I think for the longest time, I wanted to go to Calgary. But it wasn't the fact that Paul Gross was from there, it was because the International Show Jumping Arena was located there. I'm talking about Spruce Meadows. Some of the world's greatest show jumpers have graced Spruce Meadows' competitive grounds. I have spent a great number of years watching competitions from Spruce Meadows on television, just wishing I was sitting in those stands, watching the horses close by, being around that atmosphere and of course, seeing my favourite riders in the arena. On the 25th anniversary, I finally made it out to Calgary to attend the last events of the year 2000. It was unforgettable and something I will never forget. Thanks to Karen for putting up with me, for taking the pictures and of course, just everything!Nation's Cup
Du Maurier International
Some scenes of Calgary
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