Einstein's Folly II: Who's on Top?
by Laura JV

Category: Xover: Star Trek/Star Wars/The Sentinel/X-Files
Notes: Another Einstein's Folly snippet. This one was inspired by a comment from Jungle Kitty on Dysfunctional!EmotionalWreck!Spock.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Where *do* people get those characterizations?

(Spock walks into Einstein's Folly and sits down at the bar, next to Fox Mulder, who is on his fifth drink. Blair Sandburg is nursing a beer on Mulder's far side.)

Spock: Mulder, you are quite inebriated.

Mulder: You'd be inebriated too, if people kept writing you as a basket case.

Spock: They do. Just last week, I apparently transformed into an insecure neurotic because an alien female desired Jim.

Mulder: I figure if they're going to write me that way, I may as well turn myself into a basket case.

Sandburg: Don't be such a shit, Mulder. If I thought that way, I'd be dancing around in flower prints begging my butch roommate to make me his woman, when we all know what a bottom he is.

Mulder: Jim's a bottom?

Spock (thoughtfully): Perhaps it's the name.

Sandburg: Yep. He's a bottom.

Mulder: Am I the only one here who's not a top?

Spock: I believe that Obi-Wan over there switches.

Sandburg: Wedge Antilles is a bottom, but he doesn't come in here much anymore. I think he's finally worked through the "my lover is a Jedi and keeps using the Force as a sex toy" thing.

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