here." Ares lied.

"Sure!" Mulder snapped. "I couldn't be better. The accommodation leaves a bit to be desired, but I'm making the best of things!" He shifted uncomfortably in his bonds. His arms were stretched tightly behind him, and the circulation was restricted in his lower arms. His muscles were starting to ache and he was beginning to feel cold and hungry.

Ares sensed all of Mulder's discomfort, and smiled in amusement. So lovely to have a dominant position in one's bargaining.

"A pity, Agent Mulder. I was about to offer you the chance to make a deal with me, isn't that how you Federal types would put it? A way out of your dilemma, which would be advantageous to us both......"

Mulder glared. "I can guess what sort of deal! I give you certain privileges and you magically release me! Hell will have to freeze over first!"

Ares was even more amused by the human's desperate efforts to remain independent. Like a worm wriggling on a hook.

"Don't be so fierce in your rejection of my offer. You haven't heard what I have to say yet."

Mulder shrugged. He really had no choice but to listen.

"You don't want to sacrifice your virtue, Mulder. Very noble, I'm sure. But what if you got something, or should I say someone that you wanted very much, as part of the deal? You will occasionally serve my needs....... but at least half your time may be spent alone with Alex Krycek! Perhaps more, if you and he can learn to er...... co-operate in serving me."

"You son of.........!"

Ares lifted a finger in warning. Mulder froze, then bowed his head again. Distantly, the sound of footsteps echoed, coming towards them. Mulder shivered as he realised the reality of his situation. He had to choose whether to accept pain and humiliation at the hands of his captors, or be with Alex. Just that he would have to play the whore occasionally in payment. So the choice came down to offering himself to the War God or to a few soldiers.....

"Alright!" Mulder whispered.

"I knew you could be reasonable!" Ares smirked.


Reclining naked on the bed, all alone in that strange cavernous place that was Ares' most secret lair, Alex sighed in loneliness. Oh yes, Ares would come to this place often, and Alex would generally find that those intense bouts of physical release more than stimulating. But Ares wasn't a companion he could talk to. There was little warmth to the god's lovemaking. No gentle caresses, or casual, loving embraces. Nothing to warm the heart of a human. He had long since guessed that Ares' race must be incapable of so many human emotions. Ares just seemed to feel jealousy, desire and greed. And recent events suggested he felt fear too! It was easy to daydream about a pair of challenging and occasionally affectionate hazel eyes, and their tall, strong-willed owner. Alex sighed. The last he had seen of Mulder was when the consortium goons had taken their prisoner away for questioning. Alex hadn't dared risk Ares' wrath to find out what had happened to Mulder. The agent had often faced strong opponents before, and had always managed to beat the odds. But it didn't stop a small stirring of worry inside Alex. He would have to please Ares greatly and beg like the sweet little human he pretended to be, for a small favour or two.

The air in front of Alex abruptly began to shimmer, and the human hurriedly took up a position he knew his divine lover appreciated—lying on the bed, naked and uncovered, legs wide in welcome. It had been known for Ares to appear naked and take his human lover within seconds of materialising. Alex, having a fine sense of survival, was always ready to offer himself to serve Ares' needs. He sensed that his mercenary attitude occasionally amused Ares. But what the hell! It was only sex. And great sex too.

Alex tilted his head back a little, exposing the fine, long tendons in his neck to best advantage. A vaguely sluttish, sleepy appearance tonight perhaps. Alex bit his lips a little to make them appear flushed and kissable. Ares liked to make a theatrical appearance before his human, so Alex had a few moments longer. He only just had time to pinch his nipples quickly to make them stand proud before his lover materialised.

Side by side with Fox Mulder!

Ares chuckled as the two humans stared at each other in wide-eyed surprise. He had half expected his wanton little Alex to be ready for him. But the little slut had outdone himself this time! He looked exceptionally fuckable tonight, lying like that on the bed, open and ready for action. It had quite shocked his demure little Fox, whose mouth was open and whose cock was rising to attention even as Ares watched him. Fox evidently didn't know whether to criticise Alex for his wanton but beautiful display or applaud the sight appreciatively. His body was even now making the choice for him.

Alex was just as surprised, and a delightful flush was suffusing its way across the human's skin, reaching parts of the body that didn't normally register embarrassment. It was indeed difficult to ignore such a charming human sacrifice. Ares was a god, after all. But if he manipulated the two of them properly.......... Ares grinned in anticipation.

"You should be safe here, Agent Mulder." Ares said coolly, as if Alex was beneath his notice. "I'll be back later. Alex, you should know that your friend has agreed to serve me. Make sure he understands my requirements!"

Alex gasped in astonishment. Ares smirked as he disappeared. He intended to spy on the two lovers for a time before he returned to the cavern. He expected their reunion to be quite an stimulating sight. And then, when he was unable to hold back his arousal any more, he would return and initiate Mulder into the sacred mysteries of his service. The foremost mystery being how many times he could make Fox Mulder scream his name that night.

He just knew there was a hot little slut waiting to find satisfaction, inside that cool facade.


"What the hell was that all about?" Mulder almost shouted, glaring at the Rat who had somehow gnawed his way deep under the agent's skin. When he had seen the abandoned way Alex had stretched himself out on the silken sheets, long limbs stretched out, and the look of desire on the Rat's face, he had felt so angry, so very betrayed........ He had been thinking of Alex as some kind of victim, forced to do the bidding of the fearsome God of War. Not this..... this open desire to please Ares. That damned Rat had tricked him again! Forced him into some kind of mad bargain with Ares because he had thought......

Had it all been an elaborate deception? The sweet words, the flashes of the vulnerable, needy Alex that he had come to care about more deeply than he cared to contemplate. And now he had seen another side of Alex. The seductive, beautiful whore, who had been about to offer Ares pleasure of his own free will. Had Alex offered him the same thing? An artfully crafted image designed to please, from a skilful liar?

"Damn you, Alex," he whispered.

The green eyes flashed with some deep emotion.

"He's not the sort of man you can refuse, Mulder. I wanted to survive. And I was always taught to do a job to the best of my ability. I'm sorry you don't approve, but that's just too bad!" The voice choked off into a sob.

Mulder saw a single tear trickling down Alex's cheek.

Mulder felt as if he was breaking. Like a ship grounding itself on needles of rock. It was time to make a choice. Was he always going to mistrust Alex? That was hardly the basis of a relationship. Or was there some way they could work things out? Why, only minutes before, he had been willing to offer up body and possibly soul to Ares, just for a chance at happiness.

Alex dropped his gaze to the very obvious bulge in Mulder's pants. The evidence that whatever Mulder thought, there was one thing between them that still worked. He moved slowly forward.

Mulder didn't back away.

Alex reached out and touched the hardness he felt there. Mulder gave a little sigh, perhaps a moan. Then the Rat began to draw down the zip and free the other man's erection from the constricting cloth. Unhesitatingly, he lowered his lips to take Mulder's penis in his mouth, and began to roll his tongue round the head. Alex took more in, gradually increasing the contact between them. Though his partner was making small sounds of enjoyment, Alex didn't lessen his ministrations. It wasn't until a hand came up to caress his hair that he knew he had been forgiven. He pulled away from Mulder for a moment, leaving the other man gasping.

It was the work of only a few moments to pull Mulder down on the bed and fling aside various items of clothing, then the Rat continued what he had started, with barely a loss of rhythm.


Ares had watched in grudging admiration as Alex seduced and bedded the delightful Fox Mulder. He forced away a small twinge of jealousy that his little rat would so readily offer himself to another. It came as no surprise to note that Alex was as artful a little beguiler as any human he had ever met. It would take a stronger man than Fox Mulder to withstand the pressure of those seductive lips on one's cock. Or say no to having those firmly muscled legs wrapped round an all too eager body. Mulder didn't even try to fight Alex off. And Ares watched in delight as the Rat lowered himself onto Fox Mulder's impressive erection and athletically rode his lover to a powerful climax.

They really were so delightful together. He massaged his swollen length in anticipation. Soon. Very soon, Fox. He had indicated to Alex what his desire was, and the Rat knew his master well enough to obey his wishes. Not that Ares would have harmed such a delightful bed-partner. But it was always wise to keep up appearances. And Alex was curious what Fox would do, though he tried to hide it.

Soon, Fox.


Mulder lay on his back, with Alex's head pillowed on his chest. A pleasant feeling of lassitude and the aftermath of orgasm made him lay still, smiling. He wound dark locks of hair idly round his fingers, as he casually stroked Alex's hair. Alex was almost purring with contentment.

"I'm sorry, Alex." Mulder said softly, "When I saw you, I thought......well, it doesn't matter."

"Go on, say it!" Alex said softly. Mulder struggled to choose his words carefully.

"I was jealous," Mulder admitted. "That he can have you whenever he wants to, and I can't......."

Alex sighed. "You're here now, Fox. We're together for once. In a bed! Not some back alley....." Alex gently kissed his lover. Mulder accepted the small gesture of affection with a smile. "You agreed to his terms, didn't you! He'd only bring you here for one thing, Fox, and it's not for a friendly reunion."

"Yes! I said...... he could do what he wanted. I've wanted to be with you for so long now. It seemed the easiest way..... Just a few minutes of spreading my legs, closing my eyes and pretending it's you."

Alex laughed. The sound had an odd note of hysteria to it.

"He's a god, Fox. You'll never be the same again afterwards..... I wasn't."

"You're worth it, Alex!" Mulder kissed him. It was the closest he had come to openly declaring his love. They began to kiss fiercely now, trying to block out the future for a while, bodies already slick with sweat as they began to move against each other in arousal once more.

"He'll come soon!" Alex said after a while, breaking apart from his lover. He dropped his gaze to Mulder's burgeoning erection. "He'll want you ready for him......" He dipped his mouth to the centre of Mulder's chest, tasting his lover's salty flavour. "You're not used to this. Letting a man inside you...."

Mulder flushed, and Alex gave a knowing smile. "Let me help you......."

He slipped two forefingers in his mouth to dampen them, then with a flash of green eyes, found the older man's tightness. His slick fingers began to work their way inside. Mulder gave a small exhalation, and Alex sensed his body tense.

"Shhh, Fox. Trust me!" Alex grinned at the other man. Mulder forced himself to relax, spread his legs wider and accept Alex's touch. Fingers, one at a time, began to work deeper inside him. He moaned at the strange sensation. He had only done this a few times before, and those occasions had been uncomfortable and not particularly fulfilling. Wrong partner, wrong circumstances. Alex though. He trusted Alex, didn't he? A fine time to decide in the negative. The rat's eyes gleamed wickedly, so knowing. Mulder forced himself to relax, close his eyes and explore the sensation of Alex's touch. Not painful, the way Alex was so slowly rubbing and circling his fingers inside.....

Alex found a certain place inside him and pressed down.

Mulder screamed, his eyes opening wide with astonishment. How the hell could he have been so ignorant, in his youthful fumblings, of this sensation? Why had he never let Alex do this before? Alex began a slow, steady stroking that soon had Mulder rock hard and aching for more. He was moaning softly in time to those penetrative caresses.

"Like that huh?" Alex's voice had taken on a husky note and Mulder saw through half-lidded eyes that Alex was himself sporting an impressive erection. Mulder was unaware of how beautiful his own body looked. Or that two sets of eyes were watching him in appreciation.

"Turn over," Alex spoke softly. "Let me show you how much better it gets....."

Mulder complied. He found himself lying face down on those same silken sheets, their smooth fabric deliciously smooth against his hardness. He knew what Alex wanted, and unbidden, opened his legs much wider, open to Alex's hot gaze, barely able to keep his body still as the fingers resumed their expert touch. A second, almost unbearable flash of sensation as the seducing rat touched his tongue to the inside of Mulder's thigh and lapped across the skin, the hot sensation of his mouth, his breath, making Mulder gasp aloud. The tongue travelled slowly up his thigh, then across to the base of his sac.

"Yes, oh yes, Alex!" He couldn't bear it any longer. Mulder had to feel more. "Please! Do it!"

A smothered laugh was his only response. He moaned again in frustration, and pushed upwards against the seducing touch. He sensed Alex draw back momentarily, and hissed in frustration.

"Shhh babe. It'll be worth the wait. I promise!" Alex sounded as if he was just as frustrated as Mulder. Just as desperate for this.


The moment had come. Seeing Alex play Fox Mulder's body like a fine instrument was more than Ares could take. His pretty rat had unknown depths to him, that much was certain. Such expressive sensuality, that he could so soon reduce the cool Fox to ecstasy. Ares smiled. He would investigate Alex's limits at another time. Mulder writhing on the silk was too tempting an image. He materialised silently behind the sensual young human, and ran a finger down Alex's spine. The other hand not quite patiently, held his imposing erection.

Alex turned to look at the god, and Ares noted with amusement the expression of absolute dismay that his rat displayed. Alex wanted Fox for himself, that was plain. Too bad, little rat. Next time perhaps. A single crook of the finger and Alex moved out of the way, to let Ares take his place. The momentary pause in Alex's ministrations made Mulder whimper in frustration. Alex looked anguished as Ares gently positioned himself between Mulder's legs. Such a tempting invitation could not be ignored. Ares slowly began to caress Mulder's smooth skin, and the human sighed in pleasure.

Alex wasn't happy at all by these developments. He shook his head at Ares, his eyes begging in mute appeal. Alex didn't quite dare defy the War God though. He would have to wait his turn. Ares enjoyed the look of desperate appeal for a moment. The little rat looked like he was panting for it! Alex wanted to feel a hard body against his so badly. Well he would get his wish soon enough. Just not the lover he had been expecting!

"Shhh babe. It'll be worth the wait. I promise!" Alex desperately proclaimed. No wonder he sounded so needy. For Ares intended him to wait a while. Alex miserably attempted to reassure his lover, for he could guess Ares' anger if Mulder refused him. But the agent was in a world of his own, as his pleasure spiralled out of control.


Ares slid home, feeling human flesh spread beneath him, tightly enclosing him. Fox Mulder cried out beneath him, shock and ecstasy mingling, as the god filled him as never before. Ares closed his eyes in satisfaction. The human was as delightful as he had imagined. He began to move slowly, barely managing to hold himself back out of regard for Mulder's inexperience. The human flung his head backwards, a sob of pleasure escaping him as he began to writhe beneath the god. Ares pushed Mulder's shoulder's back down, and began to fuck him in earnest.

Fox Mulder was as wanton and hot as the god had imagined him to be. Moaning and making small cries of encouragement as he spread his legs wider for his lover's pleasure, thrusting his ass up and begging for more. And slyly glancing at Alex, Ares saw the rat was transfixed by the sight of Fox Mulder being taken. He was softly moaning and rubbing his erection as he watched the god conquer his latest possession. A suspicion of wetness lingered on Alex's cheek, amusing Ares.

It took only a short time to reduce Mulder to incoherence. Delicious whining subservience, his body a tempting morsel for Ares. But of course, Ares had no intention of only having Mulder for a few minutes. No, most of the night would be more pleasing. Another quick glance at Alex showed his favourite rat still watching the whimpering Mulder, his hands eagerly working his own erection. Even as Ares watched, Alex's head fell back and he shuddered in orgasm, with a quiet sob.

But it was nearly time for his Fox to achieve his first climax at Ares hands. The god thrust deeply into his Fox, making the human cry out, pressing himself close. He felt the human's body tense, at its peak, and even as waves of orgasm took Mulder, Ares laughed softly in his Fox's ear.

"Like it, my Fox?"

Mulder gasped, the name he had been about to cry was Alex's.

"Nooooo!" Fox shouted instead. But too late. Ares accepted the offering of Mulder's orgasm as his first act of worship.


Ares was very pleased with himself. For a second time, he rode the lush body of his Fox until the human howled in climax and sagged against the bed, panting for breath. For some reason though, this repeat performance did not quite have the delightful savour of that first spectacular fuck. Mulder had just lain there in fact. Though Mulder's body had evidently enjoyed the god's touch, there had been a shadow in his eyes and his performance had been lacklustre.

Something was definitely missing. And Ares knew what it was.


He studied the agent as Mulder lay at his side, staring dully at him. Mulder had steadfastly refused to look at Alex since his perceived betrayal. The rat sat huddled nearby, just as miserable. Looking very guilty.

"I want you again, Fox!" Ares saw Mulder's eyes widen a fraction as the agent registered once again, the War God's phenomenal stamina. Then Mulder dutifully rolled on his stomach and raised his ass for Ares. It had not taken the agent long to realise how demanding Ares was. And how uncompromising he was in having his desires satisfied.

It wasn't easy to refuse a god.

Ares slid home easily, the effects of his last bout of sex still obvious in Mulder's body. He heard Mulder give a little mewling cry, and as he moved, he sensed the human inevitably become erect again. Unexpectedly, Ares wrapped his arm around his Fox to keep them locked together, and rolled with his partner, so Mulder was lying on his right side. No chance of Fox loosening that hold.

"Alex! Come here!" Ares ordered. He was, of course, obeyed.

"Suck him, Alex!" Ares ordered. He enjoyed the way Alex's eyes widened, and the apprehension his rat showed as he approached. Then Alex was in front of Fox, and his lush lips were going down on Mulder. His Fox cried out and clutched at Alex's head as the rat's hot mouth closed over his erection. Not quite so indifferent then, to the charms of the pretty rat.

Ares timed his thrusts to coincide with Alex's movements, and as he had expected, the spark of fire in his sweet Fox was lit by the presence of the younger man. Oh they were definitely a pair, they were so much more delicious together. And Mulder achieved a quite exceptional orgasm in Alex's capable mouth.

Ares was so pleased with Alex's efforts that he proceeded to take his rat several times, while a by now very tired Mulder watched his admittedly magnificent performance with awe. Well, Mulder would soon build up his endurance, even as Alex had. And it didn't escape Ares notice that Mulder's body reacted with stirrings of arousal to the sight of Alex making an utter slut of himself. Hardly surprising that; Alex was really very talented at making those rapturous little mewling sounds when he was being taken. And he was developing some interesting forms of muscle control too.

So Mulder was made to show his appreciation of the War god one more time.


Ares looked fondly at the sleeping Fox, then gave a knowing grin at Alex. "You are quite the most devious human I have ever met, my sweet. And that includes a long list of master deceivers!"

"Me?" The rat said innocently.

"You forget, my pet, I can read your mind!" Ares smirked. "Tears and sweet innocence indeed! Had your precious Fox seen the way you always beg me for more, I doubt he would think so highly of you."

"Did you say more?" Alex purred, with a silky smile. He found that his deduction was indeed correct, and eagerly began to express his admiration for the war god's considerable attractions.

As he had always done, since the first time he felt the touch of a god.

And as ever, he enjoyed himself, and was enjoyed, immensely. He would reconcile his feelings of love and lust later.


Langly had almost perfected his costume for the following day's Dungeons and Dragons Con. He was immensely proud of the sword he had bought. He polished the red jewel in the pommel and retired to bed, leaving the costume he planned to wear ready for the morning. He didn't see the red jewel begin to glow, as he left the room.

Momentarily, its colour resembled the warlike glow that burned in Ares' Eyes when he was angry.


The next part of the story will hopefully conclude the My Hero story arc.—meg

TITLE God send (1/1)
AUTHOR Megaera
DATE September 1999
E-MAIL Megaera@Megaera.demon.co.uk
FEEDBACK Always welcome
DISTRIBUTION Any time any place anywhere, but only if you enjoyed the story
SUMMARY Apollo and Ares strive for a prize, who will win in the end.
DISCLAIMER All these beautiful men belong to someone else. All I have of them are my dreams and stories. You can't forbid a dream or take a copyright out on a wish. A thousand more will take its place......
COMMENTS Latest in the Ares/My Hero stories. Thanks to Czara as always for Beta reading, and Michael, who wanted Slut!Mulder.

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