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Looking For Love in All The Wrong Places
by RussianRat

Foxx Mulder stuck his head under his desk and saw Alex Krychuck's green eyes staring back at him.

"Krychek, what are yew doing under my desk?" he exclaimed. Even if he didn't really want to know because it was probably some kind of new conspiracy.

"I want to find someplace we haven't fucked yet," said Kryccek with his usual wicked smile, all full of bright teeth that made Milder think of a rat. Whenever Fox thought of rats he wanted to hit Krycek, but Alexx finally convinced Fox it was only becaz Fox really wanted to screww his brains out and only thought he should be hitting him instead. So now they went at it any time, day or night.

"We've done it under the desk."

Krysex crawled out from beneath the desk and started licking Muldour's ankle.

"Skinner's apartment?" he asked, never missing a lick.

"Done that."

"On the front steps of the Hoover Building?"

Mulder yawned. "Boring."

He grabbed Alex by the pointy ears and hauled him up into his lap. Alex could feel the throbbing meat of Mildew's love, which had made him swoon ever since he first saw it in those red Speedos and nearly fell into the pool and drowned.

Fox tore Krycheck's suit to shreds and thrust his lube-coated fingers into his love's tight passage. Alex gasped and writhed but his expression never changed from cool detachment. After all, he was an assassin and knew how to use sex to win friends and influence people.

"I can't wait, Foxy," he yelled. "Take me, you hot hunk of testytoasterone."

Muldar slamed Alex face down on the desk, pulled out his aching lovepole and thrust it home. Never mind that he was ruining his Armani suit. His love for Krycek was too much to bare going more than twenty minutes between humps. They finished in mutual orgasm and shot messy cumglobs all over the X-Files and collapsed on the floor where they fell asleep....

The End, Enough Already!!


Title: Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places
Author: Russianrat (but I claim plausible denial!!)
Date: 9/4/99
Disclaimer: BADFIC....and how...Chris Carter would laugh his head off at this stuff. **Please** don't sue me, Chris!
Archive: Ter/Ma only, please!
Feedback: russianrat52@yahoo.com if you really must....

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