Text Box: Tommyboy's Fan Fiction
The Monkees




Things had become constant between Peter and Laura.  Laura got a job at a local high school teaching History and Geography.  Peter worked between Headquarters and his own projects.  And with the normalcy of life, Peter and Laura were coming to a rut in their marriage. 

Peter himself was getting frustrated.  The last few weeks, Laura had been working on school work, and once she was done grading papers she was wiped out.  He massaged her shoulders and snuggled with her on the couch but she never made a move to go further.

Wednesday night Peter fixed dinner for them, Megan was home also.  Peter sat down and asked if he could make plans for the weekend.

“Laura, we need some time together.” he started out.  He didn’t know any other way to bring it up.

“We spend time together.” Laura answered.

Peter looked to Megan, thankful that she was a senior in High School now.  “No, we haven’t spent any Real time together.  I’m getting a little frustrated here.  I want us to go to the cabin for the weekend.  Get away from it all and such.  Megan can hold down the fort, have Sally come over to keep her company.”

Laura looked closely at him.  “But I ...”

“Laura, I’m dying here.  It’s been a long time since we took time for ourselves and we need this.”

Laura regarded the news and admitted that she had been avoiding him, that life had been overwhelming in getting things done and being plain tired.   She reached over and took his hand.  “I’m sorry.”

“This weekend?”

“This weekend.  I’m all yours.”

A gleam came to Peter’s eye.  He thought you don’t know how true that is .. You are all mine.

** ** ** ** ** **
Peter packed one over night bag.   He was planning on getting on the road to the cabin as soon as Laura got home from work.  He had some ideas on what was going to happen at the cabin. 

He put the luggage in the trunk of MGB.  It felt good to be getting out of town.  He knew he had been guilty himself being busy at the studio, new acts to work with.  Maybe once school lets out he had Laura could go a way a few weeks.  That was something to think about later.

He heard Laura pull up in the driveway.  She came in, finding Peter sitting at the counter.  They kissed a long kiss..  Peter pulled away and smiled.  “Better get changed .. I want to hit the road.”

Laura ran upstairs to find a pair of jeans and long sleeved shirt laid out for her on the bed.  She changed clothes and was back down in ten minutes.

Peter hugged her close to him.  They needed this time.  He had been fearing the withdraw but he was going to do something about it this weekend.

** ** **
The traffic was light for a Friday afternoon.  Peter knew several ways to the cabin that would by pass the major highways.  With the top down, they enjoyed the sun and air.

Peter had called the caretaker of the cabin the day before for food supplies.  There would be no reason for leaving the cabin till they were due to leave Sunday afternoon.

Peter carried in the case, following Laura into the large cabin. 

The cabin was owned by Headquarters.  They each could use it for personal use.  Lately it had not been used my, which was a shame.  The main room was made of stone with a great hearth to one side.  The kitchen was beyond.  There were six bedrooms, three baths and a hot tub on the back porch.  The cabin looked out onto a lake.

Laura had gone to the back window, looking out toward the water. 

Peter came up behind her and started kneading her shoulders.  She let her head drop forward as he continued to manipulate her muscles.  He would comment that if she did her yoga like she should she wouldn’t be so tense, but that was not why there were there.  This was time to make up. 

He turned her and kissed her.  She brought her hands around his waist as they kissed.  She had missed the intimacy of their relationship.

Before getting out of hand Peter pulled back.  He had plans and he they were about to be acted on.

“You trust me?” he asked.

Laura nodded then added, “I’ve always trusted you.”

Peter laughed, if only she knew.  “I want to blind fold you for twenty four hours.  You have to trust me to take care of you, and your needs.”  He kissed her cheek, “feed you,” kissed her lips, “love you.”

She trusted him and stated so.

Peter went back to their bag and opened it.  He found the blindfold and came back to her.  He helped put it on.  She was now under his control, she couldn’t move without his assistance really.  He would be there by her side.

He took her hand and led he back into the living area of the house.  “Sit.” she sat in a winged chair.  He went to get her glass of cola then returned to give it to her.  “I’m making a fire for the night then we are going to have round one.”

She listened to him stack some wood in the fireplace and try his first match.  First match didn’t light.  Second match didn’t light.  He swore in German.  Laura snickered.  He ignored her for the moment and tried again and it caught.  Slowly the fire built among the kindling and he added the larger pieces.

He turned and came up to stand before Laura.  “Laura.”  She looked towards him, following his voice.  He took her glass and helped her stand up.  He brought her out to the rugged floor and started to undress her.  Pulling her shirt up and over, he touched her shoulders, arms, abdomen, warming them all.  He took the her bra off.  He found her nipples already puckered.  He kissed them and licked them.   Next he worked on her jeans and pulled them and her panties down.  Soon she stood naked before him while he sat on his knees gazing at her.

He pulled her to come down to the floor.  He kissed her as he rubbed his clothes clad body against her.  He moved down to kiss and play with her breasts.  She loved to be played with.  He got her off more than once just playing with the globes that he held in his hands.  She tried to hump his leg as he kissed, licked, bit, pinched.  She loved it when he was loving them.

He moved his kisses down and opened her legs up.  He could smell her essence, she was wet, wanting more to come to her.  He opened her up and found the hub.  Lightly he teased it with his finger and her legs shuddered.  He lowered his head and licked the clit and felt her shudder and push down.  He licked and sucked, alternating.  Laura bucked and shook, she tried to drive him further, but he played, knowing she was on the edge but never bringing her over. 

He hurt in his jeans but he wanted to play more with Laura before walking away. 

Laura tried to grab the carpeting, her head swinging.  He breathed hard, but knew there was more to come.

Then he pulled away.  He left her..
Laura heard him move away and unzip his pants and then heard something different .. He was playing with himself.  He heard him softly groan and heard him playing louder with his dick. Afer sometime he moaned and breathed hard.

Laura lay there bewildered in what was going on.  She wanted to come so bad, yet he didn’t let her off, yet he did.

Peter returned to her side and helped her stand on unsteady feet.  He kissed and nuzzled her neck.  “Wondering what happened?”  She nodded.  “I’m going to keep you on the brink as long as I can.  It’s been so long for you that I’m going to drive you nuts.”

He steered her around the room then stopped.  He stepped away then returned.  He took her two hands and placed them over each other in front of her and tied them together, not tightly but it was secure. 

he brought her around to bend over.  She flat down on a table as he spread her legs a bit, her hands over her head.  She heard him pull his shirt off as she lay there exposed.   She wasn’t scared of this, she had to admit it excited her. 

A hand slowly moved over her ass.  He massaged them, coaxing them to relax under his fingers.   Peter leaned forward.  “One of these days I’m going to take you like this.” His finger ran between the crack and circled her anus.  She rubbed against the finger.  “But right now it is something different.” he continued to rub the ass cheeks.  “You sorely neglected me.” he whispered in her ear.  “And now for second punishment.” 

He moved away.  A hand made contact with her ass cheek.  It hurt, the slap.  Several more came covering her ample ass. 

Peter looked down at the hand prints that graced his wife’s bum.  He leaned over to kiss the outline of his hand.  She tried to move, but he held her still.  He kissed around as he moved a hand between her legs.  She was wet.  Sliding two fingers up he played with her as he kissed the reddened skin.

She started to pant, the pain and pleasure.  She tried to suppress a groan.  He pulled his fingers away.  He pulled her up to stand and held her from behind.  He caressed her breast once more.  She leaned back into him.  He nuzzled her neck as he played with the weighted mounds in his hand.

“You are going to kill me.” she whispered.

“Just loving you, your body.”  His hand trails down to her legs and between.

“Keep that up and I won’t be to far along.”

With a chuckle, Peter takes Laura to a bedroom.  He had cleared it off his comforter and top sheet.  Leaving two pillows.  It’s one of the few that had a spindle head board to it.  “Lay down.”   He takes her hands and unties them but repositions them to be tied to the head board.  A wrist tied then the scarf rand through the spindle to be tied to the other wrist.

“Now for dinner.”

He left her there.

For several minutes she heard him putter around the kitchen, opening and closing drawers, cupboards and the refrigerator.   He returned to the room and she heard a tray put down on the end table.  She hears him pull down the zipper on his jeans and discard them.

She was comfortable.  He fed her cheese, and dip, fruit dipped in cream.  He brought a straw to her lips of flavored water.  They shared, kissing each other between bites.  When he was done with the main part of the meal, he moved away.   She heard a can being shook, then she had whip cream being placed on her body.

“Now for dessert.”

Slowly he moved around her body, ankle, knee, hip, stomach, shoulder.  She withered under him.   Then he moved closer to the last spot he had covered.  He licks it up and moves lower to her clit once more.  She opened her legs wider as he started to intimately kiss her.  He kept at her till he found her rhythm.  She was coming over and he moved up to slip is cock in.  He moved pumping her quick as she came but didn’t stop.  He dipped his head down and started loving on her breasts and got her hot again.  He was hard and worked on getting her to come again. 

He slipped in deep and pulled nearly out, dragging over her clit.   Her breath caught as he slid back in.  He kept up the onslaught.  He drove in to her.

“Don’t.... stop.” she panted.

He wasn’t about to.

Soon he was on his way up as she tried to move against him.

She started to come when he cock erupted.  It had been some time since he had been this keyed up with his wife.

He let go and released on top of Laura, before he could gather his strength.  “I know I said 24 hours, but I wanted to get you keyed up.”

He let the scarves loose and untied the one around her eyes.  He rolled to have her on top of him for a moment.  They kissed a tender kiss.

“Lets go have a shower then head to our bed?”

“Then it’s my turn right?” she asked with a wicked gleam in her eye.



@ 2005 Tommy Boy fan fiction * design and content by Paula C. *