Slimer Needs Help

by Tammey Reed

DISCLAIMER: Don't own 'em, if I did, I'd hire all of you to write scripts for me.
NOTES: From, Three Men and an Egon. Slimer has to baby-sit Baby Egon while the guys search for the clock ghost.

That is it! Slimer has had enough! Cry, cry, cry...that's all him do!

At first, Baby Egon cute; all round and chubby. He laugh and laugh. Then, he make messy in pants...P-U! Slimer help guys change diaper. Guys take pictures of Baby Egon...what fun!

Then, guys had to leave to find clock ghost. Turn Baby Egon back to Big Egon again. Baby Egon no like when guys leave; him cry and cry.

Him still crying. Slimer going crazy! Slimer wish Janine was here. Slimer need help...

Slimer know...Slimer call for help! Slimer push speed-dial, like so...



"Mama Egon!"

~Why hello, Slimer, how good of you to call.~

"Mama Egon, Slimer need you make Baby Egon stop crying?!"

~How did I make Egon stop crying when he was a baby?~

"Uh-huh, uh-huh!"

~That is a baby I hear crying. What on earth...Slimer, tell me the truth; is that my new grandchild?~


~Darn. I was hoping. Let me talk to one of the boys.~

"Guys not here, Mama Egon, guys looking for ghost."

~They're on a bust, and they left you all alone with a baby? Do you need me to come out there and help?~

"No time. Baby gone at midnight."

~Oh, just baby-sitting for a little while, then. What can I do for you?~

"Make baby stop crying!"

~All right...does the baby need changing?~

"No, him poopie."

~Is he teething? Are his gums red and swollen?~

"No, too young, Me think."

~Give him a toy?~

"Slimer try everything..."

~Is he hungry? When was he fed last?~

"...Slimer not know...lunch?"

~Oh, for heaven's sake. Make that baby a bottle of formula, and he should go right to sleep. Make sure you warm the formula a little bit, first, and make sure you burp the baby before putting him down, or he will be crying a lot more, later.~

"Yeah, yeah! Thanks, Mama Egon!"

~Anytime. And have my son call me in the morning, all right?~

"Slimer tell him."

~Call me if you have any more problems, all right, Slimer?~

"Okay. Bye-bye."

Slimer feed baby, why not Slimer think of that before? Slimer warm formula...give Baby Egon bottle...

Wow, him sure is hungry...Slimer give him more... Now, burp the baby...


"Bless you. Remember to call Mama Egon in morning, okay?"

Now, you go beddie-bye in playpen...Slimer put toys guys bought in playpen, just in case Baby Egon wake up later.

Now, Slimer take nap...Slimer tired. Hope guys get back want to change diaper again. Night-night.


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