1001 Ways to Annoy Amanda

see part One for disclaimers and author's notes

They found Nick in the hotel lounge, alone at a table in the back of the room. "We wanted to introduce our selves...and apologize for invading your room." Methos said with a smile when they reached his table.

"Don't mention it. I guess you're friends of Amanda's." Nick glanced up at them before returning his attention to the tabletop.

"Yeah we're old friends." Duncan grinned, sticking his hand out. "Duncan MacLeod."

"Simon Ross..." Methos watched as Nick's eyes bugged out slightly. "I take it you've heard of me..."

"Head of Homicide with the Vancouver Police?"

"Yeah." Methos shrugged, ignoring the shocked look Duncan was giving him. "And you are..."

"Nick Wolfe." Nick waved the two men to the empty seats at the table. "I used to work for the Police too, but I quit a while ago. After my partner was killed."

"Sorry to hear that." Duncan said honestly.

"It was stupid, it never should have happened."

"Losing someone close is always hard." Duncan said. "And very few deaths should *ever* happen."

"I know." Nick said shortly, vaguely wishing he hadn't brought it up in the first place. "It's just...it's even worse..."

"Knowing she could have let the bullet hit Amanda and it wouldn't have mattered?" Methos asked calmly.

"You know about that too, huh?" They both nodded. "So just how long have you known her?" He asked.

"A while." Was Methos's non-committal response.

"About three hundred and fifty years too long." Duncan laughed.

"You've put up with her that long?" Nick stared at the Highlander with a new respect.

"Well Amanda does have her perks." Duncan said with a leer.

"Changing your mind about who you're stealing Duncan?" Methos asked, trying not to let the slight flare of jealousy he felt show.

"Of course not." The younger man growled and a few moments later had the old man sitting on his lap gasping for breath after one short but hard, intense, breath-taking kiss.

Nick tried to not stare but found it increasingly hard to ignore them when they were sitting directly in front of him, across the table. "You know, I think I'll just go back to the room now..."

"No wait!" Methos grabbed his arm, glaring at Duncan over his shoulder. "Don't mind him, he's just got this thing about exhibitionism or something."

"Uh uh. No, I can pretty much take the hint you two would really rather I weren't around at this point." Nick shook his head and drained the rest of his glass.

"You'd probably be surprised at what we *really* want." Duncan muttered, purposely holding Methos tightly against him, even as the other man made an effort to escape.

"Duncan." The older immortal hissed.

Nick stilled. "What was that?"

"We don't want you to go." Duncan said calmly. "At least not with out us."

The mortal's eyes bugged out. "Uhhh...."

"See Duncan now you scared him. You have no sense of subtlety." Methos snapped, then turned back to Nick. "Don't worry..." He said in a reassuring voice. "Duncan is just being a brat, he's usually quite harmless." The older man's voice cracked as Mac pinched a nipple through his shirt, but fortunately he was facing the wrong way for Nick to see it.

"Why would you guys...well, think I'd be interested?" Nick asked.

"Well, you haven't succumbed to Amanda yet. Either you have great will power or just aren't interested. Or maybe some of each." Methos explained as sensibly as he could with Duncan nibbling on his neck.

"Succumbed to Amanda? She's usually trying to get herself killed. Our relationship is based on me telling her she's going to get herself killed one of these days."

"I know how that is..." Methos muttered, then cut off abruptly as Duncan's hand wandered down further, hidden by the table and the angle of Methos' body. "Fuck, will you stop that?" He hissed.

"Stop what?"

Methos glanced at the amused look Duncan had on his face. There was arousal there too but the amusement was clearly winning out. "This is payback isn't it? Just because I didn't tell you about Ali."

"Do I really need a reason to touch you old man? You don't usually complain."

"You don't usually choose some where quite so public."

"Alright, so it's payback...you have a problem with it?"

"Yes, you are ruining the perfectly good seducing I had planned for our young friend."

"Oh, I don't know..." Duncan commented, running his eyes over Nick who was beginning to show a few telltale signs of arousal and couldn't seem to be able to drag his eyes away from the two men in front of him any longer. His skin was flushed and he seemed to be rapidly running out of space in his jeans. "How are we doing Nick?" The Highlander asked as he ran a finger down one side of Methos' face. "Still want to run for your room?"

Nick swallowed heavily. "Not..." He began hoarsely then paused and cleared his throat. "Not unless you two are with me."

Methos stared. "See? I know what I'm doing." Duncan crowed.

"Shut up." Methos sighed. "You know, I really don't have to put up with this from you."

"Right...like that's supposed to be a believable threat."

"It is! I could easily go and find Amanda. She's probably feeling jilted and annoyed. I'm sure she's probably quite willing to take me in." Methos paused, trying to come up with some other suitable *threat*. "Or I could just go and see if I couldn't find Ali somewhere..."

"Go right ahead. And I'll just do *this* to Nick instead..." Duncan murmured, licking a light path from Methos' throat up to his ear. "Or this..." He moved one of the hands that had been resting on Methos' thighs inward, cupping and caressing him through the denim of his jeans.

"Ahh..." Methos breathed. "That offer of the room still good?"

"Yes." The younger man said quickly.

"Good, let's go." Duncan grinned.

"But...what about Amanda?"

"Oh she's busy."


"She more than likely sulked off to tattle to Ali on me when Duncan chose me over her." Methos informed him, now that he could finally speak normally since Duncan had released him so he could stand up.

"Duncan grinned. "She's so predictable. I knew she'd do that. Nicely guarantees I don't have to worry about Ali any more. No competition."

"Ali...McCormick?" Nick glanced over towards Methos. "Redhead, kinda cute?"

"Yeah..." Methos replied hesitantly.

"Met her in one of our seminars today. We were complaining about our travelling companions..." Nick paused, studying Methos carefully once again.

"You know, I don't even want to know what Ali said about me." Methos started to walk away from the table but was pulled back by a hand on his elbow.

"No, wait. I want to hear this..."

"Not much. But from her description, I would have figured you were as straight as a ruler..." Nick shrugged, then grinned widely. "Although I'll probably be more than happy to find out she was wrong..."

The old man just shook his head and followed Nick who had stated out of the bar. "Why do I get the distinct impression that I was just bested by two people, much much younger then I am?

"Because you were." Duncan purred in his ear.

"I must be rubbing off on you MacLeod."

"You say that like it's a bad thing."

***** *****

They managed to behave themselves until they reached Nick's room. Nick hesitated in the doorway after letting the other two proceed him into the room. In a second he found himself yanked in and the door slammed behind him.

"Subtle..." Duncan commented as Nick landed heavily on the bed beside him.

"I got bored of subtlety about half an hour ago." Methos shot back. "Which I seem to recall was not *my* idea."

"Shut up M... Simon."

"Both of you shut up." Nick demanded reaching out suddenly and catching Methos's wrist and yanking him down on top of him.

"Ohhh..." The oldest immortal gasped.

"Getting in to the spirit of things?" Duncan asked rolling on to his side gaining easy access to both of the other men's necks. He wrapped a hand around the back of Methos' neck caressing up and down with his thumb, while he deftly licked a trail along Nick's throat. The mortal gave a soft gasp, a hand flying up to grasp at a handful of Duncan's hair.

"He is good at that, isn't he?" Methos said pulling Nick's face down to his own.

Nick found himself unable to answer, sandwiched tightly between the other two men. Beside him, Duncan was still lightly kissing his way up and down his neck, while Simon was making a very diligent exploration of his mouth. For several moments he was so lost in the sensation that he didn't notice the pair of hands beginning a quest under his shirt, stroking up his sides gently with soft feathery caresses.

He tried for a moment to determine who's hands they were, then decided that it didn't really matter as a second pair began a journey up his back, dragging his shirt with them. He was just beginning to lose himself in the sensations once again when they disappeared all at once. He gave a soft whimper of protest but it was lost in the folds of his shirt as it was yanked over his head and a second later he was pressed between the other two men, once again reveling in the sensation of skin on skin contact on all sides.

***** *****

Ali McCormick sprawled out on one of the chairs by the edge of the pool, attempting to read some of the many brochures she had gotten from the seminars earlier that morning. Glancing up when she heard the doors open she sighed, turning back to her reading when it wasn't who she was expecting.

"You've figured out the fact he's not coming by now...right?"

Ali flicked her annoyed glare towards the other woman sitting beside her, not even bothering to sound polite. "I have no idea who or what you're talking about."

"You're waiting for someone...aren't you?" Amanda asked with a smile, sitting down in the chair right beside her. "I'm just telling you that he's not coming."

"You don't even know who I am."

"Ali McCormick. Sergeant with the Vancouver Police." Amanda grinned even wider when the other woman's mouth dropped open with the shock. "Hi...I'm Amanda."

"Great...and yet I still have no idea what you're talking about."

"Look, you're a cop, I know you can't be this stupid. Try and keep up with me here." Amanda sighed, leaning back and settling into her chair further. "You're waiting for your friend, Simon Ross. He isn't coming."

"Why? What did you..."

"Well...at least now I've got your attention..." Amanda rolled her eyes, trying to keep from sighing once again. "*I* didn't do anything. He somehow managed to end up with *my* boyfriend again. Well...both of them actually."


"Okay, just how explicit do I *really* need to get here. Tab A, slot B discussions? Would you like me to draw you a diagram?"

"You're trying to tell me that Simon is..."

"Boinking two other guys at this very second?" Amanda finished with a smile. "Probably."

"He's... No, never mind...it's not like I even believe you. How do you know Simon anyways?"

"We go a *long* way back. That's not the point."

"Yeah it is. You're want me to get jealous, stalk out of here in an angry snit so then *you* can meet up with him."

"Oh *puh-lease*. While the idea of getting together with him has crossed my mind on more than a few occasions, that's *not* why I'm here." Amanda sighed, glancing up towards the rooms that lined the outside of the pool. "If you'd *like* I can let you into my room. I'm sure things are getting *really* interesting right about now."

***** *****

Nick gave a soft gasping cry as a hot wet mouth closed over his cock. He wasn't sure who it was again but he couldn't quite convince his eyes to open so he could check. Things had proceeded quickly after their shirts had gone flying. They had lain still for a few seconds enjoying the sensations, then hands had started to wander over various bodies again, until the shirts weren't the only things that had to go. Pants then underwear had followed them until all three of them were naked.

They all enjoyed the view for several seconds before Duncan and Methos looked at one another then back at him and pounced again. He'd found himself flat on his back, both of them exploring his body thoroughly with hands and mouths. First it had been Duncan tracing designs up and down his legs and Methos paying a great deal of attention to his nipples. Then Duncan exploring his throat again and Methos was at his stomach. Then it had been one at each hip moving inwards... one had obviously moved faster then the other but he wasn't sure which. But he didn't really care, he shortly decided, as whoever it was drew back, drawing their tongue along his shaft.

"Gods." He gasped desperately his hands reaching down trying to find purchase on something. Anything. He caught a shoulder, gripping at it desperately, allowing him to focus for a second and finally he managed to force his eyes open and look down to find Simon was the one pleasuring him. For a moment he couldn't find Duncan then found him behind Simon holding a tube of something. He watched entranced as Duncan began working the lube in to the other man's body with slow, precise movements. Simon had let Nick's cock slip from his mouth and was slowly pumping it with his hand now. At Nick's questioning glance, he explained

"Wouldn't want to... ahhh..." He gasped as Duncan twisted his fingers just so. "Bite... by... ac-ci-dent." He stuttered out in explanation as the Highlander nudged at his prostate with the fingers.

Nick just let his head drop back on the pillow with a breathy moan. Doing that he missed the sight of Methos reaching back, Duncan coating two of his fingers for him, then tossing the tube aside. The old man continued working the younger man's erection while the lubed fingers began exploring further, until they pressed gently against the hidden opening.

"Ahhh..." Nick cried out softly at the touch. "More." He demanded sharply when his brain came partially back online a moment later.

"You got it Nicky." Methos said pushing the digit into his body, then freezing as he felt Mac entering his own body he let his eyes fall shut to enjoy the feeling. When he managed to open them again he found Nick looking up at them both, his eyes wide.

"Gods, you two look hot." He gasped out finally.

Duncan reached down drawing a finger down his chest. "You're not looking bad yourself." He breathed as he thrust deeper in to Methos, bumping his prostate.

"Mac." The old man wailed, his body shuddering. The slight movement was transferred to Nick who moaned, arching up and pushing against the hands pleasuring him. Duncan set the pace, every one of his movements traveling down the line to Nick. It didn't take long before Nick stiffened and came over Methos's hand with a strangled scream. Methos felt the warm, slick fluid flowing over his fingers and the sensation pushed him over the edge as well, his muscles clenching around Duncan, pulling him over with them. Their shouts echoed in the room as they slumped into a tangle of arms and legs on the bed, someone having the sense to pull up the sheet before all three lost consciousness

***** *****

As Amanda slid the card key into the door she briefly wondered if this was the smartest thing to be doing. Besides the fact she was probably going to be a *very* dead woman if anyone found out she let herself back into the room, there was still the problem of Methos' friend. Ali was pissed off enough to begin with...and Amanda was almost positive she wasn't going to be exactly happy about seeing Methos in bed with another man, even if she *did* ask.

The decision was taken from her when Ali pushed her way past her and through the door. She stopped about a foot inside, blocking Amanda's view into the room. But, from the noise that was filtering out into the hallway, she was pretty sure she knew what was going on. Unable to see Ali's face however, she couldn't tell what the other woman's reaction was. "Ali...Ali?"

Looking almost like she had snapped out of a trance, Ali turned and raced out of the room, practically pushing Amanda off her feet in her haste to leave. She didn't even stop when she made it back to the hallway, just kept rushing back the way they had come. "Shit..." Amanda muttered, watching as Ali tore off down the hall. She hadn't *really* intended to hurt Ali, no matter how annoyed she was at Methos for taking her boyfriend...once again. Leaning into the room to grab the door and shut it again, she belatedly realized her mistake when she felt the tingling at the base of her skull. "Double shit..."

Hoping that maybe both Duncan and Methos were just a *little* too out of it to have noticed the brief buzz, Amanda quickly walked out, making sure the door was shut tightly behind her. Glancing down the hallway where Ali had vanished only a few moments before, Amanda felt a pang of guilt once again. "Stupid, stupid, stupid..." Amanda muttered as she wandered down the hall, hoping to catch up with Ali. Or, at the very least, put a *lot* of distance between herself and Methos...

Wandering down to the bar, having no idea on where else to look, she found Ali nursing a drink. "Ali?"

"Go away..." Ali muttered, not even bothering to look up from the table.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm perfectly fine, thank you for your concern. Now will you go away...?"

"Ali...just listen to me, okay? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have dragged you into the middle of this." Amanda sighed, shifting uneasily from side to side. "I was pissed off at Me...Simon, and..."

"You found me."

"Yes well..."

"And you thought it would be a good idea to get back at him by making his girlfriend jealous?" Ali asked with a slight laugh. "News flash for you...I'm *not* his girlfriend."

"No I wasn't trying..." Amanda paused, glancing down at the other woman in suspicion. "You aren't what?"

"Not his girlfriend...in the *usual* definition of the word. We're friends...we've even gone out a couple of times. But it never really got anywhere serious." Ali shrugged, dropping her feet from the other chair and waving Amanda to sit in it. "Of course...now I know *why*..."

"So you're not mad?"

"At Simon? Not really. More like...surprised, embarrassed and probably more than just a little disappointed." Ali paused, then smiled. "At you...yeah."

"Hey, *that* wasn't my fault. You asked." Amanda shrugged, flicking pretzel salt off the table with her fingernails. "Besides...I didn't expect to actually walk in on them *doing* anything."

"Uh huh...well they were."

"Anything interesting...?" Amanda asked innocently, finally relaxing when Ali started to laugh.

"You know...about an hour ago, I thought I was having a relatively normal evening. And somehow, since then, I've ended up in some horrible bar, sitting with someone I barely know and am discussing my boss' sex life." She paused once again, taking a sip from the bottle she was waving around for emphasis. "And from an observer's point of view no less."

"Sounds like you're having as rotten an evening as I am." Amanda smiled, tipping their bottles together in a mock-toast. They sat in companionable silence for a while, watching as the rest of the bar cleared out around them. Suddenly Amanda, sat upright, a broad smile on her face...

"What?" Ali asked suspiciously.

"I've got an idea...and don't give me that look."

"Amanda...your last idea had me walk in on Simon when he was having sex with two other guys."

"Yeah...well, that one backfired. I've got a better one this time..."

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