Text Box: Tommyboy's Fan Fiction
The Monkees



Space Station Airs

Days 21 to 25

Day 21

Davy led her to the meeting point.  Enrique had four men with him.

“Nice to see you.” Enrique smiled in greeting to them.

Mandy stepped forward, while Davy stayed put.  “Where’s Mike?”

“Let’s say he will be a guest to make sure she cooperates.”

They knew he would do that, they were hoping they he would do that.  Mike would be able to keep an eye on things and maybe communicate back to them when able with his link.

Two men came up to her and put a metal collar on her.  “A new toy I had bought.”

Davy watched as they walked back into the housing known as the cloister.  He raised his wrist to patch in on his band.  “Micky?”


“They are on their way in.”

“See you back here.”

Davy took one more look towards the cloister and sighed. He didn’t like fighting but he had to now.

** ** **
Mandy had been brought into a large room and Enrique sat on what she preceived to be his throne.  “I have gone to a lot of trouble to have your company.  You hurt a few of my men.  My men would like to have a piece of you.”

Mandy tried to shrink back but the collar stung her. 

“I wouldn’t do anything foolish.  I can choke you in an instant with that collar.  Take her and have some fun with her.  You have three hours then take her to her friend.  He will be waiting for her.”

Mandy was taken by two men to another room where ten men waited.  She was instored for a gang bang.

** ** ** **
Mike walked the room for the thousandth time.  He had been jumped and knocked out.  He found himself before Enrique and told of the plan to hold him to get Mandy.

He knew that Mandy would convince the others to let her come if he wasn’t there.  He couldn’t get a communication out but he knew they could locate him. 

The doors opened and two men brought in Mandy, dropping her onto the floor and leaving.

Mike went to her.  She was naked, bruises and cuts all over her body.  Mike got up and went to the sink and soaked a towel and returned to her.  He tended to her the best he could, healing what he knew was needed. 

Mandy recovered enough to wake to find Mike hovering over her. 

“Take it easy, don’t say anything.  I’m still working on ya’.”

Mandy felt the pain through out her body.

“This wasn’t Enrique’s doing?”

“Gang bang.  Enrique is next.” she said quietly

“I take it there is a plan?”

“Micky was able to get a hold of twenty of our squad.  Peter and Davy know the in’s and out’s of the cloister.  It’s just a matter of time.”

Mike picked her up in his arms and took her to the small mattressin the corener of the room.  He covered her up with the sheet.  He thouched the collar that was on her neck.

“I don’t like that.  I’ve seen that in the advertisements.”

“I’ve only felt the stung feature.  I don’t think I’ll like feeling the other feature on it.”

“Where the remote?”

“It has to be on him.  I didn’t see it.  I was being led away when he hit the choke factor.”

“I wish I could get a communication out to them.”

“Try now.  I think Micky was working on trying to get better reception to you.”

Mike looked down at his band and tried it once more.  “Micky?”

“Glad to hear your voice.  Is Mandy with you?”

“She is for now.”

“How is she?”

“Three hours of gang bang heaven.” she said with no emotion.

“She gets to rest up with me then it’s Enrique’s turn.”

“The gang is meeting in two hours.  So it shouldn’t be long.”

“Micky, he but a seamless collar on her.  You need to get the remote off him.  It’s a must.”

“No where he keeps it.”

“No, if I find out more, I’ll let you know.”

“Davy found some friends that want to help.  They will be playing gutter rats for us.  So we have plenty of help.  Hang in there and keep her safe.”

“Got you.” Mike turned off his band.   “Davy playing gutter rat? That’s a new one.  What does he have to do with this?”

“A lot.  Apparently Davy was Enrique’s play thing when he first arrived, as a runaway.  Spent some time down here.”

“He never told us.”

“Thought you guys would hate him.”

“If he only knew what I got into when I was younger.  I wasn’t much better than Enrique.”

“But you aren’t like him now.  Neither is Davy.  I told him to tell the whole story to Micky.  He would understand.”
Mike sat on the floor shaking his head. The last two weeks had been havoc.  “Girl you love to turn us upside down don’t you?”

“We all have a past Mike.  You only can hide it so long.”

“And this?”

“Enrique just wants to fuck me on his terms.”

“Try to get some rest before they come back.”

Mandy closed her eyes and tried to do that.

** * ** ** * **

They came for her, letting her rest two hours.  Mike knew things were coming close together.  He could only hope that Enrique didn’t get to over the top with her.

Mandy was led back into the throne room. 

“I see your friend took care of the worst parts.”  He stepped down to look at her face to face.  “Such spirit you have.”

Mandy knew not to reply.  Enrique moved to stand behind her and he brought himself against her.  Reflex was to pull away but she still herself in time for him not to notice.

** **
Davy scuttled through the duct work that he used to use for his escapes from Enrique.  “Who would think that I would be using them to get back to him.” Davy commented to himself. 

Micky had assigned two men to follow Davy into they system to recon.

Micky listened to Davy’s story and was relived that Micky didn’t think any differently of him.  Maybe even a bit more concerned knowing more about his past. 

Micky had brought Peter out of the neron sleep and told him what had happened.  Peter was upset but knew the guys needed his help to pull up the plans of the cloister and be there for their return.

Davy rounded a series of turns and found himself where he needed to be, Enrique’s throne room.  They just arrived to see Mandy led into the room.

Davy watched as Enrique moved behind her and brought himself against her.  Davy congratulated Mandy in his mind for keeping herself still.  He saw the collar that Micky had been told about.

“Okay man, show me where the control is.”

** ** **
Micky and the other squad members made their way through the outer cloister.  They dressed like they fit in.  Most had been trhough the cloister to know what it was like.  They blended in, no one taking notice of them.  As the approached Enrique’s sancatuary, they waited for Davy and the other to report back how many and the crucial information about the collar. 

** ** **
Enrique brought his hands around to hold her against him, his hands on her breasts, putting pressure on them to shove her against him.  He kissed her neck and mumbled into her ear, “On your knees.”

Mandy resisted.  Enrique pulled away from Mandy.  On his wrist band he hit a button and mandy choked, the band contracted.  “On your knees.”

Davy watched the events.  He brought his band up.  “Micky, it’s on his wrist, right wrist.  Hurray.”

“Coming at you buddy.” Micky responded.

Mandy fell to her knees, gasping for air.  Enrique lowered his pants and dropped to his knees behind her.  He shoved her forwards so she supported herself by her arms.  Then she screamed in pain.  He rammed her ass from behind with a little warning.

Davy watched as Enrique took her from behind.  He couldn’t do anything but keep an eye on the situation.

Micky and the others moved in, making their way to the known entrances.  On a signal they moved in.

Mandy felt every move, he thrust hard into her ass.  She tried her best not to cry out in her pain.  Enrique was into his movement, not seeing what was going down around him till it was to late. 

Micky came up behind him and bashed him with a pipe.  Enrique staggered back, pulling out of Mandy.  He fell back on his back.  Micky found the control unit and disengaged it from Enrique’s wrist.   Two officers came up and took Enrique. 

Micky turned back to Mandy who had fallen onto her stomach.  Mike was coming up to them, after being liberated from his room. 

Davy scurried to them after using a short cut to get back to living level from the duct work.

Mike turned her over.  She kept her eyes closed, trying to control her breathing, trying not to cry.  “It’s okay Mandy, let it out.” Mike consoled.  “They beat him.  He’ll be gone for a long time.”
Micky looked at the control unit and hit the disengage button.  The collar unlocked.  Mike pulled it off and handed it to Micky.

Micky had brought a cloak for Mandy.  He handed it to Mike.  “Come on girl.  Let’s get you home.”

“ It ‘s been three days.” Micky was complaining to the others.

“So?  It takes some time to deal with the issues she’s dealing with.” Peter told him. 

Peter and Micky were playing chess at the kitchen table.  Micky was having a hard time concentrating.

Peter made a move that took a bishop.

Micky looked up at Mike who was washing dishes. “Mike?”

“Peter’s right.  She dealing with a lot of trauma.”

Micky went back to staring at the game board.  He moved a knight.

“I know.”

“I think he’s more upset about losing his bed.” Peter told them.

“I’m not upset about it.” Mike said with a smile.  Micky had been sleeping with him.

Peter smiled to Mike’s reply.  “Your such a sleaze Mike.”  Then he looked to Micky.  “Give her some time Micky.  She was hurt both now and in her past.  Maybe she’ll come to terms with it if she knows we are here for her.”

Micky nodded.  Peter had been with it when they returned with Mandy.  Handling the situation far better than they had thought he would.  He had spent much of the first day, being with Mandy while she slept, calming her when she got fitfull.  Now she just slept.  Davy was watching her now.

Sarah broke in.  “Mike, a call is coming for you from, Carl Isaac.”

Mike moved off to stand before a monitor.  “Michael.”


“Darkstar just put in for a request to dock.  They are expected to dock in an hour.  Can you bring your friend down and we’ll take a look at the crew when they disembark.”
“We’ll be there.”

“Meet me at the customs counter.”

Mike looked at Micky, “Come on and help me get her up.  I hope this will be better news than the last two weeks.”

* ** ** * **
They went upstairs.  Davy was sitting in an easy chair by the bed, reading a book while Mandy slept.  “Hey there, what brings you both up here.”

“Carl from Customs just called, Darkstar is coming in.  We need to get her up to see if her brother is aboard.”

Mike sat on the side of the bed and shook Mandy.  She stirred but fought it.

“Come on Mandy, wake up.”

She rolled over, fighting him at will.

“Come on Mandy, Carl just called, Darkstar is docking in an hour.  We need to get there.” Mike said.

Mandy heard Darkstar and rolled back.  She looked at the guys. 

“You need to take a shower and get dressed pronto.” Micky told her.

She nodded not saying anything.  She hadn’t said much since returning to the pad.  She scurried out of the bed and headed towards the bathroom to shower.

day 22

Mandy came out and found Micky alone in their room.  He had pulled out her fatigues.  She dressed quickly.  Micky handed her a wrist band.  “A present from Mike.”

Mandy slipped it on and smiled gratefully at him.  They left the bedroom and headed into the pad to where Mike was waiting.  They left, running through the corridors so they could make some time to get there.

In the elevator car, Mandy still kept quiet.  She leaned her back against the wall, eyes closed.  Micky went over to Mike and asked, “Is it wise to get her to go?”

“This is her one chance to see her brother.” Mike told her.

The car slowed to the docking ring.  Mandy stood up, taking a big breath, opening her eyes.  Micky came by here, “Going to be okay?”

She smiled a small smile and answered, “I’ll be okay.”

They walked off the elevator and followed Mike through the crowd.  He headed to the customs desk.  “Carl Isaac is expecting us.”

The officer paged Carl and in a few minutes Carl came ot the desk.  “Ah, Micky, nice to see you.”

“Thank you commander.”

Carl smiled and nodded.  “Come along.  We can watch through the mirror when the men disembark and go through questioning.”  Carl led them down several corridors then into a room that mirrored the long room that the crew would be coming through from Darkstar.

Mandy sat down in a chair facing the mirror, brining her legs up to push against the rail.   Mike took Carl aside to talk to him.

“I heard about the Enrique affair.  I was sorry to hear that, but am glad to see that he finally got something that will stick against him.  I will not be sorry to see him see the base.”

“He’s been a problem of ours for several years.  But Mandy is still out of it.  She was still sleeping from depression when you called.”

Carl looked over to her and see her sitting, with her arms resting on her knees.  She kept looking forward.  “I hope that maybe she can gain some good news then.”

Micky sat in a chair on the back wall.  Keeping quiet, watching Mandy to judge her reaction.

Ten minutes later men started to come through the far door into the room.  There were two customs agents to check paper work and identifications.  They were instructed to buzz when Andrew Daws came to the desk.

The sixth person in line was the one identified as Andrews.  Mandy stood up to look through the glass.  “That isn’t my brother.”

Carl got on the phone and requested that the man be throughly searched then brought in the room they were in. 

Mandy sat back down, resting her head in her hands.  Micky moved to sit by her.  He could her mumble to herself.  “Where the fuck are you Andrew?”

The man was brought in to the room and sat down in a chair flanked by to customs officers.

Carl approached him.  “Your papers identify you as Andrew Dawes.”

“I am Andrew Dawes.” the young man said.

“How long have you been on the ship Darkstar?” Carl asked the man.

“Six months sir.”

“We’ve been looking for you to tell you some news.”  Carl was going to ask a question to prove that the man was not Andrew Dawes, since the man had made no reaction to Mandy being in the room.

“News?” the young man asked.

“Your sister, she has been trying to find you.”

“She has?”

“It seems that there has been a bit of trouble and she has been looking for you the last four months.  That you totally dropped communication with her and all known friends.”

“Things have been a bit of a hurry, I’ll email her as soon as I leave here.”

“You can do better than that young man, you can talk to her yourself right now.”

Micky had risen during the interview to back Mandy.  Mandy sat in her chair, listening to the questioning.  When Carl opened it up for her to stand she did so to look at the imposter.

She walked over to the young man, who showed a flash of recognition.

She sat down in another chair opposite him.  “Who are you?”
The man looked from her to Carl to the other men in the room.


Mandy didn’t answer him.  “Let’s try this, where is the real Andrew Dawes?”

The man looked to her once more.

“My name is Isaac Thomas.  I took Andrews place at station Capricorn.”

“Why?” Carl asked, he to sitting down next to Mandy.

“He signed with Darkstar to get off Earth.  He made arrangements for the switch to be done on Capricorn so he could do something.”

“And what was that?”  Mandy asked.

The man looked down at the floor.  “He joined the Black Cadets.”

Mike and Micky looked at each other.  The Black Cadets were recruiting young men and women to create a new republic.  They were taking over smaller planets governments causing the planets to be cut off from help for federation. 

Mandy stood up and looked at the man, “He did what?”

“He made arrangements to disappear to join the Black Cadets.  I needed to get off Capricorn in a hurry so I took on his identification to cover his trail and mine.  He told me you might be looking for him in some time.”

“And what did he say to you when it happened?”

“I have a letter.  It’s in my bag.” 

Carl opened the bag in question and searched through it.  He pulled out an envelope that was marked “Amanda Dawes.”

“This it?” Carl asked the man.

He nodded.  Carl handed the letter to Mandy.  She opened it to reveal a ten page letter.  She moved to a far corner to read the letter.  The letter confirmed what had been said.  He had planned for several months to join the Black Cadets.  He knew she wouldn’t approve so he kept it a secret from her.  He listed his reasons in joining the outlawed group.

Mandy returned to them.  “Andrew confirmed in his letter everything Isaac said.  This letter is in Andrews handwriting and the wording is like him.” She laid the papers down.
Carl nodded, “Isaac, you’ll be arrested for forging identification of another.  You’ll be on Aires for a few months.”

“I’d rather be here than on Capricorn.”

Carl gave a small laugh.  “Rough crowd aren’t they there.”

The guards had Isaac stand up and escorted him out of the room.

Carl turned his attention to Mandy.  “Sorry about that.”

Mandy shrugged her shoulders.  “What else is new.  I came out here to look for him, wind up the object of someone’s affections that I didn’t want.  I got my new friends hurt because of all this.  This has been fine and dandy.”  Tears came to her eyes.

Micky walked up behind her and laid a hand on her shoulder.  She didn’t resist it so he turned her to hold her against him while she started crying.

Carl motioned for Mike to follow him out of the room, to leave her with Micky.

A few minutes later, she calmed down.  She listened to the steady beat of Micky’s heart, felt his  touches to her back, warming her spine, an occasional kiss to her forehead.

“Don’t fall asleep on me.” Micky whispered.

“I’m not.”   She looked up at him, “just starting to feel comfortable.”

Micky smiled.  “Come on, let’s go home.”

“You and I have some unfinished business.”

“What unfinished business?”

She reaches up to lightly touch his cheek and brings his face lower.  Mandy touches his lips with hers, giving him a kiss.

Micky pulled back after a moment and smiles down at her.  “You sure?”

“I’m done with the games.”

Micky took her hand and led her out the door.  Mike and Carl were talking by the door. 

“Ready?” Micky asked.

Mike said his good byes to his friend and followed Mandy and Micky back to the common area.
They headed back to the pad.

Peter and Davy were there to hear what news they had.  They knew something was up if Mandy returned without her brother.

Mandy had entwined her fingers with Micky, not letting them separate since getting on the elevator.

They sat down in the pit, on the leather couch. 

“What happened?” Peter asked.

“Someone posing as my brother got of Darkstar.  My brother planned it all alone.  He joined the Black Cadets.”

Davy gave a whistle to that.  “That’s a mean group to get involved with.”

“I know.” she said sadly.  “He daw the federation for a lot of faults.  Which it does have.  But he thinks the Black Cadets can change things for the better.”

“Politics.” Peter commented.

“Us being in the corp is politics.” Mandy told him motioning to Mike, Micky and herself.  “We show that we somewhat agree with the federation.  But I am only a small piece of the puzzle.”

“I don’t agree with everything the federation mandates but I’m just one person, and I’m not out for total change like they are.  He picked a big gamble.”

Mandy asked Mike, “Is Carl going to report Andrew to the authorities for his defection?” 

“It’s his job.” Mike told her.

She nodded.  Once reported to the authorities, Andrew would be jailed upon him entering any customs station.  But the Black Cadets had found ways to by-pass the customs routine work, with altering faces, papers and even finger prints.  Depending what they needed him for, he could enter and not be identified.

Mandy looked to Micky.  “I think it’s time to settle our unfinished business.”

Micky stood up and they headed for the stairs.

“What unfinished business?” Mike asked.

Micky turned to look at the three remaining guys.  “All of you had your turn with her.  Now it’s my turn.”  With that they headed up the stairs and into Micky’s room.

** ** **
A cruise ship was arriving on schedule to the Space Station Aires.  It stopped for twenty four hours to let it’s passengers gamble on the entertainment levels of the station then continued on to a planet known to rival Earth’s once pristine Caribbean Islands.

A young man with green eyes, and sandy blond hair disembarked with the other passengers to go through customs. 

The customs attendant review his paper work and did an idle check to see if there any warrants.  The paperwork came back clean.

“Have a good time Mr. Hayes.”

Andrew walked out of the customs line and followed the others from his ship.  He made it past the most critical hurdle of the mission.  The rest of the mission would be easy.

day 23

Micky pulled Mandy through the room to stand beside the bed. He brought his hand up to pulle her close to him fora kiss, a kiss that he had been wanting to give her for such a long time.

Mandy closed her eyes, letting Micky guide her.  She felt his lips touch hers, questing entry.  She brought her arms to his shoulders to hold on while he kissed her with the pent up emotions from the mission and her time there at the pad.

He pulled away to catch his breath.  He wanted her so bad but he had to slow down.  He didn’t want to scare her after the had happened to her.

Mandy moved her hands up into his curly hair and pulled his face down for another kiss. 

Micky moved to lay them down onto the bed, while not breaking the kiss. Mandy felt her back on the mattress and realized the move Micky had made.  She let her hands roam down his neck and his back.  She didn’t want to let go of him.

Micky moved his hands to the hem of her t shirt, inching it up a little to bring his hand to her skin.

They kissed several long kisses, while their hands roamed.  Finally he brought his hands to her shirt hem and moved it up to being over her head.   She wore a sports bra.  He growled in mock frustration in her ear.  “You don’t make things easy do you?”

She giggled and had him sit up on his knees, straddling her lap while she sat up to pull the bra off over her head.   She threw it behind him then went to the hem of his shirt, bringing it up and over his hed, throwing it too, behind him.

They laid back down, skin to skin.   Micky shifted so she was laying on top of him.  He wanted to show her that it was an even control situation.  He didn’t want to overpower her.  He had heard from Davy what she had done to him but this was a different situation.

She kissed his ear, licking around it, then breathing lightly to cause him to shiver.  She kissed at his neck, nuzzling his pulse point.  Micky took a deep breath, repeating to himself that he was going to keep control of himself,becuase he wanted all of it the first time from her. 

She gavea light bite to his shoulder, just enough to leave a red mark, then moved lower.  Mandy found his right nipple and started licking it, then sucking it.  Micky moaned, for the sesationes went straight to his cock that were still encased in his pants.

She moved to the other and did the same to it.  Micky’s hands were in her hair, holding her close while she loved his nipples.   She was about to move, when Micky rolled them back.

Micky took her hands and lightly held them above her head.  “You’re a minx.” he whispered to her.

“Only in the right company.” she panted back.  For she was getting aroused by her own play.

Micky brought his head down to own breast and licked around the nipple, teasing her.  She tried to raise her chest to get him to capture her nub but he avoided it.  “Micky?” she said in her own frustration.   Micky kissed the enlarged nub and then took it to suck.

Mandy threw her head back.  This is what she had imagined in her dreams when they were on the mission together.  She knew his mouth was beyond just kissing lips.   Micky switched to the other breast and kissed around it like the other was teased then brought his lips to nub and sucked it.

Mandy felt the movement to her core, opening her legs and trying to find relief.  She moaned with the sensations while Micky loved her breasts.  Micky returned to give her a kiss on her lips, while he moved his hands from holding her wrists to the waist of her fatigues, unbuttoning them to get them loose. He slipped his hand under her panties and found her wet warmth.

Micky’s fingers touched her just right, making her quiver.  Her eyes looked at Micky’s while he kept his eyes on her.  Her breath quickened with his fingers play.  She trusted him.  She arched against his finger, catching her breath.  She held on to his forearms, while she climaxed. 

He held her as she recovered from her first orgasm, kissing her and nuzzling her neck.  He then moved up to take off her shoes and pulled off her pants and panties.  He stood to shuck his own tennis shoes and pants off.

Mandy saw his hard on swinging when he returned to her.  She brought her hands around his hard cock and squeezed.  Micky moaned, “Easy, I don’t have much self control left.”

Mandy moved to roll to be on top.  She brought her legs up to straddle him and brought him in with much practice.  She settled his full length in side her.  She slowly rocked forward and back, trying to bring Micky slowly up the scale.  She used her expertise to bring him up though he had been ready to come as soon as he was sheathed within her.

Soon Micky started to gather his legs up and pushed up into Mandy, increasing the pace that brought him to his completion.   Micky closed his, trying to regain his sense from what was left of them for the shattering.

Mandy laid over him, kissing his sweaty chest, tasting the salt of his skin.  Micky brought his arms around her, holding her still.  “One of these we are going to do this properly.”

“Do what properly, Thought we were doing it properly?”

“One these days, I’m going to get you in standard position and fuck your brains out.”

“Is that a promise?”

“More like a threat.” he declared.  But at the moment, Micky was to tired to follow through.  He pulled the sheet up and cuddled under the covers with Mandy, falling into an exhaustive sleep.

** ** **
Andrew Hayes dropped his bag onto his bed in his hotel room.  He pulled out his needed equipment.  He had two undetectable bombs that he had to position in the station.  His order of business was to make contact with a civil engineer and get into the area that was called No Mans Land.  There were several levels that kept the garrison separate from port area of Aires. 

Andrew’s orders were to place to the two bombs in locations that would hamper movement from the garrison to the port.  They wanted to create havoc at the station.  There were five other stations that others were planning to do the same.

There were limited accesses to the levels that they needed to get to.  Civil engineers had the easiest access to these floors for they had to make inspections of the areas.

Andrew sat down reviewing the list of names and pictures.  The easiest target seemed to be a Peter Tork.

Andrew looked at his watch, he had 20 hours to place the bombs.  They would go off six hours after he had left with his tour group.  No one suspect him and he would be away from the havoc caused by his hand.

** ** **
Micky and Mandy came down later that evening.  Peter and Davy were at the kithcen table playing a game.  Mandy came up behind them seeing what they were playing. 

“Yahtzee!” she called out.  She moved around the table and sat down.  Micky sat across from here.  They watched the two of them finish out the game they were playing.

“We love the game.” Micky told her.

“Only if we don’t have sore losers.” Davy pointed out.

“As long you don’t cheat.” Peter told him.

“Cheat, who would cheat?” Micky asked.

Peter and Davy looked to Micky and answered in unison, “You cheat.”

Mandy laughed.  They hadn’t heard that for a few days from her.

A call came, Sarah interrupted their game.  “Peter there is a video call for you?”

Peter shrugged and went over to stand before the tv and Sarah broadcast the hook up.

An image came on to the video.  “Peter?  Peter Tork?” the man asked.

Peter answered, “Yes?  Can I help you?”

“Peter, it’s Andrew Hayes.  We went to high school together.”

Peter did a mental check to see if that rang a bell, “We were in music and english together.  You gave Ms. ...”

“Hart, I gave her fits in english in her renditions of Mark Twain.”

Peter laughed, “I remember that.  SO what do I owe the pleasure.”

“I’m on a cruise that stopped here for twenty four hours.  I was looking at names and saw your name.  I was wondering if you would be interested in dinner out?”

Mandy had turned to look at the screen.  Something struck her wrong about the whole thing.  She looked at the image and thought she saw something familiar with the face.  She got up and walked over to Peter.

The expression changed for an instant but kept his calm.

“Sounds good, where do you want to meet?”

“I’m staying at the Isle Capri, meet in the lobby in say, an hour?”

“See you there.”

The image blinked out.  Peter turned to see Mandy standing not to far from him.  “What’s wrong?”

“How well do you know this Andrew Hayes?”

** ** ** **
Andrew blinked out the connection.  He sat back.  “Amanda” he growled out.  His sister was on the station.  And was a friend to his mark.

He got up and started pacing.  One could alter one’s face, but there was always a quality to remain.  He could swear that she had picked up on it.

Andrew could only hope that Peter would come alone to the dinner.  He would dine Peter out, then return to his rooms for after dinner drink then he would make the pass of the drugs.  He would have the bombs place within the next four hours.

day 24

Mike returned home the next morning.  He found Micky and Davy asleep in the th pit.

“Any particular reason you two are asleep there and not in your own beds?”

Micky rolled onto his back to look up at Mike standing over him.  “Peter didn’t come home last night.”

“Nor Mandy” Davy added, muffled from his position on the fuzzy couch.

Mike walked down to look at the two, “Where are they?”

Micky was more awake.  “An old school friend of Peter’s called him last night and asked him to dinner.  Mandy went with him to make sure he stayed out of trouble.”


“Scanning now Mike.  Plus I have some interesting news for you.” Sarah told them.

“If they didn’t come back last night and no call, I am concerned.”

“There are in a room in the Isle Capri hotel.” Sarah announced.

“That’s where their friend is staying.” Micky told Mike.

“What did you find interesting Sarah?”

“I kept tabs on them.  They went to the hotel, went to the resturant then went to the room they are in now.  However, Mandy has been in the same spot since then.  It’s Peter that left for some time.”

“He left Mandy?” Davy asked out loud.

“He went to No Man’s land for some time then returned to the room and has not moved for sometime.”

Mike looked over to Davy and Micky.  “I don’t like this.  Let’s go pay them a visit.  Davy, change into something that can go in the tunnels.  Micky bring some of your toys and I’ll do the same.”

They headed for their rooms and returned to the living room in five minutes.   Micky had two bags.  Mike looked at him questioning.

“If you saw what she wore last night, if we need to fight, she needs a change.”

They headed off to the elevators.

** ** **
Andrew woke up after sleeping for a few hours.  He got up and headed to the bathroom to shower and change. 

Peter woke to the noise of the shower.  He saw mandy’s eyes flutter open. 

“Are you okay Mandy?” Peter asked.

She blinked once.

“Can we trust him for what he said?”

She blinked once more.

Andrew returned in the room dressed in jeans and a colorful sweater.  He sat down next to Mandy and looked over to Peter.

“So tell me Peter, is she still a whore?”

Peter looked at Andrew like he had two heads.  “She’s not a whore.”

“Did she do you and your three friends?”

Peter sputtered.  Andrew touched her forehead.  “Leave him alone Andrew.” she thought to him.

“He looks like he would be fun to play with.”

“He’s never been with a guy.  Don’t do it.” she told him.

“I don’t think you are in a position to tell me don’t.” Andrew told her.

“How did you do that?” Peter asked.

“Amanda has a few gifts, as do I.  I’m reading her mind.”  Andrew stood up and went behind Peter.  Andrews started rubbing Peter’s shoulders, massaging them, getting the knots out from shoulders.

Peter looked to Mandy.  She kept an eye on Andrew, trying to will him away from Peter.

Andrew’s hands slipt forward to Peter’s chest and down.  Peter tried to move but he was tied to the chair that afforded little movement.   Andrew rubbed his palm over Peter’s crotch. 

Andrew moved around to face Peter.  “I was wondering what it would be like to suck you off Peter.”  Andrew’s hands move to the top of his pants.

Andrew was thrown across the room by some force.  Peter looked to Mandy then to Andrews in a hap on the floor.  Andrew picked himself up and went over to Mandy and slapped her across the face. 

He turned back to Peter.  “It seems my sister was able to use her other gift.” 

Peter looked at Mandy, seeing the red welt grow on her face.

“She doesn’t want me to have fun with you.” he turned back to Mandy.  “Fine, I won’t play with him.”  He came over to her and whispered in her ear.   “I let you keep the wimp toast.”

He stood up and straightened his clothes.

“You two be good now.”  He picked up his two bags and looked at them.  “Enjoy the stay.”  With that he left he room.

Peter looked at Mandy, tears were coming from the sides of her eyes.  “Mandy?”

She blinked once.

“The guys will be here soon.  You know them.  Mike is sure to be questioning why we didn’t come home.

** ** **
Davy brought them in the back way in the hotel.  “How come you know all the scenic routes?” Micky asked.

“You learn how to get around without being noticed.”  Davy told them. 

They went to the room that Sarah had indicated that they could find Peter and Mandy.  Mike brought out a card.  Sarah had accessed the card maker and scanned it to the be same.  He swiped the door lock and it opened.  He opened the door slowly and wide.  HE saw Peter tied to a chair.

“Any traps?” he asked.

“Mike.. Davy.  Micky... hurray, you need to undo us, there is a bomb, and Mandy’s brother is getting away and ....”

Mike walked over to him, “Peter slow down.  We need to take one thing at a time.”

Micky saw the note and the syrnge next to it.  “Mike..” Micky called over to Mike while Davy had gone to Mandy.

“Fellows, there is something wrong with mandy.”

Mike read the note then looked to Peter.  “Can we trust him on this?” he asked. 

“Davy touch Mandy’s forehead.”

Davy looked curiously at Peter but did as he was asked.

“Mandy, can we trust him on this?”

*”I think I can trust him on this”* she thought to Davy.

“She trusts him, whoever him is.”

*”My brother”* she answered.

Mike came over to Mandy and gave her a shot in the arm.  Micky moved to untie Peter.

“Micky, her brother planted two bombs up in the No Man’s land.   The Black Cadets want to show that they can harm us.  They set them to make a statement, not to destroy but I don’t know if the station could handle it.”

Mandy started to flex her fingers, then her hands, and wrists.  Slowly the forces freeze of her joints was released.

Micky put the extra bag on the bed.

Mike got the phone to patch to Carl in customs.  He explained that Andrew Dawes was in the station heading back to his cruise ship and that there were two bombs.

“I’m sending Micky and Mandy towards the ship.  They know what he looks like and can get him.  Davy and I will go with Peter and try to find the bombs.    We have six hours.”

“How are you going to disarm the bombs?” Carl asked.

“I don’t know that part yet.” Mike answered.

Mandy sat up with help from Davy.  Peter went over to Mandy and hugged her. 

Micky and Davy looked at them. 

“Thank you Mandy.” he told her.

Mandy tried to say something but her throat was still tight.  She held onto Peter’s hand. *I couldn’t let him do that to you.  I didn’t know I could do that with the drug but I’m glad I did.*

Peter kissed her then pulled back.
Micky had pulled out some clothes for her, “Thought they be more practical.”

Mandy nodded and headed towards the bathroom on wobbly legs.

“What happened?” Mike asked.

“Apparently Mandy has some hidden powers.  Andrews was going to play with me.  He was about to unsnap my pants when a force threw him across the room.”

“She did it?”

“How did she talk to me when I touched her.”

“Another gift.” Peter answered.

Mike nodded to the news.  “Micky, you take Mandy to the cruise ship and find Andrew.  Carl is opening it up to you two.  He’ll meet you up there.”  Micky nodded.  “Peter, you need to take us to No man’s Land.  Can you think where he would be the bombs?”

“I think I have an idea.”

Mandy came out of the bathroom dressed in her fatigues.

“Think you can handle this?” Mike asked.

Mandy nodded.

They gave a group hug.  Mike added in, “good luck.”

Micky and Mandy headed out the front of the hotel towards the main bank of elevators.  Mike and Peter followed Davy to the back entrance.

** ** **
Mandy followed Micky through the crowd.  He dodged through the people.  They made it to the ship docking.  Carl was there with a few guards.

Micky told Carl, “He’s using the name Andrew Hayes.”

Carl went to the check in clerks to see if he had passed.  “He returned half an hour ago.”

Mandy nodded.  She took Micky’s hand *He won’t go to his room, that is obvious.  Let’s scout on the upper decks, the space deck.*

Micky nodded.  “We want to scout out the upper deck.”

“The ship will be sealed in ten minutes.  It’s not going anywhere. Take two guards with you.”

They headed on board and made their way up.  There were many people on the deck.   The ship was due to depart in an hour.   

Mandy was the first to see him.  He was playing pool with another gentleman.  Mandy pulled Micky back and held his hand again. *he doesn’t know what you look like.   Get his attention and get him good with a hook to the chin.  You need to get him knocked out cold.*

“Why’s that?”

*Or we will have a battle between the two of us.*

Micky went over to watch the game of pool.  Andrew stood up and looked at him.  “Unique garb for a cruise.”

“Relaxing clothes.” Micky commented.  He watched Andrew set up a shot and make it.  “Nice shot.”

“Thank you.”  Andrew turned to be hit square in the jaw by Micky.

Andrew crumbled to his knees but didn’t go out.   Mandy saw that Andrew didn’t go down.  Mandy moved off to stand on other side of the pool table.  Andrew saw her out of the corner of his eye.  He stood up, holding onto the pool table. 

“Amanda!” he grated out. 

Micky moved to be by her side.

The pool balls started to fly at her.  She held her hand up and they dropped instantly.

Andrew eyed here, “Looks like your power is stronger sis.  Let’s see how you handle this.”


day 25

Mike, Davy and Peter made their way to the entry to the No Man’s Land.  There were two uniformed officers.  Mike recognized one.  “Carl called in for us to help.”  Mike nodded.

Peter coded the entrance door and it opened.  They stepped into the large corridor.  Mike noticed the cut ropes on the floor.

“Andrew tied me up here and left me while he planted the bombs.”

“Think you know where he planted them?” Davy asked.

“I have a good idea, if they want to create damage.”  Peter started off, followed by the four.  Peter led them around a few corners and came to a post.  “It would be around here.  This is a main beam that leads up to the garrison.”

They looked around and found a small box in the corner of the room.

The tech’s bent over and looked at it.

“Won’t be easy but we can do it.  You go with them and I start on this one.”

Davy looked at the guys, “I’ll stay here if you don’t mind.”

Peter gave a slight smile.  Davy knew to find the other bomb they would be going up the ladders and Davy had a twinge of anxity about heights.

Mike nodded then looked to Peter.  “Lead on man.”

They found the main ladder and started up.

** ** **
Mandy looked at Andrew. She didn’t like that statement.  Suddnely all the pool balls came flying off the tables around them.  Mandy pulled Micky down between the tables to duck the proctiles.

They heard a laugh wen the balls had sailed by.  Mandy stood up to see Andrew laughing.  “Right you had to protect your friend.”

Mandy wish she could talk but she still couldn’t get anything out.  She took Micky’s hand *Need to distract him while you get something.  See if you can find a tranquilizer.  Get him out of the game.  He can play rough.*

“What about you?”

*I can hold up my end for awhile.*

Micky left her to deal with Andrew. 
“So he doesn’t want to stay to play?” Andrew meanced.

Mandy brought her hand up and acted like she gave him a punch to the shoulder.  It sent him back onto the pool table.  She moved away from the tables.  She didn’t want to get thrown around them.

Andrew followed.   “Guess you never did learn your lesson.” he yelled.    Mandy took her advantage of his movement.  She ran and gave a high kick to knock him to the ground. 

Andrew quickly recovered and gave a swing to slap her again but she dodged it got a jab into his stomach. 

They took a few more punches.  Mandy took him down in a tackle.  They rolled a few times, finally settling to have Andrew on top. 

Andrew held her wrists above her head.  “Ah, got you know sis.”

*you think you won*

“You bet I do.”

Mandy felt her wrists warm.  Andrews hold was burning to the touch, it was a new faucet of Andrews powers.  He was searing her skin.  She couldn’t cry out in pain.

Micky returned with a tranquilizer gun and loaded it.  He took aim of Andrew’s ass and used it for his target.  

Andrew felt a jab and then easily succumbed to the affects of the tranquilizer.  Micky moved to help Mandy while the guards took Andrew away.  Mandy cradeled her wrists against her, tears of pain.

“Come on Mandy lets get out of here.”

Carl was by his side.  “Let’s get her to my office.  Mike has checked in they found the second bomb.  Things should be okay.”

** ** **
Peter found the bomb right off when they got onto the cat walk.  The technician started working on the bomb. 

“It’s going to be awhile.  You may want to get your friend and head back to safer ground.” 

They didn’t have to be told twice.  They started back down to where Davy was. 

They were on the cat walk when they were half way down.  Peter stopped.  Mike looked at Peter with curiosity.  “What’s wrong Pete?”

“I’m puzzled.”

“About what?”

“Why she would want to find him.”

Mike didn’t understand Peter’s question.

Peter went on to explain.  “He has no loyalty to her.  He back handed her for Christ sake.  He has no love for her.”

Mike could see what Peter was upset over.  “Maybe she wanted to find him because he is her last living relative.”

“That would be the only reason I would want to.  He has no respect.”

“Well let’s hope that they found him and took him into custody.”

Peter turned to look at Mike.  “What would you say if made a room for her to the pad?”

“Have her join our little group?”

“She needs family after this.”

“We’ll see Pete.  Let’s get on.  Davy probably is ready to shit in his pants, having to hang out near that bomb down there.”

** ** **
Mandy sat in Carl’s office.  Micky paced the room.  He looked to see Mandy sitting so still.  Her wrists had been tended to by a tech.  She had second degree burns on them.  She still couldn’t talk to him out right.

Mike came in followed by Peter and Davy.  They were relived to see each other.

Mike saw the bandages on her wrists.  Mike sat down in front of her.  “What happened to you?”

“Her brother man.  He generated heat with his hands.  Caught her in a hold and started burning her.”

Mike unwrapped her wrists and brought his hands to cover them.

*Thank you*

*Why didn’t you tell them you were in pain.*

Mandy’s eyes shot back. *You can...*

*it’s only between you and me.  I can only do this with people who do it forth right.”

Mike brought his hand up to her cheek.  It was still red from Andrew’s slap. *Peter is very concerned about you.  Doesn’t understand why you wanted to find the bastard.*

*He’s my brother.*

*No kin would do this to another Mandy.  He hurt you down and out.  For what?  Stopping him from hurting a friend.*

Mandy looked down.  *I have no one.*

Mike raised her chin to look into her eyes. *you have us.  Peter wants you to move in permanently*

*Do you want me to move in?*


Mandy looked at the others in the room.  They were out of the loop of the conversation.   She turned to look at Mike.  *Thank you.*

“ Now, what about your voice?” Mike asked out loud.

*I don’t know.  I don’t understand why it hasn’t come back yet.*

“We’ll stop of at the medic and see if they can do an analysis.  Maybe one of the drugs he used on you has a side affect.”

Carl returned to the office.  “Just got word from the technicians.  They disarmed both bombs and bringing them in.”

There was a relieved sigh in the room.  

“We know that Peter was a target of Andrews’ before coming on board.   We must have chipped in Hayes’s memories.  I think it may have been luck for Mandy to go out with Peter.  Anyway, we saved the station and there is an alert out to the other stations.”

Carl looked to Mandy.  “They have Andrew under tight security.  He will be sent to Earth on a arrangements.  Would you want to see him?”

Mandy could feel all the eyes on her.  She shook her head no.

Mike took hold of her shoulder.  “You sure?”

*I can’t say anything to him anyway.   What would I tell him?  No, it’s best not to see him.*

“Okay, let’s get you to the med station to see what nice little drugs you have floating in there then it’s off the home.”  Mike looked at Peter.  He had rope burns on his wrists.  “And have them look at your shafing’s to.” 

They left Carl’s office as a group once more.



@ 2005 Tommy Boy fan fiction * design and content by Paula C. *