Flying Blind

Disclaimer: DS9, it's crew, Tom Paris, and Harry Kim all belong to Paramount. What I choose to do with them is my own.

Harry arrived on Deep Space Nine wondering if he'd lost his mind. Coming all this way because of an unsigned message. Pulling a now somewhat battered copy of that message, he checked the number of the quarters he was supposed to go to.

He didn't notice the dark haired man watching him from an upper level, as he read the message then looked on the map of the station he'd found.

In a moment he figured out where he needed to go. The quarters was in the area reserved for people who ran businesses on the station. Grabbing his bag he headed down the right corridor. Again he didn't notice the dark haired man, this time as he swiftly disappeared down another corridor in a hurry.

Several minutes later Harry rang the door chime on the quarters he'd been looking for. The door slid open and he stepped in.

"You came." Said a soft voice as the doors closed behind him.

That voice.

Harry turned towards the speaker. He gasped, even though he'd been hopping, dreaming. "Tom." He breathed.

"Who else Harry?" Tom smiled, reaching out to pull his stunned friend in to a hug. Harry wrapped his around his friend and squeezed tight, trying to reassure himself he wasn't dreaming. "Careful Harry I'll squish." Tom teased.

Harry loosened his grip and backed off a bit. "How is this possible? I found you... you were dead."

"I'm sorry Harry. I knew it was going to be you who found me. I wanted to tell you, but the Captain wouldn't let me."

"The CAPTAIN? She knows... What..."

"I'll explain it all Harry." Tom smiled. "Let's sit down this could take awhile."

After they were settled Tom started. "Yes Janeway knows, so does B'Elanna. And the Doc did but we erased those memories. You saw what they tried to do to the Maquis crew. Just imagine what they would have done to me. I couldn't face that."

"I think I see what happened." Harry said. "You, B'Ela, Janeway, and the Doc faked your death."

Tom nodded. "Yep. And then while you were all in an uproar, Torres fixed the sensors so I could pass through the worm hole with out anyone noticing."

"The shuttle Janeway sent through the worm whole that was mysteriously missing when we came through?"

"Well they stuck me in a probe capsule and the shuttle transporter had been programmed to pick it up." Tom looked at Harry. "You're not going to remember any of this. Are you?"

"Probably not. Shock'll do that to you." Harry shrugged. "Short details."

"Okay. I'm off the ship I've got the shuttle I fly it to the nearest ship yard and trade it in for something less identifiable. Come here, organize my affairs and I start a shipping business. Tiny, rather pathetic. But it's getting better, I'm up to two ships now."

"Where did you get the money for all this?"

"That I have my father to thank for."

"Does he know..."

"He doesn't, unless he monitoring the old account he set up for me when I joined the Maquis." Harry gave him a questioning look. "He wanted to make sure I had a way out." Tom explained. "He set up a whole second identity for me. Bank account, safety deposit box with all my papers in it. I always had the key."

"So who are you now?"

"Thomas Paller."

Harry quirked an eyebrow at him.

"Hey my father never was all that creative." Tom said defensively

"I don't know, he got Chakotay and the others off." Harry told him.

"I heard that was you." His friend said softly.

Harry wouldn't meet his eyes and for a long time they were quiet.

"I also heard you resigned from the fleet." Tom said.

The younger man nodded.

"You want a job?"

"What?" Harry gaped in surprise.

"Harry I'm still flying half the runs myself, I can't keep up with this business on my own. I need a partner." Tom paused caught his breath. "And..."

"I'd love to work with you Tom." Harry interrupted him.

"Good I'd hate to think I rented a double apartment for nothing." Tom grinned.

"You knew I'd agree." Harry accused.

"Of course I did."

Harry laughed then suddenly his mind clued it to something very obvious. "Tom your hair." He said hardly noticing that his hand came up to touch the black curls.

"Well I had to look a little different." His friend explained. "Come on we'd better go talk to the Star Fleet types. They like to know when a new permanent resident moves in."

"Just a second Tom." Harry said as Tom rose. "You got to promise me something."

"What Harry?"

"Don't leave me again. I don't think I could stand it." Harry said staring at the floor his voice rough.

"I'll never willingly leave you Harry." Tom said hugging his friend again. "But that's the most I can promise."

"It's enough." Harry said tears rolling down his cheeks. But this time he knew it was the last time he'd cry for Tom.

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