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Cover art by Susan

by Susan

I'm still in his apartment. It's been weeks now since he asked me to leave. Correction—told me to. And I did leave. Quietly. Without a fuss. But I came back. I still watch him; when he jerks off, pisses, dresses for work. And when he dreams, tossing on that black leather couch, calling my name. When he sleeps, when he dreams, it's my name he whispers. My name he screams. Sometimes I laugh, and think about taping it and mailing it to Scully.

He never knows I'm here. I'm too smart to let him know. Time must be passing as slowly for him as it is for me. The minutes, hours, days seem to stand still, as if it's been years since I last touched him. And he thinks he's handling it. I can see it in the way he tries to carry on his life like it's normal, watching his pornos, working day and night. He knows it's not the same, though, unable to concentrate, unable to come from just a video. Last night he found a tee shirt I had left there on purpose, and slept with his hand curled around it. When he woke up, he smelled it, and tucked it into the cushions.

When I came to him that first time, I was determined to have him for my own, to pull him into my skin, if only for a night. I knew the ice was thin, the danger was there. And that danger was all but forgotten as soon as I kissed him. That danger made it better. It was forbidden. And we liked it too well. He was mine until duty tightened around his throat like a necktie, until he heard Scully's voice on his cell phone.

We went in too deep. I began to come to him whenever I could. He would be pacing when I got there, automatically taking off his clothes when he saw me in the doorway, then he'd move to rip off mine. But something scared him. He tried to resurface after we'd already drowned. He doesn't want to realize that he's anchored to this. It won't let him go. I know he knows it too, because I see it in every grimace and every wince, in every minute of every day. He thinks of me and aches.

Mulder thinks I believed him that morning. He thinks I always believed him. But I knew he lied. He always lied to me. And when he offered himself to me—he lied and still gave himself—I took what I could get. I wanted whatever he would give. And he entered me with a lie in his throat. Sitting here now, on his desk, my feet propped in his chair, I am still taking what he's giving. I watch him toss in thoughts of me. Hear his sighs and whimpers. Watch as his deception—telling himself he doesn't want me—begins to crumble. See him come back to me slowly. And it's enough for now.

I've seen how he's changed. He's not changed enough for Scully to see. Despite what she thinks, she really doesn't know him at all. But enough for me to see. There is a sliver of hate in him for her now. He still loves her, but he doesn't love what he has to be to love her. He has to be strong, wear his shiny armor without complaint. She never sees the worm eating away at his insides. And to him his angels are no longer sacred. They are working against him. Although he fights it, his demon desire is tempting him with an irresistible fire. His supposed Hell becoming a Heaven in his mind. A mind tortured with conflict.

At least I have the comfort of truth. But I as much as I deny it, I know I am the fool. While he resists fate, I tempt it, try to bait it. I am the fool because I'll stay. Because I'll wait until he's ready again. Until I can have him calling for me while he's fucking me again. Until he's so tired of fighting it, he'll search me out. And I'll be here to be found. The hours creep by in the dark. I love this time with him. I move off the desk and stand in the shadows, still in easy view of his lanky form on the couch. After an eternity I hear him wake in the dark. And he cries, whether because he forgot the dreams of me or remembered them, I'll never know. And I listen to him cry. And I smile. And I wait.


Part Four of the Sarah Series: Trust


Title: Ice
Author: Susan
Fandom: XF
Pairing: M/K
Spoilers: None
Rating: R
Summary: Back to Krycek POV
Disclaimer: Of course, these sweeties aren't mine. Chris Carter and 1013 own 'em.
P.S.: These little snips haven't officially been beta'd, but several people have read the series and liked it, so I thought I'd post it here. BTW, if you haven't realized already, these are Sarah McLachlan songs. Listen to them...they're beautiful and really capture what I was trying to say. I can't compete with Sarah... she's the queen!
Feedback (please!): mulkry@hotmail.com

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