Together Forever Series

Chakotay/Paris: NC-17

Together We Stand

Chakotay is attracted to Tom Paris though it takes him a while to admit it even to himself. Eventually he does tell Tom at Sandrine's one night. Tom is shocked but the admission set him thinking. Just what does he feel for the stolid Commander?

Forever And Always

Sequel to Together We Stand. Tom and Chakotay are lovers but when Tom trys to take their relationship to a more intimate level he discovers a dark secret the Commander has hidden from everyone.

Life Sentance

Short little look in to the Together Universe. Tom's in trouble now... or is he?

Never to Part

Sequel to 'Forever and Always.' Chakotay and Tom have been a couple for nearly a year, and are more in love then ever. While visiting a new planet Tom is detained. Having his love held on the planet stirs up some very painful memories for Chakotay. He vows that when he gets Tom back he'll do everything in his power to ensure he never loses him again.

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