Submission guidelines
If you like to submit a story or your fanart to the archive please take your time to read the submission guidelines first. Because.. because even pirates have rules. Parley, eh? *cough*
- This site is solely dedicated to the pairing of Captain Jack Sparrow and Commodore James Norrington so only Sparrington centred stories will be archived. Other characters and pairings are welcome as long as they are not the focus of the story. The same goes for all RPS featuring Johnny Depp and Jack Davenport.
- This be a slash archive. Male/female debauchery is fine but should not be the focus.
- Please use a header that should at least include the following information. Ye wouldn't want yours truly to make up her own summary for your precious story in her dubious English, wouldn't ye?
Feedback (author's e-mail):
Other info such as warning, beta, archives, website etc. may be added at will.
- For the sake of what is still left of my sanity, I will not archive any running series, that is, single chapters. I will, however, be more than happy to set up your story as soon as it is finished!
That does not apply to the following: if you have several self-contained stories you wish to be archived as a series, please let me know. Use a definite title, such as..
Seeman's Yarn: III - A Chance Encounter
- Please send your fanfiction as a text only (txt.) or HTML attachment!
Converting into txt. will basically ruin all your formatting with exception of line breaks, so make sure that you are leaving a blank line between paragraphs (same goes for dialogue-lines). Please use [_] to indicate italics and [*] for bold-face.
- Anythings goes: drawings, photomanips, gifs, wallpapers..
- All submissions should at least include:
Artist Name:
Rating: (!)
- The pictures should be standard JPGs or GIFs.
- As long as it does not ruin your work, try to keep the size under 100 - 150 KByte, savvy? :-)
Aye, done! Arrr, and now ye go and load that lovely treasures of yer all into me boad and.. *drools unconciously* Err.. or just send your fanfic or fanart to