
Part Two

Disclaimer: Voyager and her crew belong to Paramount what Keikimo and I choose to do with them is our own. This story is NC-17 for sexual content.

When Chakotay looked up again, Tom had turned his back to him but B`Elanna was still glowering at the tactical station.

Trying to decide who needed his attention first, he slowly got up to his feet, moving to stand behind the pilot's chair. Slowly, he swivelled the seat around but Tom still stared at his hands, refusing to look up. Chakotay caught the younger man's chin and gently tipped Tom's head up, forcing Tom to look at him. "I never hated you." Chakotay paused, trying to express his feelings for the Lieutenant honestly. "I might have resented you, especially after the Captain gave you her trust unconditionally, but I never hated you." He finally said, gazing into those deep blue eyes, trying to get a sense of what the younger man was feeling.

"But..." Tom trailed off, not sure exactly what he was trying to say. Hell, he didn't even know what he was thinking at that moment.

"Shhh, just listen for a minute." Chakotay murmured, brushing his knuckles across Tom's cheek. "The truth is, ever since Vorik's Ponfar, the two of you have been tying me in knots." Chakotay chuckled slightly at the admission. "First I was furious he chose her, then jealous because she chose you."

"You wanted her to choose you?" Tom asked softly. "Well yes, but I also wanted *you*." Chakotay emphasized the last part of his sentence, watching Tom carefully as a look of understanding appeared on his face.

"Oh Chakotay..." Tom murmured, the Commander smiled at the look of pure relief that crossed the young man's face, then slowly shifted into one of desire. Still smiling, Chakotay pulled Tom up into a crushing hug. As they clung to one another tightly, Chakotay could hear a smothered sound from behind him, almost willing to bet that it was B`Elanna.

"Tom, I should probably go talk to B`Elanna, before she comes down her and kills you." Chakotay chuckled softly at Tom's reluctant agreement, unwrapping his arms from around Chakotay but keeping a firm grip on one arm. "You aren't going to leave me, are you?"

"Never, I just found you. I'd be out of my mind to let you go now." The big man murmured reassuringly brushing a kiss across Tom's lips. He broke the kiss reluctantly, then slowly walked up to Tactical where B`Elanna was staring down at the console in front of her.

B`Elanna glanced up to see what Tom and Chakotay were doing, then quickly looked back down when she spotted Chakotay moving towards her. She had watched everything that had gone on between the two, that kiss had just sealed it. Chakotay had to be coming to brush her off, she just knew it. What she didn't know was whether she should burst into tears, scream, or just beat the hell out of both of them.

"B`Elanna?" Chakotay's calm voice sounded right behind her, startling her out of her thoughts. She jumped up, silently swearing at the Commander and his soundless walk.

"Coming to thank me for helping you find your true love Commander?" She asked, relying on sarcasm to cover her hurt, something she picked up from Tom Paris, she suddenly realized. She glanced up and saw Tom staring at her silently, realizing just how much Tom meant to her, how they were the same in some ways. Now, after almost three years, she finally realized how much she wanted both Tom and Chakotay and now both were going to leave her behind.

"Well, that's half the reason, because I came to thank you for helping me realize how much I love you both." Chakotay saw the emotions that flittered across B`Elanna's face briefly before she looked back down at her console again. He couldn't help smiling at how both of the Lieutenants were so similar, even though they always denied it.

"What?" B`Elanna asked, her head snapping back up in surprise.

"I'm pretty sure you heard me." Chakotay's smile never wavered as he met B`Elanna's look of shock head on. "Is it really so hard for you to believe?"

"But..." She stammered, still not sure if she was understanding what the Commander was implying. "You and Tom..."

"Me and Tom..." Chakotay put his hand gently over her's. "And you."

"You mean that?" B`Elanna asked, all traces of her anger and confusion were disappearing with the Commander's words.

"You youngsters always need proof." Chakotay muttered, moving closer to her.

"What are you doing?" B`Elanna asked, not quite trusting the dangerous look in his eyes.

"Proving just how much I mean it." He replied back as he caught her hands, gently bringing them up over her head, pinning them to the bulkhead behind her.

"Chak..." B`Elanna began to protest, breaking off into a moan as Chakotay began using his free hand to tease her breast through her uniform. She arched towards his touch, moaning again as she felt a familiar heat curling in her body.

Tom watched the pair with a certain detachment, he couldn't help finding the sight of Chakotay fondling a helpless B`Elanna arousing but he also felt a little jealous that it wasn't his body that the Commander's hands were touching. He was still considering how Chakotay's hands would feel pressed against his body when Chakotay's voice brought him out of his thoughts.

"Well Tom, as Senior Officer here I think that I'm obligated to punish B`Elanna for attacking you." B`Elanna shivered unconsciously as the gleam in Chakotay's eyes flickered again. "Any ideas?"

"Definitely." Tom announced, swiftly walking towards the pair. B`Elanna watched both of them suspiciously as Tom pressed himself against the Commander, whispering his ideas into his ear. She wasn't sure if she was going to like Tom's ideas of punishment.

"Tom, no matter what anyone says, you are a genius." Chakotay pulled Tom in for a deep kiss, still never letting his grip on B`Elanna go.

B`Elanna watched the two of them for a few seconds, then cleared her throat loudly. The last thing she wanted was to stand around and watch them kiss for an eternity. "Well?" She asked impatiently and was rewarded with a smile from Chakotay and a slight leer from Tom.

"Computer, two lengths of cotton rope." Tom called out, smiling as B`Elanna's eyes widened noticeably. "We can't have you running off on us." Tom helpfully added.

"What are you planning on doing with me?" B`Elanna demanded as Chakotay slowly pulled her down to the pilot's chair, Tom following closely behind.

"Nothing." Chakotay shrugged his shoulders slightly and just smiled. B`Elanna whipped around to face Tom and was rewarded with his usual angelic expression, complete except for the twinkle in his blue eyes.

"Nothing at all." Tom grinned as the Commander pushed B`Elanna down into the chair, holding her firmly as Tom began to tie her down.

"Fine, if *you* aren't going to do anything to me, what the hell is my punishment?" B`Elanna snapped out, her emotions flaring to the surface once again. She tested the bonds that held her, then swore, wondering where in hell Tom learned to tie someone up like that. There was no way she was going to be able to go anywhere until someone released her.

"You'll see." Chakotay replied mysteriously as he pulled Tom into his arms again and led him into a kiss that seemed to go on forever. B`Elanna watched as the Commander's hands gently worked to undress the younger man without ever raising his head. Tom returned the favour eagerly and soon they were both down to turtle necks and briefs before they separated.

As she watched the two, B`Elanna felt the desire in her system begin to grow again, the familiar warmth spreading through her entire body. As she struggled against her bonds again, she realized what her punishment was, being forced to watch them. The kiss was bad enough, she couldn't help but want to be a part of their closeness, but now, if she was right in what they were planning. She growled, furiously tugging at the ropes as she pondered the outcome.

"I think she figured out what her punishment is." Chakotay chuckled as he tugged Tom's shirt over his head.

"Yup." Tom grinned, taking advantage of the other man's distraction to push him back into the Captain's chair. Kneeling in front of the Commander he skimmed his hands under Chakotay's shirt, following his feather light touches with his lips, bringing gasps and soft moans from the big man and even more swears from B`Elanna's direction.

"You guys are cruel." B`Elanna muttered, sitting back in the chair. She had given up trying to get loose for the moment, content to sit back and watch.

"You think that now." Tom said in between kisses. "Wait until we get to part two."

"Part two?" B`Elanna moaned.

"Yeah." Chakotay managed to gasp out as Tom began to suckle his nipple. "This is just part one."

"Oh gods." Was all that B`Elanna said, her mind racing as she tried to figure out exactly what the two had planned for her next. Tom paused as his hands came to rest at the waist band of Chakotay's briefs. Tom sat back slightly and glanced up at Chakotay questioningly. The Commander only raised his hips slightly as an answer. Tom gently tugged the briefs down over Chakotay's legs, freeing the big man's erection. He glanced back at B`Elanna who was staring at them wide-eyed and flashed her his flyboy grin before turning his attention back to Chakotay.

Both Chakotay and B`Elanna watched, mesmerized as Tom buried his head in the other man's lap and they both moaned when Tom slowly went down on Chakotay's cock. Chakotay brought his hands to the golden head in front of him, feeling as though he was going to dance out of his skin at any moment. Either that or pass out from the sensations he was getting, Tom was devastatingly talented. "Tom..." He gasped out.

Tom didn't bother to raise his head, too engrossed in the task in front of him, so a slight murmur was the only reply that Chakotay got. Tom seemed to hold him at the brink of release forever, Chakotay squirmed, begging Tom to continue. "Tom...please." Chakotay moaned aloud again and gripped the head tighter, edging towards a release when Tom suddenly reared back, breaking his grip on Chakotay's cock with an audible pop.

"Ah, ah, ah, Chakotay, you wouldn't want to shorten this and go easy on B`Elanna, would you?" Tom motioned towards B`Elanna who was struggling against her bonds again, desperately needing a release almost as badly as Chakotay did.

Chakotay weakly shook his head, not trusting his mind to come up with a coherent thought to voice.

"Good, then I'll tell you what we're going to do next." The Lieutenant purred moving towards the Commander.

"Just who put you in charge here?" Chakotay asked as Tom stood up in front of him, smiling slightly at the irony of Tom Paris in charge of anything. Not able to resist, he slowly pulled Tom's briefs down and began to stroke him gently, smiling at the low moan that sounded from the younger man.

"You did and you're loving every minute of it." Tom replied in a husky voice, almost sending Chakotay off the edge. Instead, he tried to focus on what Tom was whispering in his ear and not on the Lieutenant's naked body hovering inches from his own. Tom smiled as he finished his plan, then stepped back invitingly.

"Tom, are you serious?" Chakotay asked, sounding slightly concerned.

"I said fuck me, I meant it and I do mean *now* Mister." Tom said, enunciating each word carefully to give it it's full effect.

"Yes sir!" Chakotay snapped out, slipping out of his chair and swiftly positioning Tom on his hands and knees. Quickly he licked his fingers, coating them with saliva, then slit one slowly into Tom's ass. Tom groaned softly, pushing back against the Commander's hand. Encouraged, Chakotay added a second finger, gently stretching Tom.

"Chakotay..." The young man rasped, the commanding tone of earlier forgotten for the moment. "Please..."

"Please what Tom?" Chakotay taunted as he briefly added a third finger, then removed them all.

"NOW, damn it Chakotay." Tom ordered.

"Oh, *yes* sir." Chakotay murmured, grinning over towards B`Elanna before slowly pressing himself into Tom.

But Tom would have nothing of it, and threw himself back hard, forcing Chakotay in even deeper. "Damn." The Commander swore, breathing heavily as he tried to regain his splintering control. "Tom..." He gasped out before Tom pressed back on him again. Totally losing any control he had over the situation he began thrusting wildly in and out of the younger man's tight ass. Reaching around, he gripped Tom's cock tightly and jerked him off in time to his frantic thrusts, leading them both to a climax. It was only moments before Tom came, pulling Chakotay over the edge with him. Both men collapsed to the deck, gasping heavily.

B`Elanna watched the both of them with something between wonder and shock, she had never actually watched two men make love before and the sight of it made her incredibly aroused. She swallowed nervously, still wondering what in the galaxy part two of her punishment was. She only knew that part one had left her hot and bothered to say the least.

Part Three