
Sentinel Story Index


The stories on this page are SLASH. They depict a romantic relationship between two men, and are intended for mature audiences. By clicking on any of the links on this page, you acknowledge and affirm that:



The Sentinel and all related concepts, characters, etc, as well as the rights to all televised episodes belong to Pet Fly, Inc. The stories on this page are not approved or endorsed by Pet Fly. They are intended for private personal enjoyment only. Under no circumstances is it permitted to copy and distribute these stories in exchange for money or anything of monetary value.


Summary: Ummm this is just a little snippet that exploded out of Bubba late one night during a marathon chat with Gina.No real plot, just a little H/C angst and sap all rolled into one snippet.

Summary: Ummm well lets see there is a Nekkid Jim and a Nekkid Blair. If I say more Oh hell we all know I don't need to say more, you guys know! Told in the first person. Jim's POV.

Summary: Pairing J/B (A first time story) Warnings AU, angst and owies! Typical ihket fare. INTENSE in parts!!! Bubba has embraced the dark side! This has not been beta'd and you have been warned!

This page has been visited times since June 26, 2000.