Part 4

"Okay Methos...time to have another chat." Amanda said sweetly, gently tugging the bottle out of Methos' hand.

"Amanda... now is definitely *not* the time." Methos practically growled at her.

"And what are you going to do? Take me head? I doubt you're even coordinated enough right now to stand."

"I don't have to talk to you..."

"I don't have to let you stay here. You could find a very nice hotel somewhere in Paris." Amanda pointed out, gathering up the collection of empties that surrounded the depressed Immortal.

"So you're kicking me out now too..." Methos muttered coldly, trying to push himself off the floor with out to much success. "Glad to see I have friends I can count on."

"Woah. Wait a minute Methos." Amanda pushed him back down on to the floor, even though it was obvious he was going to be able to get anywhere without serious help. Or a good nights sleep for that matter. "I'm not kicking you out. I just want to talk."

"About what? What aspect of my life would you care to dissect now?"

"Methos you're impossible."

"I try."

"Why don't you try to help yourself then?"

"Why bother?"

"Because I refuse to deal with a miserable brooding Scott for the next century or so."

"I should have known it wasn't for my sake."

Amanda sighed heavily. 'Fine drink yourself to death a time or two. But you will be sober when Duncan gets here."

"Fine but since he'll never come, I can just keep drinking."

"Until someone takes your head?"

"Yeah...whatever. It's not like it'll matter anyway."

"Hello?" Amanda smacked him hard, as if to knock some sense into him. "Are you listening to me?"

"Unfortunately, yes." Methos sighed, rubbing the back of his head where she hit him.

"For as long as I've known you, you've either been determined to save your own head...or save Duncan's." Amanda sat down on the ground in front of him, a sad smile on her face. "And now you're telling me you don't care about either?"

"I care about Duncan, yes." Methos admitted, glancing wistfully at the bottle she had placed behind her on the counter. He was getting way to sober for his liking.

"Good. At least I know we're not wasting our time. Here, have your drink back." Amanda dropped the bottle back in front of him and turned to walk away. "When you want to help get him back into your life, let me know."

"What would it matter if I died anyway?"

"The fact that Duncan would lose his head within a year means nothing to you?"

"What are you talking about Amanda?"

"Methos, you're a bloody idiot, you know that?" Amanda said, grabbing the bottle back from him and taking a large swig. "Has it somehow escaped your notice that the man is head over heels, completely, totally, more than life itself, in love with you?"

*** *** *** *** *** *** ***

"I'm not going to Paris Richie." Duncan shouted.

"Yes you are." The younger man said as he packed a bag for Mac. "You and I are flying out in exactly 22 hours."

"No way."

"Yep, I'll get Joe's help if I have to."

"There's no point. If he knows I'm coming, he'll be long gone before we even get there."

"I'm almost positive he's too drunk to go anywhere."


"The old man hasn't been taking this lightly Mac. He's been drinking pretty much sine he got to Amanda's...that was what? Almost two days ago now? Well...maybe less with the time difference, though he was probably drinking on the plane over too."

"Richie...just...why would he?"

"Oh...possibly because he loves you?"

"Uh huh. He's the one who left me...again." Duncan waved his hand around the loft. "He didn't even pack anything up, didn't tell me to ship it all to another address. He was just in too much of a hurry to get the hell away from here."

Richie sighed, glancing around the loft. Well...shit. Yet another thing Amanda neglected to tell him. Methos' stuff was still spread from one end of the loft to the other. "Maybe he was planning on coming back then..."

"That's what I thought too. All of yesterday. You don't know how long I sat at the window, watching for Methos to come back so that I could just talk to him. And yet, even when I knew he wasn't going to come back, I still sat here and waited."

"But you were going to talk to him then?" A glimmer of hope that this could still all work out and that Amanda wouldn't be forced to kill him.

"Yeah...I was going to try and tell him to not leave...that we could still work things out." Duncan sighed, glaring back down at the counter again "Except it looks like I was just a little too late."

"No it's not Mac. He's in Paris...but he won't be there forever."

"He doesn't want to see me, why should I make a fool of myself, trailing after him?"

Richie stepped right in front of his one-time teacher, grabbed his arms and shook him hard. "Because the two of you love each other!" He shouted into Mac's stunned face, then continued in a softer voice. "And if you don't, Amanda is going to kill me. Please Mac...give it one more try?"

Duncan said nothing for a long moment. "If I try and it still doesn't work out, will you two leave us the hell alone?"

"Of course." Richie promised. "Now you finish packing your stuff. I've got a few things to take care of..."

*** *** *** *** *** *** ***

"Hello, Amanda's personal servant, how can I help you?"

"Methos?" Richie stared at the phone in disbelief. "What the hell?"

"Will you give me the phone..." A few muffled scrambles later and Amanda finally came on. "Hello?"

"Amanda, I take it Methos is feeling better?"

" he's just being frustratingly annoying. But at least he's sober."

"Please tell me he's still willing to try and get back together with Mac? Because if you put me through this hell and Methos isn't..."

"Look we're working on that, alright? I just got him out of the bottom of a bottle, it's not like I can work miracles her."

"You're going to have to we're on the next flight out."

"Thanks for the warning..."

"No problem. I'll call you when we get there."

*** *** *** *** *** ***

So what did the rug rat have to say? Has the o'mighty honorable Highlander kicked him out on his ass yet?"

"Actually they're booked on the next flight over."


"Duncan is coming to find you. And Richard and I are going to lock you two in the Barge until you can work this out. One way or another."

"Ooh yeah.... the fireworks from those Quickenings are going to be truly awe-inspiring. Are you inviting Joe as well. I'm sure this is the sort of thing he'd love to record."

"Depends, I thought you were actually going to *try* to talk to him."

"Been there, done that. That's how I ended up here, remember?" Methos paused, glaring up at the ceiling. "He's actually coming?"

"Of course you silly old man he loves you remember?"

"Right... loves me." Methos muttered distantly.

"Hello??? Methos???" Amanda waved a hand in front of the other Immortals distant gaze. Getting no response she shrugged.

Part Five

"So what are you going to tell him?" Richie asked, breaking the silence that had enveloped them ever since Duncan had agreed to fly to Paris with him. It was almost eerie, Duncan carefully packing away Methos' stuff in cardboard boxes, stacking them beside the door to the loft. Almost like he was setting himself up for never having the other man back in his life again.

"I don't know. I didn't know what to say when he left, I didn't know what to say a week ago, I didn't know what to say a year ago." Duncan muttered under his breath.

"And there lies your problem Mac. You can't go in and *wing it* and expect him to listen to you." Richie sighed. "This is *Methos* we're talking about."

"That's the problem."

"Well, first off, I would suggest actually talking. The two of you haven't done a whole lot of that in the last year."

"We've been busy."

"Mac...don't you pay attention to these modern times at all? You are *never* supposed to be too busy for your chosen partner in life. So stop using that as an excuse..."

"Well...just what am I supposed to say? I wish you wouldn't disappear every time we have sex?"

"That might be a good subject to cover, but I would start with I love you personally."

"I guess that would be a good start." Duncan said sheepishly.

"Then you two can talk everything out. Because I highly doubt Amanda is going to let you two go before everything is worked out, one way or another."

*** *** *** *** *** *** ***


"Amanda, we're here."

"Good. We'll be over in..."

"Amanda, come on...can't this wait until morning. We just got in, Duncan's tired and the last thing we need..."

"Is a cranky Highlander."


"Tomorrow then? We'll bring lunch for the four of us. Then we can lock them in for a day or two."

"Sounds good."

"Good night Richard."

*** *** *** *** *** *** ***

"So...the day of reckoning has been set then..."

"You know, I think I liked it better when you were drunk. At least you weren't quite as sarcastic."

"Can't have it both ways my dear." Methos muttered, pawing through the bags of stuff they both bought, on her credit cards. Shopping sprees definitely were good for a bad mood. "Oooooh, new sweater."

"You are planning to pay me back for all this stuff eventually, right?"

"For all you know, I'm going to disappear in the middle of the night tonight and you'll never see me again." Methos shrugged. "I've done it before, I could easily do it again."

"Methos, there's a reason you came here instead of going to a hotel...or even to New Zealand. Whether you realized it or not, you wanted *my* help. And I want you and Duncan to be happy, so I stuck my neck out for you guys." Amanda paused, making sure Methos understood just how serious she was. "And I swear it Methos, you screw this up, I'm going to hunt you down and kill you myself."

"I'm not planning on running..."

"Good, cause I don't want to have to tie you down to the bed tonight." Amanda smiled.


"Don't you even think about it Methos. If I were you I'd start thinking of what I was going to say to him. You screw this up..."

"I know, I know. I'm not going to screw this up unless I do it on purpose."

"You do that and I'll kill you."

"I know that too..."

*** *** *** *** *** *** ***

"Mac! Stop pacing and go to bed!" Richie ordered.


"Now...unless you wanna tell me what you've finally figured out to tell the old man."


"Then go to bed so at least I can get some sleep."

"Since when did you become the older and wiser one here?"

"Since two of my *much* older friends started acting like pre-schoolers." Richie said with a sigh, sitting up and watching the other man pace once again. "So what's the problem now?"

"What if he says no?"

"Richie flopped back down on the bed, wondering why *he* was the one who had to deal with Duncan. Methos probably wasn't analyzing every single possible outcome for failure. No...he was probably sleeping like a baby right now. "Mac, for the fifty-trillionth time, he *loves* you. He's not going to say no."

"He will if I don't know what to tell him." Duncan muttered, beginning into pace again. "He already did... this is my last chance Richie."

'Yes it is because if you two don't got back together I think I'm going to take you heads just so I don't have to do this again...' Richie thought to himself. "I know Mac. He knows that too. Just tell him the truth."

"But I don't even know *why* he left..."

"Yes you do..."

"No I... Well not really."

"Well that would be a good thing to figure out before you talk to him. Everything started after that deal with the Horseman right?"

"I suppose..."

"Why?" Richie asked patiently.


"Why did things start to crumble?"

"I was angry for awhile... I mean he betrayed me."

"Did you forgive him?"

"Of course..."

"Did you tell him that?"


"You didn't?!? That would be a very good this to cover tomorrow. Preferably right after the 'I love you' part."

"But I thought we understood each other after the mess with Keane." Duncan protested, sounding almost like a young child.

"Right... you ended up with Amanda that night. And just what was it that he was supposed to have understood about that?"

"We weren't back together yet then...."

"Okay Mac... let me run through this so far, from an impartial view of course. First you tell Methos that you two are through, he's still willing to risk he head for you in the Keane deal, yet you end up with Amanda that night leaving Methos out in the cold. Am I getting this right so far?"

Duncan just looked at him miserably, nodding his head slowly in response.

"And then you guys get back together...but you don't attempt to talk about anything, just think that if you ignore it long enough, the problems will go away on their own, right?" Richie continued, watching as Duncan's face fell even more. "And so finally, the old man picks up and walks out and you still don't understand why?"

"Well, it's not exactly like that. I just thought bringing it up would be a bad idea."


"Why would I want to bring up the thing that almost split us up in the first place?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because it's going to split you two up anyway if you don't deal with it?"

"I didn't *know* it was going to split us up."

"Well, you do now. So my advice would be to deal with all of that...the answers to the rest of you guys' problems probably lie in there somewhere anyway." Richie sighed, turning over and pulling the covers over his head. "And *don't* forget to tell him you love him, numerous times..."

"I was planning on that."

"Good, now get some sleep. I really don't think Methos would appreciate it if you fell asleep in the middle of your talk."

*** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Methos swore when, for the second time in as many days, he was woken up with a shove off the couch. "Now what?"

"We've got a lunch date to keep, remember?"

"Amanda, lunch is a whole...what time is it anyway?"

"A lot earlier than noon..."

"Wonderful. So not only am I being forced to have this conversation sober, but now I get to be cranky as well? And you want me to try and be nice?"

"Methos, you do not go to make up with the love of your life with just any old lunch. We have to hit at least five stores...possibly more."

"You are out of your mind, right? You have realized this?"

"Probably, I am helping you after all."

"Oooooh, that hurt." Methos sighed, picking himself off the ground. "So what...have you picked out an outfit for me to wear too?"

"Why do you think I bought that sweater yesterday?"

"I assumed you were trying to cheer me up."

"No, you looked cute in it. Duncan likes cute."

"Oh...why didn't I think of that one? I should have just worn cute sweaters for the rest of my life and then there wouldn't have been a problem."

"Methos, listen to me. I've known Duncan a heck of a lot longer than you did...and I know how to apologize to him."

"Alright, alright. I'll listen to you. But I somehow doubt fancy French wines and a cute sweater is going to get us far."

"No, that part is up to you. I'm just setting the mood."

"The mood? Just promise me there won't be handcuffs hidden under the pillows in the barge."

"Well I won't put them there. It was Richards job to set the mood there."

"Oh gods."

"Oh don't worry Richard actually is quite good at this sort of thing."

"I don't want to know how you know that."

*** *** *** *** *** ***

"Mac will you sit down. Pacing will *not* get them here any faster. You're just going to tire yourself out. And wouldn't you rather save your energy for make up sex?"

Duncan whipped around to face the smiling man. "I can't believe you just said that."

"Got your attention didn't it?" Richie shrugged, enjoying the look of shock on the older Immortal's face. "Hello Duncan you realize I do know about the birds and the bees right?"

"I just..."

"Didn't expect young little me to say that. But you and I both know that's how this is all going to end, right?"

"You're psychic now too? Because I definitely do not see it happening."

"This time you're wrong Mac. You guys love each other too much to mess this up. Now will you settle down, try to relax...and change into that shirt I set out for you."

"Why this one looks fine."

"But that one will look better. You do want to look your best for the old man right?"

Duncan moved over to the bed where the shirt was laid out, shrugged out of the shirt he was wearing and exchanged it for the one Richie had chosen.

"Are you sure it looks better?" He asked uncertainly.

"You look great. He'll love it."

On to Part 6-7