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Waking Up is Hard to Do
by Viridian5

The insistent ring of a telephone shattered the silence. A low moan resonated through the tangled lump of bedsheets before a long- fingered hand crept out from under them and started to bang the table. Three shots later, it had still missed the ringing phone.

"Hit it, and it'll shut up."

"That doesn't work with everything, Alex," Mulder said.

"And I'm lying next to the prime example of that. Ow!"

"Sometimes, hitting has the opposite effect."

"I'll shut you up."

The bedsheets moved and undulated for awhile, soon accompanied by sucking sounds and a sighing purr. "Oh, that's nice," Mulder mumbled.

"You're still talking."

"Then try harder."

Alex did. While Mulder had stopped talking, he was making other noises. Eventually, the neglected phone stopped ringing.




RATING: R. M/K. If m/m interaction bothers you, run away now.
SPOILERS: none, really.
SUMMARY: A morning after.
DISCLAIMERS: All things X-Files belong to Chris Carter, Ten-Thirteen, and 20th Century Fox. I'm just sharing and not making acent off it, I swear! No infringement intended. Suing me would be a waste of time and a mean thing to do. I have no money. At all.
FEEDBACK: Hell, yes. All feedback can be sent to Viridian5@aol.com
NOTES: Just a sweet nothing for beloved nick-fixx list rulers Te, Empress Ascendant, and Alicia, wise wielder of the ferocious Red Pen of Truth. Love ya.
Beta-ed by me. 8/21/98

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