Episode reviews
by Snuffles d Bear

this be a picture of the SotW-Snuffles of the Week. Intead of a BotW
On Senad we be watching the epsisodes one each week. I be writing my version of reviews to list, and be posting thems here. Snuffles hope you like them.
If you sees a (P) next to an episode name, that be meaning Tamy have screen caps availible to look at and use.
Season 1
- Switchman—Pilot
- Siege
- Killers
- The Debt
- Cypher(P)More of a snurrie.
- Night Train
- Rogue
- Love and Guns
- Attraction
- Vow of Silence (P)
Season 2
- Flight
- Out of the Past
- Deep Water
- Reunion
- Payback
- True Crime
- Ice Man
- The Rig
- Spare Parts
- Second Chance
- Black or White
- Blind Man’s Bluff
- Hear No Evil
- Light My Fire
- Secret
- Dead Drop
- Red Dust
- Smart Alec
- Private Eyes
- Vanishing Act
- Pennies from Heaven
- Survival
- His Brother’s Keeper
- Sleeping Beauty
Season 3
- Warriors
- Three Point Shot
- Girl Next Door
- Poachers
- Inside Man
- Vendetta
- Fool Me Twice
- Storm Warning
- Red Ice
- Dead Certain
- Breaking Ground
- Prisoner X
- Trance
- Mirror Image
- Finkelman’s Folly
- Sweet Science
- Remembrance
- Love Kills
- Crossroads
- Foreign Exchange
- Neighborhood Watch
- Night Shift
- Sentinel Too, part
Season 4
- Sentinel Too, Part 2
- Murder 101
- Four Point Shot
- Dead End on Blank Street
- The Waiting Room
- The Real Deal
- Most Wanted
- The Sentinel, by Blair Sandburg
Snuffles be getting episode list at Celestial Cat's page
email me at snufflebears@juno.com