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A Fire Christmas
by Raven

"Jesus, it's freakin' cold out there!" Mulder shivered violently, rubbing his hands together briskly. He immediately moved from the tent flap to the small stove heating the space, standing as close to it as he dared.

Scully, having come in only moments earlier, was on the other side. "I know. I'm starting to see tissue damage related to it. Think Alex would let me do a safety refresher course on cold weather?"

"Probably. If everybody plays it safe, it works better, so he'd probably approve the time for an assembly. Hey, how are you set in the med tent? Anything we need to look for while we're out?"

"Heat packs, the kind hunters use? Some of those would be good, other than that, just basic cold weather gear."

Mulder nodded. The cold spell had caught them somewhat off guard. True, it was December, but it usually didn't get that cold in Georgia, even in December. And they were currently in Georgia. The scouting parties hadn't turned up much in the small rural stores near the camp, and it looked like a trip to a bigger city was going to be necessary. It was a risk, but a calculated one. Besides, they would be heading North again soon, and they'd need the equipment eventually anyway.

"I'm going to see if he'll let me take Skinner, do some scavenging. It's dangerous, but I think it's necessary."

"I agree." Alex's voice sounded from the front of the tent, and the man came in, shivering in nothing but a light shirt layered over a tee shirt.

Mulder frowned, even as he held out his arms for his lover. The man was like a popsicle, and Mulder lifted his shirt.

"Go on, it's okay." Alex stuck his icy hands onto Mulder's warm back, grateful for the body heat being shared. "What happened to your jacket?"

Mulder had a faintly scolding tone to his voice, and Alex looked down and away, mumbling something.

"Was that English?"

"I gave it to one of the refugees. Lucinda." Alex said it reluctantly, embarrassed. Lucinda was seventeen, pregnant and the sweetest child Mulder had ever met. She'd charmed everyone, and now Mulder smiled, kissing Alex on the forehead.

"Thank you." Alex knew Mulder wasn't just saying it because of the kind act, but rather, for what it said about Alex and his view of the refugees. Since becoming lovers, Alex had begun to see them the way Mulder did, just a little. In return, Mulder had learned to walk away when he had to, though it always hurt him to do so. They had both worked hard to see the other's point of view, and to support it when possible.

"Yeah, yeah. Listen, I heard about a sporting goods store just an hour away from here. I'd like to try hitting it first, before committing to an actual raiding party. This is still a very hot area, Fox, and while we should be in the clear out here, the cities are definitely unstable. A sporting goods store should have most of what we need, if not, maybe we can supplement later."

"Sounds good. Should I take Skinner?"

"Skinner and me. We'll all go, it should be a safe run, and we're all technically off together tomorrow afternoon anyway."

"Tomorrow afternoon?" Mulder bit at his lip, a look of hurt in his eyes. Alex saw it and hardened visibly.

"Yes. I know, Fox. But this is more important. It's the fastest we can get it done, and it's the best time from a safety perspective. I know you had other plans, but they'll have to wait. We'll do the run tomorrow afternoon."

Mulder nodded, biting at his lip, and Alex softened, letting his own disappointment show.

"I know, baby. I promised you we'd spend some time together then, for Christmas. But people are hurting, Fox."

"Alex, it's okay. I understand. I'm not completely selfish, just self absorbed." Mulder managed a grin, then reached out, holding Alex tightly to him. "It's just a little disappointing, that's all. But you're right, of course."

It wasn't their first Christmas together. That had happened a few months after they got out of the cell. That Christmas had been spent on the run, literally, driving hell bent for leather for nearly two days, until they were safe again. They had managed a stolen hour here and there, exchanging small gifts they'd made or found. It had been good enough, they were too in love for it not to be, but Alex had promised that the next one would be better. He had arranged for them to have most of a day off together Christmas Eve, time for just the two of them to be alone. It was this time that Alex was sacrificing for the good of the camp. He had Mulder's blessing, but they were both disappointed.


Still, duty came first, and so the next day, the three men headed off in one of the big trucks. They found the sporting goods store with no problem, and were pleased to find it full of everything from arctic rated sleeping bags to propane heaters and fuel. There was a selection of outerwear and even thermal underwear in a range of sizes. There were the heating packs that Scully had asked for, and even some more first aid supplies. There weren't any guns or ammo, but they picked up the bows and arrows, the flares and the other hunting goods.

They'd just packed it all up in some all weather tents, when Alex's radio began squawking wildly.

"What's up?"

"You've got company on the way. Bird's Eye reports a full fucking platoon en route. Your area's about to be covered. They'll go right past you. You've got to stay put until you hear from us."

"Roger. Radio silence outgoing until we hear from you. Leather out." Alex cut the communication, and while Skinner and Mulder headed out to hide the truck, he began setting up a fortified area, swearing softly the whole time.

When the other two men came back, Alex had discovered a basement. They quickly dragged supplies down, and then set about barricading themselves in. Soon, they were as safe as they could be, and then there was nothing to do but wait.

"Fuck! I can't believe how stupid I am." Alex was shaking his head in disgust with himself.

"What are you talking about? All our information said that this area was completely clear. You couldn't have known about this, Alex." Mulder was sitting down beside him, and now he placed a comforting hand on Alex's shoulder.

"It's not that. Never mind, Fox. Hey, are you hungry? They had some MRE's up there..."

"Alex, you just shut me out." The pain in Mulder's voice was crystal clear, and nearly as delicate. Skinner removed himself to the far side of the room, giving them as much privacy as possible, turning his back while he busied himself with setting up one of the tents, needing to know how they worked anyway.

Alex waited until he'd left, then turned sad eyes to his lover.

"I did, didn't I?"

He sighed, closing his eyes, and reached out, pulling Mulder into a tight embrace, the strength of his hold the only apology Mulder would get, but Mulder knew that, and understood what wasn't said. Snuggling close, he forgave Alex, and waited for the explanation.

"I'm stupid because I took the three of us away from camp to the same place at the same time. I know better, Fox, I've never done it before, never."

"So why did you do it this time?"

"Because I promised you we'd be together this afternoon. Because I wanted to be with you. Because it's Christmas Eve, and I wanted us to be together, even if we were just stealing supplies. You looked so hurt, so disappointed when I canceled, I couldn't stand it, baby. And I was disappointed. We needed Skinner, he's the best at this kind of thing, but one of us should have remained at camp."

Alex hesitated, then continued in a quieter tone, his voice holding a trace of fear.

"If something happens, the resistance will go on, but I don't think they can make it without us, Fox. Without one of us, maybe, but not without both of us. I risked the whole camp, because I was selfish. That's why I said I was stupid."

He sighed, and Mulder hugged him more tightly, hearing how upset Alex was with himself. His lover seldom granted himself any slack, not as a leader. It was that little fact that had finally made Mulder go to Alex, and admit that Alex was in charge of the resistance. They shared much of the command, true. But when it came right down to it, Alex was now officially their leader. That he would make a mistake like this for personal reasons was bound to piss him off.

"And if we get out of here safely, I'm putting myself on report. Be thinking of something really bad to do to me, lover. You're going to have to punish me for this one. I mean it, Fox." Alex pulled back, looking deeply into Mulder's eyes, needing the man to understand.

"You're right, and I will." Mulder reached out, kissing Alex firmly, but briefly, letting Alex know that the message was understood. Alex sighed then, relaxing a bit. It did no good to brood. It was over, time to make the best of it.

With that said, Alex reached out, unrolling one of the sleeping bags. Mulder understood that Alex needed to do something constructive, to take his mind off their situation.

"Hey, did you check out these bags?"

"They're a godsend. I wish we had enough for everybody."

Skinner, seeing that the private portion of the talk was finished, cleared his throat, and then motioned to the tent.

"I think we might have enough if we gave either a tent or a bag to everyone. Between that and the clothes, I think we can make sure everyone's covered."

"Good idea, Skinner." Alex took out a piece of paper and went over the inventory list they'd found upstairs. Soon, they'd managed to divide the bulk of the goods. It was very satisfying, and Mulder grinned.

"Feels a little like Christmas, we've got gifts for everybody."

Alex smiled, reaching out to touch his face softly. "It always feels like Christmas, when I'm with you."

Mulder was delighted. It wasn't often Alex said anything so obviously romantic, especially not in front of somebody else. Seeing the faint pink flush, Mulder simply kissed Alex a thank you, and then they turned their attention to food.

Over a pack of MRE's, they settled down to some semi-normal conversation. Knowing that their body heat signatures were much more likely to give them away than talking, they felt free to relax a little. They could do nothing else. Alex had them underground, where they were least likely to be scanned, there were small windows, but they'd been blackened out, so being seen wasn't a problem. The radio was still silent, and the room was barricaded. Nothing to do but wait it out, so they might as well enjoy it if they could.

They shared some camp gossip. They talked about Scully and Doggett, agreeing that they made a good pair. Mulder mentioned that a man they'd picked up as a refugee some weeks ago was turning into a damn fine cook. They'd actually had some genuinely good food lately. Scully now had a former registered nurse working with her, and the man was a godsend, taking some of the lighter medical duties, and freeing Scully up.

The talk meandered like a summer creek, lazily drifting first one way, then the other. Soon the talk came around to Christmas.

"Okay, best Christmas." Mulder started it, and while Alex rolled his eyes and Skinner groaned, he knew both men would play along. Smiling at their complaints, he stretched out, waiting for one of them to give in and go first.

"The first year I got back from 'Nam. I was still messed up, in the hospital even. It was pretty bleak, there weren't a lot of groups caring if the baby killers had company at Christmas or not, and my family was too far away to be able to really be there. The whole ward was depressed, but then this little girl came. She couldn't have been more than eight or nine. I remember she was dressed in this little velvet Santa dress, all red and white with little pom poms. She looked like the kind of doll you saw in the big department stores, lots of curls and big eyes."

Walter smiled, a soft, sad smile, before continuing.

"She had a bag full of little drawings, cards and stuff. She gave each of us one, spent a couple of minutes talking to us. Then somebody asked her why she was doing it. She stood in the middle of the room, and looked around at all of us, with our tubes and metal braces and pumps. And then she said that she had a daddy, once. He was a good man, and he always did what he thought was right. He was a soldier, and when she asked him why he sometimes had to go away and fight, he said it was so that she could be safe. He always told her that it was because little girls like her were gifts from god, and those gifts had to be protected."

Skinner paused, jaw muscle twitching, eyes far away.

"She said that it didn't matter what some of the grown ups said. Her daddy didn't fight for presidents or money. He wasn't killing babies. He was trying to save her. That's what he told her, and he never lied to her, never. He was dead now, he died being a soldier, and she couldn't tell him thank you for dying to save her. But she could thank us, the rest of the soldiers that were fighting to protect other little girls. That's who the cards and drawings were from. She'd gotten all the little girls she knew that had lost fathers or brothers or any family member, and they'd made these cards for us. To say thank you."

Skinner had tears falling silently down his face now, and Mulder did, too. Alex was moved, if dry eyed.

"It was the first time I felt like the world made a little bit of sense again. The first time I'd felt clean since I got back. She hugged us, before she left, hugged each of us. And then she sang "Silent Night" and she left. That little girl let me look at myself in the mirror again."

Reaching into his pocket, Skinner pulled out his wallet. None of them carried identification or money any more, but there were still some things that had sentimental value, and it wasn't uncommon for the men and women both to carry a wallet with pictures and such. Opening his, Skinner drew out a folded, faded square of pale yellow construction paper. The orange crayon sun had dimmed, and the flowers were no longer carnation pink, but the big, red "Thank You" was still easily read.

They looked at it for a long moment, before Skinner put it away reverently.

Mulder hesitated only a moment, before reaching out and putting an arm around the thick shoulders, a one armed hug that Skinner returned, before smiling a thanks, and reaching out for a drink of water.

"Okay, your turn."

Alex sighed, but dutifully answered. "Last year."

"What? Last year, when we were on the road nearly non-stop and not sure if we were going to live or die?" Mulder looked disbelieving, and Alex chuckled.

"Yeah, that last year. It was the first Christmas I could ever remember spending with somebody I loved, that loved me. I don't remember Christmas from when I was a child, just snatches here and there. When I got older, well, I was not really in a Christmas friendly environment. The old men," It was how Alex referred to the Consortium members, "they had families, you know? So on Christmas, I usually had some time off. I'd leave the country, head for Bangkok, some city where I wasn't constantly reminded of how fucking alone in the goddamn world I was. Other times, I'd just sleep. Sleep until it was over, hibernate for a week. That was good, too. I'm not real religious, so I didn't get the whole away in a manger thing. And if a fat guy in a red suit tried coming down my chimney, he'd get an ass full of lead."

Mulder and Skinner both snickered, and Alex winked, but then his face softened, a sincere look of understanding coming over his features.

"But last year, last year for the first time, I got it. I finally understood what the whole deal was. When you looked at me and wished me a merry Christmas, it was like I'd never heard the words before. And while you were the main one, it wasn't just you. Dana and Doggett and Skinner, hell, half the camp said it to me, and meant it. And I just thought, this must be what it's like, to have a family. This is why even the fucking old men went home for the holidays. And it made sense. So yeah, last year."

Mulder was beaming, and Skinner looked pleased, too, if slightly mischievous. "Down in Whoville they say that the Grinch's small heart grew three sizes that day..."

"Oh, fuck you!" Alex reached out, lightly shoving Skinner's shoulder, while Mulder just lay back and laughed. "Asshole." Alex said it with affection, unable to keep his own amusement in check.

Skinner, pleased to have been able to get both men to laugh, looked at Mulder. The man had gotten himself together now, and knew it was his turn.

"Mine's not anywhere as good as yours. For me, it was the first Christmas with Scully. Last year was very special for me, too, Alex, don't get me wrong, but well, we didn't really do Christmas, after Samantha was taken. I mean, I had some school celebrations and stuff, and my parents usually remembered to get me something, a check or whatever, but we just quit doing Christmas. It was fine with me, I didn't care either. I just stopped thinking about it, you know? But then, Scully was suddenly talking about Christmas, and I realized that she probably expected a gift. I freaked. I rushed out at lunch, grabbed something from the first street vendor I found, and threw it in some paper. But I didn't give it to her. It just sat there in my desk, being wrong. Even when she gave me my present, I didn't give her anything back. I think I mumbled something about not celebrating Christmas. She just looked at me and smiled and said 'That's okay, Mulder. I'll celebrate for both of us.' And she did."

Mulder was lying on his back, looking up at the ceiling, face glowing slightly.

"She didn't need me to do anything. It was like she knew that I couldn't do anything, not yet. And she accepted that, accepted me. She didn't think I was weird, well, okay, she did, but not in a bad way. She didn't make me feel guilty, honestly didn't care that I never gave her a present, or went to the office party or accepted her invitations to spend Christmas with her and her mom. Scully was never hurt by it, never took it personally. And because of that, I started to get Christmas back, a little at a time. The year I could finally not only pick out a real present for her, but wrap it and give it to her, was one of the best moments of my life. I can't tell you how whole I felt, how normal, for the first time in a long time. I guess...I guess she gave me hope."

"You're right, it's not as good as ours."

Mulder turned a stunned face to his lover, saw the twinkling in the eyes, and pounced. "Why, you..." He landed on top of Alex, and positioned his fingers threateningly over a rib.


"Gonna take it back?" Mulder made a wriggling motion with his fingers, and Alex yelped, but Mulder hadn't actually touched him.

"Yes! I take it back! Yours was the best, you win! Don't you fucking dare tickle me, Fox!"

Skinner should have felt like a third wheel, but Mulder and Alex were both including him in their smiles and winks, and now, as they simply lay there, holding each other, he realized that he felt comfortable. Even when they'd been scuffling, playing together, he'd felt perfectly at ease. It was good, and he didn't waste any more time analyzing it.

"Hey, what time is it?"

"Nearly midnight. Fox, where the hell is your watch?" Mulder lost watches the way he used to lose cell phones, and now Alex eyed him with stern exasperation. Realizing that he was in trouble, Mulder winced.

"Um, I'm not really sure. But there are extenuating circumstances..." Alex rolled his eyes, shaking his head. Skinner sympathized.

"I remember that feeling. I can't tell you how nice it is not to have to wonder how I'm going to explain why my department had the highest lost/stolen/damaged budget of the entire FBI."

"Oh, come on, I wasn't that bad."

Silence and a raised eyebrow were his only answer to that ludicrousness. Alex, not really mad, but needing to make a point with Fox, interrupted the trip down memory lane. His voice was firm, if gentle.

"Yeah, but I've got options you didn't. Fox, you lose another watch and I'll send you to your own tent for a week, you got me?"

Swallowing, knowing just how serious his lover was, Mulder nodded. It was harsh, but fair. "I got you. I'm sorry, Alex."

Alex kissed him on the forehead, and then cuddled him close, not wanting his lover to lapse into self- recrimination. "It's okay. Now, why did you want to know what time it was?"

Fox, reassured by the arms around him, managed a smile. "I thought we could exchange gifts."

Alex sat them both up. "Baby, I'd love to, but I don't have anything for you here. And I don't have anything for Skinner, period."

"Me, either, Mulder, sorry."

Mulder was shaking his head at them, but his smile was back in full force. Skinner realized he'd seen Mulder smile more since becoming Alex's lover than he had in all the years the man had worked for him, put together. It comforted him.

"I know that. But I was thinking about what we were just talking about, the things that made Christmas special for us in the past. And I bet, if we really think about it, and don't pussy out, there's something we could each give to the other. So think about it, just think. Isn't there something you could say or do, that would have meaning like that? We could make this a special Christmas, if we have the balls, no pun intended."

Alex and Skinner were both frowning, but it was with thought, not anger. They were thinking, and it didn't take long to realize that Mulder, as usual, was right. He gave them ten minutes, making use of the handy bathroom corner. It didn't flush, of course, but the commode was still useful.


When he came out, he puttered around until he noticed that they were looking resigned and ready.

"So, are you game?" Both men nodded, and Mulder took a deep breath. "Okay, who goes first?"

"Me." Alex always went first. Get it done and over with. Mulder dragged his heels, but the more Alex dreaded something, the faster he tried to get it to happen.

Turning to Skinner, Alex cleared his throat, and looked the other man dead in the eye.

"There's a lot of past between us, and it's just that, the past. We each had our reasons and I'm not going to go into it all. But even though we've obviously gone on and set it aside, there's one thing left to say." Taking a deep breath, Alex held his hands out in front of him, palm up. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all the horrible things I did to you. Whether I had to or not, isn't the point anymore, but the fact remains that you do have my sincere apologies for the pain and suffering I caused you. I'm sorry."

Skinner looked stunned, but just for a moment, then he reached out, taking Alex's upturned hands into his own. "We're a lot alike in some ways, you and me. You didn't have to say the words, I knew it. And you know this, but the words are my gift. You're forgiven. Clean Slate. And one more gift, Alex. Your name is Alex." Skinner fought to get the last part out, the emotion of the night never having slacked off completely.

Alex, too, was visibly affected. "Thank you. Walter."

And then, while Mulder watched, holding his breath, both men hugged unashamedly. When Alex pulled back, he wiped at his eyes with annoyance.

"Damn it, Fox, why is it whenever I do anything your way, I always end up crying like a girl?"

Mulder didn't respond, knowing it was just Alex being Alex.

"Okay, Ski- Walter and I exchanged gifts. Who's next?"

"Me. It's my turn, and I promise, my gift won't make either of you cry like a girl. Laugh out loud maybe, but not cry."

Mulder was blushing, and both men looked at him oddly, as he went to a small desk in the corner of the room, and brought back a straight backed wooden chair. Standing behind it, looking more than a little nervous, Mulder turned his eyes to Skinner.

"I busted into your office once, a long time ago. It wasn't the first time, or the last, but this time, I really made a scene. I felt bad about it, almost immediately, something in your eyes made it different than usual, I guess. I turned back around to go in and apologize to you and the other A.D. that was in there. The door had opened back up a little when I slammed it, and I overheard him talking to you about me. That wasn't unusual either, but it was what he said that was different."

Skinner felt a low grade tingle start in his stomach, and began working its way up his spine. If Mulder was talking about what he thought, this was about to get very interesting.

"Seems A.D. Watson knew you from a long time ago. You had a similar, very specific thought pattern when it came to guys, especially guys like me." Mulder's face was bright red as he recalled the scene.


He'd stepped to the doorway, intending to apologize, only to be frozen solid by the words he heard.

"Jesus, Walt, how can you stand not turning him over your knee? The kid's not only your usual type for a sub, but he's a pure brat. And he's asking for it, honestly working it. I mean, don't you ever think about giving him what it's fairly obvious he wants?"

"Clark, I've thought of nothing else since about six minutes after I met him. But that's not the point. First of all, I'm his boss. Mulder has enough work issues without adding an office romance into the deal. And it would be a romance, you know I don't spank anybody I'm not genuinely fond of. Second, I'm not sure, but I think there may be some childhood issues. Even if we were lovers, I'm not sure he could handle even an erotic spanking. Mulder's been hurt enough by people he trusts, I won't add my name to the list. Third, I don't have a clue if he's gay, straight, bi or none of the above. And there's not a safe way for me to find out."

Skinner had paused then, and Mulder felt his anger and humiliation fade with the next words.

"But none of that's the real reason I haven't approached him. The real reason is that he needs me, right here, like I am now. He's depending on me, Clark, and what he's doing, he can't do it alone. Damn near, but not quite. So I let him rant and rave, let him mouth off and slam my door, call me names and embarrass me in front of my coworkers. It doesn't matter how attractive I find him. It doesn't matter that I think he'd be a hell of a lot of fun to play with. And it doesn't matter that I'd give my left nut for the chance to have him bare ass up over my knee. Mulder needs what we have now, and that's all that matters. His cause is too important, Clark. He's too important, not just to me, but to all of us. So I'll take the shit and just keep on fantasizing."

Mulder had slipped away then, gone back to his office and stared at the walls blankly for a good hour.


"At the end of that hour, I realized two things. One, that you really did care about me. And two, I'd had a hard on the whole time you'd been talking."

Mulder was too embarrassed to blush anymore, and Skinner was simply stunned. A quick glance at Alex showed that he was slightly flushed too, but with arousal. Apparently, this wasn't a shock to him, which meant that Mulder and Alex had talked, which meant that Mulder must know this was okay, which meant... Skinner sucked in his breath as he put all the pieces together.

"I see you've figured out what your present is. But only if you want it. What I heard, I heard a long time ago, Walter. A lot has happened since then, a lot of things have changed. I'll understand if it's not something you're still interested in."

"Oh, I'm still interested." Skinner couldn't lie, not after Mulder had been so painfully honest. "But I do have a couple of questions before this goes any further."


"Mulder, are you sure you can handle this? I mean, I don't have any proof, and I'm not trying to bring up a bad past, but well..."

"I don't have any childhood issues, Walter. I promise. Emotional issues, yes. But nothing physical, this doesn't push any trauma buttons for me at all. Ask Alex." The grin this time was full of erotic tease, and Skinner's eyes automatically went to Alex's green ones.

"It's true. Your friend Clark summed him up pretty well. He's a brat and he does beg for it. Rather prettily, I might add." Alex sent a smoldering glance Mulder's way, before turning serious. "He likes it, Walter, he enjoys it, and it doesn't make him feel anything but pleasure. You don't have to worry about that."

"Okay. What about Alex? What you guys have, it's special, anybody can see that. You're happy, both of you, honestly happy. I don't want to mess that up. I won't mess it up, even if it means not getting my favorite fantasy brought to life. It's not worth it."

"Thank you." Alex said it with all the sincerity he could manage, and Skinner knew what it cost the man to say that, too.

"You're welcome."

Mulder spoke earnestly. "Walt, you won't mess anything up with us. What we have, it's too strong for anybody but us to tear it up. Not a problem. A night of fun with an old friend won't do anything but give us another memory, a good one. We're not talking about starting a romance here. Just a one time only, very special, just between friends play."

Skinner, seeing that it was the truth, and okay with both men, relaxed. "Okay, two more questions. Does this one time only, very special, just between friends play stop at a spanking? Because see, in my fantasies, after I spanked you, I made it all better." Skinner let a little bit of sex slide into his voice, testing the waters, and was pleased when Mulder's eyes darkened.

"That would be okay, too."

"Last question. What's Alex going to be doing while we play?"

Walter Skinner felt every hair on his body stand straight up when a whiskey rough voice purred in his ear, "Waiting for my turn to play with you, too, of course."

Turning, he found the man suddenly kneeling close beside him, body nearly touching.

"You've been honest and careful, Walter. Let me spare you the rest. I want you. I've wanted you since the first time you looked at me from across that desk. I don't play the sub often, but for you, I'd make an exception. So, if you want, if you're interested, and I think you are, then here's what's going to happen. We'll make love, the three of us. At some point, you'll turn Mulder over your knee and give him the spanking you've both been dreaming about for a decade now. And then you'll give me one. I want you to spank me like you bought me, Walter, and then I'm going to suck your brains out through your cock. After that, we can ad lib. What do you say, big boy?"

Skinner was almost dizzy from Alex's words alone.

Mulder had closed his eyes and groaned. "Jesus, Alex, that mouth of yours is lethal. I could come just from listening to you."

"You'd better not. I want you to come with Skinner's cock in your ass. After he paints it red, of course."

This time Skinner's groan joined Mulder's, and Alex laughed softly, green eyes sparkling with desire.

He stood, and held a hand out to Mulder, who immediately moved to take it. Alex kissed him deeply, then turned him by the shoulders and pointed him at Skinner.

"Merry Christmas, baby. Go unwrap your present." A swat on the rear and Mulder moved forward.

Skinner had stood, and now as Mulder looked up at him almost shyly, years of repressed desire surged forward. But it was tempered by as many years of care, and so Skinner's hands were gentle as they reached out to cup Mulder's face.

"Last chance, Mulder. Are you sure about this?"

"I'm sure, Walter."

With that, Skinner lowered his mouth, kissing Mulder with a tender hesitancy that sent a pang through both men. Alex, watching, felt the last of his concerns fade away. Any man that could restrain himself after years of wanting to kiss Mulder, would be able to be careful with the spanking, too. He watched Mulder melt under the soft, slow touches of Skinner's tongue, heard his lover sigh with pleasure and satisfaction. There was a thread of jealousy, but just enough to make things good. It was too obvious that this was being done with care and affection, not just lust.

Still, it was time he joined the party, too. Stepping close beside them, Alex slid one arm around each man. Mulder instinctively turned, offering his mouth to Alex. Alex kissed him, tasting Skinner as well as Mulder. And then Mulder was easing back and Skinner very gently turned Alex's face. It was careful, but not hesitant. Skinner let one hand cup the back of Alex's head, lightly gripping a handful of the slight waves. Alex moaned, it was better than he'd imagined, and when he lightly nipped Skinner's bottom lip, his reward was a tightening of that hand.

"Watch it, boy." The rumble held a clear, if erotic warning, and Alex couldn't resist a short laugh.

"God, Walter, when you call me that, it goes right to my cock."

"That's an idea." Mulder, enchanted by the sight of his Alex gone coy for another alpha, reached out, beginning to undo both men's pants.

Skinner eased back, and caught Mulder's hands.

"Oh no, you don't. Not yet." And then Skinner pulled Mulder into his arms and took his mouth almost savagely. He crushed Mulder to him, plundering the full lips ruthlessly, while Mulder held tight and opened himself up to the ravishment. When Skinner finally released Mulder, the younger man was glassy eyed and panting.


Alex nuzzled Skinner's neck. "I know that look, Walter. I think it's time."

"I think you're right." Skinner wrapped an arm around Alex, the hand sliding down to rest on the curve of Alex's backside, and squeezing firmly, even as he licked a path up Alex's jawline, nipping at the bone. "Does he have a safeword?"

"He doesn't need one, he's got me." Alex thrust his hips up against Skinner's, letting the man feel his erection, trailing his own tongue around the edge of Skinner's ear, before stepping back.

Alex reached out, taking Mulder's hand and pulling him into the vee of their bodies. He kissed Mulder lovingly, and then winked, patting Mulder's rump lightly.

"Ready for the spanking of your life, baby?"

"Oh, yeah."

"Have fun, relax, and enjoy."

"Thank you, Alex."

"Shhh. Go on, I want to watch."

A final kiss, and Skinner was stepping toward the chair, leading Mulder by the hand. He seated himself carefully, his cock grateful for the loose fatigues. He reached for Mulder's pants, but paused.

"You know, while I'm doing this, I think I should return the fantasy, a little." Skinner tilted his head forward meaningfully. "You've been eyeing my scalp for years, Mulder. Either you're constantly blinded by the glare, or you want to explore. Go for it."

"Oh, wow." Mulder gave a small embarrassed laugh, but his shaking hands reached for Skinner's bald head. Skinner waited until he felt the first tentative caress, then began unfastening Mulder's pants, slowly. He'd gotten the buttons undone when he felt the press of lips on the sensitive skin.

"Mmmm. Nice, Mulder. Very nice." The fingertips were still skating the surface, and now Mulder added kisses and even licks to the warm skin. Skinner finished unbuttoning the pants, and pushed them down to Mulder's knees. The cock was practically right in his face, but Skinner ignored it. Instead, he drew Mulder face down across his lap, taking his time and positioning the long frame just right.

Mulder was shaking, but he wasn't afraid. Alex came around, sitting down so that he could see Mulder's face, as well as his ass.

Skinner's big palm rubbed almost reverently over the backside presented to him, and Mulder made a quiet keening noise at the back of his throat.

"Christ, Mulder, I've dreamed of this moment a million times."

"Do it, Walter. Spank me, please?" Mulder was already writhing over the broad thighs, and Alex reached under, squeezing sharply at the base of Mulder's cock. Mulder whined, but Alex kissed him quiet, knowing that neither man wanted this over too soon.

Skinner started out slow, just gently patting the firm flesh, getting used to the feel and bounce of the muscles under his palm. He warmed the pale skin up carefully, taking as long as possible without sacrificing the tension building so well around them. When Mulder's backside was a soft pink, Skinner rubbed his hand across it again.

"I'm going to spank you now, Mulder, really spank you. I'll take my time and build you up, but I'm going to be hitting hard before I'm done. I want you to know that even though it hurts, this isn't punishment. It was never about punishment, Mulder. I never wanted to hurt you, or humiliate you, or get even with you. I never wanted to force you to behave. I just wanted to care for you, to take care of you. You mean a hell of a lot to me, Mulder, you always have."

"I know, Walter. I do, and you mean just as much to me. You've been my mountain, more than once, my rock, my beacon. So go on, love me. Love me hard and love me plenty, love me until I beg for mercy."

Alex closed his eyes at this, knowing what that was like, understanding the meaning perfectly.

Skinner reached down, placing a kiss on each cheek, then took a deep breath. He brought his hand down sharply, first on one cheek, then the other. He spanked slowly, choosing his targets with care, and shaping his hand to wring every last bit of sensation from each blow. Alex was mesmerized. He'd seen a lot of Doms in his time, but Skinner was obviously a master at the bare hand spanking of another man's naked ass. The color, the heat, the pacing, all of it was exquisite, and Mulder paid tribute to each perfect slap.

He tossed and rocked and groaned. He whimpered and yelped and gasped. He thrust his ass up and tightened and flexed. Mulder rode Skinner's thighs like a carnival ride, and Skinner savored every lovely, honest response.

Finally, reluctantly, Alex knew that Mulder was nearing his limits, despite the fact that the man was begging for more, urging Skinner to spank him harder. Just about to say something, Alex was relieved when Skinner spoke.

"Six more, Mulder. Six more and then I need to stop, little one."

"No! I don't want you to stop!"

"I know, but you need me to stop. So, count 'em off for me, Mulder. Let me hear you say each one."

Skinner drew back, placing a hard, solid spank on the ruby flesh.

"Sir, one, thank you , sir!"

Alex, not expecting that, grinned, another clue into his lover's complex fantasy life.

Mulder counted them off, the last three through tears, and when the last slap landed, both men simply sagged for a moment, gulping air and enjoying the afterglow of the experience. Mulder's ass was neon, and the long thighs wriggled as sensation continued to spark through the angry flesh. After a long moment, Skinner very gently rested his hand on the burning mounds.

Mulder cried out, but thrust his ass into the hot palm.

"You're incredible. Simply incredible." Leaning forward again, Skinner repeated his gentle kiss to the heated flesh, making Mulder shudder.

"Fuck me, sir." The words were hoarse, Mulder's throat was dry and roughened from his crying, but there was no mistaking the pure need in the voice. "Please, sir, please, fuck me!"

Skinner caught Alex's eye and nodded, motioning to the limp form in his lap. Alex helped Skinner ease him to the floor, padded by the sleeping bags from earlier. Mulder lay on his stomach, head pillowed on Alex's chest, too lust dazed and endorphin high to move.

"May I?" Alex moved a hand down to Mulder's rear, not touching, waiting for Skinner's consent.

"Of course."

Alex very lightly stroked his hand over the lovely rear, closing his eyes at the heat and quiver coming from deep in the muscles. Christ, he could hardly wait for his turn. Tipping Mulder's head back, Alex kissed him deeply, probing his mouth, even as he saw Skinner stripping down, reaching for a small tube of petroleum jelly they'd found with the chapstick.

Skinner's cock looked exactly like Alex had always thought it would. It wasn't any longer than average, but it was thick, and the blunted head promised a solid ride. Mulder, somewhat recovered now, looked over his shoulder, and groaned.

"Oh, fuck, I can't take that!" Skinner stopped immediately, lying down beside Mulder, and turning the man to look into his eyes.

"You don't have to, Mulder. I know you're sore, little one, and I know you were a virgin until Alex. But flattered though I am, I have to tell you, I'm really not that big. Here, feel." Skinner drew Mulder's hand down, hissing when the long fingers wrapped around his penis.

He closed his eyes, mouth blindly seeking Mulder's. It felt good, so damn good. He wouldn't last ten seconds if Mulder's ass felt as good as the rest of him.

Alex was whispering into Mulder's ear. "Feel him, baby. He's not much bigger than me, and you're so turned on, you want it so bad, you'll be able to take him with no problems. It's your choice, Fox, you know that, but I promise you, if you want to, you can take him easily. And you'll regret it for the rest of your life if you don't at least try. I'll help you, Fox, I can help you take him. What do you say, baby?"

"Yes. I want it, I do. I want to try."

"Then you better quit jacking him, or this is going to be over before you get started."

Mulder looked over, saw that Skinner was biting his lip to keep from spilling. He hadn't dared speak and interrupt what Alex was saying, but Mulder's hand had never stopped its silken glide across his shaft. Alex reached out, took Skinner's balls in his hand and carefully pulled, applying just enough pressure to back him off.

Nodding, grateful, Skinner began by kissing Mulder again. He let his lips travel down that long neck, across the smooth chest, lapping roughly at the nipples, then down further. Mulder was on his side, Alex spooning behind him, carefully not touching Mulder's ass. Instead he ran his hands down Mulder's body, following Skinner's tongue as it explored Mulder's chest and abdomen, then back up to torment Mulder's nipples, as Skinner took his first taste of Mulder's cock.

It was too much, just too much, and Skinner barely had the length of it in his mouth, before Mulder began to come. Skinner proved he was a nice guy by politely swallowing every last drop. A final kiss to Mulder, and then to Alex, letting the man enjoy the taste of his lover on Skinner's tongue, and Skinner moved back behind a now completely boneless Mulder.

Alex laid his lover face down on his chest, using his own legs and hips to help Mulder rise up onto his knees and stay there. Skinner prepared Mulder carefully, the still bright red flesh and quiet moans keeping his own pleasure at an even keel.

Soon it was time, and with Alex kissing him and gently fondling his body, Skinner slowly pressed his aching erection into the tight bliss of Mulder's body.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god..." Mulder was panting, breathing through it.

"Do you need me to stop?" Skinner offered it sincerely, though his cock would probably never speak to him again if he did.

"No, it doesn't hurt, it's just full. It's good, don't stop. Please, don't stop."

Skinner continued, and soon he was all the way in. "God, Mulder, you feel so damn good. Better than I ever dreamed. So hot and so damn tight." Skinner made a small thrusting move, and Mulder threw his head back.

"Yes, move! Move, Walter, please!"

Skinner began, careful to keep his strokes smooth and even, to go as slow as he could, until Mulder pulled his mouth away from Alex's tongue and panted out, "Damn it, I'm not made of glass. Fuck me, Walter, let me have it, all of it. I want everything, and if I can't walk tomorrow, I don't care. You won't hurt me, Walter, Alex won't let you hurt me, but I need this, need you to let go and give it to me."

Walter looked over Mulder's shoulder, into Alex's eyes, seeing the nod. It was all the encouragement Walter needed. He began plunging into Mulder the way he'd always wanted to, taking his full pleasure from the slender body underneath him.

Alex had no intention of letting Skinner fuck him, but this was nearly as good. Each thrust rocked Mulder's body, lying on top of his own, and Mulder's hard cock was grinding against his. Skinner's face was easily seen, and now, the dark eyes opened, finding Alex's green ones, and sensing what the other man was thinking. Skinner reached down, angling just enough to be able to reach Alex's mouth.

Alex shuddered, moaning into the touch and raising his legs, wrapping them around Mulder. Skinner eased back, knowing Mulder couldn't take much of that position, and satisfied himself with caressing Alex's thigh, even nipping lightly at his calf, before turning his attention completely back to Mulder.

"I'm close. Touch him, Alex."

Alex moved his hands between their bodies, aligning their cocks and surrounding them with his hands. Mulder immediately began to hump, his body desperate to finish. Skinner thrust deeper than ever, and Mulder began to spasm, his body flying apart, completely overwhelmed. Skinner felt the sudden clamp on the head of his cock and threw back his head, his loud cry a match for Mulder's. Alex's cock, now coated with Mulder's passion, slid one last time against Mulder's, and Alex sounded his own release.

Skinner managed not to collapse on top of the two men, but just barely. He slumped to the side, echoing Mulder's whimper of loss as the connection between them was broken. Mulder slid to the side as well, putting him lying in the middle between Alex and Skinner.

The three men were silent for a long time, the only sound pants and whispered calls to Jesus. Alex, not having as much emotionally invested in the previous scene, was the first to recover. He looked at Mulder's blissful face, knowing what that had meant to his lover, and he smiled.

"I love you, Fox."

"I love you, too, Alex." Mulder couldn't move, but Alex shifted to let them kiss.

"And we love you, too, big guy. Just in a different way." Alex offered this with a near shyness that Skinner found very attractive.

"You don't have to say that, Alex. It's damn nice, but you don't have to say it."

"I know that, Walter. I didn't say it to be nice. I said it because it's true. I've always respected you, admired you. I've always wanted you. Since the resistance, well, I've gotten fond of you, as well. I'll say this one more time, and then I'll deny it forever. In my own fucked up way, I love you, Walter."

Skinner found the strength to move, and he half leaned across Mulder, needing to see Alex's face. "Look at me, Alex. Really look at me, look into my eyes." Alex did so, and what he saw shocked him. "That's right. I love you right back, you bastard." Skinner offered this with a smile, and Alex raised his head to kiss the man.

A sleepy, slightly squashed voice asked, "Oh, jeesh, Alex, you're not gonna cry again, are you?"

The kiss broke into chuckles, and Alex lightly slapped Mulder's rear.

"Owww! Oooh, shit, that hurts."

Alex grinned, but obligingly rubbed soothingly at the still aching muscles. "I don't doubt it. Walter did a real number on your ass."

"Yeah, inside and out." Mulder rolled onto his side, his body protesting loudly as he did so.

"Are you okay?" Skinner looked genuinely worried, and Mulder put a languid hand over the firm lips.

"I'm fine, Walter. It was wonderful, it was incredible and I'm personally orbiting Pluto right now. Seriously, it was exactly what I wanted, what I'd always imagined, only better."

Skinner kissed the fingertips over his lips, nipped at the pads, then kissed them again. "Me, too. Thank you, Fox. That was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. It was worth waiting for. Thank you."

This time, it was Alex that broke the kiss. "Hey, leave him alone. He's got to rest up for my turn."

Skinner's eyes rolled back in his head, and he flopped down onto his back, throwing one muscled arm over his forehead. "I'm too old for this."

"Bullshit." Alex and Mulder said it together, and then they all lay, quietly for a bit.

Alex got up and found some bottled water that appeared safe. They all drank deeply, and spared a bit to clean up. A snack, some powerbars that still hadn't exceeded their shelf life, and then Walter was standing and stretching. It was a lovely sight, and he felt Alex's eyes on him hungrily.



"I knew what Mulder wanted. I'm not so sure about you. How do you want me to play this?"

The long lashes fluttered, and when Alex looked back up, there was a challenge in the green eyes, a hint of a smirk.

"Bad boy, huh?"

Alex waggled an eyebrow, and Skinner shook his head.

"Am I going to have to fight you?"

"Of course. But don't worry, old man, I'll be sure to let you win."

From his comfortable position among the sleeping bags, Mulder's laughter could be easily heard. "Oh, fuck, Alex, he's going to beat your ass worse than mine."

"I hope so, my love. I honestly hope so. I don't play this way often. When I do, it better be worth my time. Besides, I've been playing these games a long time. My levels are a lot higher than yours." Alex said this, dropping his eyes to a belt lying on the floor. Skinner shook his head.

"Sorry, Alex. I'll play it your way, and I don't mind harder, but I won't use a belt."

"Damn." Alex looked disappointed. A hand just wasn't enough for him, not with this kind of play.

Skinner, figuring what was going on, looked around, and then began to grin. "Would a paddle work?" he asked, motioning with his head. Alex saw what Skinner was pointing to, and the grin was firmly back in place.

"My second favorite thing."

"What's your safeword?"

Alex blushed, unaccountably blushed, and then shook his head. "Won't work. Can't use it in this instance."

"I sense a story. Spill it, boy."

Alex shuddered at the word, and sighed. "Skinner. My safeword was always Skinner. I knew you were into the lifestyle, hell, I even saw you play, years ago, at a club in Maryland. I was masked, but I had permission to watch. You played safe, so safe, that it stuck with me. I used your name for a safeword from that night on."

Skinner leaned down, kissing the man for his confession. "Alex, how hard do you play?"

"Pretty hard. I like to be lightly bruised the next day. Not just sore, like Fox, but real bruises. Not a lot of them, and not compound bruises or blood bruises."

Skinner nodded. "I've played to that level a lot, Alex. I know what the skin looks like, when to stop. If you trust me enough, we can play without a word, since it's a one time deal. And Mulder's there, he'll be able to tell if you're in real distress."

"Sounds good. I trust you enough, Walter."

"Okay, any emotional triggers?"

"Don't slap me in the face. Not even lightly. Not ever."

"Fine. Any requests?"

"Yeah. After you're done spanking me, bite me. Leave a mark. Not a big one, or too deep, but a love bite somewhere on my ass."

"You are the kinky one, aren't you?"

"Mister, you don't know the half of it." Alex was taunting him now, pure and simple, and he stood up, eyes darting around the room. Skinner took it as a clue, and moved to the shelf, picking up the Olympic standard ping pong paddle he'd seen earlier, and tossing it down by the chair.

When he turned back, Alex was gone.

"You can hide, boy, but not forever. And when I do find you, you're going to be sorry . I'm going to tan your ass until you won't sit for a week." It sent a shiver through Mulder, he could imagine what it was doing to Alex.

"Yeah, yeah, big words. Come on, old man. You have to catch me before you can spank me."

The chase was on. It was a big room, but still just a room, and eventually Mulder heard Skinner's triumphant, "Gotcha!"

Lying on his stomach, watching with fascinated glee, Mulder saw Skinner half-drag, half-carry Alex out of the rows of boxes, and over to the chair. At one point, Alex swung, and Skinner simply lifted the man over his shoulder. Alex was loving it, and being picked up and carried like this was just icing on the cake. He reached between Skinner's legs, intending a mild pinch to the swaying testicles, but a large paw landed heavily on his backside.

"Do it and I'll whip that pretty cock of yours raw, boy."

Alex shuddered, but didn't pinch. Moments later, he was lying across Skinner's lap, legs pinned, one arm twisted up high behind his back.

"This is going to be fun." Skinner rumbled it ominously, even as he palmed the rounded muscles, noting the differences, all of them delightful, between Alex's rear and Mulder's.

"Let me go!"

"Not a chance, boy. You're not going anywhere for a long, long time." Alex struggled, but Mulder could tell it was for effect only.


Skinner's hand landed with a crack that sounded like a gunshot. Alex stiffened, sucking in a deep breath as the sting raced up his spine.

"Don't call me that. I don't like it." So saying, Skinner laid down a first class tanning. He whacked Alex hard enough to rock the man over his knees, and didn't stop until his own hand was throbbing. Alex was panting, small grunts of pain escaping him with each spank, but his cock was still hard and Mulder could see the pleasure in his face between blows.

Skinner reached down, picking up the paddle.

"No! Don't you dare, don't you fucking dare!" Alex renewed his struggles, but to no avail.

Skinner laid the solid surface of the paddle down across the entire surface of Alex's rear. The first blow slammed into him, robbing him of breath, but Mulder heard the word spoken on the inhale.

"Yes..." Alex raised his ass for more, lifting it for the punishment with a hungry growl that wrapped itself around Skinner's cock. "That's right, old man, give it to me, let me have it!"

The paddle fell so many times that Mulder lost count, but soon, he noticed that Skinner was slowing down, easing up, until he finally stopped.

"You're there, Alex. But I can give you one more. One full strength blow, I won't hold back. I'll land it as hard as I can. Is that what you want?"

Alex, dazed and panting, closed his eyes, face a study in ecstasy. "Fuck, yes!"

"Say please, boy."


"Alright, boy. You've been good, get ready and then hold still."

Walter took careful aim, and then drew back. The sound actually hurt Mulder's ears, and Alex howled, coming straight up off of Walter's lap. His backside was nearly purple, and Walter hurried to ease him down, holding him close. He got them both onto the floor, and Alex clung to him.

"Shhh, easy, boy, easy. It's okay, I got you. It's okay, boy."

He held Alex, feeling the trembles, feeling the softness in the previously hard body. When he finally pulled back, Alex met his gaze with an open vulnerability that rocked Skinner to his core.

"Jesus, you're beautiful."

A demure smile of pleasure greeted this, and Alex's voice was little more than a whisper. "Thank you, sir."

"Nice. But I can think of another way for that pretty mouth to say thank you."

Again that near maidenly smile, and Alex moved down, taking Walter's cock into his mouth without hesitation.

"Yes, Alex. That's it, boy. Suck it."

Alex proceeded to give Skinner the best blow job he'd ever had in his entire fucking life. The man licked and tongued and sucked. He deep throated and tickled. He did everything but take it off to play with it, and it wasn't long before Skinner was reaching out, taking Alex by the sides of his head and fucking the talented mouth. A few strokes only, before spilling into the hot wetness. Alex gently used his tongue and small kittenish strokes to clean the softening flesh, only stopping when Skinner eased his mouth away.

"Did I please you, sir?" There was no smugness in the tone, Alex was genuinely asking.

Skinner forced himself to reach out, wrapping the younger man up in his arms. "You did good, boy. I'm very, very pleased with you, sweetheart." The endearment made Alex preen.

After a few minutes, when he sensed play was over, Skinner asked, "How's your ass? Did I judge it right?"

"It feels right. See for yourself." Alex rolled onto his stomach, and Skinner trailed a light hand over the flesh. Alex winced, but it was good.

"I think so. You'll have a bruise here, and here, and a couple of bigger ones here." Skinner traced the outline, where darker red promised to show faint bruises in the morning. He only paused a moment, before reaching out and fastening his lips carefully at one sit spot. Alex gave a low moan of pleasure, as Skinner marked the painful flesh, then soothed it with his tongue, eyeing the purple spot with some pride. Alex was squirming, and when Skinner lightly popped him on the rear, gasped. "Now, roll over, boy, and let's see if we can't do something about that cock of yours."

Alex was still hard, hadn't been assured of release due to the nature of their play. "Thank you." It was heartfelt, and when Skinner wrapped a rough hand around his cock, Alex sighed with pleasure. "Oh, shit, yeah, Walter!" Skinner stroked him firmly, bending down to lap and nip at Alex's nipples.

"Come for me, boy." Walter fastened his teeth lightly on a piece of Alex's throat, and immediately felt the shudders, the hot spill over his fist.

He held Alex until he'd calmed down, and then reached for one of the tee shirts they'd appropriated for a cloth. It was then that he saw Mulder, staring at them wide eyed.

"Mulder? You okay?"

His words made Alex look up, worry clear in the green eyes. "Fox? Baby, are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I just came without touching myself, and it scared me a little." The dazed voice offered this with some wonder, and Alex and Skinner shared a laugh, before crawling up to cuddle Mulder firmly in the middle.


They were nearly asleep when Mulder asked, "Do either of us get to spank Walter?"

He wasn't answered, but a firm hand from each side landed on his well spanked backside at the same time. Taking that as a no, Mulder went to sleep.


The next morning, they were awakened by the radio.

"This is Bones, come in, Leather." Scully's voice sounded calm, and Alex reached for the radio with some relief.

"This is Leather, go ahead."

"All clear, boys. Nothing for miles, now. Come on home."

"Roger, Bones. ETA two hours."


"Oh, and Bones?"


"Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas." There was delight in Scully's voice. It was the first time he'd ever said it to her.

Looking over his shoulder, Alex saw that his companions were awake. Mulder was wrapped up in Skinner's arms, and both men were smiling at him.

"Merry Christmas, Walter, Fox."

"Merry Christmas, Alex."




Title: A Fire Christmas
Author: Raven
Email: raven@aeneas.net
Pairing: M/K/Sk
Author's Notes: This is for everybody who wanted Skinner to play with Mulder and Krycek. This takes place within the Fire universe, but it's basically just a vignette that takes place before Mulder and Krycek get married. And while most of my stuff has a spanking or so, this thing is spank heavy, so proceed with caution. Happy Holidays!
Warning: Lots of bad words. Lots of graphic sex. Huge, concentrated spanking.
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Christmas comes but once a year. These boys manage a little bit better odds than that...
Disclaimer: The characters within these stories belong to Fox, 1013, CC et al. There is no profit made or intended from these stories, and they should be considered as being for entertainment purposes only.

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