Ze Von and Only III

Excitable Boy
by Nonie Rider

"I mean it, Mulder. Don't you dare get killed on me. Take better care of yourself or I'm gonna keep you permanently handcuffed to the bed."


"You just don't care, do you? You're gonna walk right into that next shootout, that next mutant wasps' nest, that next UFO, as if you didn't care what happens to you at all. Well, I do, Mulder. And I'm damned if I want to go to your funeral."

"Stay away, then. See if I care."

"Damn it, Mulder! If you get yourself killed on me, I'm gonna dig you up and drop you on that smoking bastard's doorstep like a dead mouse."

"Now that's an idea. Maybe we should try it."


The End



Ze Von VII

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