Almost Home

Disclaimer: Voyager and her crew belong to Paramount. Anything I happen to have done with them is my own. This story is PG-13 because it contains a male/male relationship. Also the song 'Almost Home' belongs to Jono Manson it's not mine don't anyone start thinking it is.

Author's note: Yes another song story... The song 'Almost Home' is from the movie 'The Postman' the second I heard it a promptly thought "C/P song" and so here you go C/P song story.

Commander Chakotay entered his quarters wearily after what had been far to long. Why couldn't the nasty aliens ever attach at the begining of the shift? Insted they always seemed to wait until the last momment before shift change. With a sigh he dropped to his couch. A momment later the door chimed.

Well it's said the you can never...
Never go back home
And if bound wander
You're bound to be alone

Tom Paris very nearly bounced in to Chakotay's quarters. He was still on a massive adrenaline high after the fire-fight he'd just successfully piloted though. With a great effort he manged to walk properly in the First Officers quaters. "What is it Tom?" The older man groaned from the couch. "The Captain asked me to drop these off." Tom shrugged. Then his exuberence boiled over. "Wasn't that great? I mean we hardly sustained any damage... and their manuvers... I'd never seen anything like that. Do you think we could maybe try to work some of them out for Voyager?" Chakotay looked in to Tom's shining eyes, and couldn't help smiling at the younger man's delight. "We'll see."

You say I've go no right
To feel what I feel
When I look in to your eyes

Tom backed out of Chakotay's quarters heading towards his own still bouncing at first. Then a little more sedately. Entered his quarters and sighed. He'd really tried tonight. He'd given Chakotay the perfect chance to talk if he wanted to. The other man smiled, and for one breif momment Tom's hopes and soared. But then he'd ended the conversation quicker then Tom had tried to start it.

But that I that I dream of you
Most every night
Comes as no surprise

Tom loved that smile it made him forget every lousy thing that had ever happened. But it seemed that while he'd get to see it occastionaly. It would almost never be directed at him. Chakotay didn't hate him anymore, but it seemed the most Tom could hope for was peacful co-exsistance.

And I've been out on the road so long
Far and wide do I roam
But there's something in you smile
Tells me I'm almost home

Chakotay stared at the closed doors. After a momment he sat up feeling better. Amazing just seeing Tom could make him feel better. He could only dream of what it could be like if they could get along better. Those beautiful blue eyes so full of excitement. For a momment Chakotay allowed himself to imagin being the cause of that excitement.

And I've been out on this road so long
I was locked in the dark
'Till the light in your eyes
Showed me that I'm almost...

Tom had a shower and dropped in to bed. How could he possibly survive just co-exsisting with Chakotay for the next seventy years? It would be torture. Pure exqusit torture. Of course any one else looking at them would think the Commander was the one being tortured. After all what could be worse then oweing your life to Tom Paris. 'Yeah well 'Kotay I may own your life, but my heart has been yours since the first time I saw you.' Tom thought. 'Hell why else would I have joined the Maquis? I never even considered you might hate me.'

Home is where heart is
And my heart goes to you
I would travel to the end of time
If that was what I had to do

Chakotay sat for awhile longer. Thinking of Tom, how beautiful he'd looked. Could he ever even have a chance? Hell yes he could, all he had to do was ask... He rose to his feet feeling like a different version of himself had taken over. But he liked how this Chakotay thought, he relized as he left his quarters.

Just to spend one night
In your sweet love light
Coming down
Shining down on me

Tom lay in bed thinking. Chakotay's beautiful smile glowing in his mind. After quite awhile he managed to see the rest of Chakotay's face in the memory, the smile... that made it all the way to his eyes and there mixed with something.... Tom bolted to his feet grabbing his robe.

You say I've got no right
To feel what I feel
When I look in to your eyes

They met in the corridor midway between their quarters. "I..." Chakotay started. At the same momment Tom began. "Chak..." They both stoped locking eyes. After a momment Chakotay extended a hand. Tom took the other man's hand and allowed himslef to be lead to Chakotay's quarters.

But that I dream of you
Most every night
Comes as no surprise

In Chakotay's quaters the lights were low and in the dim light their clothing fell to the floor. Together thay lay in bed speaking softly. Telling one another of their love. Hidden so well so very long. "I loved you first." Tom said with a sleepy triumph. "But I love you best." Chakotay retorted looking fondly at the golden treasure in his arms. Tom yawned hugely then smiled sleepily up at the older man he loved.

And I've been out on this road so long
Far and wide do I roam
But something in your smile
Tells me I'm almost home

The two men curled together skin to skin, tangled in to an intricate knot. Both fast asleep, each holding on to his favorite dream.

Well it's said that you can never...
Never go back home

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