Missed Reality

Disclaimer: Bow down to Paramount because they own Voyager and her crew. All hail Paramount. But since I know Paramount will never put these boys together I borrowed them for a little while, and all the misbehaving I've got them doing is entirely my own. This story is NC-17 or R for male/male sex. If you can't deal with that or are under 18. Go away!!!

Chakotay sat in his quarters seriously contemplating getting drunk. They'd almost lost Tom today. Again. He felt the paralyzing horror course through him again, not as bad as it had been the first time when he'd thought Tom was gone. But the idea of continuing without Tom had never even occurred to him. Thoughts of the golden young pilot, was some time all that kept him sane when the despair at being so far from home threatened to overwhelm him. Suddenly he pushed him self to his feet. He could get drunk later after Tom laughed at him.

Tom was in his quarters contemplating life's rather stubborn attachment to him. He'd cheated death again to day. He'd thought of going to Sandrine's to celebrate, but he honestly didn't feel like having the Delaneys plastered to him all night, not knowing that it would it tick the hell out of B'lanna. He was finally getting somewhere with her the last thing he needed was her calling him a pig again. Yes, he thought it would be infinitely better if he stayed on her good side. Now what had he done with the Klingon romance novel. Walking over to his desk he dug through the piles of padds and data chips trying to find it. He jumped when his door beeped sending a pile of padds tumbling to the floor. "Shit" he scowled as a few data chips followed the padds. "Come in." He called "Commander" he stammered as Chakotay stepped in to his quarters.

"Lt. I need to talk to you." He said a little awkwardly.

"About what?" Tom said in that voice that irritated the hell out of Chakotay.

"About today"

"Oh I see." He said crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back against the desk. "Come to ream me out for getting caught in the eddy?"

"No I came to tell you... To tell you..." Chakotay stammered, not knowing quite what to say.

"To tell me..." Tom prompted the Commander. Chakotay move to stand in front of Tom.

"To tell you." He paused grabbed the pilot by the arms hauling him up against his chest and capturing his mouth in a hard kiss. Tom stiffened in shock, then slowly relaxed as the older man's mouth moved over his.

"That" Chakotay said setting him abruptly back on his feet. Tom opened his mouth then closed it realizing he didn't have a clue what he was going to say. "I'll go now." Chakotay said softly turning towards the door.

Tom watched him go, the Commander had almost reached the door. "Chakotay wait." He called out, before he'd even consciously thought the words. "Tell me again." He said softly. "In words this time."

Chakotay turned back not daring even to hope as he sat on the couch. "I.. don't know where to start" he said running his hand roughly through his short hair.

"Umm.... How about why you suddenly decided to um... tell me." Tom said.

"You could have died today. Again. It was just too much this time. Every time you're at risk I think I should tell you. But then your always okay but today it hit me one of these times you might not be alright then I could never tell you. I'd've missed my chance." The Commander finally dared to look up at the younger man. And found him staring at him intently, his blue eyes unreadable.

Tom stared at Chakotay not really seeing him. His mind was whirling, he'd never even considered the Commander in his mental lists of people who he lusted after or was lusted after by or possible lovers. The man hated him, or so he'd thought. He tried to fit Chakotay in to the lists. And suddenly discovered he was the top name of all three. Oh Gods was he blind, how could he have missed this. "Chakotay I…" he trailed off trying to figure out what he was trying to say. Aw to hell with it he thought.

Chakotay was waiting for Tom to start laughing or throw him out of his quarters. Definitely not expecting Tom to reach out and pull him across the space between them and kiss him. But that was exactly what Tom did and the Commander found himself sprawled across the younger man, stunned as Tom forced his lips apart in a brutal kiss.

Tom pulled back eventually, leaving Chakotay panting. "Gods." he gasped.

"So Commander." Tom said in his cockiest voice. "You still want me?"

It was clearly a challenge, and Chakotay took it. He looked up at Tom quirked an eyebrow at him, then bit the pilot's shoulder. Hard.

Tom yelped arching up his back in surprise. "Answer your question Lt.?"

"You could have warned me that you bite."

"I bite" Chakotay warned laughing.

"Gee thanks" Tom laughed back. "And yes that answers my question. But now I've got another one." He added with a sly look.


"You wanna fuck me."

Chakotay mouth drop, Tom had never been know for subtly but that was a little more direct then he'd expected. "Yeah." He breathed.

"Well then get off me and we'll move to the bed." Chakotay pushed himself to his feet, and held out a hand to help the younger man to his feet. Tom took his hand and allowed him self to be tugged to his feet. He came up faster then he expected landing off balance he tumbled against Chakotay's chest.

"Hmm… this is nice." The big man commented bringing his arms up around Tom.

"You know Chakotay, you seem to have I bit of a problem." Tom said as he moved his hand down to stroke the other mans erection through his pants. Chakotay groaned desperately. Tom laughed and taking the older man's hand lead him towards the bed room.

Chakotay let Tom unfasten his uniform and push it down following it with his mouth licking and kissing a trail down his chest, around one hip and down one thigh. Pausing to allow Chakotay step out of the clothing crumpled around his ankle and push him back onto the bed before continuing down to his toes.

Eventually Tom made his way back up the big man's body. He reached over to the bedside table grabbing a tube of lubricant he held it out to Chakotay. "Would you please fuck me now?" He asked sweetly.

Chakotay snatched the tube away from the pilot. "You keep this up and you won't be able to walk tomorrow." He warned in a low voice.

"So?" Tom shrugged as he lay on his front. "Tomorrow's my day off."

Chakotay gaped for a moment at the young man's audacity. "You definitely won't be able to walk tomorrow." The Commander growled, coating his fingers with lubricant, then gently inserting one in to Tom's anus. Tom whimpered in pleasure as Chakotay worked first one then two and finally a three fingers in and out of him. "Please, Chakotay." He begged.

"Please what?"

"Please inside me" Tom whimpered desperately. "Now"

Chakotay removed his fingers, drawing a desperate cry from the younger man. Moving on to Tom's back he sliding to Tom's well stretched ass in one firm stroke. Matching groans were torn from both of their throats. The big man began slowly thrusting in and out of the younger man's body, quickly increasing his pace until he finally sank his teeth in to Tom shoulder arched up over the lean body under him and came, and came.

Tom howled both from the pain in his shoulder and the massive orgasm that over took his body as he felt Chakotay pumping in to his ass.

Chakotay finally collapsed to Tom's back and with a groan pulled himself out and rolled to one side. Tom stayed absolutely still content with the knowledge that that was the greatest sex he'd ever had. Within a matter of minutes they were both asleep the Spirits only knew what their reactions would be in the morning.


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