Never To Part

Disclaimer: Voyager and her crew belong to Paramout what choose to do with them is my own as are the other locals and characters use in this story. This story contains a m/m relationship and is rated R if you can't deal with that leave now.

Note: This Story is a sequel to my stories 'Together We stand' and 'Forever And Always' and will probably make more sense if you read them first.

Part One

Tom rolled over sleepily in bed. And was promptly hit in the face with a wet cloth. This was getting to be tradition now. Automatically he grabbed the cloth and hurled it back the way it came. The startled exclamation was what got him to open his eyes. The cloth had got Chakotay full in the face.

"Well if nothing else my aim is getting better." He yawned.

"That was fluke Tom, you didn't even open your eyes." Chakotay grumbled.

"I don't have to, you always stand there." Tom teased sitting up.

"Then why haven't you hit me before?"

"I told you, my aim's getting better."

"Sure it is." Chakotay teased. "Now are you coming for a shower or not." Laughing as Tom somehow managed to beat him in to the bathroom when he was almost at the door already. "Maybe I should give up on the wet towels and just say something along those lines every morning. Gets you out of bed ten times faster"

"But that's only because it means we get to do something that's usually reserved for the bed." Tom smiled. "Though it wouldn't be if your sense of adventure had developed properly."

"Hey I'm getting old, I appreciate the comfort of a bed." The Commander protested, as he started the water for their shower.

"You just don't like rug burns."

"As I recall you were the one who whined about those last time we ended up on the floor."

"That's because I had them from my shoulders through to my knees. You didn't get any."

"So we'll stick to the shower and the bed for now." Chakotay smiled, stepping in to the shower pulling his lover with him.

"Yeah until I steal a dermal regenerator." Tom grumbled. "Then it won't matter."


Kathryn Janeway barely suppressed a grin as Tom and Chakotay arrived on the bridge with roughly thirty seconds to spare. They'd been living together for five months you'd think they'd have gotten past this. She'd checked with the computer, the alarm in their quarters was set to wake them an hour and a half before their shift. An hour and a half seemed like it should be plenty of time for anyone else to get up, shower, get dressed, and get to the mess hall before duty. But somehow two out of three days those two never did show up at breakfast. Or they did looking so utterly sated everyone in the room knew exactly what they'd been doing before they left their quarters that morning. And she'd actually heard complaints from one or two people like her who had yet to, or had decided not to find someone. When the two of them showed up for duty with that same air of lazy contentment she usually retreated to her ready room for an hour or two, leaving the rest of the bridge crew to suffer with it.

This morning wasn't too bad, while both her XO and her pilot's hair was still damp from the shower, they didn't look like they were about to jump one another and they didn't look so sated she wanted to strangle one of them just to get a reaction.

Chakotay watched as the Captain looked both him and Tom over, almost appraisingly. It was getting to be a daily thing, that look. The look that decided if Kathryn would be spending the first hour or so of the shift in her ready room. They must have passed today, he though with a tiny smile as the Captain settled herself into her chair. Or at least he had since she could only see the back of Tom's head. And fortunately so could he.


Chakotay was lazing on the beach in the resort, contemplating the fact that he *was* just laying on the beach in his swimsuit. A year ago he never would have let himself just lay back, and relax. He wouldn't have trusted his mind to not wander back to things he didn't want to remember. Now his mind was far more likely to wander back to what he and Tom had been doing last night. Or in this case when he'd first sprawled on the warm sun it had been what they'd been doing in the shower this morning. But a year ago he hadn't been Tom Paris's lover. That made all the difference.

Turning his head he watched Tom and Naomi Wildman, both covered in sand, trying to built a sandcastle. And failing rather miserably, it was turning in to more of a sand pile. Noticing his lover's regard Tom grinned and waved. Chakotay smiled, Tom could be such a child, but when it really counted he was always there.

It was hard to believe he'd hated the man once. He'd only seen the cocky hotshot pilot. Of course now he knew that was exactly what Tom wanted people to see. It kept people at arm's length unless Tom wanted then closer. It hadn't been until after Chakotay had seen the other man's defenses that he'd started to notice his own. His serenity, discipline, and the way his kept his life totally private. Those kept all but the bravest souls well out of reach.

Tom's barriers had been built to withstand everything that had happened to him. Chakotay's had been built to keep people away so that no one would learn what had happened to him, his weakness, so that he himself wouldn't have to face those things. But Tom had seen past his barriers. Tom had forced him to accept what had happened to move past it. He wasn't ready to admit it to the world but he had told Tom, it was a start.


It was the next morning that Voyager entered a small, rather unassuming little system. Normally they would have just passed by without a thought. But in the middle of the night they'd picked up a transmission from the planet's inhabitants, saying that they had picked them up on sensors and if they wanted to trade they were very welcome.

The away team, consisting of Captain Janeway, Chakotay, Tom, and B'Elanna assembled in the transporter room. Only Janeway wore her uniform. One of the things to be avoided at all costs on this planet was uniformity. Chakotay was in clothes somewhat like his Maquis clothing, B'Elanna surprised them all wearing a dress that accented her figure, and had Tom blatantly staring until Chakotay swatted him on the ass. Tom wore white dress shirt open at the collar and tight black pants (at Chakotay's insistence).

When they materialized on the surface they were met by a small delegation. After they were officially welcomed, each member of the away team went on separate tours of the various facilities on the planet. Everything seemed to be going very well save for Tom not reporting in when he was supposed to. But then it was Tom and he was on a tour of a space fighter plant, it was almost expected. So no one paid much attention until he didn't return to the ship that night.


"Where is he?" Chakotay almost snarled at the Ensign at Ops the next morning. He hadn't slept at all the night before and was completely on edge.

"I don't know sir." She said. "The sensors can't find him anywhere."

"Sit down Chakotay." Janeway said when the Commander started for the console himself. He stopped but didn't sit down.

"Captain, would you please relieve me of duty." He said in a tight voice. "I'm not fit."

"Very well." Janeway agreed, she hadn't wanted to do this, but if he was asking. "Commander as of now you are relieved of duty."

"Thank you." He said in the barest whisper and headed for the turbo lift.

Never to Part: Part 2