Inner Workings

by Singe

GEEZ! I've been running this maze forever! Did the Sandman invent this place or am I dreaming it all up on my own? That jerk is making dreams a reality, PLEASE don't let the guys be lost in my maze, too.

The guys. I'm here for a reason. I have to save the guys. Where are they? EGON! PETER! WINSTON! RAYYYYY!! Where are they? What was I supposed to DO?! EGON!! EEEEGOOOONNNNN!!!

They're not here. I was...supposed to be something...someone... I'm a...I'm a...

Secretary. Just a secretary. I type, I file, I can just hear my dad saying what were those bozos THINKING when they sent a secretary, a WOMAN, out to do something important?

Like I ever listened to my Dad. I just wish I could remember what I was supposed to BE. I'm so tired, all these twists and turns are killing my head. I'm a...I'm a...uh, I can hear my Mom. She's telling me to ignore Dad, all I need is a good house, a good husband with a good job and three or four good kids and I'll be happy. Like she was ever happy. Like I ever listened to her either.

I'm a...oh, geez, what am I? I always had the answers before, what's gonna happen to Egon and Peter and Ray...and...Winston...and...that's it.

That's IT!

The guys. MY guys! My guys are my answer! They sent me out here because I'm part of the TEAM! They're what I need. It's time to leave these tunnels and kick some gritty, sandy ass. Hey, Sandman, here's a hot little dream made real for ya! Where's the 'ON' switch on this proton pack? Here it is. Wow, listen to it hum. Powerrrr! This is going to be good...look at me, Egon, I look GREAT. Oh, Mr. Sandmannnn.....? Guess what?


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