C/P Resolutions

Disclaimer: Voyager and all the characters in this story belong to the o'mighty Paramount, unfortunatly they aren't mine. This story is rated NC-17 and contains m/m SEX if you don't like that or are under 18 now would be a good time to leave.

Part One

Kathryn Janeway looked at the view screen watching the planet behind them, shrinking as they sped away. 'It's not that you want to leave them.' She reminded herself, trying to soothe the knawing guilt she felt. 'They deserve their lives.'

'Yeah, if they don't kill each other first.' Another part of her mind put in.

'They can work it out, this is just the sort of situation they need to work out their differences. If only it weren't so permanent. If only they could have found a cure to the virus that had infected the two men. But nothing seemed to work.


On the planet's surface, Chakotay struggled with the shelter. "You know Chakotay." Tom drawled, leaning against a pile of equipment. "You could let me help."

"I can manage." Chakotay growled.

"I know you can. But we could do it faster together."

"Fine, help. Just don't get in my way." The Commander spat.

"Chakotay, we're going to be here awhile, you could try to get along with me." Tom said, but the other man stonily ignored him. "What do you want, Chakotay? Huh? I'm sorry you got left out of Janeway's plan. I'm sorry I used you to get out of prison. I'm sorry I got caught, I'm sorry I'm a screw up, and I'm *sorry* I was born a Starfleet Brat.

"I don't care." The older man said, his dark eyes pinning Tom with a furious look.

Tom's face crumbled and he turned away. "Yeah? But maybe I do." He said softly as he disappeared into the trees, Chakotay staring after him in shock.

As soon as Tom was sure he was out of sight he broke into a run.

He ran almost until he collapsed, then stopped, breathing hard and slumped against a tree. When he'd finally gotten his breath back he sighed.

Suddenly there was a rustle above him. Looking up he found himself being watched by a small monkey-like primate.

"Hello Monkey." He said heavily, the creature just continued to look at him curiously.

"What do you think, monkey? Why won't Chakotay give me a chance? I mean, I know we've never gotten along particularly well, but I know we could if he'd just..." Tom trailed off as the monkey cocked its head at him.

"I'm talking to a monkey, I must really be losing it. Fall in love with a man who hates me, or for that matter, run off on a strange planet without a tricorder and start talking to monkeys. I really am nuts."

With that, Tom set to trying to find his trail back to the landing site. The last thing he wanted to do was call the Commander and ask for help. He'd never hear the end of it.


Chakotay sat in the finally completed shelter several hours later, organizing some PADDs, for the third time. Damn it, where was the man. He'd been gone for hours. Long enough for Chakotay to complete the shelter and move all their equipment and belongings inside.

It was getting dark, part of him said to go find Paris. But he didn't know if he'd be all that welcome.

He waited a few more moments undecided. Just when he decided to go out looking, Tom returned.

He entered, looking awkward. "I'm sorry Sir." He mumbled, looking around, carefully avoiding Chakotay's eyes. "I shouldn't have taken off like that."

"It's all right, Paris." Chakotay said. "We're both under a lot of stress, but don't do it again."

Tom nodded and headed for the alcove Chakotay had stacked his things in.


Chakotay was up early. His dreams had been disturbed by the image of Tom's face when he snapped at him. And the uncharacteristically soft voice. "...but maybe I do..."

It was probably just the stress. Why else would Tom say something like that? The man didn't even like him.

Getting out of bed, he pulled on clean clothes and considered what to do today. As he moved to start breakfast he froze, catching sight of Tom curled up on the narrow bed, his golden hair tousled. Chakotay watched the younger man sleep, marveling at who different he looked without the cynical smart-ass mask in place. It was like looking at a completely different man. Seeing Tom asleep you would never believe he could be such a cocky SOB when he was awake. 'He looked like some sort of angel sleeping.' Chakotay thought. 'More like an archangel.' He told himself. There was no way you could call Tom Paris an angel.

A rustle outside finally drew Chakotay back to reality opening the door, he cautiously look out but saw nothing.

Returning to breakfast, the images of Tom from his dreams overlaying with the image of the sleeping pilot, his face innocent and younger almost.

Well maybe if they tried they could get along. Tom seemed willing enough. Now if he could just control his own temper.

When he'd made the 'coffee', though that name was used lightly, Chakotay dragged a chair outside and settled himself to think.

Paris was right; they were going to be here a long time. And obviously the other man was willing to try. Well maybe they could work something out.


Tom sat in the woods again, quietly regarding his primate companion. He'd just told it his plan. The little guy didn't seem to like the idea very much.

"Well I know I've never been very good at sticking to things. But I'm highly motivated, Chakotay doesn't like me because I'm reckless and have no regard for authority. So if I do everything he wants and says...then he'll have to like me. Right?"

The monkey almost seemed to sigh.

"It'll work, you'll see." Tom said, getting to his feet and turning towards the shelter. "See ya later, monkey."

When he got 'home', Tom found Chakotay working on cutting the logs for the cabin. "Where have you been?" The Commander asked, sounding irritated. "I needed help moving these logs."

"Sorry sir, I..."

"Just don't wander off again. Let's move the logs."

"Yes Sir..." Tom murmured. He hadn't wandered off, he'd told Chakotay he was taking a walk.


"Will you *quit* it all ready, Paris?" Chakotay shouted. Tom had been drumming the exact same rhythm on one of the tool chests for twenty minutes. The Commander expected an answering shout, a smart retort. He certainly didn't expect what he got. Tom's face seemed to cave in on it's self, his eyes dropped and he hung his head.

"I'm sorry." Tom said quietly. 'Damn it!' He thought miserably to himself. Why couldn't he do anything right? Every attempt to do 'anything' seemed to irritate or anger Chakotay somehow.

Tom had never tried so hard to please someone in his life. Not even his father, but nothing was working the way he had planned.

Moodily, Tom kicked at a small stone that lay on the ground, following it as it skittered and bounced off a tree, coming to rest close to his feet again. He moved to kick it again that caught himself. No Chakotay, had told him not to do that yesterday.

With a quiet sigh, Tom folded his legs and sat leaning against the tree. Crossing his legs, Tom leaned forward and examined the ground.

Chakotay watched Tom. He'd swear the man was sulking. Well, there were plenty of things Paris could be doing. He was about to tell him so when he realized that there wasn't anything left. He'd told the younger man that he couldn't cut logs because he had no experience doing anything like it and he couldn't work in the garden because his planting was too random. He had also Tom to be quiet and not to wander off.

And to Chakotay's surprise, he realized Tom had gone along with everything he had been told. Had allowed any suggestions he made to be brushed aside without a single comment or protest. Now there was nothing left for him to do. That thought brought on a wave of guilt. He was still playing the Commander, even though they weren't on the ship anymore.

"Do you want to help with these plans?" Chakotay asked the younger man, trying to make amends.

Tom looked up in surprise. "I don't really know much about building." He said cautiously.

"It's never too late to learn." Chakotay offered.

"Okay." Tom said, getting to his feet and coming to look at the plans.


Chakotay very quickly had to admit Tom was eager and quick to learn. And he almost had to laugh at the childlike exuberance the pilot showed, grinning like that...and scowling furiously every time he made a mistake.

"It'll go like this?" He questioned, holding up two pieces of the wood they'd cut earlier and positioning the against the shelter wall.

"Not quite." Chakotay said, hiding a smile as the scowl reappeared. "Like this." Standing behind the younger man he reached around him to reposition the pieces correctly. "You were close."

"I see..." Tom managed to get out. 'Oh gods...I'm going to pass out.' He thought to himself. 'His arms are actually around me.' He didn't care if it was perfectly innocent on Chakotay's part, the man's arms were still around him.

"But we'll save that for tomorrow." Chakotay said, moving away. "It's getting dark."

Tom almost fell down, one moment Chakotay felt so close so...there. The next, it was gone. But oh gods...it had been wonderful for those few, precious seconds.


Some days later Chakotay was working in the garden, but the seedlings he was planting certainly weren't in the neat rows he usually planted in. With a sigh Chakotay filed on the space around the last small plant. Where had Tom gotten to? It had been quiet a while... he was never really comfortable when the man was out on his own. After all even if they weren't on Voyager any more, he was still responsible for the man's health and safety.

A sudden gust of wind blew a large leaf square in to the big man's face. The surprise that cause him caused him to lose his balance and fall on to his side as he pulled the leaf off. He lay still for several moments thinking. He really was being silly worrying so much about Tom. They knew just about everything about this area there was absolutely nothing that could endanger Tom. Or himself for that matter.


Tom was in a tree a short distance from the shelter. Chakotay had lifted his restriction on wandering, but he still didn't seem to like it much when Tom went out alone. So he comprised by always keeping at least part of the shelter in view. Of course that didn't always mean Chakotay couldn't sill see him.

There was a slight rustle over his head. And looking up Tom found the monkey there, smiling as the little fur ball started chattering wildly. What on earth had gotten in to the little guy? Tom wondered then he felt the tree sway as the wind picked up, and heard a low rumble.

Time to go, he thought and quickly clambered down from his perch. Breaking in to a run as wind picked up further the rumbling got louder. And suddenly it didn't seem like such a short distance back to the shelter.


Chakotay heard the rumble of the storm breaking just as Tom came pelting out of the forest.

"Inside." The older man ordered unnecessarily and together they both bolted into the shelter, closing the door behind them.

The tiny shelter shook violently as the storm raged outside. A deafening crash sounded outside and Tom gave a yelp, diving under the table. When the next crash knocked a pile of equipment off one of the shelves, Chakotay decided that might not have been such a bad idea and joined the younger man.

"Why didn't we know about this?" Tom shouted over the din.

Chakotay looked up to answer and caught site of the shelf, coming loose from the wall and beginning to fall towards Tom. Quickly, he pulled Tom back against him and further under the table.

The shelf crashed down within inches of where Tom had been. The pilot let out a shaky breath and swore softly, then began to shake almost as badly as the shelter.

"You okay?" The Commander asked. Tom didn't answer. "Tom?" Still no answer. Gradually, the storm began to subside. But the shaking in Tom's frame didn't.

"Relax." Chakotay said awkwardly, trying to comfort the man as the noise faded. Then unexpectedly Tom jerked away scrambling to his feet.


Chakotay entered the shelter after surveying the damage out side. Looking towards Paris's bed he found the man curled on the cot just as he'd left the man. Chakotay had tried desperately to comfort the weeping man. But nothing had seemed to get though to him. Then finally Tom had reacted but it hadn't been how he'd hopped. "Go'way." He'd mumbled. And so Chakotay had, not wanting to further upset him.

"You feeling any better?" He asked softly approaching the bed.

"Fine." Tom said. "That storm... it... it just brought up an old memory that's all."

Chakotay didn't believe for a second that, 'that was all'. But if Tom didn't want to talk about it, he was pretty sure that nothing would get him to talk. So he left it and began picking up the fallen equipment.


Several days later Chakotay crept from beneath the shelter of the table. What a mess. "That was the worst so far." He commented.

"And the sensors say these thing's are just going to keep getting worse?" Tom questioned rolling out from under his bed where he'd taken shelter when the storm hit this time.

Chakotay nodded. "We won't survive to many more here we've got to find some where else to go." He said righting a chair. "We have maps here somewhere."

"You mean these?" Tom asked holding up several limp coffee stained pages.

Chakotay just groaned.


It took them five days to find a spot where the storms wouldn't destroy everything they built. A day's walk south of the camp, they found a deep canyon in which the storms didn't drop into, they simply raged overhead. Even better were the wide mouthed caves they found, one of which, to their great delight contained a hot spring. And it was Tom who came up with the idea of building the new shelter over the mouth of one of the caves to get maximum space for minimum materials and work. Though he was constantly pointing out how he had no clue how to actually carry out his plan. The chose one of the largest cave that was close to the hot spring. Their new home consisted of one large cavern with two smaller ones that branched off the back one to either side.

In their efforts Chakotay was beginning to notice how often the younger man belittled his own efforts, and had to wonder if the man had been like this on Voyager. If he had the Commander certainly hadn't noticed, but then the commander would have been apt to agree with a lower opinion of the man's efforts.

But now... Now he'd discovered what sort of man Tom really could be.... He did his best to point out Tom's good work to him. And to himself.


Today they were supposed to be beginning their move down to the caves, but it was pouring rain. Tom and Chakotay both had their things packed into the backpacks Voyager had left them. They figured it would take six trips to get the things they could move easily to the new camp. Of course that list had been considerably shorten by the fact that the storms had destroyed most of the research equipment. Then they'd figure what to do with the rest.

Tom watched as Chakotay paced. The man had been very eager to get moving. And now the rain was keeping them here another day. He paced back and forth from one end of the shelter to the other. Tom smiled slightly it was like watching a caged animal. A strong, beautiful, wild animal... 'Stop right there, Tommy.' Tom ordered himself. 'Don't torture yourself.'

Go To Part Two