404 Error
By: S'Belle

"Blair! Damn it! Blair! Get in here!"

"Jim, calm down man no need to shout, I was just in the kitchen making dinner. Now what do you need, big guy?"

"I have a page bookmarker, have been following a story for several months, right?"

"Story?" Peeking over his shoulder to try and see which one had his lover so bent out of shape over. "Which story, Jim? I mean if your book- mark has always worked before, what's the problem?"

"I keep getting a 404 error message instead of the story page."

"Okay, hit it again...404 error. Well, the only thing I can think of is the page is down or moved somewhere. Why not ask the list? Man, I love that series as well."

"Er, okay. But doesn't that mean I have to write a snippet or something?"

"Yep," grinning, Blair headed back to the kitchen. "Hey, maybe by the time dinner is done you will have your answer!"

"But Blair, you know I can't write those things!"

"Sorry, big guy, my turn to cook!"

"Hmmm... okay, people, in list land...does any one know what happened to the story the Three Little Birds? Better known as the T.B. page? I have been trying to read the rest of the story and can not get it. Has it moved, been archived elsewhere, or what?"


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