Alternate Punishments, Alternate Rewards

Part Three

Disclaimer: All the charaters and locations in this story belong to Paramount. What we choose to do with those charaters and locations is our own. This story is NC-17 for sexual content

Fifteen or so blows later, Tom realized that she wasn't even trying. The strap made deep cuts into his back and arms in places...but it definately could have been worse. Much, much worse. Although, as Tom thought about it again when the whip landed on his back yet again, even though it wasn't that definatly hurt like hell...

Twenty...twenty-five...Tom had lost count by the time the Intendant decided to stop. The chain holding him tightly to the wall released suddenly and Tom collapsed to his knees as soon as it loosened, unable to stand any longer. It was official now, he ached all over - B`Elanna must have done more than just given him a black eye and a sore shin, his chest was aching. Of course, his back didn't feel much better, thin scores of lines marked him all the way up and down.

Rocking back and forth slowly on the ground, breathing deeply to ease the dizziness he felt, Tom tried to hold back a laugh. was just as bad as when he got into that fight back in Auckland. Of course, that fight never had such blatent sexual connotations about it. And this one...

"Tommy, Tommy, see what happens when you make me angry?" Kira's sickeningly sweet voice spoke to him once again. She walked over to where he was crouched on the floor, gently patting his head. "I don't want to have to hurt you..."

"Then let me go..." Tom suggested through clenched teeth and heard Kira giggle at that, behind his head. Gods...she actually giggled...the Intendant, giggle?

"I can't do that yet..." Kira shrugged and gave him a slight pout, leaning up against the wall in front of him. "And if you don't cooperate I won't ever be able to...and I know we *both* don't want that to happen..."

It was like she oozed sex and sexuality, every little move she made seemed to be intended to provoke a response out of Tom's battered brain. And it wasn't as if it was that difficult a task for her anyways. He was kneeling on the floor at her feet, totally naked save for a gold collar that she put on him. He was hers, whether he wanted to be or not. Suddenly, Tom realized it wasn't the damned pain that was making him was the headiness of the entire situation making him dizzy.

*And hard...* A tiny part of his mind added helpfully. Tom angrily quashed that stray thought before he could actually dwell on it for too much longer. There was absolutely no way he wanted way in hell he was getting turned on by her and her little suggestive antics.

*Liar...* His own mind was betraying him now, was no wonder he was a nutcase. He was having arguments with himself when he should have been trying to figure out what the hell to do. *Fuck it Tommy-boy...I'm your mind...there's no way you can lie to me...*

Kira studied Tom with a small smile on her face, her eyes brightening at whatever she saw there. "Are you even paying attention to me Tommy?" Kira watched his gaze suddenly focus back on her face, the panic that rose to his eyes before the practiced shields came back up.

"Does it really matter?" Tom asked exasperated, he was tired, he was sore and he definately could care less about whatever cheap explanations the Intendant came up with about his mission, his rewards or her promises. He just wanted her to go away so he could actually think.

"No...actually, I suppose it doesn't." Kira responded with a small smile before patting him on the head once again, then walking off towards her desk. She tapped some sort of control there and, even before Tom had time to start panicking, B`Elanna Torres walked back in, a confident step to her march.

"Yes Intendant?" B`Elanna allowed herself a brief glare at Tom before turning her full attention towards a still smiling Kira.

Tossing B`Elanna a regenerator, Kira stood up to leave, walking towards the door. "I think I'm going for a walk around the ship...see how close we are to implementing the next stage of our plans. You will take care of him, won't you B`Elanna?" Kira turned and smiled sweetly. "And try to leave him in one piece this time please?"

B`Elanna nodded slightly and, satisfied, Kira strolled out of the room. Turning back towards Tom, B`Elanna sighed loudly and stalked towards the young man who still kneeling on the floor. He faced her defiantly, even when it was blatently obvious he hurt like hell. *And he should...* B`Elanna thought angrily...for the amount of trouble the damned idiot put her through.

"Don't move..." B`Elanna knelt down beside him and gripped his shoulder tightly. Tom flinched but didn't even try to pull away, he hurt too much, his brain was like mush and he knew he'd only end up in a worse state once again if he tried to fight B`Elanna. Slowly, the pain began to disappear as the score marks along his back were healed, he could lean against the wall without wincing in pain.

Moving around towards his front, B`Elanna roughly prodded at Tom's chest, causing him to yell out in pain when she hit two cracked ribs. Sighing once again she started the tedious procedure of knitting the bones back together again.

"You realize you could have saved a lot of time..." Tom couldn't help it, the ironic quip just escaped from his lips before he could stop it.

"What?" B`Elanna stopped what she was doing with the regenerator and glared at him. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

" were the one who *gave* me all these fucking injuries this morning..." He knew it was really stupid to antagonize a fully Klingon B`Elanna Torres, he was risking instant death here. Hell, *his* B`Elanna probably would have tossed him an out an airlock by now, and she actually could stand him at times. But there was just something about this B`Elanna that made him say those kinds of that sarcastic way of his. "Like I said...we could have saved a lot of time then..."

"You know what...?" B`Elanna leaned in close to him, shoving his shoulders back into the wall hard. "I would just love to remove that smug smile from your face."

"Go ahead..." Tom whispered, taunting almost. It had become a control war again, a power struggle between the prisoner and the jailer. "And I'm sure the Intendant will just love it when she sees me, beaten to a pulp once again."

"Fuck you..." B`Elanna shouted at him, slamming him up against the wall again and leaning close, pinning him there. "You have no fucking clue how the Intendant's mind works."

"I may not know a lot of things...but both of us know that out of the two of us...she likes me a whole lot better." Tom muttered defiantly and grinned. "And you just can't stand it, can you?"

B`Elanna grinned back widely and leaned in close to Tom, nearly touching him but not quite. "Do you really think that bothers me?" Smiling she whispered the last part of her comment directly in his ear, watching as Tom flinched away. "Cause we both know who *you* like better."

Too close...she was way too close. Tom's mind shouted out the warning as he tried to breath normally. This really wasn't what he needed right now. He needed to find a way to escape, he needed a way to figure out how to get back to his Voyager...his Universe. He didn't need to be thinking about what B`Elanna Torres looked like underneath that Klingon getup.

But between the Intendant's provocative mannerisms and this B`Elanna practically sitting on top of him, he was definately not thinking about ways to escape. His body was betraying him...his mind trying to justify it all. *...It doesn't mean anything, I still don't have to betray the Alliance, I'm just trying to survive long enough to find a way out...*

"Don't get a lot from your B`Elanna, Poocah?" She moved to straddle his outstretched legs, still pressing his shoulders painfully hard against the wall.

"Fuck you...!" Tom spat out viciously, fed by the last remaining shred of duty that was still functioning in his brain. Without even thinking, he tried to break her hold, promptly rewarded with another body slam against the wall, so hard he swore he could see stars.

"Now want this. We both know you do..." B`Elanna murmered directly into his ear, a perfect imitation of the Intendant's saccharine sweet tone. "Just let yourself give into it..."

"I...can't..." Tom muttered back, his voice coming in halting breaths as B`Elanna's fingers gently ran a trail down his chest, her actions so different from the open hostility she expressed only a few minutes ago.

"Yes you can, you know you can't fight it forever." B`Elanna whispered into his ear, moving so close to him she was practically pressed up against his front. Staring right into his defiant eyes, she slowly closed her hand around his now erect cock, watching as he arched at her touch, his already weak defenses crumbling. "And you know, as well as I do, there isn't going to be some dramatic rescue by your Voyager. You're stuck might as well enjoy it."

"No...!" Tom moaned aloud, shaking his head to prove his point. Although he wasn't sure who he was trying to convince, B`Elanna or himself.

B`Elanna slowly moved her hand forward and back, running her thumb over the sensitive head and spreading the sticky fluid over the rest of his cock. Tom moaned once again, crumpling against the wall, no longer fighting her or her actions. Smiling, she began to jerk him off faster and harder, hearing his moans grow louder with every stroke of her hand. She brought him right to the point of release, then stopped suddenly.

Tom opened his eyes with a start, he didn't remember closing them, didn't remember much of what had just happened. Groaning, he found himself staring right into B`Elanna's fiercely dark eyes, her gaze practically penetrating right into his soul. And, as she gazed down at him, she smiled once again...

She had seen it in his eyes - the passionate pleading and desperate look he gave her before he realized where he was and what was happening. His shields had come up almost instantly after that, a practiced response of course, but she knew the truth...

"Think about this when you come..." B`Elanna muttered directly into his ear, grabbing his cock once again and roughly jerking him off. "You...wanted...this..."

The three whispered words echoed in his abused mind like a mantra, unable to think of anything else but. He felt his release building once again, screaming when he finally came. Dimly, he could hear B`Elanna grunt with approval before she let him go, the hard grip on his shoulders finally released.

As Tom crumpled to the floor, sticky with sweat and semen, one last, rational thought fluttered by, just before his mind finally shut down entirely, exhausted. *Oh gods...I wanted it...*

End Part 3

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