Text Box: Tommyboy's Fan Fiction
The Monkees



Space Station Aires

Days 16 to 20

Day 16


Micky sat at the dinner table.  Mike had healed his arm and he was resting.  Mandy and Peter had followed Mike and micky t to the elevator and back to the pad.  Peter kept a hold of Mandy’s hand.  He didn’t wasn’t her to lose the fact that she was among friends and that Enrique could pull another stunt.

Mike sat Micky down at the table and healed his gashing arm.  After that they all sat at the table.

“Enrique seems to be intrigued with Mandy.” Mike stated to the group.

“Why?” she asked.

“Because he’s a punk.” Davy answered.

“Davy.” Mike scolded.  “We have had our dealings with Enrique.  Micky ran with some of his men before joining us.  Davy has had dealings with him, that’s how we met, we pulled him out of an argument with him.”

Mandy looked to Peter, “And you?”

“I’m an enemy by association with these three.  He jumped me not long after we moved down here.”

Mandy looked from Peter to Mike, “MARKO?”

“Security in keeping him out of here.” Mike answered.  “How are you doing Micky?”

“Fine.” he answered in a low tone, his mind wandering somewhere else.

Mandy was concerned with his change in manner, as was Mike.  “Micky?  Why don’t you go up to be and rest for awhile.  I’ll get you when we need to leave for the show.”

Micky nodded his head and excused himself from the table.  They watched him go up the steps and into his room.

Mandy turned her attention once more to Mike.  “What is wrong?”

“He said Jeremy was the one who attacked him, right?”


“They used to be close.  They hung out for some time together before we met and decided to room together.”

Mandy understood then, that someone that Micky had been friends with had attacked him.

Mike brought the meeting back to the subject at hand.  “Looks like Enrique is into you big time.”

“Apparently.” Davy commented.

“I don’t know if it is by association with us, or if he just admires you, but we are going to have to watch you while we are out in the station.  He’s got way to many eyes and ears to keep taking him on like this.”

“What about reporting him to the authorities?” Mandy asked.

“They only hold him for a short time then he’s out.”

With further discussion, they were unable to come up with a solution to their problem with Enrique.  For now she was to be escorted by one of the guys till they came up with a plan to take care of him once and for all.

Mandy went upstairs to see how Micky was doing.  He was stretched out on his bed, looking up at the ceiling.  Mandy sat down next to him and looked down at him.  She had seen him go against the enemy and not look twice, but to be attacked by someone he had respect for was different.

“People change Micky.” she told him.

“I know but I don’t have to like it.” he told her.  “I’ll be okay.”

Mandy moved her hand to touch his curls. “I know you’ll be okay.” she said softly. 

As much as Micky would like to feel her close to him, he wasn’t in the mood.  “I think I’ll get a nap in before we have to go to the gig.”  Micky rolled over to his side, having his back facing her.

Mandy said, “Sure,” and got up.  Depression was setting in and she didn’t know what to say or do.  She stepped back into the pad and went down to the pit.

“How is he?” Peter asked.

“He’s shook up.  He says he’ll be okay.”

Peter moved to sit next to her.  “Micky will come out of this.  He’s just shook, that’s all.”

“How bad off were you when Enrique...”

“Jumped me?  Bruised, bad.  If it hadn’t been for Mike, I probably would have been in recovery much longer.  But that is the past.”
Mike came through from the music room.  Mandy saw the questioning face.  “He’s asleep, or at least he said he was going to sleep.”

Mike sat down on the couch, looking like he was tired himself. 

“I think I’ll stay here tonight, if you guys don’t mind.” she told them.

“You sure about that?”

“I’ve been running the last few days, I think a night here will do me some good.”

Mike looked at his wrist band and commented on the time.  “Looks like it’s time to start getting ready.”  Mike stood up.  “Will you get Davy out of the music room Peter and start getting ready.  I’ll get Micky.”

** ** ** **
Mandy sat the computer, it was time to see what fun she could have on the station.  Micky had told her that there was a Madame X club on the station.  She was a card carrying member as were the guys she found out.  But what they didn’t know, is that she was platinum card holder, which gave her privileges of the private club floor and more.   She e mailed the manager about an appointment for her and the guys to go to the club.  He responded within the evening, quite happy to have her attend the club at her convenience.  Mandy hadn’t explained to Micky how she became a member.  He was excited that she was a member, he thought it was a cool thing.  She laughed thinking back that the discussion took place in the middle of a moonless night, keeping their ears open for enemy movement. 

She would treat them out to a night in her world once they were done playing their shows at She-bob.

** ** ** **
Micky sat at his drums and went through t the motions of keeping the beat to the songs and singing his designated songs.  He sat at their table, not ogling after any girls, that didn’t go unnoticed by the guys.  Mike sat down next to him with a fresh beer.  “Micky, he’s in your past.  Things change man.”

“But I thought I knew him better than that.”

“You know as well as I, you have to make adjustments to survive.  Especially in closed quarters like this place.  People change and grow.  Look at you.  On your off time, you acted like a punk like Enrique.”

“Till I met you.” Micky commented.

“Till you met me.  And look what we’ve done.  We saved Davy from Enrique, brought in Peter, created a band to have fun in and we feel safe for once.”

“Till now.”

“Enrique wants Mandy.”

“So what do we do, cut her off?”

“We aren’t like that man, and you know it.  I don’t know what we can do yet.  But I want you back Micky.  Your head is thinking back to the past and we know that doesn’t work here.  You have friends that will do anything for you right here and now.”

Micky took the pep talk in.  “Thanks Mike.” 

“Come on, let’s get a dance in before we have to go back up.”

** ** ** **
Mandy fell asleep in the pit watching a movie that she had heard about.  She twisted and turned, falling into a agitate dream state.

Dressed in a long leather dress that tied down the back, Mandy played hostess to her company.  Her boss wanted her to escort two men to the Madame X club and show them a good time.  She had been doing that for a year, showing she had a zest for the profane, and a grace to enjoy it. 

Mandy walked in with her arm linked into each of her clients.  They went to one of the private rooms off the club floor and settled in for the evening’s festivities.  The gentleman were an odd pair, one liked to play and other liked to watch. 

The shorter man, sat drinking his drink in a comfortable chair while he taller companion put her through her paces.  She brought him to with a blow job, then let him control the situation.   He had taken her dress leaving her in garters and stockings only.  He led her to the bed and loved her in the missionary position.  After recovering from their spent time, the tall guy took things further and started tying her to the bed.  He kept adding things, the ball gag, nipple clamps, a large butt plug, and a vibrating dildo.  Then the short guy came over and started biting and hitting her, calling her a whore.  He beat her up bad.  He took out the vibrator and raped her with a huge cock, then he took her in the ass.

Mandy woke with a scream the scream she wished she could have gotten out when the asshole took her ass full force.  She sat up and remembered the pain she suffered in the hands of the twosome freaks that got their jollies hurting her. 

“Mandy?  Are you okay?”

“I’m fine Sarah.  Just had a bad memory, that’s all.”  Mandy got up and went to the kitchen.  She pulled out a bottle of water, thinking how she had brought herself beyond that.

After that night, she stopped doing it as a job and played it as a hobby.  Finding her other abilities worked for the Space army.  She joined, showing talent in hand to hand combat.  She had done a few assignments on other worlds but she wanted something more challenging.  Recon work was the ultimate challenge. 

But she was addicted to her sex games, but did it on a limited basis, making sure she kept herself safe within reason.

Enrique scared her.  He was like those two men.  She could only hope that they guys would come up with a plan to take care of him, or something bad was going to happen.

day 17

Four days later the guys had finished their commitment to play at She-bob’s Mandy asked them all out on a date with her for the next night to Madame X.

“We are expected this evening at Madame X.” she told them at lunch. 

Mike raised an eye brow to that.  “Madame X?”

“I made a reservation for us for the private club.”

Only Davy had the privilege of being in the private club and that was because his date had access.  He gave her a grin, a sly grin that told her he thought there was more to her than she let on.

“Appropriate dress required gentleman.” She told her companions.

“Which is?” Mike asked.

“I believe leather and less of it is the motto.” she smiled.

Micky couldn’t help but grin to the news that she was taken them out to the club.  He had heard stories about it.  He had been in the public club, but it was considered lame if you had experienced the private side. 

The public club was a great syncopation dance club but the was all.  The private club had the private rooms and the shows were the adult variety, from stripers to showing of S&M and dance calls of people having sex as in an orgy situation. 

Micky had still be quiet since the Jeremy incident.  Mike saw the grin come to his friends face.  He was glad to see it, maybe this would get Micky back to their present.

“Sounds like we are in for an interesting evening.” Mike commented to the group.

“Very much so” Mandy smiled.

** ** ** **

Later that evening, Mandy picked up her items from Micky’s room and went down to Peter’s.  She wanted to give Micky and Mike their space to get ready for Mike was still working on Micky to bring him out of his mood.  She brought her bag down to Peter’s room and knocked.

“Come in.” she heard through the door.

The room was lit with soft back lighting.  On different pieces of furniture lava lamps added color to the room.  Peter’s room was done as one large room.  Part of the room had pillowed furniture and at the far end of the room was a low bed that looked like it was piled with pillows.  Across of the there was a desk set up with a computer.

She found Peter laying on his bed, naked.

“How come it doesn’t surprise me to find you in such a state.” Mandy commented.  She laid down her bags and walked over to him.

“No one bothers me here.  Clothes can choke you after awhile.”

Mandy laid down next to him.  She was on her side and approached him to kiss.   She let the kiss linger, deepening while her hand went do his erect cock. 

Pater relaxed into his bed, enjoying the hand job that she was giving him. 

Mandy moved to take his cock in her mouth.  Pete’s eyes opened to the feeling of her warm mouth going at his hard on.  She played with him, causing him to come to the edge a twice before sending him over with a climax.

He closed his eyes, panting, trying to bring it back to normal .  She moved back up to kiss him.  “You love to fuck don’t you.” he told her.

“Just with my friends.”  Peter wrapped his arms around her, holding her against him.  He wanted to enjoy her presence, by themselves for a spell.

“You were in the business weren’t you?” he asked.  Perception being his forte in the group.

“I was a while back.”

Sensing from her mixed energy, he couldn’t help but ask, “What happened?”

Mandy sat up, breaking their contact.  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.” Peter told her.

She stood up and looked down at him.  “I got hurt, seriously hurt with some clients.  After that I decided to make it a hobby.  I admit I like to push the envelope but..”

“It can be done within reason.” Peter answered.

Mandy took a few steps away then turned back to Peter.  She had to talk to someone and Peter seemed to be the one in tune with her.  “Enrique scares me.  I think he would go beyond safe perimeters and that scares me.”

Peter got up and went to her.  “Mandy?” he asked.  She looked up at him.  “You know we would do anything for you.  We will do our best to protect you.”  He moved closer to hold her.

“Thanks Peter.”

Peter moved his head to kiss her.   After a minute, she pulled back and looked at him.  “I think it’s time to start getting ready for our date.”

** ** ** **

Micky opened his closet in his room.  He had to find an outfit for the night.  He had different erotic wear but he didn’t know what to do.  He was looking through his closet when Mike came up behind him, giving him a hug. 

Micky turned to see what his friend was wearing.  He had chosen a black mesh shirt that should off his lean chest and a pair of leather pants that were tight and should his lean legs.

Mike turned again to his closet.  “What’s the matter Mick?”

“I don’t know what to wear.”

Mike laughed then commented to Micky, “The close hog of the group doesn’t know what to wear?”

Mike looked over Micky’s shoulder and pulled out three items.  Micky had a leather chain harness that created an X in the front of his chest with an o ring.  Mike also pulled out his full chaps and his leather pouch thong.

Micky looked at Mike.  “We are going to the private room.  That will be in Micky.”

“What about you?”  Eyeing him up and down in regards to his choices.

“Micky, you know you love to have eyes on you and that outfit would do it.” he kissed in his ear.

“And you would love to watch them flaunt over me.”

“You bet I would because it’s Mandy and I who will have you.”

Micky took the garments and started changing his clothes thinking that he was in for an interesting night.

Some time later in the pad, they met.  Mandy was in a green velvet robe with a hood.  She had it down for the time being.  Micky smiled seeing that Mandy was wearing his collar.  She had slicked her hair back and added darker makeup.

Peter wasn’t into the leather thing.  He had chosen loose, indian pants and a long tunic.

Micky had come down with Mike showing off his outfit, but he held in his hand a cloak.  Traveling through the station had to be disguised. 

Davy was the last out of his room.  He had put on a black patent leather shirt and leather pants.

Mandy had a satchel and asked Mike to carry it.  She had a drawsting purse that matched her robe.  “Ready gentleman.”

They all agreed.  She pulled her hood up over her head and they started out to the club.

** ** ** **
They made their way into the lobby of Madame X and followed Mandy to the “Members only” desk.  Many pulled out of her purse her card.  The attendant swiped it and Mandy did a hand print on the scanner.  The attendant looked up to Mandy, who’s face was covered by the hood.

“Ms. Dawes, the manger asked me to get him when you arrived.”

Mandy bowed her head in acceptance of the delay.

A minute later a man dressed in tux came to the desk.  “Ms. Dawes, I am happy to make your acquaintance.  Your requests have been reserved.  I need not to tell you the rules and the standard speech.”  He handed her three cards, one red, and two green, each with a number on them.  “Enjoy.  If you need anything, do not hesitate.”

Mandy again nodded her head once more.  Mandy moved her hand to have the guys approach, each was given an electronic stamp.  They then followed Mandy through a door and was led down a stairs.

The room was dark, lit with off lighting.  The music was syncopated like upstairs.  They came out on to a cat walk that overlooked the main room.  Mandy turned and looked to them.  “Peter.” she told them.

She handed him the red card.  “Wait here.” she told the others.  She walked Peter to a series of rooms.   “I know you aren’t into all this but I think you’ll enjoy this. Open the door.”  Peter took his card and open the door.  Inside the room was comfortable lunge chair couch, in the corner there was an attendant.  “Pick you trip and enjoy the ride my friend.”

Peter looked at her.  “Thanks Mandy.”

They walked into the room.  “The attendant is here to fulfill your needs.  The room is a holoroom so you can pick any place you want to be.  You have a choice of the drugs too.”

Peter looked around the room and back to Mandy.  “We’ll pick you up on our way out.”

Mandy left the room and returned to the others.  She waved them to follow her down the stairs to the main floor.  She strode down the walkway that had doors and mirrors facing the room.  She stopped in front of a door and turned to them.  She handed a key to Davy.

“For you.  Go find a girl and have a great fuck” she told him.

Davy turned to the door beside him and ran the card over it’s lock.  “I’m not going with you?” he asked.

“I thought you had your fun with me, it’s Mike and Micky’s turn.”

Davy gave a sleazy smile.  “All right then, off for the hunt.” and he started to mingle into the crowd.

Mandy turned and started down the walkway once more and stopped at another door and unlocked it with her key.  She motioned the guys to enter and she followed them in.

The room was like a hotel room, a sitting area in front and in the back a large bed.  A wet bar was along the wall and in the back a door that led to a bathroom.

Mandy pulled down her hood.  “We’ll have fun in here later.  I want to dance some.” She handed Mike the key card and took the case from him and laid it on the table.  “For later.” she told them.  She moved back and took her robe off.  Mike and Micky could only look at her from neck to toe.

Mandy had dressed in a leather corset, mini skirt and thigh hi boots. 

Micky knew he was hard when he saw that outfit.  “Man you know how to rock a guy Mandy.” he said.

Mandy walked over to him.  He still had his cape on.  She removed it with sure hands and laid it down behind him on the chair.  She brought her had against his leather covering, feeling the hard on he had.  Mandy moved her hands to the straps and unbuttoned them with ease.    She went to her knees and brought her mouth over his cock and gave him a blowjob, while he stood there Mike moved to be behind him to kiss the side of his neck and to keep him standing up while he came in Mandy’s mouth. 

Mandy brought the covering back in place and snapped it back into position.

“Just the begininng my friend.”

Mike watched as Mandy pulled Micky out of the room into the main hall.  It was going to be interesting, he thought

day 18

Mandy pulled Micky out on to the dance floor and started dancing with him to the music. Others dressed more and less then they were, were enjoying the music. Micky could see Mike watching them from afar. A slow dance came on next and Micky pulled Mandy into his arms. He thought it was very erotic to be in a public place holding a leather clad girl in his bare arms.

He kissed her neck and commented to that fact.

"Don't for get our every move is being watched." she told him.

Micky again looked to see Mike sitting not far from the dance floor watching them.

Micky tried to stop thinking about what as around them and concentrated on Mandy. He held her close, swaying to the music. He brought his hand up to her collar. "Thanks for wearing this." he told her while he ran his finger over it.

Micky brought his lips to Mandy's and kissed her.

The DJ made an announcement at the end of the dance. "Orgasm" is all he said.

People left the dance floor to find their seats and tables. Mandy looked up at Micky "Can you get me a drink and take your time about it. I'm going to see to Mike."

Micky looked at her and smiled at her. "Have fun."

Mandy walked over to Mike where he was sitting while Micky took off in another direction. Mike looked at her when she came up to him.

She sat down on his lap. "Having fun?" she asked.

"Loads." he said dryly, playing hard to get.

"Don't like me playing with him?"

"He's a big boy, he can play with anyone he wants to."

"He's looking good tonight."

The starting rhythm came to them from the song. Mandy moved to find Mikes front zipper to his pants. She brought it down and brought out the prize she wanted. He was big and full. She moved to straddle his lap, legs on either side of the chair, settling his erect cock into her wet pussy. Mike hadn't realized that she had nothing on underneath her skirt, but it didn't surprise him. His large cock slid in with little resistance. It took someone with practice to take him on easily.

Mike finally moved his arms to hold her closed to him. "You like being a slut?"

She kissed him a hard kiss while she started to moved to the slow beat. "Only with my friends" she answered. "I trust you." she whispered into his ear

Mike rocked to with the rhythm, giving her the resistance needed to play out the game that they were playing in the main room with others. Mandy kissed Mike once more, giving him new inspiration to play the beat. He could tell when he hit a spot of pleasure when her breath caught in her mouth, and he stroke it again.

"Careful, I'll come to soon." she finally moaned out.

"Just playin' darlin'" he whispered to her.

The beat picked up and so did Mike. She had given him the control of this game. The song kept going, bringing them to a level that they had to work with. Finally the climax was coming and Mike drove into her spilling into while she started shaking to her own climax.

Mike held her close to him, while they recovered from their dance. Micky came up to the table and sat down two drinks. He bent down to whisper to them both. "Out of the ones who took on that dance, you two were the best." Then he walked away to dance with a red head that caught his eye.

"He's such a sleaze." Mike remarked.

Mandy pulled back enough to look at him. "But you love him just the same."

Mike's eyes wandered to where Micky was dancing. "I do but, you can't harness that spirit."

"I'm glad you have a good perspective of things."

"It do me any good any other way."

"Shall we dance?" he asked.

"Didn't think you were the dancing type." she smiled at him.

"I didn't see you complaining about the dance we just had."

** ** ** ** **

They went to their room after some songs. Mandy went to the case an opened it. It held items that could be used in numerous ways. Mike looked at the items and thought of the possiblities.

He looked to Mandy and Micky. "Who has control?"

Mandy looked to Micky who shrugged. Mandy looked back at Mike. "You are." she told him. She approached him and got on her knees before him.

Mike pulled out a cock ring and handed it to Mandy. "Put this on Micky and bring him to the brink then stop."

Micky looked at Mike. He could see the difference in Mike. He had played his games before and never suffered that much.

Mandy walked over to where Micky had sat down and pulled his pouch off once more. She brought the ring around his semi soft cock and started playing with him to bring it up and stiff. Once he was near the edge, she pulled back .

Micky was breathing hard. Mike came over to inspect the rigid member. "Nice hard on buddy." he commented, then kissed him. "Keep it up."

Mike went back to the case and pulled out an anal plug. He found the lubricant and went over to Mandy. "Bend over sweat." Mandy did she was ordered, slowly Mike pushed it into place.

It had been awhile since Mandy had that but it wasn't to awkward. "Hands behind you." Mike linked her cuffs together. Mike helped her up and took her to the bed and had her sit on the edge of the bed. He went back to the case and brought a vibrator. He slid it into her and turned on the remote to a low hum. He moved her to kneel over the edge of the bed, knees on the floor.

Mike ran his hand over her firm ass. He pushed the anal plug further in Mike leaned over her, "you think you are a hot to trot bitch don't you?" he asked. "You like to fuck anyone."

His hand moved and came down swiftly on her bare ass. Mike looked back at the hand print that he left. Mike moved to kiss the skin that had turned red. Again he slapped her bare ass, on the other cheek. He turned up the vibrator. He continued the cycle, slapping, loving and turning her higher. She was whimpering at one point, trying to buck her hips but Mike stopped her with a slap. "Don't move."

Mike continued it till he turned the vibrator on full force and started moving it in and out, rubbing it over her clit. She shook with the need to come and he took her there and beyond, stroking her till she begged to stop, that she couldn't take it anymore. But he kept moving it over her clit. Finally he moved away leaving her to recover her breath.

Mike looked to Micky who had stood up and came to watch him play. "Your turn."

Mike went to Micky and took him into his arms to hold and kiss. He rubbed his body against Micky, rubbing against the rock hard cock. Micky groaned to the feeling of having his cock so hard, that it hurt.

"Something wrong Micky?" He brought his hand to Micky cock and squeezed it. "On the couch, knees on the cushions and hold on the back. Micky assumed the position and Mike was soon behind him with a tube on lube and started to prepared Micky and himself. Mike brought his cock to Micky's ass and pushed in then deep. Mike moved to a quick pace, making sure he stroked the part the made Micky shake. Micky shook from his inner release and the pain that came from the ring that was on his cock. Mike kept pushing, pushing him further into his internal release. Mike brought his hand to Micky's cock and stroked it to the pace. Micky moaned in agony, the ring holding him back

"Come on Micky, shoot it out. You can do it."

Micky shoved his ass again Mike in frustration. It hurt to be cut off from release. Mike kept up his vigilance and soon Micky screamed with his release. Micky sobbed when Mike jerked him till he was dry.

Mike slipped the ring off of Micky.

Micky moved to sit on the couch and looked up at him. "That was deep." he said.

Mike bent to kiss Micky on the lips. "You give me your all every time Micky. And I love you for it."

Mike looked over his should to see that Mandy had gotten up and was sitting on the edge of the bed watching them. Mike was still hard so it was time to properly take Mandy. He went ot the bathroom and cleaned off his dick and returned to the room.

He unhitched Mandy's cuffs and pushed her back onto the bed. He kissed her hard, and she responded in the same. Hold him close to her and enjoying his bites and licks. She moaned opened herself to his questing cock and took him. He moved his hips quickly, wanting to get off quickly.

Mandy groaned and moaned with each thrust. She knew powerful men and knew that Mike still held himself back. She didn't want to know what it was like to be on the receiving end if he was out of control.

Mike timed it faster and came in her with a grunt.. He collapsed on top of her, weak from his release.

Micky recovered from his escapade and saw that Mike was down for his count.

day 19

Mandy looked down at Mike and thought that it would be fun to pull what he did on Micky to him but there was a ringing in the room.  Mandy looked back and saw that there was a phone.  She walked over to it and picked up the receiver.

Mandy listened to the introduction then grew concerend with what she was biong told.  Her resposne was “We’ll be there in a few minutes.  Keep an eye on him and we’ll be there.”    Mandy hung u the phone.  “It’s Peter.” she looked at them.  “Someone broke into the room and beat him up.”

“Enrique.” was what Mike said.  Mike looked to Micky.  “You go find Davy.  We’ll go to Peter and see how bad he is.” 

Micky grabbed up is cape and put it on.  He found his pouch and put it on.  Mike made himself presentable and started collecting their toys.  He came up behind Mandy.  “I think you would feel better if you didn’t have that little helper.”  Mandy bent over and Mike slowly pulled out the anal plug.    Mandy found her cloak and put it on while Mike closed up the carrier.

“How bad is he?” Mike asked.

“The Manger said that he was calling our names.”

“Let’s go.”

They left the room and headed down the walkway to the stairs.  They climbed them and neaded to the door to Peter’s room.  The Manager stood by the door.

“I’m sorry about this.”

“Someone must have been wathcing us.” Mandy commented.  “It’s not the club’s fault.  Can you get me a cloak please, so we can get him home.”

“Right away.” and the manger left them. 

Mike opened the door and walked into the room.  It was minimally lit.  Peter laid on his side on the floor.  Mike went over to him.  “Hey there shot gun.” Mike said quetly.

Peter opened his eyes and looked up to Mike and said one word, “Enrique.”

Mike looked up to Mandy.  She stood by the door waiting for the manager to return. 

Mike rolled Peter onto his back to try to get a feeling of what was wrong. Peter groaned with the movement and tried to roll over to his side again.  “Hurts” he mumbled.

The Manger returned with the cloak.  “Thank you.  We’ll get him covered and get him out in a few minutes.”

The manger nodded and left the room.  “Mandy come over here and give me a hand.”

Mandy got down on her knees beside him.  She nearly cried out by what she saw. 

Mike got her attention.  “Take his hand and hold it, try to get his mind off what he’s feeling.”

Mandy took Peter’s hand and held it between her tow hands.  She started to hum a tune that she knew.

Peter opened his eyes to look at her. 

Mike brought his hands around, trying to repair the most crucial injuries. 

they didn’t hear Micky and Davy come in.  They stopped dead in their tracks inside the room when they saw Peter laying there.

“That Bastard.” Davy mumbled under his breath.  He took a step forward, but Micky stopped him.

“Let him get what he needs to get done.” Micky told him.

Mandy continued to hum the song while Mike brought his hands up to Peter’s chest and neck.    Peter kept his eyes on Mandy.  Mike pulled his hands back, his strength waning but felt that he had accomplished enough to get Peter home.

Mandy moved to kiss Peter on the lips.  “I’m sorry Peter.” she whispered.

“We didn’t know.” he tried to tell her.

Mike stood up.  “Come on guys, let’s get Peter in the cloak and get him home.”  Mike helped Peter stand on shaky legs and put the cape around him   The raised the hood up.

Micky was in military mode.  “Mandy you take lead, Davy and Mike will help Peter and I’ll take rear.  If Enrique did this then I suspect there will be more.”

They left the room as positioned and left through the front entrance.  It wasn’t a long distance to the common area for the elevators, but it was late and not as many people.

Mandy kept an eye out for anyone that she had seen in the last two encounters with Enrique.  Mike and Davy kept a hold of Peter.  He was walking but he was weak.  Micky kept walking in circles, half walking backwards to see if they were being followed or anything that seemed odd.

They made it to the elevator banks and found a car to take them to the storage levels.    Soon they were to their level and headed for home.    They carried Peter within his cloak, each taking a corner.

“Does this count asa military excercise?” Mandy asked.

“Wish it did, we don’t work this hard when called to.” he replied.

They got into the pad and took Peter to his room.   Once they had Peter on his bed, Micky was high tailing it to Mike’s room to get the med kit. 

Davy commented to Mike, “You should just leave that kit down here you know.”

Mike and Mandy were removing Peter’s garments.  He still had bruises all over.

“How are you feeling buddy?”

“Better than before.”

“Let’s see if we can get you all fixed up.”

Once again Mike started running his hand over Peter, fixing internal problems.

Micky returned with the kit.

Mike looked to Peter’s face. It has a few cuts and several bruises.  He had a face mask that would help. 

Micky opened the kit and pulled it out.  “Figured you would use that.”

Peter looked at what Micky had in his hand.  Peter looked to Mike, “It’s that bad?”

“Someone must have had a ring on.  You’re cut up bad.”

Mandy took Peter’s hand again and tried to stroke it to calm him.  Peter looked up at him.  “It will be okay.”

Peter nodded and sank back into the bedding, relaxing a bit.  Mike moved to place the face mask on Peter’s face. 

Mike got up and looked down at Peter.  He took care of what was critical and hurting his friend.  He would finsihed later after they both had a rest. 

Mandy pulled up the sheet and covered him.

“I’ll take first watch.  Let me go upstairs and shower.  I’ll only be a few minutes.”  Micky took off before anyone could answer.

Mike looked to Davy, “Did you see him?”

“I didn’t see him nor anyone of his company.”

Mike took a few steps and turned.  “He’s getting out of hand.  First Micky an now Peter.”

“He wants me.” Mandy said quietly.  “Let’s give him me, if that means he’ll stop.”

Peter was listening to the conversation and tried to sit up.  Mike and Mandy were by his side, trying to get him to lie down.

“Don’t Mandy.  Don’t sell you or the guys short.  You can’t think like that.”

“Look what he did to you.” she pointed out.

“I’ll live.  You can’t get hurt like you did before.  You told me you were scared of him.”

“I am but not to the point where I want to see you guys get killed.”

“We’ll figure a way Peter.  Don’t worry, we won’t let her do anything stupid.” Davy told his friend.

With that Peter relaxed and closed his eyes once more, but he whispered, “Promise me Mandy.”

Mandy bent forward and kissed his lips and pulled back.  “I promise Peter.”

Micky returned with a fresh t shirt, shorts and hair slicked down from his shower.  “Okay, everybody out.  He needs his rest and so do you.” Micky told Mike.

“Yes sir.” Mike mocked.

They left the room while Micky got himself into place by Peter by sitting up in bed and keeping his hand on Peter’s shoulder, letting him know that someone was there for him.

Mandy sat down in the pit, not realizing that she still wore her cloak.

Mike couldn’t forget what Peter said, “What did he mean by ‘you can’t get hurt like you did before?’”

Mandy looked at Davy then to Mike.  “On Earth I worked for a service that was part of Madame X.  I was a good little girl who like to play rough games and a mind to twisted enough to enjoy them.  However I got assigned two clients that went beyond fun.  I got hurt, both mentally and physically.   But I recovered but only play with people I trust.  I sense from Enrique the same feeling I got from those men.  He wants to play and it’s by his rules.”

Mike sat down heavily on the leather couch.  Davy paced the floor.

After a few quiet moments Mike broke the silence.  “WE con’t do anything tonight.  We are all tired and I suggest we all get some sleep.”

Davy stopped his pacing and looked to Mike.  “We have to do something.”

“I know Davy.  We will.  But let’s get some sleep so we can do it right.  He can’t hurt us here.”

Davy nodded and headed out of the pit to his room.  

Mandy stood and was followed up the stairs by Mike.  At the top of the stairs she turned to look at him.  “Mike, I have a request.”

Mike brought his fingers to his lips to sush her.  He kissed her a quick kiss.  “Gather your stuff and we’ll shower and rest in my room.”

“Thank you.”

Mandy went into Micky’s room.  She took off the cloak and laid it down on the couch.  Then she worked on the boots, unzipping them down the side.  Then she unlatched her skirt.  She would need help with the corset and collor.  She was about to go to the bathroom when Mike walked in.  He had on a pair of shorts.

“Thought you would need some help.”

Mandy turned to have her back towards Mike.  He untied the lacing of the corset, letting it loosen the fall away.  Then he went to the collar and unbuckled it. 

Mandy picked up a t-shirt and slid it on.  She picked up her shorts and followed Mike into the bathroom. 

They showered quickly and dressed.  Mike lead her into his room and to his large bed.   They laid down together, to tired for more games and fell asleep.


day 20

Mandy woke up alone.  She looked around the room and found Mike standing on the other side of the room.

“Mike?” she asked in a sleep laden voice.

Mike turned and returned to the bed.  He laid down next to her.

“What’s wrong?”

“Thinking.  I don’t know what to do.  Enrique is getting to be a pain.”

“I told you what we can do.”

Mike looked at her sternly.  “You promise Peter.”

Mandy got up and moved away from the bed.  “What else is there.  He’s hurt two of you so far.  I can’t let anyone else get hurt.  And I can’t stay here the whole time, then he’s won.  He can still hurt you guys.”

Mike knew that.  He had hashed that out himself.

Sarah interrupted.  “Micky needs your help.”

They took off through the door and down the steps.  Micky was trying to hold Peter down to the bed.  Peter was thrashing yelling for him to get off.

Mike and Mandy dropped to their knees beside them.

“Peter, calm down.” Mandy tried to console him, “It’s Micky.”   Peter stopeed and moved to look at Mandy.

“Last night?”

“You were hurt.  Enrique broke into your room.”

Peter brought his hand up to his face and felt the bio-mask on his face.  “Mike.” he shrieked.

Mike grabbed his hand, “Don’t it’s not finished yet.”

Micky and Mike fought with him again, holding his arms away from him.   Peter was crying hysterically.

Davy came in hearing the screams.  He dropped by Peter and started talking to him in a calm voice.  Slowly Peter stopped fighting Mike and Micky.  His eyes were closed, tears coming to them.

Mandy couldn’t take it anymore.  She got up and left the room.  He was hurt because of her.   She stood in the living room thinking what she could do.  She would go find Enrique and let him have her.  She could handle anything he dealt.  She would have to.

“Don’t do it.” Micky told her.

She turned around to see Micky looking at her.  “Don’t do what?”

“Sacrificing.” he told her.

“He’s hurt because of me.  You were hurt because of me.”  She moved away.  “I won’t let anyone else get hurt.”

Micky came up behind her and tried to but a consoling hand on her shoulder.  She shrugged it off and started walking away once more. 

“I won’t let you do anything stupid Mandy.  And running to him would be stupid.”

Mandy went to the door and it refused to open.  “Sarah, open the door.”  She looked back at Micky.

“I told you I’m not going to let you do anything stupid.”

“You can’t keep me here.” she told him.

“Peter would never forgive himself if he knew you went to him.”  Mandy leaned her back against the door.  She was confused about it all.  She knew what she had to, yet they were determined to keep her from it.

Mike came out of Peter’s room to see Mandy looking pissed and Micky trying to talk to her.

Mike came up behind Micky, asking, “What’s the problem.”

“She wants to go find Enrique.”

“Don’t you think enough is enough.” she tried to reason with Mike.

“Haven’t we already discussed this?” Mike asked.  He moved to go to the kitchen. “Let’s all eat something then we can discuss this with an even temper.”

Mandy looked from Micky who giggled then to Mike, “Temper?”

“Yes, temper.  I think if given the right situation, your’s would rival mine.  Come on you two, come help me fix breakfast.”

They gave up their positions and went to help Mike fix breakfast.

The final decision was that they would lay low for a few days.  Then they would gather a few friends that owed them favors and trap Enrique in coming after Mandy.

** ** **
At least that was the plan.

Mike had gone to work that night and failed to come home the next morning.  Micky was woken up by Davy who had an appointment to work on something with him before Mike went to bed.

Mandy was asleep with Micky when Davy woke them up.

“Something’s wrong.  Mike isn’t home.  He didn’t call to tell Sarah that he would be late.”

Micky sat up quickly and Mandy followed.  They went down stairs to the computer.  “Sarah, lock on to Mike’s location.”

Sarah took a few seconds, “I find the wrist band on Deck 5 of the cloister.”

“Damn.” he went to the computer and typed in a few things and found the areas of the cloister that Mike was in.  “Heavy territory.”

“Micky?” Davy asked.

“Enrique territory.”

They had received a message from Enrique.  It was decided then, that Mandy would go to Enrique.  She finally had a reason that she had to go.

Micky had put a call out for all their mates from Recon A.  They would help get her and Mike out.  Peter was resting in his room under a neuron chip.  Micky would have him stay at the pad to be ready for their return.

Once arrangements had been started, Micky followed Mandy back to their room while she changed clothes, to meet with Enrique.

Mandy looked at Micky.  He looked like a man defeated.  She walked over to him and took his chin and pushed it up to look at her.  She bent down to kiss his pouting lips.  Micky wrapped his arms around her holding her close to him as he stood up.

“I wish I could protect you.” he sighed.

“You’ll be coming after me and Mike.  That’s reassuring.”

“But he’s going to hurt you in the meantime.”

“But in the end, he’s going to stop hurting all of us.”

Micky shook his head.  “A hell of a price.”

“Think of it as a mission Micky.”

She changed into a t shirt and jeans. Davy was to show her the place she was to meet with Enrique and then go with them.  Davy was to return back to the pad.

Micky heard back from twenty of their group and they would meet them at the common area in six hours. 

While riding the elevator to the rendevous, Davy was very subdued.

“I see you’re thinking too.” Mandy commented on Davy’s sullenness

“Enrique is dangerous, both physically and mentally.  He enjoys recreation drugs, he orders men and women to his bed, and he loves to control.”

Mandy then knew there was way more between Enrique and Davy, other than dealing him drugs.

“How long?”

“A year, I guess.  I lost count really.” he said with an honest boyish look on his face.  “I had just arrived here, I was fourteen, and alone.  My parents were sending me back to Earth to be with family when I cut loose here.  I was a runaway.  I ran into Enrique and he took me in.  And I learned fast where my place was.”

“They don’t know do they?” she asked.

Davy shook his head no.

“You need to tell them.  And you will be able to help more.”

“They’ll hate me.”

“No they won’t.  They all have backgrounds that they wish to leave behind.  They know who you are  now and that counts with them.”

Davy nodded.  “I’ll tell Micky when I get back.”

“You know the cloister?”

“That’s where I lived my first year here.”

“I bet you know it’s secrets?”

“As well as Peter.  He has the plans.  We’ll be giving Enrique a big surprise.”

Mandy smiled but it diminished when the car started slowing down.

Davy took her hand.  “Keep it in your mind we will not let you down.”

Mandy didn’t answer, already she was filling ill from what she envisioned was going to happen.



@ 2005 Tommy Boy fan fiction * design and content by Paula C. *