Text Box: Tommyboy's Fan Fiction
The Monkees



You Never Know

Challenge: I ONLY WANTED YOU TO LOVE ME CHALLENGE This one is another one liner challenge. The story revolves around one character saying this to the other.

It was a usual morning for the Monkee Pad. Peter was up early making breakfast as the others slowly woke up to the smell of perking coffee and burnt toast. Micky tried to dabble again with the appliances and reversed the setting so f the toaster. Peter set bacon in the skillet as he started cracking eggs into a bowl to scramble.

Slowly three sleepy men made their way to the kitchen table in their robes and sat down to their place settings.

Peter took a break from the cooking to get the morning paper. He opened the door to get the paper off the stoop and found an envelope. It was addressed to him. He picked it up along with the paper and headed back toward the kitchen.

He handed the paper to Mike while he looked at the envelope more closely.

"What do you have there?" Micky asked.

"An envelope, addressed to me. It was on the front step." Peter sat down and opened it. He pulled out a lined piece of paper and opened it.


You don't know me, but I have kept my eye on you for a while.
I'm writing this because I'm leaving and wanted certain people
that I had admired that I liked them.

My life has had its ups and downs but there is one thing I wanted.
I wanted you to love me, but you didn't even know I existed.

So now I have said what I wanted and leave you in peace, for
the time you read this I will be at peace myself.

Keeping smiling and playing for that seems to be your passion.
And think that you did make me smile by listening to you at
clubs and the beach.


Each of the Monkees looked at each other with an odd look. Davy shook his head. He didn't know a Florence and Micky too looked to be thinking of names of girls he knew.

"I don't like the tone of that letter." Mike told them. "'I will be at peace myself.' Sounds like she is planning on . . . "

In a distance sirens could be heard. The guys shoved away from the table and went to the front door. Down the street, five houses was an ambulance.

"Peter go see what is going on. We'll get dressed." Miked told him.

Peter went down the street still holding the letter in his hand. The guys ran to their rooms to find jeans and shirts.

Two EMT's were exiting the house with a stretcher. On it was a girl who looked deathly white. At the door of the house were a couple. Peter heard one of the EMT's comments, "so young." They loaded the stretcher into the ambulance and left, however, not turning on the lights.

Peter looked at the couple at the door, the woman weeping. Peter being the kind heart walked up to them. "I'm sorry."

The man looked at him. "It's been coming. She had been depressed for sometime. Maybe she found what she was looking for."

"What was her name?" Peter asked.

"Florence." he answered.

Peter looked to his right hand where the folded letter was. That was Florence. He remembered her, seen her on the beach and sometimes at the clubs. She was cute but he was too bashful to say anything to her.

He heard the guys running to him. He turned and looked at them in his own paleness. Florence killed herself. The guys made it in time to catch him while he fainted.




@ 2005 Tommy Boy fan fiction * design and content by Paula C. *