A Is For...Jedi?
by Claire

NOTES: Hi guys, here's an ABC fic Enjoy!

A hand shot out and pulled Luke Skywalker into the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon. Before he could say a word, lips crushed to his own and an insistent tongue worked its way inside. Catching his breath as he broke the kiss, Luke looked into the amused eyes of his lover. "Dodonna sent me to find you," Luke said. Even in the semi-darkness he could make out the soft eyes of the man watching him.

"Figures," shrugged Han Solo. "Guess he wants to know when I’m leaving." Han pinned Luke with his gaze. "I don’t suppose you fancy coming with me?"

"Just leave?" Luke replied.

"Kid," Han sighed, "there’s nothing to keep us here. Let’s just start up the Falcon and go where the winds take us."

"Mon Mothma says that the Rebellion needs all the pilots it can find. Now that the Death Star is gone we can turn our attentions to bringing down Palpatine and the entire Empire," said Luke, his eyes shining.

"Other people can do it, Luke." Pressing against the younger man Han pushed their hips together. Quelling the urge to throw Luke down on the floor and fuck him senseless, Solo took Luke's face in his hands and softly kissed him. Releasing him, Han stepped back. "Stay or come with us, but either way, the Falcon is leaving tonight." The Corellian took a final glance at Luke's face before leaving the cockpit.

Until that moment Luke had assumed that Han wanted to stay with the Rebellion as much as he did. Vague images of life without the smuggler flashed through his mind and he realised that he couldn’t let Han leave. Wiping his hand across his eyes, Luke pushed himself away from the wall and went after the other man. X-wings versus Han - there was no contest. "Yes, I’ll come with you," he said, grabbing Han's hand and bringing it up to his lips to kiss. Zealots like Leia could continue the fight, nothing else mattered but Han.

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