By: S'Belle

"Damn, damn, damn!"

"What's the matter, Jim?" peering curiously at his partner, Blair still kept his distance. [safety is better he was learning]

"Oh, I got involved in an OT post and I gotta write a watchad and the brain refuses to function." [sad eyes hoping for a reprieve]

"Ah, tell you what, you type..." [zip...cloth moving heard] "...and when you finish your watchad..." [lick, slurp] "...I'll just add a little incentive to get it done." [evil grin]

"Ah, Chief...ah oh!" [wiggle move]

"Type, Jim, or I will stop!" [big evil grin]

"Type, yeah, keyboard, ohhh..." tippy...tip...tap

"Oh, yeah," [slurp yum] "Oooooooooo!" [rustle of clothing, slumping of big guy total relaxation achieved]

"Nice work, Jim, now maybe you will remember to stay on topic!" [with proud smile and a small kiss on his head Blair returned to cooking dinner with an even bigger grin, planning what he was gonna do after said dinner]

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