Egon's Magnum Opus

by Singe

They're all staring at me. Wanting an answer as to why a Class 7 entity would claim to 'remember' me.

I can't believe I'm going to say this. I can't believe I'm going to ADMIT to this. I may as well claim I believe in the Easter Bunny or declare myself the reincarnation of Ramses the Great.

Ludicrous. Undignified.

Vindicated. I know my friends will believe me. Finally, finally someone would believe me. They will know that my life's work, my knowledge and all my ambition has led to this moment, this being's destruction. Ironic, if it weren't for him there may never have been the Ghostbusters and the world would have died in a myriad of painful ways. Excuse me as I contain my gratitude.

He has served Fate's purpose and now we will stop him. Never again would that evil monster break a child. Time for True Confessions as Peter might say.

"When I was a child...the Bogeyman came out of my closet." 

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