
Part Three

Disclaimer: Voyager and her crew belong to Paramount what Keikimo and I choose to do with them is our own. This story is NC-17 for sexual content.

Chakotay came back to himself a few moments later, rolling off Tom with a groan. Tom still lay face down on the carpet of the Bridge floor but he moved his face up slightly to meet B`Elanna's eyes.

"You guys are cruel." B`Elanna moaned as she squirmed underneath the ropes that held her.

"Hey Chakotay...B`Elanna thinks we're cruel. I don't think we are, do you?" Tom turned his head to face Chakotay who was lying on his back, eyes closed. He could almost have been sleeping except for the smile that was still evident on his face.

"Of course not Tom." Chakotay muttered as he slowly turned over to face the both of them.

"Then why the hell am I still tied to this fucking chair?" B`Elanna yelled, wildly kicking her feet trying to reach Tom's unprotected side. Without a warning, Tom sat up suddenly and grabbed her foot, holding it tightly as he tugged off her boot and sock. B`Elanna threw a panicked look in his direction and frantically tried to pull her foot away.

"B`Elanna, you wouldn't happen to be ticklish would you?" Tom asked innocently as he lightly brushed his fingers along the sole of her foot.

B`Elanna broke out in a fit of giggles and squirmed under the ropes that held her tightly to the chair. "Tom..." She pleaded, not caring how it sounded to the two other men.

"You are ticklish!" Tom smiled as he stood up in front of her. Leaning close he ran his hand down her side and was rewarded with another shiver and a burst of laughter. He continued his exploration of her body, testing which areas were most sensitive and working them the most.

"Please? Tom...please." B`Elanna kept pleading for Tom to stop, the only coherent thing she could think of as her brain processed the continual stimulation of her nerves. She never even noticed when Tom leaned behind her and gently worked the ropes loose, never fully realizing that she wasn't restricted anymore until Tom roughly hauled her up to her feet.

"What are...?" B`Elanna began to complain but Tom pulled her in close and met her open mouth in a kiss. B`Elanna was surprised at first but melted into the kiss, responding with pure passion. She moaned as he again deepened the kiss, letting their tongues briefly touch before retreating again. After watching Chakotay and Tom just a few minutes before, then being tickled mercilessly by Tom, she desperately needed any physical contact. When they finally broke apart, B`Elanna let out a half suppressed moan and Chakotay smiled knowingly.

"He's awfully talented with that mouth, isn't he?" Chakotay quipped from his cross-legged position on the floor.

"When he isn't using it for talking." B`Elanna shot back, even her passion-fogged brain couldn't let her miss the opportunity to insult Tom.

"Hey Chakotay, I think I'm going to need your help here." Tom smiled at Chakotay's mock-protesting of his request. "B`Elanna seems to have a small attitude problem."

"Me? I'm the one with the wrong attitude? I didn't do anything wrong and now I'm being punished." B`Elanna argued, she had been trying for a tone of sarcasm but her arousal made it sound more like a request. Her entire body tensed up again with a surge of anger at the betrayal of her own body to her fragile emotions.

"Just relax B`Elanna." Tom smiled as he slowly ran his hands down her body again, stopping at the fastener of her jumpsuit. "It's our job to make you tense."

Chakotay chuckled slightly at that and stood up to join Tom and B`Elanna at the pilot's station. "So what's your plan, Oh Wise Tom?"

"I say we move her to the Engineering station, strip her naked and position her so that we can get access to that beautiful ass of hers." Tom watched as B`Elanna face reddened slightly from his crude words, then smiled when he felt her breasts stiffen underneath his hands, showing him just how arousing she found his words. "And for some reason, I think B`Elanna agrees with her punishment this time."

B`Elanna shook her head unconvincingly as Tom and Chakotay gently began to tug the jumpsuit off her body. Chakotay holding her tightly, nipping at the back of her neck as Tom undid the fasteners on her uniform, pausing every so often to stroke her body sensuously.

" like this?" Tom asked smugly as he pulled off her other boot and sock, then tugged her jumpsuit down and off, leaving her in only her turtleneck and underwear. He stood back up to face B`Elanna, looking into her eyes he still saw her denial at the whole situation warring with her growing desire.

"No...ohhh..." B`Elanna moaned out as Chakotay's hands reached under her shirt to fondle her breasts again. Chakotay had caught Tom's slight look of concern when he stood back up to face B`Elanna. Reading the younger man's thoughts he gently reached under B`Elanna's shirt to fondle her breasts, knowing just how much she needed to be with the both of them.

Free from most of her clothing, B`Elanna could feel just how soft the man's hands were on her body as he traced little circles up and down her chest, never really reaching her sensitive nipples but coming just close enough to make her scream with impatience. Just when his feather-light touches were about to drive her insane, Chakotay picked her up roughly and carried her towards the Engineering console, Tom tagging along with a suggestive smile on his face.

Chakotay set her down on her feet once again and helped Tom divest her of the rest of her clothing rapidly, leaving her as naked as the two men in front of her. B`Elanna flushed slightly as they stared at her appreciativly, feeling embarrassed and desperately wanting to break the silence, she stared challengingly at Tom. "So what the hell do you have planned this time?" She asked, almost daring him to do something.

Tom smiled evilly and rushed at her, swiftly pushing her towards the console behind her. Gently forcing her to lean backwards, he pressed her into the smooth console, just far enough so she couldn't move. Grinning widely, he stared down into B`Elanna's face, a mixture of desire, shock and excitement.

"Tom..." B`Elanna gasped as he leaned forward, crushing her against the console with his weight. She could feel Tom's knee, gently working it's way between her own and she obligingly parted her legs. B`Elanna no longer cared about trying to keep up a pretense of not wanting the two men, she just wanted both of them to fuck her silly right then and there.

"You want this, don't you?" Tom whispered in her ear, straddling one of her muscular thighs. B`Elanna didn't respond verbally, only tried to thrust her hips against his leg. Tom smiled slightly and moved his hands to hold her down, pressed against the console. "Ah, ah, ah, B`Elanna, fair's only fair. You pinned me up against a console, I plan on doing the same with you." Tom growled as he ground himself hard against B`Elanna's leg, the pressure of it, shooting straight to his already hard cock, causing him to moan slightly.

B`Elanna also moaned from the shock of the sudden pressure against her aching clit and she arched at the touch. Letting her instincts take over, she growled deep in her throat and tried to throw Tom off, surprised when she actually succeeded in flipping their positions, Tom was now the one being pressed into the console and B`Elanna was in complete control again. Her triumph was short lived however as she felt Chakotay's large hands on her shoulders, pulling her back away from Tom.

"Did you forget who's being punished here?" Chakotay's tone was friendly and full of laughter but the hands encircling her arms tightly were clearly meant to hold her in there. B`Elanna felt the grip of Chakotay's hands but knew that she could easily break it. She was briefly entertaining the idea of escaping Chakotay and ravaging Tom's prone figure anyways, when Chakotay gripped her shoulders harder, almost as if he was reading her thoughts. "Don't even think it Torres." He wispered softly into her ear.

The grip on her shoulders, while still tight, wasn't tight enough to contain B`Elanna if she really wanted to escape. But something in the way Chakotay held her close, the words he wispered into her ear, made her want to stay and accept her punishment. Relaxing slightly, she dropped her head towards the ground in a submissive stance, just briefly catching Tom's smile from where he was still sprawled against the console.

Chakotay pulled B`Elanna's now relaxed figure towards him, pressing her close to his body. He gently caught her short hair in his hand, pulling her head back and exposing her neck. Nipping at her neck, his hands slid further down her body, just barely caressing the insides of her thighs. At her moans and Tom's encouraging glances, Chakotay slid a single finger inside of her and gently began to thrust it in and out.

Adding more fingers, Chakotay never stopped his exploration of the rest of her body, using his free hand to fondle her breast, pinching the nipple tightly and causing B`Elanna to moan aloud again. "She's hot, wet and ready for you." Chakotay informed Tom as he pulled his fingers out, causing B`Elanna to groan in protest. But her protests were cut short in a startled gasp as she felt Chakotay gently begin to work his wet fingers into her ass.

Tom had been leaning back against the console, watching Chakotay finger-fuck B`Elanna. But as he glanced back up to look at B`Elanna's face, he was surprised to see her staring hard at him. Her eyes, filled with rapture and need, met his own and he instantly felt the passion in himself grow.

Dropping to his knees in front of her, he buried his head in her cunt, licking and teasing her clit with the same skill he used when kissing. Behind her, Chakotay held her still with one hand, while thrusting the fingers on his other hand into her ass. Soon, the sensations she was getting from both men blended into one, her mind was only filled with the dizzying rush of passion they were sending her.

They brought her to the very edge of orgasm, then left her right there, not letting her get the very release she craved since her whole punishment began. Moaning continually, B`Elanna shook her head violently as they both stopped. "No...don't stop...please don't stop..." She practically was begging at the two men to give her what she so desperately craved, knowing that this was what Tom had planned as her punishment from the beginning.

"Tom...please." Unlike her earlier protests during the first half of her punishment or when Tom was tickling her mercilessly, this time it was of pure need. Tom glanced up at B`Elanna and saw her staring back down at him, her eyes still held their fiery gaze, even while the rest of her body had submitted to the combined actions of Tom and Chakotay. She smiled at him, the first true smile he had seen from B`Elanna for a long while and he almost came right from her gaze.

"Gods B`Elanna." Tom gasped, wondering exactly how she had managed to turn it around on him. He had wanted to prolong her punishment as long as possible but now, with her muted pleas, the situation had all changed. Now he was the one willing to do anything she wanted. Standing back up, he opened his arms in a motion of surrender, silently praying to the gods once again that B`Elanna would go easy on him as he watched a look of rapture pass through her eyes.

Slamming him back up against the console, she pressed her entire body up against Tom's, grinding her clit against his straining erection. She forced herself down on his cock in one swift motion and felt her release coming. Biting Tom's shoulder hard, her back arched with the intensity of it.

As he felt B`Elanna's muscles close around his cock tightly, Tom found himself struggling to keep himself from releasing as well. He glanced over B`Elanna's shoulder and saw Chakotay stroking himself as he sat in B`Elanna's chair, his still wet fingers sliding easily. Tom struggled for a few moments, then finally was able to manage enough of his mind to form a coherent word. "Chakotay, I don't think B`Elanna's done yet."

Her head still buried in Tom's chest, B`Elanna shook her head weakly and moaned. "I think I am." She offered in a husky voice.

"Shall we find out if you're right?" Tom started to laugh at the look of shock and anger B`Elanna shot him, when Chakotay gently began to press his cock against B`Elanna's ass. She moaned, thrusting her hips forward and taking Tom deeper again, turing Tom's laugh into a strangled cry. Closing his eyes, he let the rhythm of the other two take him away.

Captain Janeway stood outside of the Holodeck doors, pacing. Three of her Senior Officers had been gone all morning and, except for a fifteen minute meeting she had with Chakotay earlier about a possible away mission, she hadn't seen her Chief Conn Officer, Chief Engineer or First Officer since last night. Knowing how volitile B`Elanna had been around Tom lately, she was worried about the three, especially since Chakotay had put a security lock on the doors. After getting strange looks from 4 different crewmembers as she paced outside the door, she finally keyed in her override code and stepped onto...her Bridge.

Surprised at first, she realized as she glanced around that it wasn't exactly her Bridge, many of the stations were dark and unmanned. With her quick glance around the program, she didn't see anyone around. But just then, a soft moan echoed through the Bridge and Janeway turned instantly towards the sound.

Tom Paris was briefly aware of the sound of the holodeck doors opening and forced himself to open his eyes to see who it was. He opened them and found himself staring right into the shocked, steel grey eyes of his Captain, Kathryn Janeway. Their gazes locked for that brief second and he instantly orgasmed, his cries echoing off the walls of the Bridge. B`Elanna and Chakotay following him almost immediately after, sliding to the floor in an exhausted state. Tom was still standing, although leaning hard against the console, head facing towards the ground, almost as if he was trying to catch his breath. *Or his thoughts.* The Captain thought ironically, watching the three of them, Janeway was surprised that Tom still had enough brain power left to think. When he finally looked up again, he had a wide grin on his flushed face, his bright blue eyes twinkling at her.

"Come to play with us Captain?" Tom smiled suggestivly and Janeway found herself at a loss for words...

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