Rating: PG-13
Fandom:: Harry Potter
Pairings: Ginny / Tom
Timeline: Chamber of Secrets
Keywords: AU, Angst, Adventure
Keywords: I'm on my knees here!
Summary: Often our prejudices dictate our choices and some choices can change everything. What if Harry had not been taught fear Slytherin by the time he arrived at Hogwarts. What might have happened if he'd chosen Salazar's house when it was offered to him?
Disclaimer: All belongs to JKR who really doesn't deserve it.
Author's Note: I have been working on this re-adaptation of the Harry Potter series on and off for more than six years now. Recently though a great deal of interest has been shown in it and I thought I'd start posting what I have. Thanks go to several people for their help in listening to me ramble about it, giving their ideas, and being a test audience over the years; especially fanged_geranium, storm_seller, and elfbystarlight.
Notes on Titles: All chapter titles and even the title of the story and series itself are working titles only, simply because I'm utter crap at coming up with these damn things. If you've got an idea for one of them that you think sounds better please tell me! You will not find me ungrateful.
Notes on Cannon
Obviously, this is an AU (or alternate universe) story and therefore I can do what I damn well I please. *g* What is important for understanding many of my diversions from canon is that I began this story not long after the publication of the fourth book. This was before we learned various things, including, including the Black family tree. While I have adapted my universe to fit in with the canon-verse when and where I felt it wouldn't interfere with my story as I wanted it told there were a few unreconcilable differences. In these case, canon-verse was ditched.
So, take the first few chapters of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, up to the point when the Dursley's take Harry to the train station as having happened. From then on it's my world and my rules – but divergences from cannon will be explained as we go.