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Meeting Alex Krycek
by Sarah and Little Alex

I stretch on the bed, my arm accidentally hitting the figure still sleeping beside me. God, it's morning again. What? Yeah, I'm not a morning person. Mornings just... piss me off. Actually, I did like mornings when I was a kid, but not any more. When I was a kid, mornings meant going to school and meeting my friends. Mornings meant that I could hang out with Jimmy, that cute little boy with his peculiar lopsided smile. But that's before I was fourteen, when Dad hadn't known about my kissing other boys in his and Mom's bedroom. Actually, that was a really bad period of my life; I'd rather not talk about it.

Hmm, what should we talk about then? Oh, the handsome guy sleeping beside me. Well, I don't have much to say, you know. He's cute and a good fuck; that's all you need to know. His name? His name is Mulder, I think. Fox Mulder. Isn't that such a silly name? Foxy Fox Mulder. But he doesn't like my calling him that. I wonder why. Oh, my name? My name is Alex Krycek. Hello, nice to meet you.

What, you don't want to shake hands with me? No, you do want to shake hands? Then why... Oh, that. Sorry, I didn't realize that I've cum on my hands. Wait here, don't go; I'm just going to drop by the bathroom. Stop staring at my butt! I know it's the tightest ass you've ever seen, thank you. Just don't stare at it. What did you say? That's all there to stare with when my back's toward you? Then don't look at me at all! Look at that cute foxy Fox still in the bed.

Yes, look at Fox Foxy Mulder all snuggled and asleep in bed. It's only been a week since we have been partners and already we're sleeping together. Damn, he's easy. What's that you say? I'm not putting up much of a fight? Well, obviously, I'm a slut. That and my employer told me to seduce him. Seeing that he seduced me, so much the better. Did I mention what a great fuck he is? Oh right, I did. Hey, can't blame a guy for having a one-tracked mind. I'm actually liking this assignment. I get to hang around here in D.C., in a fully furnished, fully paid-for apartment, having meaningless sex with a gorgeous guy I'm not likely to see again after this job is over. And get to shoot a gun and act like a macho G-man. Life is good. What was that? I'm a self-absorbed asshole? Why, thank you.

Who's my employer, you ask. Well, he's this old man who smokes like a chimney. Good that he doesn't want me to suck his dick, 'cause I can never do it. Just looking at him makes my stomach turn. Hmm? Hey, just 'cause I'm a slut doesn't mean I don't have any taste! There're things even I won't do for money.

But it's not actually money that they're paying me, you know. It's information. If you know what I know, you definitely won't be sitting there, looking at me as if you couldn't care less about me or the people I work for. You'd... you'd be screaming and running away, I think. No, I know you'd be. Oh, you're actually interested now, aren't you? Well, it has a lot to do with this gorgeous guy sleeping in the bed. He's a FBI agent, you know. Yes, I know that sounds 'highly unlikely,' but it's true. And he's the most intelligent guy I know, too. Well, maybe with the exception of yours truly sitting right here.

Now, stop begging; damn it! No, I can't tell you everything. No, not even a little. Okay, maybe a little. Well, like I said, they want information. I'm supposed to keep the Foxy Fox busy until they have enough time to obtain it. You know, they don't really tell me much. I've no damn clue what's going on, only that something's going down and fast. I've a feeling they're gonna be taking me off of this case soon. They keep talking about 'taking all necessary precautions.'

Well then, I better soak up every bit of him I can get, shouldn't I? 'Cause after I leave, I'll probably never get to have him again. Ah damn, I'm gonna miss that tight ass, his grabbing my shoulders, digging his nails in as I pound into him. Oh fuck, I'm hard now. Yes, you heard me right. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think it's time to wake up my man for some melt-down sex.

Go away. That's right. Shoo. Don't worry, I'll be sure to drop you a postcard, letting you know how everything turns out. See ya.




Date: November 1999
Feedback: You need to ask?! Sarah CornFlakeGrl27@hotmail.com and little Alex alexmountain@hotmail.com
Disclaimer: The boys aren't ours, but we wish that they were.
Summary: terma November round-robin challenge
Note: Now, try to figure out which parts are whose. No, it doesn't go by paragraphs.

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