The Shower

by Tammey

DISCLAIMER: The guys aren't mine, I just like to play with them.
SUMMARY: Egon finds something new in the shower.
RATING: G to PG, for innuendos.
DEDICATION: For Wolf, who gave me the idea to begin with, and to Icewoman, who helped by MSTing BSSG. (Don't ask.)

Egon Spengler woke, stretched, and went into the bathroom for his morning shower. He was the last one up this morning, since he had stayed up into the wee hours working on yet another lab experiment. Since there were no busts scheduled in the morning, the others were considerate enough to let him sleep in.

In the bathroom, he stripped off his nightshirt and turned on the taps. He made the water as hot as he could stand it, since he wanted to ease the ache in his muscles caused from too much hunching over the lab table. Egon stepped into the tub, letting the warm spray wash over him for a few moments. His trademark curl slowly unwound itself, and was soon plastered against his face. A minor annoyance, he pushed it back out of the way, and resumed his soaking.

When he felt more relaxed, Egon reached for the bar of soap -- and found nothing but a sliver that quickly dissolved between his fingertips.

"Darn," he swore. He had forgotten that Peter used quite a bit of soap whenever he was slimed on a bust, and must not have replaced the bar when he was finished. And Egon was loathe to climb out of the tub and drip all over the floor, as he slipped the last time and pulled a muscle.

Looking about, he spotted a bottle of thick, pinkish liquid, with a pump top. Egon picked up the bottle to read the label.

"Hmm...raspberry shower gel," he murmured. "Who left this here?"

He pumped a dollop of the dark pink glop into his palm. The fruity smell of raspberries wafted up on the steam, and Egon smiled. He was reminded of the way their secretary smelled, whenever Egon was close enough to catch a whiff.

"It must be Janine's," he mused aloud. "She must have left it here when she used the shower this morning while they are replacing the hot water heaters in her apartment building." He paused for a moment, rubbing the slick stuff between his fingertips. "I guess this is better than nothing."

But how to apply it? He had no washcloth here in the tub, and using his hands seemed inadequate, somehow. And then his gaze fell upon the pink, scrubbing puff hanging from the showerhead. Long fingers reached up, and retrieved it.

"One pink gel plus one pink puff equals two, so I'd bet that this is what is used for application."

He pumped a couple more dollops into the puff, and lathered it up with his hands.

"I sure hope no one catches me doing this," he muttered under his breath, "I'll never live it down."

Egon rubbed the puff over his chest, and noticed that his skin reddened, somewhat.

"Hmm...abrasive, but invigorating."

He then started scrubbing his body with gusto, until his skin tingled all over, and turned a shade of delicate pink; a healthy pink. With a smile, he wet his hair down again, and reached for the shampoo bottle.

Alas, but Venkman had gotten to this, also, and the bottle was woefully empty. With a shrug of resignation, Egon again reached for the shower gel. A couple of more dollops, and Egon was happily lathering up his head, whistling a jaunty tune, and letting the scent of raspberries flood his mind with thoughts of Janine.

But all good things must come to an end sometime, and Egon felt the water begin to cool. Not surprising, since he had the hot water turned up higher than usual. He quickly rinsed his hair clean, turned off the taps, and reached for his towel. He let the rough, cotton terry rasp across his skin, bringing the faded pink back up again.

"Egon Spengler, such self-indulgent behavior does not become you," he chastised himself. "Maybe Peter, but not you." Then, his gaze took on a faraway look. "But, it was fun while it lasted."

It was a happy Egon Spengler who wrapped the towel around himself, and padded into the bunkroom to dress.

Peter Venkman sauntered into headquarters, just coming back from a successful date the night before. He strolled up to Janine's desk, and leaned against it, looking cocky and self-arrogant.

"Hope you didn't use up all the hot water this morning, Melnitz," he teased, "I hate taking cold showers."

Janine just smirked, and picked up the stack of letters sitting on her desk. "I'm sure you do," she agreed, handing him the mail.

When Peter walked behind her to head for his office, he paused at her chair. Bending down, he sniffed deeply.

"Hey, that smells good," he said, sniffing again. "Raspberries, isn't it?"

Janine looked up at her employer and nodded. "My secret weapon." She grinned wickedly. "I think Egon likes it...a lot."

Peter grinned at the sparkle in her eyes. "Well, you know Spengs, a sucker for sweets." He straightened up. "I take it the mad scientist is up in the lab again?"

"Where else?" she retorted.

Nodding, Peter meandered up the stairs to the third floor lab, letting himself in quietly. He knew better than to interrupt Egon while he was in the middle of something.

But at the moment, Egon didn't look like he was doing anything; just absently poking at a disassembled trap with a screwdriver, and staring off into space.

Feeling it was safe to approach, Peter walked over to his friend, and froze as he caught a whiff of raspberries...the same scent that clung to Janine! Suddenly, Egon's absent look made sense...

"Egon, you dog, you..."

The physicist jumped and nearly fell off the stool, the screwdriver skittering away on the table. "Peter! Um...what are you talking about?" Although Egon pretended ignorance, his telltale blush gave everything away.

"Having fun in the shower while everyone's away?" Peter grinned wickedly at his friend's uncomfortable squirming. "For shame."

Egon looked away, trying to save a shred of dignity. He crossed his arms in front of his chest. "It wasn't that way at all," he denied, blushing all the more for fibbing.

Peter patted Egon's shoulder good-naturedly. "It's okay, Egon, old buddy. I'm in too good of a mood to tease" With a last pat on the shoulder, Peter left the lab.

Egon groaned inwardly. He had a feeling that he was not going to hear the end of this for a long time to come.


The End

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