Dear Journal:
Today was supposed to be a good day and it was to a point, but I had to spend most of the day away from Jim. What is it about him that all of a sudden I want to be with him day and night? Don't answer that. :) I should be happy that he is well, I am well and our friends are well. But hey I never said I wanted to be smart all the time. I like feeling sorry for myself sometimes. And today is another one of those days. Well, lets see Dear Journal, if you like what I wrote for you today.
A friend is someone that you don't ever use.
He is someone who means more to you, than you do.
I have such a friend and am happy to say this.
In fact I have been blessed with many friends.
But only one that I care more about than I do myself.
Maybe it is more than just friendship.
And when do you actually think you should stop
feeling the way you do about this friend?
I think I am abusing his trust and kindness.
This would kill me to hurt him in any way.
Okay, so I have to start work on this right away.
I will decide if I will talk to him or not.
I won't keep talking to just Dear Journal.
Although, that is much safer, it is not healthy.
Okay, more to think on, I love my friend.
I truly love him.
Not that kind of love where you say, man I love you.
But the one where you say, I love you totally, man.
There is a difference.
Enough for now will talk to you tomorrow.