Chapter 1

Author:   Ellen
Rating:   NC-17  (overall story)
Spoilers:   none
Summary:   This is the Power of Three's answer to the AngelSlash St. Patrick's Day challenge.

Series Timeline:   Sometime before 'Covenant'.

Disclaimer:   Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, 20th Century Fox etc. own these gorgeous people and would never let them have this much fun.

Note:   Mental communication among Cordelia, Doyle and Angel is set off by double slashes //like this.//

//But Cordelia,// Angel's mental voice repeated patiently inside her mind. //We real Irish don't celebrate St. Patrick's Day.  That's an American invention.//

She turned and smiled down from the ladder at him, where he sat watching her with an expression of resigned patience, as she continued hanging green streamers from the ceiling of Angel's living room.  //I know that, silly.  But since the two men I love are both Irish and since I have so very much to celebrate this year, just play along, okay?//

He gestured toward the kitchen.  //And the green beer?  Don't you think that's a little... insulting?//

//Well, shall we ask him?//

Although he wasn't in the room with them, Doyle's mental voice floated lazily into both their minds.  //I don't consider m'self insulted.  Does anyone here feel insulted, then?//

Angel's thought was warm and immediate.  //If you don't, I don't.  So what do you think of Cordelia's little plan?//

//I think our Cordelia is ingenious as always.  I think we two are luckier than we deserve.//

Cordelia reassured them both, //We all know how fabulously lucky you both are to have the privilege of being bound to me but none of the we-don't-deserve-this crap.  I thought we were past all that now.//

//Well, pardon me, darlin',// Doyle's thought came back.  //Old habits, y'know.//

//Well, I'll make sure that Angel keeps on your back until you form some new ones.//  The suggestive laughter in Cordelia's mental voice and the images that she was sending to him along with it, proved more than enough to exhaust Doyle's patience.

//Whether you're finished decorating or not, darlin', I'm comin' downstairs right now.//

//Men.  No ability to enjoy the anticipation.//  Cordelia began climbing down from the ladder as the elevator's mechanical sighs and groans told them what they both already knew:  the guest of honor was on his way.

//Sure you just want to watch this time?// Angel asked her.

//This time, I'll watch.  Next time, he gets to watch the two of us and he can't do anything until we tell him he can join in.//

//I heard that,// Doyle thought at them.

//Like I said.  Anticipation.//

As he left the elevator, Doyle stopped to give Cordelia one last, long, luscious kiss and then sauntered over to where Angel was waiting for him.

//Let's give the lady the show she wants then, shall we?//

//Nothing else in the world I'd rather do.//

The three of them laughed together as one.