Text Box: Tommyboy's Fan Fiction
The Monkees



Peter's Plight

The pad was empty, save for one Monkee.  Sitting indian style on the floor of the main room of the pad, Peter sat before a lone votive candle which flickered in the darkness.  The sandy haired blond man, sat concentrating on his inner self.  The peace maker of the group had had his limit of taking care of everyone’s needs for the day.  He had given too much of himself this time around.

The morning started off as usual for the first of the month was fast approaching.  The guys were eating breakfast at the table.  Micky was half asleep, Davy talked about his newest conquest of the night, Peter was eating his cereal pretending that he was listening and  Mike kept his worried vigil on their financial state.

Mike had brought up that rent was due and they didn’t have a job lined up for another two weeks. 
Micky shook his head, “So what else is new?”

“What do we need Mike?” Peter asked.

“Seventy five dollars.”

“That shouldn’t be a problem,” Peter told him.

“Where are you going to get the cash?” Davy asked.

“I have my ways,” Peter answered.

Peter got up and washed his dishes.  “I’ll be back by late afternoon.”  Peter went up to his room to change clothes.

Once in his room, Peter formulated his plan of action.  What he was about to do he knew his friends downstairs wouldn’t understand.

Peter dressed in his tan tunic and tan pants.  He added a few love beads and brushed his hair before heading out.

Peter headed back through the pad and outside.  He pulled out his key to the GTO and got in.


Peter headed across town.   He maneuvered the GTO into a parking spot on the street in front of a building that housed several offices.  Peter knew where he was going, taking the stairs to the second floor and heading to a door that read “Fox Associates.”

He entered the room.  The receptionist was so engrossed in her typing that she didn’t hear him come in.

Peter cleared his throat.

The receptionist looked up, “Peter, I ‘m sorry.”

“Look busy Connie.”

“I am.  I’ll tell Linda you’re here.”

Peter wandered around the room.  He didn’t want to sit down.  It would only be minute anyway for Linda to call him back.

Connie came back, “She’ll see you.”

Peter went through the door, Connie closing it behind him.

Linda was, Linda Foxx.  A middle aged woman who had a shapely body and face that would make a young man lose himself.  She had started the company  four years ago.  She started under the guise of being a talent agency, but there was more than that.  She needed talented people to keep others happy.  

Peter had met her at a party and she offered her assistance if he needed to earn extra money.  He had called upon her a few times when things were tough at the pad.

Linda stood up.  “Peter,” she said while she approached him.  She kissed his cheek and gave him a friendly hug.

“Hello Linda.” Peter said back.  He gave her a quick hug too.

She eyed him and gave him that knowing smile of hers.  “Need an assignment?”

Peter nodded, he tended to be a bit nervous at this point.  Sometimes the assignments were easy and sometimes they were hard.  He hoped that today would be easy.

Linda went back to her desk.  She looked though her notes that she had been given by Connie.
Linda pulled one out, “This seems to be the one for you.”  She handed him the note.

Peter read through it, twice.  Then he nodded to Linda.

“I’ll call him to say you are on your way.  Standard procedure.”

Again Peter nodded and turned to leave.   He left the office and headed towards the car.  Once he got in the car he took a moment to reflect what he was doing.

To keep the band going and together, some sacrifices were made.  He knew what he had to do to make sure they kept playing.


Peter pulled up to the address that he read on the note.  A house in middle suburbia. He got out and headed to the front door, carrying a bag of items he had purchased on the way.

He rang the door bell.  A young man opened the door.  “Hello,” he said a bit shyly.

“Hello.  Bobby?”

To Peter, Bobby was to about twenty-two.  He stood Peter’s height with black hair and a slim build.  Bobby was dressed in jeans and a button shirt.

The young man opened the door wider, allowing Peter to enter. 

The living room was heavily shaded, little outside light came into the room.  Decorated with low furniture and pillows.  The only light in the room was given by the two lava lamps.

The awkwardness of meeting was the worst part.  Two strangers that were about to have sex with nothing in common that they know of.

Peter cleared his throat and pointed towards his throat, giving his client a clue. “A bit dry.”

“Sorry, what do you prefer?” Bobby asked.

“Beer if you have it.”

Bobby nodded his head and moved towards the kitchen.  Peter took a closer look to the room.  He put his bag on the table and pulled out it’s contents.  He had met up with one of his mates and hooked onto some weed.  Then he stopped at the store for some roll paper and necessity items for his job in hand.

Bobby returned to the room with two mugs of beer.  He looked down to see what Peter had brought with him.

Bobby handed Peter a beer, Peter looked up at him.  “Smoke?”

“I’ve tried it.”

“Want one?”

Bobby smiled at him.  “Thanks.”  He sat down on a pillow opposite Peter.  From behind him off another table he found an ashtray.

Peter rolled one for his mate and one for himself.  They started their smokes, both seeming to contemplate their next move.

Peter usually didn’t want to know what brought people to the point to call for a lay.  But this guy seemed to fresh to the water.

Peter was starting to feel himself loosen up.   He could tell that his friend was too.

“Feeling better?”

Bobby nodded, “A bit.” he answered.

Peter looked around the room again.  “Your place?”

“A friends,” he said.  “Though I practically live here,” he told Peter.

They sipped their beer and worked on their rolls.  Peter got the buzz he needed and the looseness he hoped to achieve. 

Peter stood up.  “Where are you most comfortable in the house?”

“Here,” he replied.  Bobby stood up too.

Peter nodded.  He took the step towards Bobby and started unbutton his shirt.  Once he had the shirt unbuttoned, he worked on his pants.  Soon he had Bobby undressed down to his briefs.

Peter took off his beads then his tunic shirt.  He also pulled his pants off, leaving himself in his boxers.

Peter took Bobby’s hand and brought it to his chest. Bobby let his hand wander up to Peter’s face.  He moved the last distance to kiss him.

The kiss was searching.  Peter put his hand on Bobby’s shoulder to let him know it was okay.

The kiss deepened.  He pulled away a minute later from the kiss but kept hold of Peter.   Bobby’s hands ran along Peter’s back, warming it but playing with the nerve ending’s of his spine.  Peter took back that this guy was a new at it, he just needed to warmed up.

Bobby kissed into Peter’s ear, running his tongue around it’s shell, causing Peter to shiver.

They moved to the futon sofa, with Peter laying down on his back. 

Bobby lowered himself to Peter.  He started kissing down Peter’s neck and torso, his kisses moved down from Peter’s  neck, to his collar bone, then to one nipple then the other. 

Peter let his mind float, taking in the sensations for what they were. 

Bobby moved down his taut abdomen.  Fingers coming to the band of his shorts.  Moving his hips, they were soon discarded.  Peter’s manhood was showing the affects of Bobby’s ministrations.  Bobby went to hold his member, running his strong fingers up and down.

Bobby moved back up and looked at Peter, “I want to fuck your ass,” he said in Peter’s ear, while he ground his hips suggestively against Peter.   “I want to come in your tight ass then suck you off.”

Peter moved his hands down to Bobby’s briefs and moved them down his hips.   Bobby’s shaft was showing it full potential.     Peter found the items he had bought at the store.  He took the lube and handed it to Bobby.

Bobby nodded and laid it beside Peter within reach.  He kissed Peter.

Bobby pulled back and grabbed the lube and brought some to his fingers.  He brought his slickened fingers to Peter, bringing one inside him, then two.   He moved them in and out, then added a third.  Peter’s body relaxed to the ministrations.   While Bobby kept his fingers in Peter, Peter, gave him some more lube to put on his shaft.

“Flip over,” Bobby asked Peter.  Peter moved to be on his knees and down on his elbows.  Bobby positioned himself to Peter’s entrance and drove in.  Peter boar the brunt of the being taken.  Bobby moved slowly at first filling him then pulling almost completely out.  Peter tried to keep his mind detached.  Bobby soon started to move faster within Peter, making shorter strokes.  Soon Bobby came within Peter.

Bobby had made no move to touch Peter while he was in him.  He withdrew his manhood and helped flip Peter on to his back.  Bobby took his mouth to Peter’s dick and started giving him a blow job.

Peter felt Bobby’s tongue run and down his shaft, then taking it into his mouth.   Bobby took one hand to play with his balls, giving them a squeeze and pull. 

Peter closed his eyes, allowing the sensations to come to him.  Bobby’s mouth created the suction that soon, needed movement to complete the act of coming.  Peter started lifting his lips to fuck Bobby’s mouth.

Peter came, releasing himself to a powerful orgasm.


Peter recovered sometime after.  Bobby had gotten up already and dressed.  Peter found his clothes and found the hallway bathroom.   He cleaned up the best he could and dressed.

He returned to the living room.  Bobby pulled out his wallet and gave him two hundred dollars.

Peter left without a word and got in his car.  He sat their for a moment thinking to himself.  He wondering if the others would go so far to make sure they could keep their place or stay together.

Peter didn’t know the answer to that question.  He shrugged to himself.  He started up the GTO and headed for home.

When Peter got home the guys were down at the beach.  Peter went and took a shower, to wash away any remnants of his meeting.  He dressed in jeans and a sweater, sitting down at the band stand with his guitar.  He tended to be self introspective after taking an assignment.

He placed a hundred dollars on the table for Mike to use for rent.  He hoped that with the extra money they would want to go out since money had been tight recently.

The guys came back up from the beach at dinner time.   Mike found the money on the table and looked over to Pete.  Mike had learned a after the first few times, not to ask where the money came from.

“Micky.  Davy.  Go get cleaned up and changed, we’ll have dinner out.”

Like to happy kids, Davy and Micky took off up the stairs to get changed.  Mike looked over to Peter again.  Peter was concentrating on his music.  Mike shook his head and headed up stairs too, to clean up and change.

So now the pad was empty, save for one Monkee.  Sitting indian style on the floor of the main room of the pad, Peter sat before a lone votive candle which flickered in the darkness.  The sandy haired blond man, sat concentrating on his inner self.  The peace maker of the group had had his limit of taking care of everyone’s needs for the day.  He had given to much of himself this time around.




@ 2005 Tommy Boy fan fiction * design and content by Paula C. *